5 resultados para Library catalogs and users

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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Este estudo procurou, por um lado, caracterizar as bibliotecas das Universidades públicas portuguesas em termos de recolha de dados estatísticos, seu tratamento e posterior utilização na gestão e tomada de decisão nessas bibliotecas. Por outro lado, procurou auscultar a satisfação do staff e a satisfação dos utilizadores dessas mesmas bibliotecas. Além desta competente mais descritiva, este estudo incluiu também uma componente explicativa baseada num modelo teórico que sugere, primeiramente, a existência de uma relação entre a utilização de informação estatística (IE) na gestão e tomada de decisão e a satisfação do staff e a satisfação dos utilizadores. E, seguidamente, a presença de uma relação de interdependência entre o grau de satisfação do staff e o grau de satisfação dos utilizadores, tal como é sugerido pela teoria da cadeia de lucro na prestação de serviços (Heskett et al., 1994). Foi possível apurar a existência de uma cultura de recolha de dados estatísticos, tratamento e utilização dessa informação para a gestão e tomada de decisão entre as bibliotecas participantes. O estudo também revela que a recolha e utilização de IE tem um impacto positivo na satisfação dos utilizadores, mas afecta negativamente a satisfação do staff com o ambiente de trabalho. / ABSTRACT; This study characterizes the Portuguesa Higher Education Libraries with respect to the collection of data, its statistical analysis and subsequent use in the management and decision making of these Libraries. ln addition, the study also tried to obtain information on the level of satisfaction of staff and users in the same Libraries. Besides this descriptive component, this study includes an explicative component based on a theoretical model. This model first suggests the existence of a positive relationship between the use of statistical information in management and decision making in a Library and the level of satisfaction of users and staff. A second prediction of the model is the existence of an interdependence relationship between the level of satisfaction of the staff and the level of satisfaction of the users, as it is suggesting by the service-profit-chain theory (Heskett et al., 1994). The results reveal the existence of a culture of data collection, statistical analysis of the data and subsequent use in management and decision making among the participant libraries. The study also shows that the collection and use of statistical information has a positive impact on the level of satisfaction of the users but a negative impact on the level of satisfaction of staff regarding the job environment.


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O Serviço de Referência (SR), incorporando na sua organização, funcionamento e comunicação com o utilizador um conjunto de potencialidades proporcionadas pela tecnologia, assume um papel fundamental na luta contra a desigualdade e o analfabetismo digital, no fomento da literacia da informação e na criação de conhecimento. A percepção do valor e das fragilidades do SR nas bibliotecas públicas em Portugal levanta a questão sobre como contribuir para o seu desenvolvimento. A presente investigação, visando a construção de alicerces numa perspectiva de evolução, parte da análise de documentos orientadores internacionais da RUSA/ALA (Reference and User Services Association / American Library Association) e da IFLA (International Federation of Library Association) e da observação de características estruturais da Rede Nacional de Biblioteca Públicas (RNBP), para a concepção de soluções de desenvolvimento do SR a aplicar a esta realidade concreta. Seguindo um paradigma compreensivo indutivo, com uma orientação baseada na Grounded Theory, esta pesquisa privilegia o contexto da descoberta e a construção de uma teoria. No plano empírico cumpre uma complementaridade de técnicas qualitativas e quantitativas, com recurso a uma triangulação metodológica. O campo de análise abrange a totalidade das bibliotecas públicas portuguesas integradas na RNBP em Portugal. Visando aspectos funcionais e materiais, são analisados dados preexistentes e aplicadas técnicas de observação directa e inquérito por questionário. Visando aspectos sociais, são efectuadas seis entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Os resultados apontam para uma situação de estagnação das bibliotecas da RNBP e para um funcionamento não estruturado e informal do SR, na maioria dos casos em que se verifica a sua disponibilização. Fundamentada a necessidade de evolução, e do investimento que nele possa ser feito, é construído um modelo, seguindo uma estratégia por níveis, flexíveis e adaptáveis às necessidades e aos recursos de cada biblioteca, que visa o desenvolvimento incremental e congruente daquele serviço; Abstract: The Reference Service in public libraries in Portugal. Development model from international guidelines. Incorporating in its organization, procedures and communication with the users a set of tools brought by technology, Reference Service (RS) plays a key role in the struggle against inequality and digital illiteracy, promoting information literacy and creating knowledge. The perception of the value of RS and the weaknesses in public libraries in Portugal raise the question on how to contribute to its development. In order to build RS foundations on an evolutionary perspective, this research analyzes RUSA / ALA (Reference and User Services Association / American Library Association) and IFLA (International Federation of Library Association) international guidelines and the structural characteristics of the Portuguese National Public Library Network (RNBP), with the objective of creating a solution for the development of that service to be applied to this reality. Following an inductive comprehensive paradigm, with an orientation based on Grounded Theory, this research focuses on the context of discovery and the construction of a theory. Empirically it fulfils complementary qualitative and quantitative techniques, using a methodological triangulation. The field of analysis covers Portuguese public libraries integrating the RNBP. Aiming at functional and material aspects, direct observation techniques and a survey by questionnaire are applied. Targeting social aspects, six semistructured interviews are carried out. The results point to a situation of stagnation in the RNBP as well as the unstructured and informal performance of the SR, which justifies the need for evolution and investment. A model is constructed, following a strategy based on levels, flexible and adaptable to the needs and resources of each library, with the perspective of an incremental and consistent development of this service.


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The changing role of agriculture is at the core of transition pathways in many rural areas. Productivism, post-productivism and multifunctionality have been targeted towards a possible conceptualization of the transition happening in rural areas. The factors of change, including productivist and post-productivist trends, are combined in various ways and have gone in quite diverse directions and intensities, in individual regions and localities. Even, in the same holding, productivist and post-productivist strategies can co-exist spatially, temporally, structurally, leading to a higher complexity in changing patterns. In south Portugal extensive landscapes, dominated by traditionally managed agro-forestry systems under a fuzzy land use pattern, multifunctionality at the farm level is indeed conducted by different stakeholders whose interests may or not converge: a multifunctional land management may indeed incorporate post-productivist and productivist agents. These stakeholders act under different levels of ownership, management and use, reflecting a particular land management dynamic, in which different interests may exist, from commercial production to a variety of other functions (hunting, bee-keeping, subsistence farming, etc.), influencing management at the farm level and its supposed transition trajectory. This multistakeholder dynamic is composed by the main land-manager (the one who takes the main decisions), sub land-managers (land-managers under the rules of the main land-manager), workers and users (locals or outsiders), whose interest and action within the holding may vary differently according to future (policy, market, etc.) trends, and therefore reflect more or less resilient systems. The goal of the proposed presentation is to describe the multi-stakeholder relations at the farm level, its spatial expression and the factors influencing the land management system resilience in face of the transition trends in place.


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This study presents a review of new instruments for the impact assessment of libraries and a case study of the evaluation impact of the Library of the Faculty of Science, University of Porto (FCUP), from the students’ point of view. We con ducted a mixed methods research, i.e., which includes both qualitative data, to describe characteristics, in particular human actions, and quantitative data, represented by numbers that indicate exact amounts which can be statistically manipulated. Applying International Standard ISO16439:2014 (E) - Information and documentation - Methods and procedures for assessing the impact of libraries, we collected, 20 opinion texts from students of different nationalities, published in «Notícias da Biblioteca», from January 2013 to December 2014 and have conducted seven interviews.


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This paper aims to discuss the specificities of the role of services in the economic structuring and in the social liveliness and attractiveness of periurban areas. Drawing upon on the result of an empirical work developed in 5 different parishes of Lisbon Metropolitan area, which represent five categories of periurban spaces previously identified, it is analysed the role of services in these “in-between” territories and the way they are important in the spatial economic structuring of these areas and in the quality of life and well-being of their inhabitants and users. A tentative typology for framing the analysis of the role of services on periurban metropolitan spaces is suggested and some policy implications are pointed out.