11 resultados para Antón, Mauricio: Mammoths, sabertooths, and hominids


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ABSTRACT: Asian soybean rust, caused by the fungus Phakopsora pachyrhizi, is the most severe disease of the crop and can cause yield losses of up to 90%. The disease was first reported in Brazil in 2001. Epidemics of the disease are common in the country, where the fungus can survive year?round. Regulatory measures to reduce the inoculum between seasons and avoid late-season soybean have been adopted to manage the disease. Disease control has relied mainly on chemical control, but a lower sensibility of the fungus to fungicides has been reported in Brazil. Major?resistance genes have been mapped and incorporated into the cultivars. With the reduced efficacy of the fungicides, the adoption of integrated measures to control the disease will be important for the sustainability of the crop. This review presents the main changes in the soybean crop system caused by the introduction of the fungus in Brazil, the current management strategies adopted to avoid losses, and the new trends that, together with biotechnological strategies, can improve management in the future. RESUMO: A ferrugem?asiática da soja, causada pelo fungo Phakopsora pachyrhizi, é a doença mais severa da cultura e pode causar perdas de produtividade de até 90%. A doença foi relatada pela primeira vez no Brasil em 2001. Epidemias da doença são comuns no País, onde o fungo pode sobreviver durante todo o ano. Medidas regulatórias para reduzir o inóculo entre safras e evitar a semeadura tardia de soja têm sido adotadas para manejar a doença. O controle da doença tem se baseado principalmente no controle químico, mas uma menor sensibilidade do fungo aos fungicidas tem sido relatada no Brasil. Genes de resistência têm sido mapeados e incorporados às cultivares. Por causa da redução da eficiência dos fungicidas, a adoção de medidas integradas para o controle da doença será importante para a sustentabilidade da cultura. Este artigo de revisão apresenta as principais mudanças no sistema de produção da soja causadas pela introdução do fungo no Brasil, as medidas de controle atualmente usadas para evitar perdas, e as novas tendências que, juntas com estratégias biotecnológicas, podem melhorar o manejo da doença no futuro.


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The seasonal climate drivers of the carbon cy- cle in tropical forests remain poorly known, although these forests account for more carbon assimilation and storage than any other terrestrial ecosystem. Based on a unique combina- tion of seasonal pan-tropical data sets from 89 experimental sites (68 include aboveground wood productivity measure- ments and 35 litter productivity measurements), their asso- ciated canopy photosynthetic capacity (enhanced vegetation index, EVI) and climate, we ask how carbon assimilation and aboveground allocation are related to climate seasonal- ity in tropical forests and how they interact in the seasonal carbon cycle. We found that canopy photosynthetic capacity seasonality responds positively to precipitation when rain- fall is < 2000 mm yr-1 (water-limited forests) and to radia- tion otherwise (light-limited forests). On the other hand, in- dependent of climate limitations, wood productivity and lit- terfall are driven by seasonal variation in precipitation and evapotranspiration, respectively. Consequently, light-limited forests present an asynchronism between canopy photosyn- thetic capacity and wood productivity. First-order control by precipitation likely indicates a decrease in tropical forest pro- ductivity in a drier climate in water-limited forest, and in cur- rent light-limited forest with future rainfall < 2000 mm yr-1.


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Background:In vitrocell suspension cultivation systems have been largely reported assafe and standardized methods for production of secondary metabolites with medicinaland agricultural interest.Capsicum annuumis one of the most widely grown vegetablein the world and its biological activities have been demonstrated against insects, fungi,bacteria and other groups of organisms. The determination of procedures for thededifferentiation of cells into callus cells and the subsequent study of the callus growthpattern are necessary for the establishment of cellsuspensions and also to subsidizestudies regarding the bioactivity of its secondarymetabolites. To date, no study hasdescribed the development of protocols for callus induction inC. annuumL. cv. Etna. Objective:The objective of this study was to establish a protocol for dedifferentiationof leaf cells of the cultivarC. annuumcv. Etna and to determine the growth pattern ofthe calluses with a focus on the deceleration phase, when the callus cells must besubcultured into a liquid medium in order to establish cell suspension cultivationsaiming at the production of secondary metabolites.Results:The treatment that resultedin the highest %CI, ACCC and callus weight was thecombination of 4.52 μ M 2,4-D +0.44 μ M BA. The calluses produced were friable andwhitish and their growth patternfollowed a sigmoid shape. The deceleration phase started on the 23rdday of cultivation.Conclusion:Callus induction in leaf explants ofC. annuumcv. Etnacan be achieved inMS medium supplemented with 4.52 μ M 2,4-D + 0.44 μ MBA, which results in highcellular proliferation; in order to start a cell suspension culture, callus cells on the 23rdday of culture should be used.


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Nelore is the major beef cattle breed in Brazil with more than 130 million heads. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) are often used to associate markers and genomic regions to growth and meat quality traits that can be used to assist selection programs. An alternative methodology to traditional GWAS that involves the construction of gene network interactions, derived from results of several GWAS is the AWM (Association Weight Matrices)/PCIT (Partial Correlation and Information Theory). With the aim of evaluating the genetic architecture of Brazilian Nelore cattle, we used high-density SNP genotyping data (~770,000 SNP) from 780 Nelore animals comprising 34 half-sibling families derived from highly disseminated and unrelated sires from across Brazil. The AWM/PCIT methodology was employed to evaluate the genes that participate in a series of eight phenotypes related to growth and meat quality obtained from this Nelore sample.


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This study aimed to compare four establishment methods of mixed swards of Tangolagrass and forage peanut (Arachis pintoi).