3 resultados para material culture - Indonesia
em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
When you are invited to offer a conference like this, can not stop having a series of questions and considerations about the very fact of speaking to an audience informed and educated about the issues that the title might suggest exposure and how without falling into the usual cliches, without repeating the views and opinions set forth, if not obvious. I propose, then, establish, as a starting point, two things: the first is a promise: I will not talk about internet, a recurrent theme in his classes and activities. The second is a kind of contract between you and me: check out the obviousness of some views and question it, see it from behind, because that is where we might find the seams, some of the patches, if not outright nudity. I wonder if this is not precisely one of the first tasks of teaching in the University: to force what seems obvious to justify its obviousness, which is not easy.We can start messing things up a bit, looking like a very smooth and made some surrealist poets to cut one by one the words of poems and writings, throw them into the air and read with amazement the order they fall to form a new verse, Perhaps more interesting and evocative than the first. Is not this somewhat random operation of new blends the fundamental operation of so many new discoveries and innovative ideas in the fields of science, culture, arts? Some of you know the thought of Pascal says: "Do not say that I am not proposing something new: the order in which the material presented is different."
Teóricos del campo de la lingüística aplicada sostienen que para estudiantes de segunda lengua, la adquisición de la competencia cultural mejora por el uso de obras literarias. Aquí se propone que al integrar en la clase autores olvidados o marginados se ponen de relieve las ambigüedades, diferencias y contrastes presentes en la cultura predominante. Se ilustra cómo, en dos cuentos cortos de Carmen de Burgos, se plantea el problema de la mujer con todo lo complejo del tema, asunto casi pasado por alto por los autores incluidos en la Generación del '98.Applied linguistics theorists maintain that the acquisition of cultural competence by second-Ianguage students is enhanced through the use of literary works. The proposition of the present article is that by incorporating neglected or marginal authors i n the classroom, the ambiguities, differences and contrasts present in the predominant culture are highlighted. Through the study of two short stories by Carmen de Burgos, the woman question, a subject largely ignored by the Generation of 1898 writers, is set out in all of its complexity.
La literatura de expresión francesa constituye una herramienta pedagógica muy útil en clase FLE. Extractos de novelas magrebís de Tahar Ben Jelloun y africanas (senegalesas y camerunesas), han permitido obtener excelentes proporcionan notables resultados por sus características y por la oralidad. La literatura contribuye al enriquecimiento lexical y al estudio de la alteridad cultural. El análisis de la estructura narrativa muestra la estructura mental de los pueblos, así como una comprensión de sus reacciones y de su identidad.La littérature francophone constitue un outil pédagogique très utile en classe FLE. Des extraits de romans maghrébins de Tahar Ben Jelloun et africains (sénégalais et camerounais) se révelent très performants de par leurs caractéristiques propres et I'oralité. Elle contribue également a l'enrichissement du vocabulaire et a l'étude de l'altérité cuIturelle. L'analyse de la structure narrative permet de découvrir autant la structure mentale des peuples que de mieux comprendre leurs réactions et leur identité.