5 resultados para imitación
em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
We have long been critics of the creative work of philosophers and culture at the tender touch of his words, written or verbal, are both with the "hammer" that whoever owns the Ethics in writer-reader relationship is the first, called "comprehensive architect of the word" but inveterate dominant ideals of multiple anonymous.With this statement suggests that the second of this connection is nothing but a later, perhaps a "so and so" incognito benefits from its "home on earth", and who succeeds, after a long journey "cognitive "the privilege of reading. This old argument raised from ancient tradition, makes the reader a living subject-receptor but without providing the bulk of responsibility quantitative space offered by the marketing and consumption.Distrust of the concepts that attempt to establish a definition coldly detached from a bandage dressing, and the reader has not been imposed by the consumer society. In the sixteenth century came the paperback version, the books of Erasmus of Rotterdam were bestsellers in their time. The Praise of Folly and the political writings of Marthin Luther read at a time when the religious world was incorruptible, were read more than the Bible. Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis in the 1300's, that is, before you discover Gutenberg printing circulated throughout Europe in the Latin language, and even in the inscrutable rock monasteries under his cassock, in the secret place of the monk carrying the book. Accepting that the reader is a result of the market, is to bring the book to reified object category and inapreciar history book.
La economía se presenta a menudo como la ciencia social más madura y exacta, capaz de orientar acciones, realizar pronósticos, explicar el pasado. Todo ello de una manera, si no impecable, sí satisfactoria a grandes rasgos. Ya lo dijo Popper de manera poco cautelosa: "El éxito de la Economía Matemática muestra que por lo menos una ciencia social ha pasado por su revolución newtoniana" (Popper, 1957, 74). También goza la economía de buenas referencias en lo que atañe a su genealogía y tradición intelectual: algunas de sus máximas tienen un respetable pedigrí de más de dos siglos. Por otra parte, sus argumentaciones más preciadas suelen presentarse en la alta sociedad académica vestidas con formalismos matemáticos aparatosos, cuando no espectaculares. A primera vista parece, pues, hallarse en un estado muy saludable, bien orientada en cuanto a bases y perspectivas. Luego no es de extrañar que sea motivo de envidia y de imitación por parte de investigadores de campos vecinos que también aspiran a entender cómo funcionan los seres humanos en sociedad.El resultado final es un texto un tanto híbrido, a medio camino entre el ensayo de divulgación y las notas de clase. De todos modos, aunque sus objetivos sean modestos en lo que se refiere a rigor y originalidad, confío en que cumpla en alguna medida el cometido asignado, a saber, sugerir e incluso provocar. Deseo puntualizar, por último, que algunas de las ideas aquí expuestas se hallan argumentadas de forma más sistemática y cuidada en el artículo "Teoría económica y enfoque de la reproducción" (in Febrero, ed., Qué es la economía, Madrid, Pirámide, 1997, págs. 241-269), así como en mis libros Filosofía de la economía (Barcelona, Icaria, 1992) y Economía política radical (Madrid, Síntesis, 1998).
Este estudio expone las poesías: Tránsito de sombra, Antología del caminante, Herencia de la soledad, Vallejania, Oscura versión, Certezas del azar, A la sombra de Ulises, Imitación de la sombra y Marina invernal.
In the current context of education, parents, students, teachers, media and other sectors of Costa Rican society, express concern about the problem of school violence, a social phenomenon that has been increasing in recent years. Its manifestations are perceived by means of abuse behavior, intimidation, verbal or physical abuse among youth, which are constructed through cultural practices. Therefore, to understand this problem, reflection about possible causes is in order, taking into account the context in which social interaction is developed in each school. Some of the manifestations of violence are rooted in the family, the community, the imitation of the behavioral patterns, and the influence of mass media. Moreover, these behaviors are reinforced by the current curriculum model, generating resistance to institutional rules.
The national identity is a historical and geographical process; it is also dynamic and it is constantly transforming, in other words it is: a subject of change. It is constructed by individuals and different social groups who are born or live in a territory with a homogenizing ideological discourse and a reproducer of an imaginary national and, moreover, the cultural influence is expressed by the interrelationships among other countries, which have been accelerated by the phenomenon of globalization. This last aspect has a profound impact not only in the economic field, but also when sharing information, ideas, values and behaviors that are assimilated by people through behaviors, symbols and meanings that are related to the imitation of foreign cultural models. But there is one point in common in the context of this essay and it is to understand that we are in an evolutionary, dynamic and complex process that is part of the socialization processes that link the daily practices of individuals, through the diversity and cultural exchange.