47 resultados para Perjuicios patrimoniales

em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica


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Las instituciones públicas tienen el derecho de disfrutar de latitularidad de las obras literarias que producen, según estácontemplado en la legislación nacional. A pesar de que lalegislación es clara, las instituciones del Estado no siempre registran sus obras en el Registro Nacional de Derechos de Autor y Derechos Conexos. Se estudia en particular el caso del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones para determinar cuáles obras tiene inscritas, cuáles faltan por registrar y por qué.


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Introducción La mayoría de los países caribeños poseen una inmensa biodiversidad en sus mares patrimoniales. Esto ha provocado que las actividades pesqueras se hayan constituido en una fuente de sustento para muchas poblaciones y, a la vez, contribuyan con su seguridad alimentaria, el alivio de la pobreza, la generación de empleo y divisas resultantes del intercambio comercial, la recreación, el turismo y el desarrollo de comunidades rurales y costeras. Las pesquerías de la región se caracterizan en su mayoría por ser multiespecies, en pequeña escala, de bajo capital y de labor intensiva. Desde 1980 la acuacultura ha aumentado significativamente y, a la vez, ha contribuido con las economías de algunos de los países de la región…


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The focus of Aristotelian ethics is not to understand the essence of virtue, but rather the formation of underlying principles which define each individual’s ethics (êthos) that promotes happiness (eudaimonía) as their ultimate end. In this article I will emphasize the relationship between eudaimonía and ethos. This is relevant because êthos may be interpreted as source (pegé) from decisions as character or imprint, (charaktér) thanks to actions performed in order to reach eudaimonía.


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En este artículo se hace un recorrido histórico-filosófico acerca de las diferentes concepciones que el ser humano se ha planteado en torno a los animales, y su relación con éstos. Finalmente, se elabora un análisis crítico en relación con el antropocentrismo y el biocentrismo, además se asume una postura moderada con respecto a ambas tesis.


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Mainly, this model seeks the rupture of “the monopolic and totalizing culture” and in that way, to guarantee not only intercultural dialogues but also our own acquisition of realities and contexts coming from the cultural managers, with the purpose of being able to transform them.


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Este artículo ilustra cómo las situaciones que no encajan en la estructura del estilo de pensamiento de los operadores sanitarios son dejadas a un lado y excluidas del historial clínico. Corresponde a aquellas zonas grises que suceden a diario y de las cuales es mejor no hablar, aún cuando se considera que actúan como factores condicionantes. Por esta razón deberían ser sacadas a la luz para convertirlas en fuente de nuevas hipótesis de investigación.


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Although it is often disregarded at universities, the ethic-moral constituent is an indispensable portion of any professional development; and even more at current times, when techno-scientific knowledge has become power’s most important underpinning. Incorporating the vast interdisciplinary advances that applied ethics have experienced during the last decades could constitute a specific and apt answer leading towards the institutional resolution of the issue.


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En este ensayo, la autora hace un recuento histórico acerca de cuáles eran las condiciones morales de las instituciones de salud, a partir de sus experiencias personales como médico y administradora en la Caja Costarricense del Seguro Social.


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Este escrito es una reflexión analítica y crítica sobre algunas construcciones ideológicas que han determinado, en particular, la identidad latinoamericana sustentada en conceptos psicoculturales.


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Leonardo Polo ́s method is shown as a constitutive aspect of gnoseology as a rigorous philosophical discipline. This work approaches some of the difficulties of polian gnoseology that could weaken its methodical rigor. Furthermore, it is argued that some of these difficulties come out of the misinterpretation of Polo ́s ideas.


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The paper deals with Wittgenstein ́s ideas about epistemology and language, mainly those from his Philosophical Investigations and On Certainty, so that the relationship between this thought and current debates in contemporary epistemology can be accurately defined.


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This article examines the opposition between utopism and political realism in the context of Renaissance. First, it analyzes the question about the historical continuity or rupture of Renaissance from the Medieval imaginary. After that, it considers the question of religion in Moore ́s Utopia and Campanella’s City of the Sun and compares them with Machiavelli’s texts. Finally, it thinks about the relationship between Renaissance utopism and religion.


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The author explores the constitution/configuration of human identities given some superstructural particularities of global but collapsed capitalism, from which alternative, new identities could emerge.


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In this article the author argues that a technological utopia underlies present society so that it is necessary to change the way communication has been understood until now. To think of technology as something unavoidable and constitutive of subjectivity in contemporary world means to understand new ways of thinking, doing and transcending; that is, new life forms as metaphors for theory building on communication, the juvenilization of contemporary culture, and (post)modern mysticism.


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This article analyzes the relationship of the categories of time and of space, as long as holder of the ideological process, since the alteration of these categories is what characterizes to such a process. That is to say, the divisions of this even dialectical categorial bears a characterization of the reality like something static. Also, it thinks about the timespatiality concept as a notion that re-establishes the dialectical unit of the categories of time and space, and that it allows the apprehension of the movement.