252 resultados para Música por computador -- Derechos de autor
em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Las instituciones públicas tienen el derecho de disfrutar de latitularidad de las obras literarias que producen, según estácontemplado en la legislación nacional. A pesar de que lalegislación es clara, las instituciones del Estado no siempre registran sus obras en el Registro Nacional de Derechos de Autor y Derechos Conexos. Se estudia en particular el caso del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones para determinar cuáles obras tiene inscritas, cuáles faltan por registrar y por qué.
O presente projeto tem como objetivo sensibilizar a comunidade educacional sobre a importância de utilizar o computador adequadamente, aperfeiçoando as habilidades dos alunos do 6º ano do Ensino Fundamental, da Escola Municipal Jair de Oliveira. Partindo de um diagnóstico, sobre aulas de Geografia, verificou-se que a aprendizagem dos alunos a partir da utilização do computador e da Internet poderia contribuir para melhorar o desempenho dos mesmos. Foram elaboradas e realizadas entrevistas e/ou questionários, para coleta e tabulação de dados sobre o uso dos recursos tecnológicos. Nessa perspectiva, ressalta-se a importância da apropriação das novas tecnologias e da necessidade da qualificação para o uso dos mesmos. A educação do futuro será uma combinação entre telecomunicações e computadores. Todavia, em pleno século XXI, alguns têm pouco acesso a computadores em rede. As escolas que possuem o laboratório, na maioria das vezes não qualificam os professores para utilizá-los, e esses se sentem impotentes por causa de problemas disciplinares. Com esse projeto espera-se que os educandos sintam-se capazes de lidar com os avanços tecnológicos, e que o docente seja mais flexível na escolha das metodologias a serem trabalhadas a fim de conciliar os usos dos recursos tecnológicos com êxito no aprendizado.
En VII Congreso Costarricense de Filología, Lingüística y Literatura Dr. Jack Wilson Kilburn.
This paper presents the results of documentary rescue demonstrations performed in different counties present in the central area of the province of Heredia.This idea was enhanced thanks to the Organization of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has provided the rescue and preservation of folk traditions, both tangible and intangible, throughout the world.Coupled with this, the Ministry of Education under the direction of Professor Manuel Antonio Bolaños, launched in the administration of La Espriella Pacheco (2002-2006) the development of an educational project aimed at rescuing the popular traditions of the province of Heredia, which under the title"Draft Heredianidad" became one of the main inspiring to be translated into a multimedia all information collected in the process of this research.The final graduation consisted of three major axes: the memory, the media containing all the information collected and a database in which (the) user (s) and to describe the bibliographic production on the subject of popular traditions Heredia has occurred, would help to physically locate these publications.To achieve the objectives we proceeded to conduct visits to public libraries and municipalities in the province as well as interviews with different artistic personalities of the cantons heredianos, thereby gained access to various legends, anecdotes, stories, songs, music and history of the province of Heredia.
La escuela de Bibliotecología, Documentación e Información enseñará a sus estudiantes a elaborar fichas bibliográficas en el computador, como práctica del curso Almacenamiento y recuperación de la información I. Para esta práctica se ha diseñado una metodología especializada tipo laboratorio, en la que el estudiante tendrá la posibilidad de iniciar sus estudios de catalogación interactuando con diferentes paquetes computacionales que se utilizan en las bibliotecas nacionales e internacionales, tales como: Word perfect, Fox pro, Logicat, Microisis.
Aguilar, Damaris 000025
Desde a década de 1970 está em marcha o processo de reestruturação da indústria fonográfica mundial que cambiou as formas de organizar as relações de produção, distribuição e consumo de música. O fenômeno da banalização técnica (SANTOS, 1994), induz a um maior número de atores sociais a utilizar formas de executar trabalhos, antes circunscritos a um punhado de empresas hegemônicas. O aumento de atividades relacionadas à música é um resultado desse fenômeno, como no caso dos estúdios de gravação e ensaio, pequenas e médias gravadoras, casas de espetáculo, bares com shows, escolas musicais e lojas de instrumentos que assinalam o aumento da espessura do circuito superior marginal da economia urbana. Buscar-se-á, de tal modo, explicar algumas situações geográficas a respeito da divisão territorial do trabalho ligada à música nas metrópoles brasileiras de São Paulo (SP), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Porto Alegre (RS), Goiânia (GO), Recife (PE) e Salvador (BA) a fim de explicar a relação com as especificidades do lugar e uma tendência a consolidação de gostos regionais brasileiros frente à globalização.
O texto tem por objetivo investigar a influência do espaço amazônico na construção da identidade parintinense a partir do boi-bumbá, uma manifestação folclórica brasileira resultante da união de elementos das culturas européia, africana e indígena. Considerado a base das relações socioambientais onde se materializam as práticas sociais, o território pode ser apreendido como um referencial simbólico no processo de construção da identidade social. A identidade social é percebida como uma identidade territorial quando sua construção parte do território, tanto no sentido simbólico quanto concreto. Fundamentada na análise documental e bibliográfica, é possível perceber o boi-bumbá como um território onde os atores projetam suas concepções de mundo e constroem suas concepções identitárias, representadas atualmente não apenas como identidade ribeirinha, mas como identidade amazônica. Parintins se mostra um território produzido pela cultura das relações imaginárias que envolvem o contexto amazônico. As identidades parintinenses se revelam como um conjunto de valores e papéis em constante processo de mudança e de atualização. O boi-bumbá é um espetáculo tecido com o encanto das toadas e lendas, representações de rituais indígenas e celebrações tribais povoadas por seres míticos amazônicos, uma expressão máxima da autenticidade cultural da região Norte do Brasil.
In this issue of Library Journal evidenced a topic much discussed but little understood at times and that has to do with the right of all people access to information.
It seeks to clarify the issue about the relationship between intellectual property and universality of reading, to understand if it exists or not a conflict of interest. From a synchronic axis crossing, historical, with a diachronic axis, of philosophical: is tracked to explain the deep forces that have shaped the problem arises here. It also explains the legal issue of copyright and property which is closely related to the issue treated here. From all this it follows that underlie the problem of intellectual property is the construction of the Western historical figure of subjectivity, which has led to the role of "author." The author who is credited with authorship of a speech only (work) is a product of social discourse situation that historically has been obscured what has contributed the legal apparatus that protects copyright. What has led to the establishment of an antagonism to the universality of reading. In this paper therefore has not sought to respond to the problem but to make it clear to potential solutions.
One way to do a bibliometric study is to examine each of the records that make up a database, each record and extract key areas that may disclose relevant information about the use of the database and documents in the collection . This article shows how a reference database allows to obtain important data that can reach conclusions that in some cases surprising. For this study we used the following fields of Database Control Documentary Indigenous Nationalities of Costa Rica 1979-2003: author, place of publication, publisher, year, language and support. The database analyzed has two thousand records and was developed in the Winisis. Moreover, analysis of documents was made after processing of the data, which was to export records to Excel software Winisis. After this information extracted from their chosen fields and are held by their respective separate chart or graph to present the results obtained. Furthermore, we show the application of different methods to learn more about the scientific aspects as: the Price Index, the Index of Collaboration This contribution will, first, for (as) students in the course of the race Metric Studies of Library and Information Science, National University, demonstrate and practice what you learned in this area. They may also benefit the (as) professionals from different areas, such as anthropologists (as), sociologists (as), linguists and librarians (as), among others (as).
This is a project of the School of Library, Documentation and Information of the National University, is performed to support the initiative of UNESCO to build the Memory of the World (UNESCO, 1995) and to help provide universal access to documentation. To this end, the School of Library Science students has promoted the realization of final graduation work on documentary control of domestic production. This project has the following objectives:Objectives1. Conduct mapping national documentary through the identification, analysis, organization and access to documentary heritage of Costa Rica, to contribute to the Memory of the World.2. Perform bibliometric analysis of documentary records contained in the integrated databases.This project seeks to bring undergraduate students graduating from the school, in making final graduation work on document control. Students have the opportunity to make final graduation work on the documentary production of Costa Rica on a specific theme or on a country's geographical area.Desk audits aimed at identifying the document using access points and indicate its contents to allow recovery by the user.The result is the production of a new document, other than the original, a secondary document: the bibliography. The records in the database each control documentation completed work will be integrated into a single database to be placed on the website of EBDI, for consultation of researchers and interested users.
It presents a brief overview of what is involved with materials documenting Anglo-American Cataloging Rules and the changes that will be generated using the new RDA. It also notes the importance of introducing new terms such as: work, expression, manifestation and item.
The Final Graduation submitted to qualify for the degree of Bachelor of Library and Information Science, with the title: Old National Bibliographical Books from 1830 to 1900 for the National Library of Costa Rica "Miguel Obregon Lizano," has raised the following objectives general: Identify, create a computerized catalog and investigate policies of conservation, preservation and loan in order to facilitate access and information retrieval, and dissemination of books published between 1830 to 1900 by a CDROM.According to the above objectives are to identify, select and separate, and integrate the National Bibliographical Old Books from 1830 to 1900, under investigation, determined in accordance with this study, a pioneer in the creation of bibliographic old in the National Library of Costa Rica "Miguel Obregon Lizano," a valuable amount of documents, which are not always available to (as) students (as), for lack of disclosure or because they are not represented in catalogs, consistent with recent technology dictates.According to research, it is considered that there is a lack of old collections, and therefore, the concept, organization and creation of such funds, reason leads them to testify that this would be one of the first forays into this subject, and thus, a great contribution to the National Library and for the field of librarianship and the country at large, as it has managed to create a source of access to information for the service (as) users (as): researchers (as), historians (as), anthropologists (as), and the community at large. Therefore, the fundamental purpose of this study the unquestionable usefulness of Old National Bibliographical Books for (as) users (as) researchers (as) of the National Library.
Today's society called information society, grows rapidly and undergoes changes in the sources of information under the Information Technology and Communication ("tics"), in this situation it is necessary to develop tools or reference sources that allow the (to) user (a) the accessibility and use of information. It systematized information on the Meritorious Citizen of the Fatherland and Honor that is Costa Rica, since 1847 to 2008, due to its contribution to culture, science, recreation, among others. The overall objective of this research was to make a work print and digital reference, which will collect each of the biographies and works written by (as) Benefactors (as) of the country and citizens (as) of Honor and to facilitate access to information and strengthen outreach conducted by the Library "Victor Manuel Sanabria Martínez" of the Legislature, through its publications, exhibitions and related activities, to publicize its documentary. The variables used for this investigation were:-sources (primary and secondary), Organization of information - tools in various documentation centers and libraries. This was carried out a questionnaire, which was structured in the Excel program, aimed at (as) directors (as) or officers (as) in different libraries and documentation centers, and visits to selected sites for search and selection information. It is important to spread this final graduation in different public and school libraries in the country, since history and culture rescues national, who gave identity to the Costa Rican people. The systematization made by a thematic CD-ROM, provide accessibility to all (as) the (as) citizens (as) who access the Internet through the website of the Legislative Assembly Library and other state institutions wishing through a hyperlink on your "web", to refer the same.