3 resultados para International standards
em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
ISO 9000 is a family of international standards for quality management, applicable to all sizes of company, whether public or private.Management Systems ISO 9000 quality make up the human side, administrative and operating companies. By integrating these three aspects, the organization takes full advantage of all its resources, making results more efficiently, reducing administrative and operating expenses.With globalization and opening markets this has become a competitive advantage by providing further confidence and evidence to all customers, subcontractors, personnel and other stakeholders that the organization is committed to establishing, maintaining and improving levels acceptable quality products and services.Another advantage of quality systems is the clear definition of policies and functions, the staff is utilized according to their ability and focus on real customer needs.It should be mentioned that to achieve these benefits, it is necessary that management of the organization, is committed to the development of its quality system and to allocate financial and human resources to do so. These resources are minimal compared with the benefits you can achieve.
Resumen Cuando una sociedad intenta hacer una transición de situaciones de conflicto armado a paz o de regímenes dictatoriales a democracias, debe tomar decisiones políticas que garanticen los estándares internacionales en materia de derechos de las víctimas de violaciones a derechos humanos, pero que permitan pactos entre las partes implicadas. En este contexto el derecho a la reparación es el centro de álgidos debates. Por eso, en este artículo se propone visibilizar las reparaciones simbólicas como parte de la reparación integral y como importante mecanismo para que las sociedades en transición logren superar los hechos victimizantes sin olvidarlos y para que estos no se repitan; entonces, los simbolismos reparadores buscarán nombrar y dignificar a las víctimas, recordar la verdad y solicitar perdón asumiendo responsabilidades. Abstract When a society tries to make the transition from armed conflict to peace, or dictatorships to democracies, political decisions must be taken to ensure international standards concerning the rights of victims of human rights violations, but allowing agreements between the parts involved. In this context, the right to reparation is the peak center of discussions.So, this article proposes to visualize the symbolic reparations as part of the internal reparation and as an important mechanism so that societies in transition can overcome the victimizing facts without forgetting them, and in order to stop them too. Then, the repairing symbolism would seek to appoint and dignify the victims, to remember the truth, taking responsibilities, and asking for forgiveness.
ResumenEste trabajo pretende abordar desde un enfoque deductivo, el fenómeno del relativismo cultural. Es así como se parten de las premisas teóricas y conceptuales de lo que se entiende por este tipo de relativismo, su contraste con los derechos humanos de alcance universal, hasta llegar a su implementación a través de diferentes normas internacionales. Se analizarán las principales fuentes, consistentes en tratados, conferencias y declaraciones, en las que se visualiza la tutela y defensa del relativismo cultural. Finalmente, se reflexionará en torno a la efectividad de la salvaguarda de esta modalidad de relativismo y las particularidades propias de cada una de las fuentes jurídicas y políticas invocadas. Palabras clave: relativismo cultural, cultura, civilización occidental, libertad cultural, derechos humanos, universalismo, tratados internacionales, pacto internacional de derechos económicos, sociales y culturales, convención internacional de la eliminación de todas las formas de discriminación racial, Conferencia Mundial de Derechos Humanos, Declaración de Durban, Organización internacional del Trabajo, UNESCO.AbstractThis paper attempts to deal with, from a deductive approach, the phenomenon of cultural relativism. This is how it starts from the theoretical and conceptual foundations of what is understood by this kind of relativism, its contrast with the universal human rights reaching, to its implementation through various international standards. It analyzed the major sources,consisting of treaties, conferences and declarations, which displays the protection and defenseof cultural relativism. Finally, it reflects on the effectiveness of safeguarding this kind of relativism and the particularities of each of the legal and political sources cited.Keywords: Cultural relativism, Culture, Western Civilization, Cultural Freedom, Human Rights, Universal, International treaties, The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural, International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, World Conference on Human Rights, International Labour Organization, UNESCO.