4 resultados para Integrated library system

em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica


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To focus the projection that libraries have had children in Costa Rican education, it is necessary to note that Costa Rica is one of the countries of Latin America, which has developed valuable experience of having specialized libraries in the care of preschool and school children , becoming an important resource in supporting educational and cultural level. This, then places it as a model country in this field in Latin America, on the initiative and from the heart of the capital, starting in 1971 with the opening of the Children's Library Carmen Lyra. System currently operates six libraries of this type, installed in different districts of the Central Canton of San Jose.


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Ms. Van Patten Elia Maria de Ocampo attended the Ninth International Conference on City Library Associations Guyana from 14 to 17 July 1980, Venezuela. Elia was very inspiring to see that the Costa Rican school library system up to the head of the whole region. There are big plans in other countries but have not been able to practice in that it has successfully done in our country. This told us Elia Maria:  Venezuela was chosen by the International Association of School Librarians to host its ninth Annual Conference. The event was held in Ciudad Guayana from 14 to 18 July 1980 and its importance lies in the fact that he offered an excellent and unique opportunity to meet and exchange ideas on the situation of school libraries in America and other regions . Conference was attended by 160 delegates from 13 different countries. Representing the school libraries of the Ministry of Education and with funding from the OAS through the Multinational Project on School Library Resource Centers that attended this important library activity.


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A technicians following UCR courses have performed very well, teachers are very satisfied with their work and preparation they have received in the UNA. Lucia Chacon speaks well about the courses: I think when you start a race for it to be good, or more specifically their level of use is optimal, it is necessary that both the faculty and the students show interest. It is also important that students are aware of what the role of the library in the process of communication between the company and its role culturizante in a changing world. Thus the career of librarianship should be a support staff who need the libraries in the country, should contribute to social and cultural development of society and should be upgraded every day the library system, which is achieved mainly through accountability and self-improvement of teachers, so that their knowledge is transmitted to the students.


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Las bibliotecas son depositarias del conocimiento históricamente acumulado e intermediarias entre éste, y la sociedad. En consecuencia, la función primordial de las bibliotecas ha sido la de proporcionar este conocimiento a las sociedades, comunidades e individuos, para que estos lo utilicen en la solución de los más variados problemas de investigación, educación, recreación o, en general, de relación con su vida y el medio social y natural en que ésta se desenvuelve.Una biblioteca juvenil debe, en consecuencia, tener como función primordial, la de poner a disposición de los jóvenes de una sociedad determinada, el conocimiento que éstos necesitan para resolver sus problemas de educación, recreación o de existencia en general.Esta función puede ser cumplida por la biblioteca juvenil, dentro de los marcos del sistema formal de educación, como biblioteca escolar, o fuera de él como biblioteca pública. En el primer caso, el acento de la función estará puesto en contribuir a la solución de los problemas que plantee al joven la escuela o el liceo. En el segundo, en contribuir a solucionar los problemas de otro tipo, existenciales, o recreativos.En un país como Venezuela, en el que la población es mayoritariamente joven, obviamente, es la biblioteca juvenil la más usada. De hecho, las pocas bibliotecas públicas que existen en el país cuentan con la juventud como principal usuario y, acorde con esta realidad, las prioridad des del Estado en la construcción del sistema nacional de bibliotecas, han sido asignadas a este sector de la población gran parte de los recursos destinados por el Estado al desarrollo de servicios bibliotecarios han sido asignados al desarrollo de redes de bibliotecas públicas para niños y jóvenes y al desarrollo de un sistema nacional de bibliotecas escolares.