9 resultados para GONZÁLEZ PÉREZ, JORGE
em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Reflections on communication in the learning process at the level of the seventh year of secondary education based on the methodological and pedagogical approaches, considered in research of a multidisciplinary team of the CIDE of UNA (National University), with the aim of building the “teaching performance profile for the seventh year of Costa Rican education”. It demonstrates the role of teachers to ensure favorable communication links to the learning process, not only to capture the attention and interest of students through varied and systematic motivations, but also by the honesty, openness, personal example and involvement in the task, problems and aspirations of students.
In our country, the seventh grade is the level with the highest desertion and failure rate in high school. This was the main reason that motivated this group of researchers to define the teachers’ professional profile at this level. Based on a definition of the teachers’ characteristics, the concept of how a profile should be, the age features of seventh graders and all those aspects that benefit the teaching-learning processes, the optimum and required profile of the seventh graders’ teachers is proposed.
The Proyecto Perfiles, Dinámicas y Desafíos de la Educación Costarricense executed by CIDE at Universidad Nacional researches the topic of students’ diversity and equality in the seventh grade of Costa Rican Secondary Public Schools. The article includes recommendations given by seventh grade teachers from different regions of the country to address diversity in the seventh grade classroom.
Seventh grade students share personal characteristics that are analyzed in this paper based on the teachers´ performance of the proper mediation for the students´ learning. The results of an investigation done with the model of teachers´ profiles at this level will be the basis for this paper (Alfaro et al, 2008a). We conclude that the biopsychosocial development and maturational stage of the transit-preteen-teen children must be the domain of faculty at this level, as well as, the socioeconomic context of family and social contexts of their students.
This paper presents the different initial challenges, work processes, team formation and learning content obtained by researchers of the interdisciplinary team of the project called Proyecto Perfiles, Dinámicas y Desafíos de la Educación Costarricense (Profiles, Dynamics and Challenges of the Costa Rican Education) of Centro de Investigación y Docencia en Educación (CIDE) (Research and Teaching Center), from Universidad Nacional, in its third phase. There will be an analysis showing how cooperative work and shared leadership as a team made a successful impact in the research process.
The present article is the result of an investigation between CIDE-UNA to build a desirable profile for teachers that might teach seventh grade in Costa Rican public education schools. This article evidences transparency in the ecology of learning spaces, known as the environment, the actors involved and their complex interrelations. There is also a description of these spaces and their incidence in the permanence and promotion of the students population, in the singular moment in which the educational system imposes them the first and rough institutional changes coinciding with physical transformations and social and familiar relationships.
The project called Perfiles, Dinámicas y Desafíos de la Educación Costarricense (Profiles, Dynamics and Challenges of the Costa Rican Education) in its various working phases it conducts interdisciplinary educational research at an integrated level at the Centro de Investigación y Docencia en Educación (CIDE) (Research and Teaching Center) from Universidad Nacional in Costa Rica. This article discusses the importance of taking into account outcomes and products of such research work within the various majors that CIDE offers.
Desde 2008, se ha puesto en marcha en México, “La reforma Integral de la Educación Media Superior” (RIEMS), esta reforma tiene como propósito fundamental, crear un Sistema Nacional de Bachillerato (SNB) bajo un Marco Curricular Común, basado en competencias. Para su puesta en marcha, se instrumentó un diplomado, como parte del “Programa de Formación Docente de Educación Media Superior” (PROFORDEMS) con el cual se pretende capacitar a los docentes del nivel medio superior de todos los subsistemas y modalidades de bachillerato que existen en el país. Desde entonces, se han presentado en algunos escenarios de discusión de los académicos de la disciplina de la geografía del país, debates en torno a que esta reforma no considera a la geografía como una asignatura que deba permanecer en este nivel educativo. Lo cierto es que, si analizamos las competencias genéricas del bachiller y las competencias docentes, encontramos que en sus atributos están considerados contenidos geográficos, no de manera directa, es decir se encuentran implícitos en la sugerencia de trabajar en torno a áreas del conocimiento o campos disciplinares (matemáticas, ciencias experimentales, ciencias sociales y comunicación). La presente ponencia tiene la intención de identificar la ubicación de los contenidos disciplinares de la geografía en esta reforma.
Intervencion presentada en la mesa redonda La obra de Jorge Luis Borges, Centro Cultural de México, 26 de agosto de 1999