4 resultados para Facilitator

em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica


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In Costa Rica, many secondary students have serious difficulties to establish relationships between mathematics and real-life contexts. They question the utilitarian role of the school mathematics. This fact motivated the research object of this report which evidences the need to overcome methodologies unrelated to students’ reality, toward new didactical options that help students to value mathematics, reasoning and its  applications, connecting it with their socio-cultural context. The research used a case study as a qualitative methodology and the social constructivism as an educational paradigm in which the knowledge is built by the student; as a product of his social interactions. A collection of learning situations was designed, validated, and implemented. It allowed establishing relationships between mathematical concepts and the socio-cultural context of participants. It analyzed the impact of students’socio-cultural context in their mathematics learning of basic concepts of real variable functions, consistent with the Ministry of Education (MEP) Official Program.  Among the results, it was found that using students’sociocultural context improved their motivational processes, mathematics sense making, and promoted cooperative social interactions. It was evidenced that contextualized learning situations favored concepts comprehension that allow students to see mathematics as a discipline closely related with their every-day life.


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Resumen Hace  veintisiete años, fue promulgada en los Estados Unidos la ley Bayh-Dohle,  que  permitió a las universidades públicas estadounidenses patentar los resultados de sus investigaciones financiadas con dinero de los impuestos federales de los ciudadanos, acción no autorizada hasta entonces. Los efectos  de esta ley como facilitadora de la transferencia del conocimiento a la industria y  de la obtención de financiamiento privado para las universidades fueron evidentes en sus primeros años.  Sin embargo, el aparente éxito económico conseguido por la ley Bayh-Dole no oscurece de ninguna manera sus efectos negativos que parecen culminar con el desvanecimiento paulatino de los valores más elevados de las universidades y el acorralamiento de una parte importante de los bienes comunes de la mente. En este trabajo se presentan algunos testimonios y evidencias sobre dichos efectos en países que ya  tienen experiencias en este campo.  Primero se desmitifican las razones para impulsar esas “políticas de propiedad intelectual” que resultan ser simplemente un proceso de privatización y monopolización del conocimiento. Se concluye  con el esbozo de algunas acciones de emergencia si no queremos no sólo desproteger el conocimiento común producido en los nichos académicos,  sino también poner en peligro la razón de ser de las universidades públicas.   Abstract Twenty seven years ago, the Law Bay-Dohle was enforced, allowing public universities from the United States to patent  research financed  with federal taxes.  This was not permitted before.  The effects of this law, as a facilitator to transfer knowledge to industry and to obtain private finance to universities were evident was evident in its first years. Nontheless, the apparent economical success obtained by the Bay-Dohle law does not hide its negative effects that seem to reach its hight with the loss of the most elevated university values and the enclosure of an important part of commons of the mind. This paper presents some testimonies and evidence of these effects in those countries that have experience in this area.  First of all the previous reasons to stimulate these policies of intellectual property are just but a myth; they turn out to be a simple process of privatization and monopolization of knowledge.  It concludes with a sketch of some emergency actions if we  want not only to really not protect knowledge in the academic niches but also put at risk the being of public universities


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Se analiza el papel del plurilingüismo como mediador de la pluralidad en el mundo contemporáneo, a partir de varios aspectos por atender: lo programático, lo económico, lo político, lo ecológico, lo epistemológico y lo ético. A partir de ellos, se reflexiona sobre su relación con las mentalidades y los comportamientos sociales de hoy día. Se propone la pertinencia de tres principios o paradigmas: el de las representaciones, el de las identidades y el de las competencias.An analysis is carried out of the role of plurilingualism as a facilitator for plurality in the contemporary world. It addresses programmatic, economic, political ecological, epistemological and ethical aspects requiring attention. With this basis, its relation with present-day social behavior and mentalitiesis reflected upon. The pertinence of three principies or paradigms is proposed: that of representations, that of identities and that of competences.


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The evolution, from an education centered in teaching to a perspective of learning, constitutes a change of paradigm as stated by the author in this article - who invites us to use the pleasure of learning as a facilitator for the construction of the senses. The author underlines that education must advance from the non-critical repetition of content to the generation of pleasant learning, and that the search for alternatives for an education that overcomes the traditional paradigm leads to the need to promote an authentic learning pleasure.