4 resultados para Diversión nocturna
em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
ResumenEl artículo estudia los orígenes, trayectoria histórica y características de una de las fiestas más populares en Costa Rica, los llamados “turnos”, en el período 1890-1930. La investigación es novedosa, pues analiza elementos asociados a la religiosidad popular, la sociabilidad y la identidad nacional, sin perder de vista ciertos rasgos locales, pues el origen de esta festividad se remonta a las Cofradías coloniales.AbstractThe article asserts the origins, historical trajectory, and characteristics of one of the most popular festivities in Costa Rica, the so-called turnos, in the period between 1890 and 1930. This novel investigation analyzes elements associated with popular religious practices, sociability, and national identity, without excluding certain local features, since the origin of these popular festivities dates back to the colonial Cofradías.
Resumen Documentos presentados en la prensa guatemalteca y nicaragüense acerca de las obras teatrales presentadas en la época. Todos los documentos contribuyen al conocimiento de la historia social del teatro.AbstractDocuments published in the Guatemalan and Nicaraguan pres son plays represented in that period, and which contribute to knowledge on the social history of theatre
La motivación en la actividad física es una característica psicológica multidimensional, que se ve influenciada tanto por los aspectos internos de la persona (preferencias, deseos, temores, entre otras), como por las vivencias externas de su entorno (aceptación social, amistades, habilidades, entre otras). En una época en la que en el nivel mundial, la actividad física de personas de todas las edades, está en aumento constante, es fundamental para profesionales como educadores físicos, entrenadores deportivos o instructores de ejercicio, tener presentes los principales motivos de participación de los sujetos que tienen a su cargo, con el fin de velar por elaborar planes de trabajo ideales para que se mantengan realizándolo, orientándolos a disfrutar y estar satisfechos con su intervención y así alargar su ciclo de vida activa, evitando el abandono, aspecto tan relacionado con el sedentarismo y el riesgo de padecer enfermedades crónicas y degenerativas. Así, los niños prefieren la diversión y hacer amigos; los adolescentes la competición y las amistades; los universitarios la aventura y la diversión; los adultos obtener actividad física regular y los adultos mayores los beneficios relacionados con la salud. Las mujeres se motivan por la apariencia y aspectos sociales, mientras los hombres por la competición y el estatus. Los sujetos que hacen deporte se motivan por la competición y los que hacen ejercicio por la imagen corporal. A mayor nivel de actividad, se valora más la competición. Finalmente, la diversión, la competición, el aprender habilidades y la condición física son los motivos más importantes para participantes de actividad física norteamericanos, europeos y asiáticos. El presente trabajo se realizó con el propósito de dar a conocer a los profesionales de las ciencias del movimiento humano, las diferentes variables que determinan los motivos de participación en los distintos tipos de actividad física en sujetos con diferente edad, género, cultura y nivel de actividad.
The objective of this study was to determine the importance of different dimensions as the possible causes for the abandonment of the practice of swimming by former Costa Rican swimmers. Subjects: 51 former swimmers participated, including 17 men (22 ±3.4 years of age) and 34 women (22.5 ±3.4 years of age) from different Costa Rican swimming teams. The Questionnaire of Reasons for Attrition in the Practice of Sports (Gould et al, 1982; cited by Salguero, Tuero, and Márquez, 2003) was used. Results: A positive relationship was noted between perceptions of low skill and low performance (r: 0.372), while negative relationships were noted between years of practice and low skill (r:-0.337), years of practice and influence from others (r:-0.286), and years of practice and starting age for swimming (r:-0.622). A significant interaction was found in the dimensions gender of participants (F: 2.952; p<0.05) and starting age for swimming (F: 3.147; p<0.01). An interaction was also found between dimensions and the desire to swim again (F: 2.485; p>0.05). There were also significant differences in the years of practice; that is, subjects who started before the age of 10 had a higher average of years of practice than those who started later (F: 21.465; p<0.05). Additionally, a significant interaction was found in weekly hours of swimming practice (F: 2.072; p<0.05). There were no significant differences (F: 2.535; p>0.05) according to weekly hours of training when subjects were actively swimming. Conclusions: Possible reasons for dropping out were lack of enjoyment and poor physical condition for men and perception of lack of team spirit for women. The group that started after the age of ten gives similar importance to all the dimensions as possible reasons for dropping out, while the group that began swimming before the age of ten sees lack of team spirit, lack of enjoyment, and poor physical condition as the key reasons for dropping out. The most important dimensions that represented the reasons for abandonment in subjects who wanted to swim again were lack of team spirit, poor physical condition and low skill, while lack of enjoyment was the most important reason for subjects who do not want to swim again. In the group of subjects who would swim less than six hours, lack of team spirit is the most important cause, while the dimension lack of enjoyment was the most important reason for subjects who would swim 6 to 12 hours. Additionally, the highest dropout percentages were observed in the transition from secondary school to college.