5 resultados para Databases, Bibliographic

em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica


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This is a project of the School of Library, Documentation and Information of the National University, is performed to support the initiative of UNESCO to build the Memory of the World (UNESCO, 1995) and to help provide universal access to documentation. To this end, the School of Library Science students has promoted the realization of final graduation work on documentary control of domestic production. This project has the following objectives:Objectives1. Conduct mapping national documentary through the identification, analysis, organization and access to documentary heritage of Costa Rica, to contribute to the Memory of the World.2. Perform bibliometric analysis of documentary records contained in the integrated databases.This project seeks to bring undergraduate students graduating from the school, in making final graduation work on document control. Students have the opportunity to make final graduation work on the documentary production of Costa Rica on a specific theme or on a country's geographical area.Desk audits aimed at identifying the document using access points and indicate its contents to allow recovery by the user.The result is the production of a new document, other than the original, a secondary document: the bibliography. The records in the database each control documentation completed work will be integrated into a single database to be placed on the website of EBDI, for consultation of researchers and interested users.


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The Final Graduation submitted to qualify for the degree of Bachelor of Library and Information Science, with the title: Old National Bibliographical Books from 1830 to 1900 for the National Library of Costa Rica "Miguel Obregon Lizano," has raised the following objectives general: Identify, create a computerized catalog and investigate policies of conservation, preservation and loan in order to facilitate access and information retrieval, and dissemination of books published between 1830 to 1900 by a CDROM.According to the above objectives are to identify, select and separate, and integrate the National Bibliographical Old Books from 1830 to 1900, under investigation, determined in accordance with this study, a pioneer in the creation of bibliographic old in the National Library of Costa Rica "Miguel Obregon Lizano," a valuable amount of documents, which are not always available to (as) students (as), for lack of disclosure or because they are not represented in catalogs, consistent with recent technology dictates.According to research, it is considered that there is a lack of old collections, and therefore, the concept, organization and creation of such funds, reason leads them to testify that this would be one of the first forays into this subject, and thus, a great contribution to the National Library and for the field of librarianship and the country at large, as it has managed to create a source of access to information for the service (as) users (as): researchers (as), historians (as), anthropologists (as), and the community at large. Therefore, the fundamental purpose of this study the unquestionable usefulness of Old National Bibliographical Books for (as) users (as) researchers (as) of the National Library.


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La normalización facilita la comunicación y permite el intercambio de información con cualquier institución nacional o internacional. Este objetivo es posible a través de los formatos de comunicación para intercambio de información automatizada como CEPAL, MARC., FCC.La Escuela de Bibliotecología, Documentación e Información de la Universidad Nacional utiliza el software MICROISIS en red para la enseñanza. Las bases de datos que se diseñan utilizan el formato MARC y para la descripción bibliográfica las RCAA2.Se presenta la experiencia con la base de datos “I&D” sobre desarrollo rural, presentando la Tabla de Definición de Campos, la hoja de trabajo, el formato de despliegue y Tabla de selección de Campos.


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En el campo bibliotecológico para desarrollar instrumentos de trabajo que nos permitan comunicarnos con las demás unidades y clientes de información, debemos pensar en normalizar nuestros procesos.Normalizar, en el sentido más amplio, significa seguir reglas que hagan un registro uniforme en cualquier lugar del mundo. Esto se logra mediante la aplicación de códigos y normas que han sido aceptadas internacionalmente por los organismos creados para este fin.El valor de la normalización estriba en evitar la duplicación de los esfuerzos de la catalogación en las diferentes unidades de información documental y facilitar el intercambio de datos bibliográficos tan pronto como sea posible. También, cosiste en darle al cliente la posibilidad de localizar la información en un a forma homogénea que obvie las barreras idiomáticas.


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Means to automate the fact replace the man in their job functions for a man and machines automatic mechanism, ie documentary specialists in computer and computers are the cornerstone of any modern system of documentation and information. From this point of view immediately raises the problem of deciding what resources should be applied to solve the specific problem in each specific case. We will not let alone to propose quick fixes or recipes in order to decide what to do in any case. The solution depends on repeat for each particular problem. What we want is to move some points that can serve as a basis for reflection to help find the best solution possible, once the problem is defined correctly. The first thing to do before starting any automated system project is to define exactly the domain you want to cover and assess with greater precision possible importance.