5 resultados para Academic and Scientific
em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
"El Centro es la organización que estructura la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras a partir de las Unidades Académicas para brindar apoyo documental a su quehacer académico-científico".El Centro de Documentación de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras fue creado en sesión número 287 de Consejo Directivo, después de un amplio proceso de reflexión que se dio en el Centro de Coordinación para el desarrollo de la Facultad
Resumen Por muchos años la llamada exitosa conservación en Costa Rica ha sido impulsada prevalentemente por grupos académico-científicos y se ha basado en modelos públicos verticales, de ONG ambientalista tradicional o de libre mercado. Estos enfoques no han sido insuficientes tratándose del modelo de conservación llamado Zona Protectora (ZP), el cual, sobre todo en áreas urbanas y semi-urbanas, ha sido un fracaso. Sin embargo, abarca el 15% del territorio en protección en el país. Al igual que en otros lugares en América Latina, se observa hoy en Costa Rica una tendencia a la aparición de los que la ecología política llamaría “ambientalismo de los pobres.” Este trabajo explora la utilidad de los conceptos de esta tendencia ambientalista para la solución de los problemas de las ZP. Específicamente se enfoca en el caso de La Carpintera y reflexiona sobre la posibilidad de usar conceptos como la valoración económico-ecológica alternativa y la deuda ecológica producto de la experiencia del autor con su propia investigación y cursos de campo. Abstract For many years the so-called successful conservation in Costa Rica has been led mostly by academic and scientific groups and has followed public vertical, traditional environmentalist NGO or market driven models. These perspectives have been insufficient for the conservation model known as the Protective Zone (ZP), which, especially in urban and semi-urban areas has been a failure. Nevertheless, it comprises 15% of the overall land under protection in the country. As in other places in Latin America, Costa Rica is showing today traces of what political ecologists know as “environmentalism of the poor.” This paper explores the usefulness of the concepts of this environmentalism trend to solve the problems of ZP. Specifically, it focuses on the case study of La Carpintera and reflects on the possibility of using concepts such as ecological economic alternative valuation and ecological debt based on the author’s experience with his own research and field courses.
Recibido 15 de marzo de 2012 • Corregido 04 de octubre de 2012 • Aceptado 07 de noviembre de 2012A continuación se presentan diversas ideas creadas alrededor del tema de la masculinidad y feminidad. El objetivo es esclarecer dichos conceptos desde un punto de vista crítico y de género sensitivo, en un lenguaje sencillo. El fin es que la información sea accesible a una mayor cantidad de personas; eso, sin menoscabar la importancia de transmitir las ideas desde un carácter académico y científico. Por tanto, se busca aclarar el carácter de ambos conceptos en la construcción de su identidad, principalmente para el hombre que cimienta su identidad a partir del rechazo de lo que es femenino. Se trata de mostrar cómo dichas construcciones son atravesadas por diversos mandatos sociales que se expresan según la cultura en la que se desarrollen; además, se plantea el reto de la educación para deconstruir estereotipos ligados a los géneros.
This document describes the experience of academic cooperation between professionals in the field of library science, both from West Chester University (WCU), and the National University (UNA) of Costa Rica. The event took place at West Chester University during the week May 4th to May 8th, 2009. The objectives of this revolved around the exchange of ideas and interests in the academic and cultural relations between the two universities. In addition, it unveiled several services and procedures in the handling of information and highlighted the importance of promoting the exchange of students from both institutions. Finally, this article highlights the schedule of activities to integrate international and intercultural perspective in various areas related to the teaching-learning process, the contribution of university libraries on student success and techniques of information dissemination.
Education is the basis for economic and social development, but there are great inequalities in education and access to documentary resources, audiovisual and technology, a situation that affects school performance. The Organization of the United Nations Educational and Scientific Organization (UNESCO) found a correlation between levels of inequality in a country and performance: the greater the inequality, the worse the performance. Investment in education affects human development and benefit is obtained for the individual and society, which is necessary to ensure social equity, so that there is quality education for all. One of the fundamental purposes of the educational process is to train Costa Rican human thinking, analytical and critical of their environment. The purpose of that is acquired through various methods of academic achievement, learning, participation and constant communication of knowledge between the administrative staff, faculty and students. It is appropriate for schools and colleges have a school library or Resource Center for Learning, it is the gathering, analysis and work of the educational community, working with the intellectual growth of students, faculty, staff and community through access to different services and learning resources provided by the library or CRA.