47 resultados para Perjuicios patrimoniales
Nos proponemos trazar las bifurcaciones de esta publicación y determinar el proyecto político cultural que promueven sus inspiradores donde coinciden intelectuales de ambos lado del océano. Por otro lado, interesa destacar las producciones literarias de latinoamericanos reproducidas en sus páginas y particularmente la creación costarricense de sesgo ácrata.
Este ensayo analizo el proceso de insurrección callejera espontánea presentado en la ciudad de Panamá en 1856, estableciendo el significado ético-político de este proceder en la construcción de la identidad nacional panameña.
En el presente ensayo se analiza el pensamiento de tres autores considerados grandes representantes de la teología y de la filosofía latinoamericana de la liberación.
En este artículo primero critico la noción cristiana y capitalista de “humanismo” y luego planteo una posible interpretación más positiva, pero provisional, de ese concepto como “lucha contra” dogmatismos y supersticiones. Enseguida considero la obra de Mauro Fernández Acuña y la defiendo de las falsas acusaciones lanzadas sobre todo por grupos e ideólogos católicos en Costa Rica.
Declaración de la UNESCO.
Convención sobre la protección y promoción de la diversidad de las expresiones culturales
Convención sobre la protección y promoción de la diversidad de las expresiones culturales
Crónica de las actividades realizadas como parte del proyecto Discusiones filosóficas, de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, 2008-2010.
Industry, governments, and scientists that promote biofuels think these will become an alternative to oil, which is running out. These new fuels are supposed to help in containing climate change through greenhouse gas emission reduction, increasing farmers´ incomes, and promoting rural development. However, rigorous research and analyses undertaken by serious ecologists and social scientists suggests that the current boom in biofuels industry will be disastrous for farmers, the natural environment, the preservation of biodiversity, and particularly for poor consumers.
In this article I offer a general analysis of social-environmental vulnerability, considered as a permanent condition of the various scenarios characteristic of our regional realities, and the challenges such vulnerability presents, given the current global, regional, national, and local circumstances. Similarly, I consider the contribution that the analysis of social-environmental vulnerability offers to students of the National University of Costa Rica (UNA).
Recapture a recurrent debate as is the Latin American identity as a philosophical problem, basedon some basic ideas of Bolivar and Marti thought. These ideas are analyzed as a basic matrix of post-independence in order to continue to build the identities and forging the new contemporary utopias, as the only historical course to become ourselves.
In this article I analize the novel Los héroes impuros by the Costa Rican authoress Rosibel Morera. The analytical categories used include, from the elimination of absolute historical facts, all the way to the notion of eternal return (Mircea Eliade), processes of idolization, and the various symbols appearing on the text. Examination of these categories shows the characters´ duality because of their universality, and also the worldview and the conception of literature held by Morera.
My main purpose in this article consist in analyzing two objections, thrown by Balaguer against Quine`s and Putnam`s indispensability argument. First I present the argument, under Quine`s philosophical framework, and classify objections against it in three main categories, one of them leading to fictionalism. The next section contains a revision about the particular form this philosophical current acquires in Balaguer`s works, to conclude by mentioning the relevant issues left unsolved, concerning the applicability of mathematics. Also mentioned is how this objection could be solved, adopting some of his adversaries premises. At the end I considerer a further objection presented by Balaguer to the indispensability argument, noting, to conclude, that although serious, nonetheless it is not conclusive.
This article demonstrates the existence of an autochthonous interpretation of classic Marxism in the poetry of Salvadorian author Roque Dalton. His poetry is therefore interpreted as a contribution to that Latin American thinking interested in creating a Marxism adapted to our characteristics.
In this article I present the main points of Slavoc Zizek´s interpretation of Hegel´s philosophy. Three basic lines of thought are discussed: the relations between the Hegelian philosophy and Lacan´s psychoanalysis, the dialectical thinking, and the answers dialectical thinking presents against objections raised by post-structuralistic critiques of Hegel.