233 resultados para Introducción Varios trabajos publicados en los años recientes tratan de profundizar en diversos temas relativos a aspectos socio económicos de la Costa Rica de los inicios de la expansión cafetalera. Resumiremos a continuación nuestras nuevas investiga


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The advent of the World Network(Net) Internet and the use of the technology in the digital environment raised new challenges to the author's copyright. These worries were considered in the last international agreements, so that the warning is not true of those who postulate that the Internet is a " territory of nobody ", where the works are unprotected completely. To educate on the topic of the protection of the author's copyright and to provide with resources the instances(authorities) in charge of the observance of these rights looks like an ineluctable task.


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It is a matter of pride that Costa Rica and the National University, both with extensive experience in the development of library we are the headquarters for the first time, an event that brings together three different activities on this theme: the Central American Seminar, Workshops and Standing Committee of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, which will strengthen the monitoring and Manifestos on Public Libraries, Schools and Internet IFLA-UNESCO. Thank you very much to all of you for allowing us this honor and a double thanks to the comrades of the UNA university who took the initiative and made this opportunity possible.


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Central America is a region with accumulated experiences of collaborative work in developing the Central Library, among them are: The CSUCA (Council of Central American Universities) globally recognized organization founded in 1948 has strengthened the development of University Libraries, with the creation of the Central American University Libraries. Another significant contribution is made by the Public Libraries and supported by SIDA (Swedish International Development Agency) has substantially expanded the concept of National Public Library. Today is forming the Confederation of Associations and Colleges Central Library, a product of the Workshop held in El Salvador, with the support of IFLA / ALP.


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It is no secret that computer services came to revolutionize the world. More than a service, have since become an indispensable tool for humanity, because they simplify and make life easier in many of his orders, through its various support options. These advances are added Internet services, so that by the mid 1980's assessed the need for such a research tool in order to apply it in various fields of human knowledge.This research, based on the use and quality of documentary information from the Internet, with application to the students of the Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, if the Library Board Laboratory Joaquin Garcia Monge, develops in the form of theses.


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This handbook is the original papers on experiences, innovations, reviews, technical advances and trends in theory and practice of professionals in information science (LIS, documentation, information, communication, etc..).Its purpose is to serve as a dissemination tool, discussion forum, a means of supporting the professional development and continuing education, experience-sharing tool, and a window to understanding the changes that occur in the professional environment.


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This document is aimed to serve as a tool for officials (as) public library in the training process and educational users who make use of the services offered, and in turn, fulfill the aims and purposes these cultural centers should pursue as a social entity.


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Este documento comprende una descripcin general de las actividades realizadas y logros alcanzados por el Proyecto Centro de Conocimiento sobre/de Grupos tnicos Indgenas Centroamericanos de la Escuela de Bibliotecologa, Documentacin e Informacin, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, como parte de las estrategias para la implantacin, en comunidades indgenas, de servicios de informacin documental que contribuyan a su desarrollo integral.


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En el presente documento se describe la forma en la cual se desarroll el proceso de autoevaluacin con miras a la acreditacin de la Carrera de Bibliotecologa y Documentacin entre 1999-2004, teniendo como base el "Manual de Acreditacin" del Sistema Nacional de Acreditacin, SINAES. Los criterios que se tomaron en cuenta estn relacionados con: Personal acadmico, Curriculum, Estudiantes, Administracin, Infraestructura y Equipo e Impacto y Pertinencia. Se busca con este proceso garantizar calidad a los estudiantes, graduados, empleadores y a la sociedad nacional e internacional.


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De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos por medio del diagnstico y a fin de reducir el fenmeno de la escolarizacin en las bibliotecas pblicas estudiadas, se elabor una propuesta que gira en torno a la fase de organizacin, distribucin, promocin y evaluacin de un nuevo modelo de gestin fundamentado en el desarrollo de un servicio de informacin a la comunidad (SIC).


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La bibliotecologa y la documentacin son reas del conocimiento que investigan las propiedades y comportamientos de la informacin, las fuerzas que la gobiernan, sus flujos y los medios para procesarlos con miras a una gil accesibilidad y diseminacin (Garza Mercado, 1974, p.32). Debido a la multidisciplinariedad de saberes y a la necesidad actual de trabajar en equipo la sociedad merece una formacin de profesionales de calidad que enfrenten los retos del entorno de manera competente. La labor del profesional en bibliotecologa esta centrado en investigar la informacin en sus conductas, produccin, coleccin, organizacin, diseminacin, almacenamiento, acceso y recuperacin para su posterior uso. Son profesionales con la capacidad de identificar usuarios, interpretar sus necesidades y demandas de informacin y satisfacerlas de manera relevante, oportuna y pertinente.La carrera de Bibliotecologa y Documentacin de la Universidad Nacional desde su nacimiento en 1977 hasta el 2005 ha dado grandes aportes a la sociedad costarricense, tanto en el nivel nacional como internacional, formando profesionales capaces de desenvolverse de manera eficaz y eficiente en el ambiente laboral y personal.Hasta el 2005 se han graduado 860 profesionales en los grados de Diplomado, Bachillerato y Licenciatura, los cuales desempean funciones en diferentes instituciones tales como: bibliotecas infantiles, bibliotecas escolares, bibliotecas pblicas, bibliotecas universitarias, y en centros de documentacin especializados en todo el territorio nacional.


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En la medida en que esta sociedad de informacin y comunicacin crece, tambin experimenta crecimiento las fuentes de informacin en sus diferentes soportes. Vivimos en una sociedad marcada por la tecnologa, por esto surge la necesidad de crear instrumentos que permiten un mejor aprovechamiento de la informacin. Dada la justificacin del caso y considerando, la importancia que reviste valorar y conocer la cantidad y calidad de la informacin que alberga el Archivo Nacional de Costa Rica, el objetivo general de este trabajo de investigacin es, realizar una obra de referencia impresa, de los tres archivos que brindan informacin al pblico, Archivo Histrico, Archivo Intermedio y Archivo Notarial. Con el fin de facilitar el acceso a la informacin y de reforzar la labor de divulgacin que ha venido haciendo el Archivo Nacional mediante sus publicaciones, exposiciones y dems actividades afines, para dar a conocer sus fondos.


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The continuous emergence of new scenarios that provide access and availability of information, promote synergies compared to the transfer of data, breaking the traditional schemes for the promotion of universal freedom and development of world democracy.


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Forty years ago began in Medellin, Colombia the officers of study on the training of librarians and the improvement of library service in Latin America. It was the first time was a regional effort of this nature.Reviewing the documents we see that concern for the subsequent employment of graduates are handled in a "serene". The library moved into a more stable labor market and institutionally defined. The challenges facing those who were far from threatening the stability of employment, the very meaning of the profession and survival. The race was expanding, had begun to trickle out of the national libraries of some countries to join full of expectations to the academic university.


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ISO 9000 is a family of international standards for quality management, applicable to all sizes of company, whether public or private.Management Systems ISO 9000 quality make up the human side, administrative and operating companies. By integrating these three aspects, the organization takes full advantage of all its resources, making results more efficiently, reducing administrative and operating expenses.With globalization and opening markets this has become a competitive advantage by providing further confidence and evidence to all customers, subcontractors, personnel and other stakeholders that the organization is committed to establishing, maintaining and improving levels acceptable quality products and services.Another advantage of quality systems is the clear definition of policies and functions, the staff is utilized according to their ability and focus on real customer needs.It should be mentioned that to achieve these benefits, it is necessary that management of the organization, is committed to the development of its quality system and to allocate financial and human resources to do so. These resources are minimal compared with the benefits you can achieve.


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The text came from the UNESP-Project in Partnership with the Public Administration: City of Echapor , a multidisciplinary project, interdepartmental and that results from a term partnership signed between the State University / Campus Marilia, the Regional Office of Articulation Planning and the Municipality of Echapor.Given the serious social problems diagnosed in this county Administrative Region of Marilia, somaramse forces and, since April 2002, Echapor account with the performance of a design matrix that involves the community in six (6) subprojects, among which a which emphasizes the dissemination of information (the public library as a center of information and knowledge irradiator for urban and rural areas, seeking to enter the Society daInformao). By their nature, the project-matrix is considered open and can accommodate new subprojects, where they concern the problems identified in the initial diagnosis. For its validity, each subproject has its own methodology, some innovative and will be subject to further systematization and dissemination, however, after a few months of deployment, the results show the correctness of community involvement (being representative) in all discussions and steps of research, and activities developed, widely disseminated to the target audience.The membership of the community, the leaders and the authorities can be considered a good barometer of the actions carried out in Echapor and evidence of change in information culture that is already noticeable in the city, setting the socio-cultural dynamics of the same, in terms a new public policy to be strengthened with the participation of specialists in this specific area, in direct work with local managers, in this case, specific examples relating to the strength of information in the process of change in small municipalities.