423 resultados para formation stability

em Queensland University of Technology - ePrints Archive


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Thermogravimetry combined with evolved gas mass spectrometry has been used to ascertain the stability of the ‘cave’ mineral brushite. X-ray diffraction shows that brushite from the Jenolan Caves is very pure. Thermogravimetric analysis coupled with ion current mass spectrometry shows a mass loss at 111°C due to loss of water of hydration. A further decomposition step occurs at 190°C with the conversion of hydrogen phosphate to a mixture of calcium ortho-phosphate and calcium pyrophosphate. TG-DTG shows the mineral is not stable above 111°C. A mechanism for the formation of brushite on calcite surfaces is proposed, and this mechanism has relevance to the formation of brushite in urinary tracts.


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The formation of new blood vessels is a prerequisite for bone healing. CYR61 (CCN1), an extracellular matrix-associated signaling protein, is a potent stimulator of angiogenesis and mesenchymal stem cell expansion and differentiation. A recent study showed that CYR61 is expressed during fracture healing and suggested that CYR61 plays a significant role in cartilage and bone formation. The hypothesis of the present study was that decreased fixation stability, which leads to a delay in healing, would lead to reduced CYR61 protein expression in fracture callus. The aim of the study was to quantitatively analyze CYR61 protein expression, vascularization, and tissue differentiation in the osteotomy gap and relate to the mechanical fixation stability during the course of healing. A mid-shaft osteotomy of the tibia was performed in two groups of sheep and stabilized with either a rigid or semirigid external fixator, each allowing different amounts of interfragmentary movement. The sheep were sacrificed at 2, 3, 6, and 9 weeks postoperatively. The tibiae were tested biomechanically and histological sections from the callus were analyzed immunohistochemically with regard to CYR61 protein expression and vascularization. Expression of CYR61 protein was upregulated at the early phase of fracture healing (2 weeks), decreasing over the healing time. Decreased fixation stability was associated with a reduced upregulation of the CYR61 protein expression and a reduced vascularization at 2 weeks leading to a slower healing. The maximum cartilage callus fraction in both groups was reached at 3 weeks. However, the semirigid fixator group showed a significantly lower CYR61 immunoreactivity in cartilage than the rigid fixator group at this time point. The fraction of cartilage in the semirigid fixator group was not replaced by bone as quickly as in the rigid fixator group leading to an inferior histological and mechanical callus quality at 6 weeks and therefore to a slower healing. The results supply further evidence that CYR61 may serve as an important regulator of bone healing.


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Fracture healing is influenced by fixation stability and experimental evidence suggests that the initial mechanical conditions may determine the healing outcome. We hypothesised that mechanical conditions influence not only the healing outcome, but also the early phase of fracture healing. Additionally, it was hypothesised that decreased fixation stability characterised by an increased shear interfragmentary movement results in a delay in healing. Sixty-four sheep underwent a mid-shaft tibial osteotomy which was treated with either a rigid or a semi-rigid external fixator. Animals were sacrificed at 2, 3, 6 and 9 weeks postoperatively and the fracture callus was analysed using radiological, biomechanical and histological techniques. The tibia treated with semi-rigid fixation showed inferior callus stiffness and quality after 6 weeks. At 9 weeks, the calluses were no longer distinguishable in their mechanical competence. The calluses at 9 weeks produced under rigid fixation were smaller and consisted of a reduced fibrous tissue component. These results demonstrate that the callus formation over the course of healing differed both morphologically and in the rate of development. In this study, we provide evidence that the course of healing is influenced by the initial fixation stability. The semi-rigid fixator did not result in delayed healing, but a less optimal healing path was taken. An upper limit of stability required for successful healing remains unknown, however a limit by which healing is less optimal has been determined.


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The double-stranded conformation of cellular DNA is a central aspect of DNA stabilisation and protection. The helix preserves the genetic code against chemical and enzymatic degradation, metabolic activation, and formation of secondary structures. However, there are various instances where single-stranded DNA is exposed, such as during replication or transcription, in the synthesis of chromosome ends, and following DNA damage. In these instances, single-stranded DNA binding proteins are essential for the sequestration and processing of single-stranded DNA. In order to bind single-stranded DNA, these proteins utilise a characteristic and evolutionary conserved single-stranded DNA-binding domain, the oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide-binding (OB)-fold. In the current review we discuss a subset of these proteins involved in the direct maintenance of genomic stability, an important cellular process in the conservation of cellular viability and prevention of malignant transformation. We discuss the central roles of single-stranded DNA binding proteins from the OB-fold domain family in DNA replication, the restart of stalled replication forks, DNA damage repair, cell cycle-checkpoint activation, and telomere maintenance.


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We demonstrate a rapid synthesis of gold nanoparticles using hydroquinone as a reducing agent under acidic conditions without the need for precursor seed particles. The nanoparticle formation process is facilitated by the addition of NaOH to a solution containing HAuCl4 and hydroquinone to locally change the pH; this enhances the reducing capability of hydroquinone to form gold nucleation centres, after which further growth of gold can take place through an autocatalytic mechanism. The stability of the nanoparticles is highly dependent on the initial solution pH, and both the concentration of added NaOH and hydroquinone present in solution. The gold nanoparticles were characterized by UV–visible spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, dynamic light scattering, and zeta potential measurements. It was found that under optimal conditions that stable aqueous suspensions of 20 nm diameter nanoparticles can be achieved where benzoquinone, the oxidized product of hydroquinone, acts as a capping agent preventing nanoparticles aggregation.


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This investigation used a combination of techniques, such as X-ray diffraction, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy, to determine the dissolution mechanisms of the Bayer precipitate and the associated rate of dissolution in acetic, citric and oxalic acid environments. The Bayer precipitate is a mixture of hydrotalcite, calcium carbonate and sodium chloride that forms during the seawater neutralisation of Bayer liquors (waste residue of the alumina industry). The dissolution rate of a Bayer precipitate is found to be dependent on (1) the strength of the organic acid and (2) the number of donating H+ ions. The dissolution mechanism for a Bayer precipitate consists of several steps involving: (1) the dissolution of CaCO3, (2) formation of whewellite (calcium oxalate) when oxalic acid is used and (3) multiple dissolution steps for hydrotalcite that are highly dependent on the pH of solution. The decomposition of the Al–OH hydrotalcite layers resulted in the immediate formation of Al(OH)3, which is stable until the pH decreases below 5.5. This investigation has found that the Bayer precipitate is stable across a wide pH range in the presence of common organic acids found in the rhizosphere, and that initial decomposition steps are likely to be beneficial in supporting plant growth through the release of nutrients such as Ca2þ and Mg2þ.


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SPARC (secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine)/ osteonectin/BM-40 is a matricellular protein implicated in development, cell transformation and tumorigenesis. We have examined the role of SPARC in cell transformation induced chemically with 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) and 12- tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) in embryonic fibroblasts and in the skin of mice. Embryonic fibroblasts from SPARCnull mice showed increases in cell proliferation, enhanced sensitivity to DMBA and a higher number of DMBA/TPA-induced transformation foci. The number of DMBA-DNA adducts was 9 times higher in SPARCnull fibroblasts and their stability was lower than wild-type fibroblasts, consistent with a reduction in excision repair cross-complementing 1 the nucleotide excision repair enzyme in these cells. The SPARCnull mice showed an increase in both the speed and number of papillomas forming after topical administration of DMBA/TPA to the skin. These papillomas showed reduced growth and reduced progression to a more malignant phenotype, indicating that the effect of SPARC on tumorigenesis depends upon the transformation stage and/or tissue context. These data reinforce a growing number of observations in which SPARC has shown opposite effects on different tumor types/stages.


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MicroRNAs are small non-coding RNAs that mediate post-transcriptional gene silencing. Fear-extinction learning in C57/Bl6J mice led to increased expression of the brain-specific microRNA miR-128b, which disrupted stability of several plasticity-related target genes and regulated formation of fear-extinction memory. Increased miR-128b activity may therefore facilitate the transition from retrieval of the original fear memory toward the formation of a new fear-extinction memory.


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It is commonly accepted that regular moderate intensity physical activity reduces the risk of developing many diseases. Counter intuitively, however, evidence also exists for oxidative stress resulting from acute and strenuous exercise. Enhanced formation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species may lead to oxidatively modified lipids, proteins and nucleic acids and possibly disease. Currently, only a few studies have investigated the influence of exercise on DNA stability and damage with conflicting results, small study groups and the use of different sample matrices or methods and result units. This is the first review to address the effect of exercise of various intensities and durations on DNA stability, focusing on human population studies. Furthermore, this article describes the principles and limitations of commonly used methods for the assessment of oxidatively modified DNA and DNA stability. This review is structured according to the type of exercise conducted (field or laboratory based) and the intensity performed (i.e. competitive ultra/endurance exercise or maximal tests until exhaustion). The findings presented here suggest that competitive ultra-endurance exercise (>4h) does not induce persistent DNA damage. However, when considering the effects of endurance exercise (<4h), no clear conclusions could be drawn. Laboratory studies have shown equivocal results (increased or no oxidative stress) after endurance or exhaustive exercise. To clarify which components of exercise participation (i.e. duration, intensity and training status of subjects) have an impact on DNA stability and damage, additional carefully designed studies combining the measurement of DNA damage, gene expression and DNA repair mechanisms before, during and after exercise of differing intensities and durations are required.


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Stability analyses have been widely used to better understand the mechanism of traffic jam formation. In this paper, we consider the impact of cooperative systems (a.k.a. connected vehicles) on traffic dynamics and, more precisely, on flow stability. Cooperative systems are emerging technologies enabling communication between vehicles and/or with the infrastructure. In a distributed communication framework, equipped vehicles are able to send and receive information to/from other equipped vehicles. Here, the effects of cooperative traffic are modeled through a general bilateral multianticipative car-following law that improves cooperative drivers' perception of their surrounding traffic conditions within a given communication range. Linear stability analyses are performed for a broad class of car-following models. They point out different stability conditions in both multianticipative and nonmultianticipative situations. To better understand what happens in unstable conditions, information on the shock wave structure is studied in the weakly nonlinear regime by the mean of the reductive perturbation method. The shock wave equation is obtained for generic car-following models by deriving the Korteweg de Vries equations. We then derive traffic-state-dependent conditions for the sign of the solitary wave (soliton) amplitude. This analytical result is verified through simulations. Simulation results confirm the validity of the speed estimate. The variation of the soliton amplitude as a function of the communication range is provided. The performed linear and weakly nonlinear analyses help justify the potential benefits of vehicle-integrated communication systems and provide new insights supporting the future implementation of cooperative systems.


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Rupture of vulnerable atheromatous plaque in the carotid and coronary arteries often leads to stroke and heart attack respectively. The mechanism of blood flow and plaque rupture in stenotic arteries is still not fully understood. A three dimensional rigid wall model was solved under steady state conditions and unsteady conditions by assuming a time-varying inlet velocity profile to investigate the relative importance of axial forces and pressure drops in arteries with asymmetric stenosis. Flow-structure interactions were investigated for the same geometry and the results were compared with those retrieved with the corresponding 2D cross-section structural models. The Navier-Stokes equations were used as the governing equations for the fluid. The tube wall was assumed hyperelastic, homogeneous, isotropic and incompressible. The analysis showed that the three dimensional behavior of velocity, pressure and wall shear stress is in general very different from that predicted by cross-section models. Pressure drop across the stenosis was found to be much higher than shear stress. Therefore, pressure may be the more important mechanical trigger for plaque rupture other than shear stress, although shear stress is closely related to plaque formation and progression.