em Queensland University of Technology - ePrints Archive


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Bayesian Belief Networks (BBNs) are emerging as valuable tools for investigating complex ecological problems. In a BBN, the important variables in a problem are identified and causal relationships are represented graphically. Underpinning this is the probabilistic framework in which variables can take on a finite range of mutually exclusive states. Associated with each variable is a conditional probability table (CPT), showing the probability of a variable attaining each of its possible states conditioned on all possible combinations of it parents. Whilst the variables (nodes) are connected, the CPT attached to each node can be quantified independently. This allows each variable to be populated with the best data available, including expert opinion, simulation results or observed data. It also allows the information to be easily updated as better data become available ----- ----- This paper reports on the process of developing a BBN to better understand the initial rapid growth phase (initiation) of a marine cyanobacterium, Lyngbya majuscula, in Moreton Bay, Queensland. Anecdotal evidence suggests that Lyngbya blooms in this region have increased in severity and extent over the past decade. Lyngbya has been associated with acute dermatitis and a range of other health problems in humans. Blooms have been linked to ecosystem degradation and have also damaged commercial and recreational fisheries. However, the causes of blooms are as yet poorly understood.


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Introduction: Nursing clinicians are primarily responsible for the monitoring and treatment of increased body temperature. The body temperature of patients during their acute care hospital stay is measured at regular repeated intervals. In the event a patient is assessed with an elevated temperature, a multitude of decisions are required. The action of instigating temperature reducing strategies is based upon the assumption that elevated temperature is harmful and that the strategy employed will have some beneficial effect. Background and Significance: The potential harmful effects of increased body temperature (fever, hyperthermia) following neurological insult are well recognised. Although few studies have investigated this phenomenon in the diagnostic population of non-traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage, it has been demonstrated that increased body temperature occurs in 41 to 72% of patients with poor clinical outcome. However, in the Australian context the frequency, or other characteristics of increased body temperature, as well as the association between increased body temperature with poor clinical outcome has not been established. Design: This study used a correlational study design to: describe the frequency, duration and timing of increased body temperature; determine the association between increased body temperature and clinical outcome; and describe the clinical interventions used to manage increased body temperature in patients with non-traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage. A retrospective clinical chart audit was conducted on 43 patients who met the inclusion criteria. Findings: The major findings of this study were: increased body temperature occurred frequently; persisted for a long time; and onset did not occur until 20 hours after primary insult; increased body temperature was associated with death or dependent outcome; and no intervention was recorded in many instances. Conclusion: This study has quantified in a non-traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage patient population the characteristics of increased body temperature, established an association between increased body temperature with death or dependent outcome and described the current management of elevated temperatures in the Australian context to improve nursing practice, education and research.


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This paper seeks to identify the approaches undertaken in implementing equal employment opportunity in the transport industry in Australia and the links between these approaches and indicators of increased participation of women. This male dominated industry employs limited numbers of women with fewer numbers of women in management. The study analyses data from a unique set of equal opportunity progress reports from all organisations in the transport industry that are required to provide public reports under Australian legislation. The findings indicate a correlation between some approaches to equal opportunity and increased numbers of women in some areas. The study is equally remarkable for what it does not find. Despite widespread equal opportunity implementation across a broad number of employment measures there are limited measures that predict increases in the numbers of women in management or in non-traditional roles. This study differs from others in that it identifies issues specific to one industry and links organisational approach to equal opportunity with the employment status of both women and men.


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We assess the increase in particle number emissions from motor vehicles driving at steady speed when forced to stop and accelerate from rest. Considering the example of a signalized pedestrian crossing on a two-way single-lane urban road, we use a complex line source method to calculate the total emissions produced by a specific number and mix of light petrol cars and diesel passenger buses and show that the total emissions during a red light is significantly higher than during the time when the light remains green. Replacing two cars with one bus increased the emissions by over an order of magnitude. Considering these large differences, we conclude that the importance attached to particle number emissions in traffic management policies be reassessed in the future.


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Aims: Influenza is commonly spread by infectious aerosols; however, detection of viruses in aerosols is not sensitive enough to confirm the characteristics of virus aerosols. The aim of this study was to develop an assay for respiratory viruses sufficiently sensitive to be used in epidemiological studies. Method: A two-step, nested real-time PCR assay was developed for MS2 bacteriophage, and for influenza A and B, parainfluenza 1 and human respiratory syncytial virus. Outer primer pairs were designed to nest each existing real-time PCR assay. The sensitivities of the nested real-time PCR assays were compared to those of existing real-time PCR assays. Both assays were applied in an aerosol study to compare their detection limits in air samples. Conclusions: The nested real-time PCR assays were found to be several logs more sensitive than the real-time PCR assays, with lower levels of virus detected at lower Ct values. The nested real-time PCR assay successfully detected MS2 in air samples, whereas the real-time assay did not. Significance and Impact of the Study: The sensitive assays for respiratory viruses will permit further research using air samples from naturally generated virus aerosols. This will inform current knowledge regarding the risks associated with the spread of viruses through aerosol transmission.


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This paper explores models for enabling increased participation in experience based learning in legal professional practice. Legal placements as part of “for-credit” units offer students the opportunity to develop their professional skills in practice, reflect on their learning and job performance and take responsibility for their career development and planning. In short, work integrated learning (WIL) in law supports students in making the transition from university to practice. Despite its importance, WIL has traditionally taken place in practical legal training courses (after graduation) rather than during undergraduate law courses. Undergraduate WIL in Australian law schools has generally been limited to legal clinics which require intensive academic supervision, partnerships with community legal organisations and government funding. This paper will propose two models of WIL for undergraduate law which may overcome many of the challenges to engaging in WIL in law (which are consistent with those identified generally by the WIL Report). The first is a virtual law placement in which students use technology to complete a real world project in a virtual workplace under the guidance of a workplace supervisor. The second enables students to complete placements in private legal firms, government legal offices, or community legal centres under the supervision of a legal practitioner. The units complement each other by a) creating and enabling placement opportunities for students who may not otherwise have been able to participate in work placement by reason of family responsibilities, financial constraints, visa restrictions, distance etc; and b) enabling students to capitalise on existing work experience. This paper will report on the pilot offering of the units in 2008, the evaluation of the models and changes implemented in 2009. It will conclude that this multi-pronged approach can be successful in creating opportunities for, and overcoming barriers to participation in experiential learning in legal professional practice.


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A range of novel tetramethyl- and tetraethylisoindolinenitroxides, possessing aryl-linked carboxylic acids, amines, alcohols and phosphonic acids were prepared. Notably, the chemistry established for the aromatic dibromination of the tetramethylisoindolines was not easily transferred to the corresponding tetraethylisoindoline system. Instead, various tetraethylisoindoline analogues were accessed by the oxidation of methyl groups attached to the aromatic ring to give the carboxylic acids. The increased steric bulk of the tetraethyl structures should limit bio-reduction and these compounds may have potential as antioxidants.


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Purpose: Television viewing time, independent of leisure-time physical activity, has cross-sectional relationships with the metabolic syndrome and its individual components. We examined whether baseline and five-year changes in self-reported television viewing time are associated with changes in continuous biomarkers of cardio-metabolic risk (waist circumference, triglycerides, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, fasting plasma glucose; and a clustered cardio-metabolic risk score) in Australian adults. Methods: AusDiab is a prospective, population-based cohort study with biological, behavioral, and demographic measures collected in 1999–2000 and 2004–2005. Non-institutionalized adults aged ≥ 25 years were measured at baseline (11,247; 55% of those completing an initial household interview); 6,400 took part in the five-year follow-up biomedical examination, and 3,846 met the inclusion criteria for this analysis. Multiple linear regression analysis was used and unstandardized B coefficients (95% CI) are provided. Results: Baseline television viewing time (10 hours/week unit) was not significantly associated with change in any of the biomarkers of cardio-metabolic risk. Increases in television viewing time over five years (10 hours/week unit) were associated with increases in: waist circumference (cm) (men: 0.43 (0.08, 0.78), P = 0.02; women: 0.68 (0.30, 1.05), P <0.001), diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) (women: 0.47 (0.02, 0.92), P = 0.04), and the clustered cardio-metabolic risk score (women: 0.03 (0.01, 0.05), P = 0.007). These associations were independent of baseline television viewing time and baseline and change in physical activity and other potential confounders. Conclusion: These findings indicate that an increase in television viewing time is associated with adverse cardio-metabolic biomarker changes. Further prospective studies using objective measures of several sedentary behaviors are required to confirm causality of the associations found.


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Data generated in a normal gravity environment is often used in design and risk assessment for reduced gravity applications. It has been clearly demonstrated that this is a conservative approach for non-metallic materials which have been repeatedly shown to be less flammable in a reduced gravity environment. However, recent work has demonstrated this is not true for metallic materials. This work, conducted in a newly completed drop tower observed a significant increase in both lowest burn pressure and burn rate in reduced gravity. Hence the normal gravity qualification of a metallic materials’ lowest burn pressure or burn rate for reduced-gravity or space-based systems is clearly not conservative. This paper presents a summary of this work and the results obtained for several metallic materials showing an increased flammability and burn rate for a range of oxygen pressures, and discusses the implications of this work on the fire-safety of space-based systems.


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Drawing on two studies within a larger program of research into scooter and moped safety in Queensland, Australia, some key safety concerns specific to the use of these vehicles are discussed. A five phase observational study is used to identify distribution of powered two-wheeler (PTW) types in the city centre of Brisbane, Australia’s third largest city. Data were first collected in August 2008, and thereafter at six-monthly intervals. Stationary PTWs were directly observed in designated parking areas. Four focus groups involving 23 Brisbane riders were held in March 2009, aiming to explore perspectives on safety and transport planning in a semi-structured format. Information gathered in the focus groups informed development of a questionnaire targeting a larger sample of scooter and moped riders. The observations made to date indicate that 36% of all PTWs parked in Brisbane’s inner city are either mopeds or larger scooters, with the remaining 64% accounted for by motorcycles (n = 2037). These data suggest that mopeds and scooters are a significant transport mode in Brisbane, yet little is known about their safety relative to that of motorcycles. In focus groups, main motivating factors for scooter or moped use included parking availability, traffic congestion, cost, time-efficiency and enjoyment. Moped riders were generally younger and less experienced than other scooter riders, less likely to wear protective clothing, and less likely to have undertaken rider training. The focus groups have helped to identify some particular safety concerns regarding moped use in a jurisdiction requiring no motorcycle licence or rider training.


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In the context of learning paradigms of identification in the limit, we address the question: why is uncertainty sometimes desirable? We use mind change bounds on the output hypotheses as a measure of uncertainty, and interpret ‘desirable’ as reduction in data memorization, also defined in terms of mind change bounds. The resulting model is closely related to iterative learning with bounded mind change complexity, but the dual use of mind change bounds — for hypotheses and for data — is a key distinctive feature of our approach. We show that situations exists where the more mind changes the learner is willing to accept, the lesser the amount of data it needs to remember in order to converge to the correct hypothesis. We also investigate relationships between our model and learning from good examples, set-driven, monotonic and strong-monotonic learners, as well as class-comprising versus class-preserving learnability.


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Plants subjected to increases in the supply of resource(s) limiting growth may allocate more of those resources to existing leaves, increasing photosynthetic capacity, and/or to production of more leaves, increasing whole-plant photosynthesis. The responses of three populations of the alpine willow, Salix glauca, growing along an alpine topographic sequence representing a gradient in soil moisture and organic matter, and thus potential N supply, to N amendments, were measured over two growing seasons, to elucidate patterns of leaf versus shoot photosynthetic responses. Leaf-(foliar N, photosynthesis rates, photosynthetic N-use efficiency) and shoot-(leaf area per shoot, number of leaves per shoot, stem weight, N resorption efficiency) level measurements were made to examine the spatial and temporal variation in these potential responses to increased N availability. The predominant response of the willows to N fertilization was at the shoot-level, by production of greater leaf area per shoot. Greater leaf area occurred due to production of larger leaves in both years of the experiment and to production of more leaves during the second year of fertilization treatment. Significant leaf-level photosynthetic response occurred only during the first year of treatment, and only in the dry meadow population. Variation in photosynthesis rates was related more to variation in stomatal conductance than to foliar N concentration. Stomatal conductance in turn was significantly related to N fertilization. Differences among the populations in photosynthesis, foliar N, leaf production, and responses to N fertilization indicate N availability may be lowest in the dry meadow population, and highest in the ridge population. This result is contrary to the hypothesis that a gradient of plant available N corresponds with a snowpack/topographic gradient.