31 resultados para Fertilisation

em Queensland University of Technology - ePrints Archive


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Event report following a multidisciplinary workshop at the Economic and Social Research Council's Genomics Policy and Research Forum, which took place at the University of Edinburgh on 20 January 2011.


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This study, investigating 263 women undergoing trans-vaginal oocyte retrieval for in vitro fertilisation (IVF) found that microorganisms colonising follicular fluid contributed to adverse IVF (pre-implantation) and pregnancy (post-implantation) outcomes including poor quality embryos, failed pregnancy and early pregnancy loss (< 37 weeks gestation). Some microorganisms also showed in vitro growth patterns in liquid media that appeared to be enhanced by the hormonal stimulation protocol used for oocyte retrieval. Elaborated cytokines within follicular fluid were also associated with adverse IVF outcomes. This study is imperative because infertility affects 16% of the human population and the numbers of couples needing assistance continues to increase. Despite significant improvements in the technical aspects of assisted reproductive technologies (ART), the live birth rate has not increased proportionally. Overt genital tract infection has been associated with both infertility and adverse pregnancy outcomes (including miscarriage and preterm birth) as a direct result of the infection or the host response to it. Importantly, once inflammation had become established, medical treatment often failed to prevent these significant adverse outcomes. Current evaluations of fertility focus on the ovary as a site of steroid hormone production and ovulation. However, infertility as a result of subclinical colonisation of the ovary has not been reported. Furthermore, identification of the microorganisms present in follicular fluid and the local cytokine profile may provide clinicians with an early indication of the prognosis for IVF treatment in infertile couples, thus allowing antimicrobial treatment and/or counselling about possible IVF failure. During an IVF cycle, multiple oocytes undergo maturation in vivo in response to hormonal hyperstimulation. Oocytes for in vitro insemination are collected trans-vaginally. The follicular fluid that bathes the maturing oocyte in vivo, usually is discarded as part of the IVF procedure, but provides a unique opportunity to investigate microbial causes of adverse IVF outcomes. Some previous studies have identified follicular fluid markers that predict IVF pregnancy outcomes. However, there have not been any detailed microbiological studies of follicular fluid. For this current study, paired follicular fluid and vaginal secretion samples were collected from women undergoing IVF cycles to determine whether microorganisms in follicular fluid were associated with adverse IVF outcomes. Microorganisms in follicular fluid were regarded as either "colonisers" or "contaminants"; colonisers, if they were unique to the follicular fluid sample, and contaminants if the same microorganisms were detected in the vaginal and follicular fluid samples indicating that the follicular fluid was merely contaminated during the oocyte retrieval process. Quite unexpectedly, by these criteria, we found that follicular fluid from approximately 30% of all subjects was colonised with bacteria. Fertile and infertile women with colonised follicular fluid had decreased embryo transfer rates and decreased pregnancy rates compared to women with contaminated follicular fluids. The observation that follicular fluid was not always sterile, but contained a diverse range of microorganisms, is novel. Many of the microorganisms we detected in follicular fluid are known opportunistic pathogens that have been detected in upper genital tract infections and are associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. Bacteria were able to survive for at least 28 weeks in vitro, in cultures of follicular fluid. Within 10 days of establishing these in vitro cultures, several species (Lactobacillus spp., Bifidobacterium spp., Propionibacterium spp., Streptococcus spp. and Salmonella entericus) had formed biofilms. Biofilms play a major role in microbial pathogenicity and persistence. The propensity of microbial species to form biofilms in follicular fluid suggests that successful treatment of these infections with antimicrobials may be difficult. Bifidobacterium spp. grew, in liquid media, only if concentrations of oestradiol and progesterone were similar to those achieved in vivo during an IVF cycle. In contrast, the growth of Streptococcus agalactiae and Escherichia coli was inhibited or abolished by the addition of these hormones to culture medium. These data suggest that the likelihood of microorganisms colonising follicular fluid and the species of bacteria involved is influenced by the stage of the menstrual cycle and, in the case of IVF, the nature and dose of steroid hormones administered for the maturation of multiple oocytes in vivo. Our findings indicate that the elevated levels of steroid hormones during an IVF cycle may influence the microbial growth within follicular fluid, suggesting that the treatment itself will impact on the microflora present in the female upper genital tract during pre-conception and early post-conception phases of the cycle. The effect of the host immune response on colonising bacteria and on the outcomes of IVF also was investigated. White blood cells reportedly compose between 5% and 15% of the cell population in follicular fluid. The follicular membrane is semi-permeable and cells are actively recruited as part of the normal menstrual cycle and in response to microorganisms. A previous study investigated follicular fluid cytokines from infertile women and fertile oocyte donors undergoing IVF, and concluded that there were no significant differences in the cytokine concentrations between the two groups. However, other studies have reported differences in the follicular fluid cytokine levels associated with infertile women with endometriosis or polycystic ovary syndrome. In this study, elevated levels of interleukin (IL)-1 á, IL-1 â and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in vaginal fluid were associated with successful fertilisation, which may be useful marker for successful fertilisation outcomes for women trying to conceive naturally or prior to oocyte retrieval for IVF. Elevated levels of IL-6, IL-12p40, granulocyte colony stimulating factor (GCSF) and interferon-gamma (IFN ã) in follicular fluid were associated with successful embryo transfer. Elevated levels of pro-inflammatory IL-18 and decreased levels of anti-inflammatory IL-10 were identified in follicular fluid from women with idiopathic infertility. Successful fertilisation and implantation is dependent on a controlled pro-inflammatory environment, involving active recruitment of pro-inflammatory mediators to the genital tract as part of the menstrual cycle and early pregnancy. However, ongoing pregnancy requires an enhanced anti-inflammatory environment to ensure that the maternal immune system does not reject the semi-allergenic foetus. The pro-inflammatory skew in the follicular fluid of women with idiopathic infertility, correlates with normal rates of fertilisation, embryo discard and embryo transfer, observed for this cohort, which were similar to the outcomes observed for fertile women. However, their pregnancy rate was reduced compared to fertile women. An altered local immune response in follicular fluid may provide a means of explaining infertility in this cohort, previously defined as 'idiopathic'. This study has found that microorganisms colonising follicular fluid may have contributed to adverse IVF and pregnancy outcomes. Follicular fluid bathes the cumulus oocyte complex during the in vivo maturation process, and microorganisms in the fluid, their metabolic products or the local immune response to these microorganisms may result in damage to the oocytes, degradation of the cumulus or contamination of the IVF culture system. Previous studies that have discounted bacterial contamination of follicular fluid as a cause of adverse IVF outcomes failed to distinguish between bacteria that were introduced into the follicular fluid at the time of trans-vaginal oocyte retrieval and those that colonised the follicular fluid. Those bacteria that had colonised the fluid may have had time to form biofilms and to elicit a local immune response. Failure to draw this distinction has previously prevented consideration of bacterial colonisation of follicular fluid as a cause of adverse IVF outcomes. Several observations arising from this study are of significance to IVF programs. Follicular fluid is not always sterile and colonisation of follicular fluid is a cause of adverse IVF and pregnancy outcomes. Hormonal stimulation associated with IVF may influence whether follicular fluid is colonised and enhance the growth of specific species of bacteria within follicular fluid. Bacteria in follicular fluid may form biofilms and literature has reported that this may influence their susceptibility to antibiotics. Monitoring the levels of selected cytokines within vaginal secretions may inform fertilisation outcomes. This study has identified novel factors contributing to adverse IVF outcomes and that are most likely to affect also natural conception outcomes. Early intervention, possibly using antimicrobial or immunological therapies may reduce the need for ART and improve reproductive health outcomes for all women.


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On 1 January 2010, the Assisted Reproductive Treatment Act 2008 (Vic) came into force. The legislation was the outcome of a detailed review and consultation process undertaken by the Victorian Law Reform Commission. Arguably, the change to the regulatory framework represents a significant shift in policy compared to previous regulatory approaches on this topic in Victoria. This article considers the impact of the new legislation on eligibility for reproductive treatments, focusing on the accessibility of such services for the purpose of creating a “saviour sibling”. It also highlights the impact of the Victorian regulatory body’s decision to abolish its regulatory policies on preimplantation genetic diagnosis and preimplantation tissue-typing, concluding that the regulatory approach in relation to these latter issues is similar to other Australian jurisdictions where such practices are not addressed by a statutory framework.


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OBJECTIVE: To identify the factors associated with infertility, seeking advice and treatment with fertility hormones and/or in vitro fertilisation (IVF) among a general population of women. METHODS: Participants in the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health aged 28-33 years in 2006 had completed up to four mailed surveys over 10 years (n=9,145). Parsimonious multivariate logistic regression was used to identify the socio-demographic, biological (including reproductive histories), and behavioural factors associated with infertility, advice and hormonal/IVF treatment. RESULTS: For women who had tried to conceive or had been pregnant (n=5,936), 17% reported infertility. Among women with infertility (n=1031), 72% (n=728) sought advice but only 50% (n=356) used hormonal/IVF treatment. Women had higher odds of infertility when: they had never been pregnant (OR=7.2, 95% CI 5.6-9.1) or had a history of miscarriage (OR range=1.5-4.0) than those who had given birth (and never had a miscarriage or termination). CONCLUSION: Only one-third of women with infertility used hormonal and/or IVF treatment. Women with PCOS or endometriosis were the most proactive in having sought advice and used hormonal/IVF treatment. IMPLICATIONS: Raised awareness of age-related declining fertility is important for partnered women aged approximately 30 years to encourage pregnancy during their prime reproductive years and reduce the risk of infertility.


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This paper provides an overview of the regulatory developments in the UK which impact on the use of in vitro fertilization (IVF) and embryo screening techniques for the creation of “saviour siblings.” Prior to the changes implemented under the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008, this specific use of IVF was not addressed by the legislative framework and regulated only by way of policy issued by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA). Following the implementation of the statutory reforms, a number of restrictive conditions are now imposed on the face of the legislation. This paper considers whether there is any justification for restricting access to IVF and pre-implantation tissue typing for the creation of “saviour siblings.” The analysis is undertaken by examining the normative factors that have guided the development of the UK regulatory approach prior to the 2008 legislative reforms. The approach adopted in relation to the “saviour sibling” issue is compared to more general HFEA policy, which has prioritized the notion of reproductive choice and determined that restrictions on access are only justified on the basis of harm considerations.


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Section 14(4) of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008 imposes – within the general licensing conditions listed in the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 – a prohibition to prevent the selection and implantation of embryos for the purpose of creating a child who will be born with a “serious disability.” This article offers a perspective that demonstrates the problematic nature of the consultation, review, and legislative reform process surrounding s 14(4). The term “serious disability” is not defined within the legislation, but we highlight the fact that s 14(4) was passed with the case of selecting deaf children in mind. We consider some of the literature on the topic of disability and deafness, which, we think, casts some doubt on the view that deafness is a “serious disability.” The main position we advance is that the lack of serious engagement with alternative viewpoints during the legislative process was unsatisfactory. We argue that the contested nature of deafness necessitates a more robust consultation process and a clearer explanation and defence of the normative position that underpins s 14(4).


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This editorial first describes the workshop out of which the present special issue arose. The editors then identify the need for a multidisciplinary collection examining the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008 from both legal and political perspectives, including the consultation process, campaigning and parliamentary debates leading to its passage, and the concluded legislation and its effects. The editorial provides an overview of the legislative reform process, key legislative changes, and the various contributions to the special issue. Cross-cutting themes include the value of a qualitative, discourse-based approach to research in this area; the need to understand the 2008 Act in historical context; unforeseen practical implications of the legislative provisions; and silences and missed opportunities in the legislation. Finally, a postscript covers the changing landscape of hybrid embryo research since the passage of the Act, and the uncertain future of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority at the time of writing.


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A multi-season 15N tracer recovery experiment was conducted on an Oxisol cropped with wheat, maize and sorghum to compare crop N recoveries of different fertilisation strategies and determine the main pathways of N losses that limit N recovery in these agroecosystems. In the wheat and maize seasons, 15N-labelled fertiliser was applied as conventional urea (CONV) and urea coated with a nitrification inhibitor (DMPP). In sorghum, the fate of 15N-labelled urea was monitored in this crop following a legume ley pasture (L70) or a grass ley pasture (G100). The fertiliser N applied to sorghum in the legume-cereal rotation was reduced (70 kg N ha−1) compared to the grass-cereal (100 kg N ha−1) to assess the availability of the N residual from the legume ley pasture. Average crop N recoveries were 73 % (CONV) and 77 % (DMPP) in wheat and 50 % (CONV) and 51 % (DMPP) in maize, while in sorghum were 71 % (L70) and 53 % (G100). Data gathered in this study indicate that the intrinsic physical and chemical conditions of Oxisols can be extremely effective in limiting N losses via deep leaching or denitrification. Elevated crop 15N recoveries can be therefore obtained in subtropical Oxisols using conventional urea while in these agroecosystems DMPP urea has no significant scope to increase fertiliser N recovery in the crop. Overall, introducing a legume phase to limit the fertiliser N requirements of the following cereal crop proved to be the most effective strategy to reduce N losses and increase fertiliser N recovery.


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Commercial environments may receive only a fraction of expected genetic gains for growth rate as predicted from the selection environment This fraction is the result of undesirable genotype-by-environment interactions (G x E) and measured by the genetic correlation (r(g)) of growth between environments. Rapid estimates of genetic correlation achieved in one generation are notoriously difficult to estimate with precision. A new design is proposed where genetic correlations can be estimated by utilising artificial mating from cryopreserved semen and unfertilised eggs stripped from a single female. We compare a traditional phenotype analysis of growth to a threshold model where only the largest fish are genotyped for sire identification. The threshold model was robust to differences in family mortality differing up to 30%. The design is unique as it negates potential re-ranking of families caused by an interaction between common maternal environmental effects and growing environment. The design is suitable for rapid assessment of G x E over one generation with a true 0.70 genetic correlation yielding standard errors as low as 0.07. Different design scenarios were tested for bias and accuracy with a range of heritability values, number of half-sib families created, number of progeny within each full-sib family, number of fish genotyped, number of fish stocked, differing family survival rates and at various simulated genetic correlation levels


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Scientific discoveries, developments in medicine and health issues are the constant focus of media attention and the principles surrounding the creation of so called ‘saviour siblings’ are of no exception. The development in the field of reproductive techniques has provided the ability to genetically analyse embryos created in the laboratory to enable parents to implant selected embryos to create a tissue-matched child who may be able to cure an existing sick child. The research undertaken in this thesis examines the regulatory frameworks overseeing the delivery of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) in Australia and the United Kingdom and considers how those frameworks impact on the accessibility of in vitro fertilisation (IVF) procedures for the creation of ‘saviour siblings’. In some jurisdictions, the accessibility of such techniques is limited by statutory requirements. The limitations and restrictions imposed by the state in relation to the technology are analysed in order to establish whether such restrictions are justified. The analysis is conducted on the basis of a harm framework. The framework seeks to establish whether those affected by the use of the technology (including the child who will be created) are harmed. In order to undertake such evaluation, the concept of harm is considered under the scope of John Stuart Mill’s liberal theory and the Harm Principle is used as a normative tool to judge whether the level of harm that may result, justifies state intervention or restriction with the reproductive decision-making of parents in this context. The harm analysis conducted in this thesis seeks to determine an appropriate regulatory response in relation to the use of pre-implantation tissue-typing for the creation of ‘saviour siblings’. The proposals outlined in the last part of this thesis seek to address the concern that harm may result from the practice of pre-implantation tissue-typing. The current regulatory frameworks in place are also analysed on the basis of the harm framework established in this thesis. The material referred to in this thesis reflects the law and policy in place in Australia and the UK at the time the thesis was submitted for examination (December 2009).


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In November 2009 the England and Wales High Court (Family Division) granted a parental order pursuant to s30 Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 in respect of twins who came to be in the custody and control of the applicants (Mr and Mrs A) through a surrogacy arrangement. The particularly unusual and interesting aspect of this case is that, on the evidence, Mr and Mrs A had paid expenses to the surrogate above and beyond those allowed by the legislation, thus creating a commercial surrogacy arrangement. Commercial surrogacy arrangements involve the payment of money to the surrogate mother in excess of those expenses which have been reasonably incurred pursuant to the surrogacy arrangement. This case is relevant to Queensland law because commercial surrogacy arrangements are also prohibited in Queensland and, as in the United Kingdom, the court cannot make a parentage order unless it is satisfied the surrogacy arrangement is not a commercial surrogacy arrangement.


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The individual history of infertile women, as well as their age, may influence their response to in vitro fertilisation (IVF) cycles. This study examined the associations between women’s histories and two IVF outcomes: eggs aspirated (EA) and proportion with normal, two-pronuclei (2PN), fertilisation. This is a cross-sectional survey of infertile women (n=141, 27-46 years) from a multi-centre clinical sample. Participants completed a survey of socio-demographic, relationship, lifestyle, reproductive and fertility factors, medical conditions and recurrent symptoms. Among participants with heterosexual partners (n=122), associations between women’s histories and EA or 2PN fertilisation were analysed using linear and logistic modelling, respectively, adjusted for age at EA and accounting for multiple IVF cycles (n=313 cycles). Participants aged 35+ years had reproductive histories of miscarriage only (16.9%), termination only (9.9%) or birth+termination (5.6%) that were 2-, 3- and 4-fold higher, respectively, than those aged <35 years (7.1%, 2.9%, 1.4%). More years of oral contraceptive use were associated with a lower mean EA: never used, 14.6 EA; 0-2 years, 11.7 EA; 3-5 years, 8.6 EA; 6þ years, 8.2 EA (p=.04). Participants with polycystic ovary syndrome had a higher mean EA (11.5) than those without the condition (8.3 EA, p<.01). Participants in trade or service occupations had lower proportions of 2PN fertilisation (51.7%) than participants in other occupations (professional, 58.6%; manual/other, 63.6%, p<.02). Increasing women’s age and prolonged used of oral contraceptives were associated with lower EA from IVF cycles; PCOS was associated with higher EA. Occupational exposures may have a detrimental effect on normal fertilisation rates.


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Objective: To identify early users (women aged <34 years) of fertility treatment with hormones and in vitro fertilisation (IVF). Methods: A cross-sectional survey of infertile women from fertility clinics (n=59) and from the community (Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health participants) who had (n=121) or had not (n=110) used hormones/IVF as treatment for infertility. Associations between socio-demographic, reproductive and lifestyle factors, medical conditions and recurrent symptoms and using treatment (or not) were analysed using multivariable logistic regression. Results: Among infertile women who had used treatment (community vs clinic), women from clinics had lower odds of living outside major cities, using hormones only, i.e., not IVF, or recurrent headaches/migraines, severe tiredness, or stiff/painful joints; and higher odds of recent diagnoses of urinary tract infection or anxiety disorder. Compared to infertile women who had not used treatment, women from clinics had lower odds of living outside major cities, recurrent allergies or severe tiredness; and higher odds of having private health insurance for hospital or ancillary services, recent diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome or recurrent constipation. Conclusions: Compared to infertile women in the community, living in major cities and having private health insurance are associated with early use of treatment for infertility at specialist clinics by women aged <34 years. Implications: These results provided evidence of inequity of services for infertile women.


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Most studies of in vitro fertilisation (IVF) outcomes use cycle-based data and fail to account for women who use repeated IVF cycles. The objective of this study was to examine the association between the number of eggs collected (EC) and the percentage fertilised normally, and women’s self-reported medical, personal and social histories. This study involved a crosssectional survey of infertile women (aged 27-46 years) recruited from four privately-owned fertility clinics located in major cities of Australia. Regression modeling was used to estimate the mean EC and mean percentage of eggs fertilised normally: adjusted for age at EC. Appropriate statistical methods were used to take account of repeated IVF cycles by the same women. Among 121 participants who returned the survey and completed 286 IVF cycles, the mean age at EC was 35.2 years (SD 4.5). Women’s age at EC was strongly associated with the number of EC: <30 years, 11.7 EC; 30.0-< 35 years, 10.6 EC; 35.0-<40.0 years, 7.3 EC; 40.0+ years, 8.1 EC; p<.0001. Prolonged use of oral contraceptives was associated with lower numbers of EC: never used, 14.6 EC; 0-2 years, 11.7 EC; 3-5 years, 8.5 EC; 6þ years, 8.2 EC; p=.04. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) was associated with more EC: have PCOS, 11.5 EC; no, 8.3 EC; p=.01. Occupational exposures may be detrimental to normal fertilisation: professional roles, 58.8%; trade and service roles, 51.8%; manual and other roles, 63.3%; p=.02. In conclusion, women’s age remains the most significant characteristic associated with EC but not the percentage of eggs fertilised normally.