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em Queensland University of Technology - ePrints Archive


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Background - This study examined demographic profile, continuation rates and reasons for removal among Implanon<supsup> users accessing two family planning clinics in Queensland, Australia. Study Design - A retrospective chart audit of 976 women who attended for implant insertion over a 3-year period between May 2001 and May 2004. Results - Continuation rates showed that at 6 months after insertion, 94% of women continued, 74% continued at 1 year and 50% continued at 2 years. Metropolitan women were more likely than rural women to discontinue use because of dissatisfaction with bleeding patterns. Cox regression analysis showed that those attending the regional clinic experienced significantly shorter time to removal. Conclusions - Implanon® continuation rates and reasons for removal differ between clinics in metropolitan and rural locations. A cooling-off period did not affect the likelihood of continuation with Implanon®. Preinsertion counselling should emphasize potential changes in bleeding patterns.


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This chapter considers how open content licences of copyright-protected materials – specifically, Creative Commons (CC) licences - can be used by governments as a simple and effective mechanism to enable reuse of their PSI, particularly where materials are made available in digital form online or distributed on disk.


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This paper investigates the problem of appropriate load sharing in an autonomous microgrid. High gain angle droop control ensures proper load sharing, especially under weak system conditions. However it has a negative impact on overall stability. Frequency domain modeling, eigenvalue analysis and time domain simulations are used to demonstrate this conflict. A supplementary loop is proposed around a conventional droop control of each DG converter to stabilize the system while using high angle droop gains. Control loops are based on local power measurement and modulation of the d-axis voltage reference of each converter. Coordinated design of supplementary control loops for each DG is formulated as a parameter optimization problem and solved using an evolutionary technique. The sup-plementary droop control loop is shown to stabilize the system for a range of operating conditions while ensuring satisfactory load sharing.


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The effects of simulated low earth orbit conditions on vinylidene-fluoride based thin-film piezoelectrics for use in lightweight, large surface area spacecraft such as telescope mirrors and antennae is presented. The environmental factors considered as having the greatest potential to cause damage are temperature, atomic oxygen and vacuum UV radiation. Using the piezoelectric strain coefficients and bimorph deflection measurements the piezoelectric performance over the temperature range -100 to +150°C was studied. The effects of simultaneous AO/VUV exposure were also examined and films characterized by their piezoelectric, surface, and thermal properties. Two fluorinated piezoelectric polymers, poly(vinylidene fluoride) and poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-trifluoroethylene), were adversely affected at elevated temperatures due to depoling caused by randomization of the dipole orientation, while AO/VUV contributed little to depoling but did cause significant surface erosion and, in the case of P(VDF-TrFE), bulk crosslinking. These results highlight the importance of materials selection for use in space environments.


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This thesis presents a study of the mechanical properties of thin films. The main aim was to determine the properties of sol-gel derived coatings. These films are used in a range of different applications and are known to be quite porous. Very little work has been carried out in this area and in order to study the mechanical properties of sol-gel films, some of the work was carried out on magnetron sputtered metal coatings in order to validate the techniques developed in this work. The main part of the work has concentrated on the development of various bending techniques to study the elastic modulus of the thin films, including both a small scale three-point bending, as well as a novel bi-axial bending technique based on a disk resting on three supporting balls. The bending techniques involve a load being applied to the sample being tested and the bending response to this force being recorded. These experiments were carried out using an ultra micro indentation system with very sensitive force and depth recording capabilities. By analysing the result of these forces and deflections using existing theories of elasticity, the elastic modulus may be determined. In addition to the bi-axial bending study, a finite element analysis of the stress distribution in a disk during bending was carried out. The results from the bi-axial bending tests of the magnetron sputtered films was confirmed by ultra micro indentation tests, giving information of the hardness and elastic modulus of the films. It was found that while the three point bending method gave acceptable results for uncoated steel substrates, it was very susceptible to slight deformations of the substrate. Improvements were made by more careful preparation of the substrates in order to avoid deformation. However the technique still failed to give reasonable results for coated specimens. In contrast, biaxial bending gave very reliable results even for very thin films and this technique was also found to be useful for determination of the properties of sol-gel coatings. In addition, an ultra micro indentation study of the hardness and elastic modulus of sol-gel films was conducted. This study included conventionally fired films as well as films ion implanted in a range of doses. The indentation tests showed that for implantation of H<sup>+sup> ions at doses exceeding 3x10<sup>16sup> ions/cm<sup>2sup>, the mechanical properties closely resembled those of films that were conventionally fired to 450°C.


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Cutaneous cholecalciferol synthesis has not been considered in making recommendations for vitamin D intake. Our objective was to model the effects of sun exposure, vitamin D intake, and skin reflectance (pigmentation) on serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) in young adults with a wide range of skin reflectance and sun exposure. Four cohorts of participants (n = 72 total) were studied for 7-8 wk in the fall, winter, spring, and summer in Davis, CA [38.5° N, 121.7° W, Elev. 49 ft (15 m)]. Skin reflectance was measured using a spectrophotometer, vitamin D intake using food records, and sun exposure using polysulfone dosimeter badges. A multiple regression model (R^sup 2^ = 0.55; P < 0.0001) was developed and used to predict the serum 25(OH)D concentration for participants with low [median for African ancestry (AA)] and high [median for European ancestry (EA)] skin reflectance and with low [20th percentile, ~20 min/d, ~18% body surface area (BSA) exposed] and high (80th percentile, ~90 min/d, ~35% BSA exposed) sun exposure, assuming an intake of 200 IU/d (5 ug/d). Predicted serum 25(OH)D concentrations for AA individuals with low and high sun exposure in the winter were 24 and 42 nmol/L and in the summer were 40 and 60 nmol/L. Corresponding values for EA individuals were 35 and 60 nmol/L in the winter and in the summer were 58 and 85 nmol/L. To achieve 25(OH)D ≥75 nmol/L, we estimate that EA individuals with high sun exposure need 1300 IU/d vitamin D intake in the winter and AA individuals with low sun exposure need 2100-3100 IU/d year-round.


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The electron collection efficiency in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs) is usually related to the electron diffusion length, L = (Dτ)<sup>1/2sup>, where D is the diffusion coefficient of mobile electrons and τ is their lifetime, which is determined by electron transfer to the redox electrolyte. Analysis of incident photon-to-current efficiency (IPCE) spectra for front and rear illumination consistently gives smaller values of L than those derived from small amplitude methods. We show that the IPCE analysis is incorrect if recombination is not first-order in free electron concentration, and we demonstrate that the intensity dependence of the apparent L derived by first-order analysis of IPCE measurements and the voltage dependence of L derived from perturbation experiments can be fitted using the same reaction order, γ ≈ 0.8. The new analysis presented in this letter resolves the controversy over why L values derived from small amplitude methods are larger than those obtained from IPCE data.


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Human hair fibres are ubiquitous in nature and are found frequently at crime scenes often as a result of exchange between the perpetrator, victim and/or the surroundings according to Locard's Principle. Therefore, hair fibre evidence can provide important information for crime investigation. For human hair evidence, the current forensic methods of analysis rely on comparisons of either hair morphology by microscopic examination or nuclear and mitochondrial DNA analyses. Unfortunately in some instances the utilisation of microscopy and DNA analyses are difficult and often not feasible. This dissertation is arguably the first comprehensive investigation aimed to compare, classify and identify the single human scalp hair fibres with the aid of FTIR-ATR spectroscopy in a forensic context. Spectra were collected from the hair of 66 subjects of Asian, Caucasian and African (i.e. African-type). The fibres ranged from untreated to variously mildly and heavily cosmetically treated hairs. The collected spectra reflected the physical and chemical nature of a hair from the near-surface particularly, the cuticle layer. In total, 550 spectra were acquired and processed to construct a relatively large database. To assist with the interpretation of the complex spectra from various types of human hair, Derivative Spectroscopy and Chemometric methods such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Fuzzy Clustering (FC) and Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) program; Preference Ranking Organisation Method for Enrichment Evaluation (PROMETHEE) and Geometrical Analysis for Interactive Aid (GAIA); were utilised. FTIR-ATR spectroscopy had two important advantages over to previous methods: (i) sample throughput and spectral collection were significantly improved (no physical flattening or microscope manipulations), and (ii) given the recent advances in FTIR-ATR instrument portability, there is real potential to transfer this work.s findings seamlessly to on-field applications. The "raw" spectra, spectral subtractions and second derivative spectra were compared to demonstrate the subtle differences in human hair. SEM images were used as corroborative evidence to demonstrate the surface topography of hair. It indicated that the condition of the cuticle surface could be of three types: untreated, mildly treated and treated hair. Extensive studies of potential spectral band regions responsible for matching and discrimination of various types of hair samples suggested the 1690-1500 cm<sup>-1sup> IR spectral region was to be preferred in comparison with the commonly used 1750-800 cm<sup>-1sup>. The principal reason was the presence of the highly variable spectral profiles of cystine oxidation products (1200-1000 cm<sup>-1sup>), which contributed significantly to spectral scatter and hence, poor hair sample matching. In the preferred 1690-1500 cm<sup>-1sup> region, conformational changes in the keratin protein attributed to the α-helical to β-sheet transitions in the Amide I and Amide II vibrations and played a significant role in matching and discrimination of the spectra and hence, the hair fibre samples. For gender comparison, the Amide II band is significant for differentiation. The results illustrated that the male hair spectra exhibit a more intense β-sheet vibration in the Amide II band at approximately 1511 cm<sup>-1sup> whilst the female hair spectra displayed more intense α-helical vibration at 1520-1515cm<sup>-1sup>. In terms of chemical composition, female hair spectra exhibit greater intensity of the amino acid tryptophan (1554 cm<sup>-1sup>), aspartic and glutamic acid (1577 cm<sup>-1sup>). It was also observed that for the separation of samples based on racial differences, untreated Caucasian hair was discriminated from Asian hair as a result of having higher levels of the amino acid cystine and cysteic acid. However, when mildly or chemically treated, Asian and Caucasian hair fibres are similar, whereas African-type hair fibres are different. In terms of the investigation's novel contribution to the field of forensic science, it has allowed for the development of a novel, multifaceted, methodical protocol where previously none had existed. The protocol is a systematic method to rapidly investigate unknown or questioned single human hair FTIR-ATR spectra from different genders and racial origin, including fibres of different cosmetic treatments. Unknown or questioned spectra are first separated on the basis of chemical treatment i.e. untreated, mildly treated or chemically treated, genders, and racial origin i.e. Asian, Caucasian and African-type. The methodology has the potential to complement the current forensic analysis methods of fibre evidence (i.e. Microscopy and DNA), providing information on the morphological, genetic and structural levels.


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Biochars produced by slow pyrolysis of greenwaste (GW), poultry litter (PL), papermill waste (PS), and biosolids (BS) were shown to reduce N2O emissions from an acidic Ferrosol. Similar reductions were observed for the untreated GW feedstock. Soil was amended with biochar or feedstock giving application rates of 1 and 5%. Following an initial incubation, nitrogen (N) was added at 165 kg/ha as urea. Microcosms were again incubated before being brought to 100% water-filled porosity and held at this water content for a further 47 days. The flooding phase accounted for the majority (<80%) of total N2O emissions. The control soil released 3165 mg N2O-N/m<sup>2sup>, or 15.1% of the available N as N2O. Amendment with 1 and 5% GW feedstock significantly reduced emissions to 1470 and 636 mg N2O-N/m<sup>2sup>, respectively. This was equivalent to 8.6 and 3.8% of applied N. The GW biochar produced at 350°C was least effective in reducing emissions, resulting in 1625 and 1705 mg N2O-N/m<sup>2sup> for 1 and 5% amendments. Amendment with BS biochar at 5% had the greatest impact, reducing emissions to 518 mg N2O-N/m<sup>2sup>, or 2.2% of the applied N over the incubation period. Metabolic activity as measured by CO2 production could not explain the differences in N2O emissions between controls and amendments, nor could NH4<sup>+sup> or NO3<sup>–sup> concentrations in biochar-amended soils. A decrease in NH4<sup>+sup> and NO3<sup>–sup> following GW feedstock application is likely to have been responsible for reducing N2O emissions from this amendment. Reduction in N2O emissions from the biochar-amended soils was attributed to increased adsorption of NO3<sup>–sup>. Small reductions are possible due to improved aeration and porosity leading to lower levels of denitrification and N2O emissions. Alternatively, increased pH was observed, which can drive denitrification through to dinitrogen during soil flooding.


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An analytical solution for steady-state oxygen transport in soils including 2 sink terms, viz roots and microbes with the corresponding vertical distribution scaling lengths forming a ratio p, showed p governed the critical air-filled porosity, θc, needed by most plants. For low temperature and p, θc was <0.1 but at higher temperatures and p = 1, θc was >0.15 m<sup>3sup>/m<sup>3sup>. When root length density at the surface was 10<sup>4sup> m/m<sup>3sup> and p > 3, θc was 0.25 m<sup>3sup>/m<sup>3sup>, more than half the pore space. Few combinations of soil and climate regularly meet this condition. However, for sandy soils and seasonally warm, arid regions, the theory is consistent with observation, in that plants may have some deep roots. Critical θc values are used to formulate theoretical solutions in a forward mode, so different levels of oxygen uptake by roots may be compared to microbial activity. The proportion of respiration by plant roots increases rapidly with p up to p ≈2.


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This paper presents a novel technique for the tracking of moving lips for the purpose of speaker identification. In our system, a model of the lip contour is formed directly from chromatic information in the lip region. Iterative refinement of contour point estimates is not required. Colour features are extracted from the lips via concatenated profiles taken around the lip contour. Reduction of order in lip features is obtained via principal component analysis (PCA) followed by linear discriminant analysis (LDA). Statistical speaker models are built from the lip features based on the Gaussian mixture model (GMM). Identification experiments performed on the M2VTS<sup>1sup> database, show encouraging results


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The construction of timelines of computer activity is a part of many digital investigations. These timelines of events are composed of traces of historical activity drawn from system logs and potentially from evidence of events found in the computer file system. A potential problem with the use of such information is that some of it may be inconsistent and contradictory thus compromising its value. This work introduces a software tool (CAT Detect) for the detection of inconsistency within timelines of computer activity. We examine the impact of deliberate tampering through experiments conducted with our prototype software tool. Based on the results of these experiments, we discuss techniques which can be employed to deal with such temporal inconsistencies.


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Background: Previous research identified that primary brain tumour patients have significant psychological morbidity and unmet needs, particularly the need for more information and support. However, the utility of strategies to improve information provision in this setting is unknown. This study involved the development and piloting of a brain tumour specific question prompt list (QPL). A QPL is a list of questions patients may find useful to ask their health professionals, and is designed to facilitate communication and information exchange. Methods: Thematic analysis of QPLs developed for other chronic diseases and brain tumour specific patient resources informed a draft QPL. Subsequent refinement of the QPL involved an iterative process of interviews and review with 12 recently diagnosed patients and six caregivers. Final revisions were made following readability analyses and review by health professionals. Piloting of the QPL is underway using a non-randomised control group trial with patients undergoing treatment for a primary brain tumour in Brisbane, Queensland. Following baseline interviews, consenting participants are provided with the QPL or standard information materials. Follow-up interviews four to 6 weeks later allow assessment of the acceptability of the QPL, how it is used by patients, impact on information needs, and feasibility of recruitment, implementation and outcome assessment. Results: The final QPL was determined to be readable at the sixth grade level. It contains seven sections: diagnosis, prognosis, symptoms and changes, the health professional team, support, treatment and management, and post-treatment concerns. At this time, fourteen participants have been recruited for the pilot, and data collection completed for eleven. Data collection and preliminary analysis are expected to be completed by and presented at the conference. Conclusions: If acceptable to participants, the QPL may encourage patients, doctors and nurses to communicate more effectively, reducing unmet information needs and ultimately improving psychological wellbeing.


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The search for new multipoint, multidirectional strain sensing devices has received a new impetus since the discovery of carbon nanotubes. The excellent electrical, mechanical, and electromechanical properties of carbon nanotubes make them ideal candidates as primary materials in the design of this new generation of sensing devices. Carbon nanotube based strain sensors proposed so far include those based on individual carbon nanotubes for integration in nano or micro elecromechanical systems (NEMS/MEMS) [1], or carbon nanotube films consisting of spatially connected carbon nanotubes [2], carbon nanotube - polymer composites [3,4] for macroscale strain sensing. Carbon nanotube films have good strain sensing response and offer the possibility of multidirectional and multipoint strain sensing, but have poor performance due to weak interaction between carbon nanotubes. In addition, the carbon nanotube film sensor is extremely fragile and difficult to handle and install. We report here the static and dynamic strain sensing characteristics as well as temperature effects of a sandwich carbon nanotube - polymer sensor fabricated by infiltrating carbon nanotube films with polymer.