223 resultados para video microscopy


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Filamentary single crystals, blades, sheets, euhedral crystals and powders may form by vapor phase condensation depending on the supersauration conditions in the vapor with respect to the condensing species [1]. Filamentary crystal growth requires the operation of an axial screw dislocation [2]. A Vapor-Liquid-Solid (VLS) mechanism may also produce filamentary single crystals, ribbons and blades. The latter two morphologies are typically twinned. Crystals grown by this mechanism do not require the presence of an axial screw dislocation. Impurities may either promote or inhibit crystal growth [3]. The VLS mechanism allows crystals to grow at small supersaturation of the vapor. Thin enstatite blades, ribbons and sheets have been observed in chondritic porous Interplanetary Dust Partics (IDP's) [4, 5]. The requisite screw dislocation for vapor phase condensation [1] has been observed in these enstatite blades [4]. Bradley et al. [4] suggest that these crystals are primary vapor phase condensates which could have formed either in the solar nebula or in presolar environments. These observations [4,5] are significant in that they may provide a demonstrable link to theoretical predictions: viz. that in the primordial solar nebula filamentary condensates could cluster into 'lint balls' and form the predecessors to comets [6].


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A recent NASA program to collect stratospheric dust particles using high-flying WB57 aircraft has made available many more potential candidates for the study of extraterrestrial materials. This preliminary report provides an interpretation of the types of particles returned from one flag (W7017) collected in August, 1981 using a subset of 81 allocated particles. This particular collection period is after the Mt. St. Helen's eruptions. Therefore, the flag may contain significant quantities of volcanic debris in addition to the expected terrestrial contaminants [1]. All particles were mounted on nucleopore filters and have been examined using a modified JEOL100CX analytical electron microscope. For most of the particles, X-ray energy dispersive spectra and images were obtained at 40kV on samples which have not received any conductive coating. However, in order to improve resolution (to ~30A) some images are recorded at 100kV. In addition, 16 samples have been coated with a thin layer (<50A) of Au/Pd.


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We have performed electron-microscopic analysis on 0.5-1.0µm grains in order to study radiation damage by the solar-wind. We are reporting some interesting results we have found in monomineralic grains from core sample 15010,1130. This is a submature soil which has been studied for rare gas abundance and ferromagnetic resonance by (1) and modal petrology by (2).


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To recognize faces in video, face appearances have been widely modeled as piece-wise local linear models which linearly approximate the smooth yet non-linear low dimensional face appearance manifolds. The choice of representations of the local models is crucial. Most of the existing methods learn each local model individually meaning that they only anticipate variations within each class. In this work, we propose to represent local models as Gaussian distributions which are learned simultaneously using the heteroscedastic probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (PLDA). Each gallery video is therefore represented as a collection of such distributions. With the PLDA, not only the within-class variations are estimated during the training, the separability between classes is also maximized leading to an improved discrimination. The heteroscedastic PLDA itself is adapted from the standard PLDA to approximate face appearance manifolds more accurately. Instead of assuming a single global within-class covariance, the heteroscedastic PLDA learns different within-class covariances specific to each local model. In the recognition phase, a probe video is matched against gallery samples through the fusion of point-to-model distances. Experiments on the Honda and MoBo datasets have shown the merit of the proposed method which achieves better performance than the state-of-the-art technique.


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The increasing demand for mobile video has attracted much attention from both industry and researchers. To satisfy users and to facilitate the usage of mobile video, providing optimal quality to the users is necessary. As a result, quality of experience (QoE) becomes an important focus in measuring the overall quality perceived by the end-users, from the aspects of both objective system performance and subjective experience. However, due to the complexity of user experience and diversity of resources (such as videos, networks and mobile devices), it is still challenging to develop QoE models for mobile video that can represent how user-perceived value varies with changing conditions. Previous QoE modelling research has two main limitations: aspects influencing QoE are insufficiently considered; and acceptability as the user value is seldom studied. Focusing on the QoE modelling issues, two aims are defined in this thesis: (i) investigating the key influencing factors of mobile video QoE; and (ii) establishing QoE prediction models based on the relationships between user acceptability and the influencing factors, in order to help provide optimal mobile video quality. To achieve the first goal, a comprehensive user study was conducted. It investigated the main impacts on user acceptance: video encoding parameters such as quantization parameter, spatial resolution, frame rate, and encoding bitrate; video content type; mobile device display resolution; and user profiles including gender, preference for video content, and prior viewing experience. Results from both quantitative and qualitative analysis revealed the significance of these factors, as well as how and why they influenced user acceptance of mobile video quality. Based on the results of the user study, statistical techniques were used to generate a set of QoE models that predict the subjective acceptability of mobile video quality by using a group of the measurable influencing factors, including encoding parameters and bitrate, content type, and mobile device display resolution. Applying the proposed QoE models into a mobile video delivery system, optimal decisions can be made for determining proper video coding parameters and for delivering most suitable quality to users. This would lead to consistent user experience on different mobile video content and efficient resource allocation. The findings in this research enhance the understanding of user experience in the field of mobile video, which will benefit mobile video design and research. This thesis presents a way of modelling QoE by emphasising user acceptability of mobile video quality, which provides a strong connection between technical parameters and user-desired quality. Managing QoE based on acceptability promises the potential for adapting to the resource limitations and achieving an optimal QoE in the provision of mobile video content.


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This study used a video-based hazard perception dual task to compare the hazard perception skills of young drivers with middle aged, more experienced drivers and to determine if these skills can be improved with video-based road commentary training. The primary task required the participants to detect and verbally identify immediate hazard on video-based traffic scenarios while concurrently performing a secondary tracking task, simulating the steering of real driving. The results showed that the young drivers perceived fewer immediate hazards (mean = 75.2%, n = 24, 19 females) than the more experienced drivers (mean = 87.5%, n = 8, all females), and had longer hazard perception times, but performed better in the secondary tracking task. After the road commentary training, the mean percentage of hazards detected and identified by the young drivers improved to the level of the experienced drivers and was significantly higher than that of an age and driving experience matched control group. The results will be discussed in the context of psychological theories of hazard perception and in relation to road commentary as an evidence-based training intervention that seems to improve many aspects of unsafe driving behaviour in young drivers.


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This research has been conducted to ascertain whether people with certain personality types exhibit preferences for particular game genres. Four hundred and sixty-six participants completed an online survey in which they described their preference for various game genres and provided measures of personality. Personality types were measured using the five-factor model of personality. Significant relationships between personality types and game genres were found. The results are interpreted in the context of the features of particular game genres and possible matches between personality traits and these features.


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This study explored relationships between personality, video game preference and gaming experiences. Two hundred and thirty-five participants completed an online survey in which they recalled a recent gaming experience, and provided measures of personality and their gaming experience via the Player Experience of Need Satisfaction (PENS) measure. Relationships between game genre, personality and gaming experience were found. Results are interpreted with reference to the validity of the PENS, current models of video gaming motivations and enjoyment, and sub-groups of people that may be more vulnerable to possible negative effects of games.


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Video presented as part of the USECA 2011 workshop at WISE 2011. Real-time sales assistant service is a problematic component of remote delivery of sales support for customers. Solutions involving web pages, telephony and video support prove problematic when seeking to remotely guide customers in their sales processes, especially with transactions revolving around physically complex artefacts. This process involves a number of services that are often complex in nature, ranging from physical compatibility and configuration factors, to availability and credit services. We propose the application of a combination of virtual worlds and augmented reality to create synthetic environments suitable for remote sales of physical artefacts, right in the home of the purchaser. A high level description of the service structure involved is shown, along with a use case involving the sale of electronic goods and services within an example augmented reality application. We expect this work to have application in many sales domains involving physical objects needing to be sold over the Internet.


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Morphology changes induced in polycrystalline silver catalysts as a result of heating in either oxygen, water or oxygen-methanol atmospheres have been investigated by environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM), FT-Raman spectroscopy and temperature programmed desorption (TPD). The silver catalyst of interest consisted of two distinct particle types, one of which contained a significant concentration of sub-surface hydroxy species (in addition to surface adsorbed atomic oxygen). Heating the sample to 663 K resulted in the production of 'pin-holes' in the silver structure as a consequence of near-surface explosions caused by sub-surface hydroxy recombination. Furthermore, 'pin-holes' were predominantly found in the vicinity of surface defects, such as platelets and edge structures. Reaction between methanol and oxygen also resulted in the formation of 'pin-holes' in the silver surface, which were inherently associated with the catalytic process. A reaction mechanism is suggested that involves the interaction of methanol with sub-surface oxygen species to form sub-surface hydroxy groups. The sub-surface hydroxy species subsequently erupt through the silver surface to again produce 'pin-holes'.


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The techniques of environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) and Raman microscopy have been used to respectively elucidate the morphological changes and nature of the adsorbed species on silver(I) oxide powder, during methanol oxidation conditions. Heating Ag2O in either water vapour or oxygen resulted firstly in the decomposition of silver(I) oxide to polycrystalline silver at 578 K followed by sintering of the particles at higher temperature. Raman spectroscopy revealed the presence of subsurface oxygen and hydroxyl species in addition to surface hydroxyl groups after interaction with water vapour. Similar species were identified following exposure to oxygen in an ambient atmosphere. This behaviour indicated that the polycrystalline silver formed from Ag2O decomposition was substantially more reactive than silver produced by electrochemical methods. The interaction of water at elevated temperatures subsequent to heating silver(I) oxide in oxygen resulted in a significantly enhanced concentration of subsurface hydroxyl species. The reaction of methanol with Ag2O at high temperatures was interesting in that an inhibition in silver grain growth was noted. Substantial structural modification of the silver(I) oxide material was induced by catalytic etching in a methanol/air mixture. In particular, "pin-hole" formation was observed to occur at temperatures in excess of 773 K, and it was also recorded that these "pin- holes" coalesced to form large-scale defects under typical industrial reaction conditions. Raman spectroscopy revealed that the working surface consisted mainly of subsurface oxygen and surface Ag=O species. The relative lack of sub-surface hydroxyl species suggested that it was the desorption of such moieties which was the cause of the "pin-hole" formation.


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Polycrystalline silver is used to catalytically oxidise methanol to formaldehyde. This paper reports the results of extensive investigations involving the use of environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) to monitor structural changes in silver during simulated industrial reaction conditions. The interaction of oxygen, nitrogen, and water, either singly or in combination, with a silver catalyst at temperatures up to 973 K resulted in the appearance of a reconstructed silver surface. More spectacular was the effect an oxygen/methanol mixture had on the silver morphology. At a temperature of ca. 713 K pinholes were created in the vicinity of defects as a consequence of subsurface explosions. These holes gradually increased in size and large platelet features were created. Elevation of the catalyst temperature to 843 K facilitated the wholescale oxygen induced restructuring of the entire silver surface. Methanol reacted with subsurface oxygen to produce subsurface hydroxyl species which ultimately formed water in the subsurface layers of silver. The resultant hydrostatic pressure forced the silver surface to adopt a "hill and valley" conformation in order to minimise the surface free energy. Upon approaching typical industrial operating conditions widespread explosions occurred on the catalyst and it was also apparent that the silver surface was extremely mobile under the applied conditions. The interaction of methanol alone with silver resulted in the initial formation of pinholes primarily in the vicinity of defects, due to reaction with oxygen species incorporated in the catalyst during electrochemical synthesis. However, dramatic reduction in the hole concentration with time occurred as all the available oxygen became consumed. A remarkable correlation between formaldehyde production and hole concentration was found.


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This paper describes the work being conducted in the baseline rail level crossing project, supported by the Australian rail industry and the Cooperative Research Centre for Rail Innovation. The paper discusses the limitations of near-miss data for analysis obtained using current level crossing occurrence reporting practices. The project is addressing these limitations through the development of a data collection and analysis system with an underlying level crossing accident causation model. An overview of the methodology and improved data recording process are described. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of benefits this project is expected to provide the Australian rail industry.


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This paper examines the use of short video tutorials in a post-graduate accounting subject, as a means of helping students transition from dependent to more independent learners. Five short (three to five minute) video tutorials were introduced in an effort to shift the reliance for learning from the lecturer to the student. Students’ usage of video tutorials, comments by students, and reliance on teaching staff for individual assistance were monitored over three semesters from 2008 to 2009. Interviews with students were then conducted in late 2009 to more comprehensively evaluate the use and benefits of video tutorials. Findings reveal preliminary but positive outcomes in terms of both more efficient teaching and more effective learning.


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Distributed Wireless Smart Camera (DWSC) network is a special type of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) that processes captured images in a distributed manner. While image processing on DWSCs sees a great potential for growth, with its applications possessing a vast practical application domain such as security surveillance and health care, it suffers from tremendous constraints. In addition to the limitations of conventional WSNs, image processing on DWSCs requires more computational power, bandwidth and energy that presents significant challenges for large scale deployments. This dissertation has developed a number of algorithms that are highly scalable, portable, energy efficient and performance efficient, with considerations of practical constraints imposed by the hardware and the nature of WSN. More specifically, these algorithms tackle the problems of multi-object tracking and localisation in distributed wireless smart camera net- works and optimal camera configuration determination. Addressing the first problem of multi-object tracking and localisation requires solving a large array of sub-problems. The sub-problems that are discussed in this dissertation are calibration of internal parameters, multi-camera calibration for localisation and object handover for tracking. These topics have been covered extensively in computer vision literatures, however new algorithms must be invented to accommodate the various constraints introduced and required by the DWSC platform. A technique has been developed for the automatic calibration of low-cost cameras which are assumed to be restricted in their freedom of movement to either pan or tilt movements. Camera internal parameters, including focal length, principal point, lens distortion parameter and the angle and axis of rotation, can be recovered from a minimum set of two images of the camera, provided that the axis of rotation between the two images goes through the camera's optical centre and is parallel to either the vertical (panning) or horizontal (tilting) axis of the image. For object localisation, a novel approach has been developed for the calibration of a network of non-overlapping DWSCs in terms of their ground plane homographies, which can then be used for localising objects. In the proposed approach, a robot travels through the camera network while updating its position in a global coordinate frame, which it broadcasts to the cameras. The cameras use this, along with the image plane location of the robot, to compute a mapping from their image planes to the global coordinate frame. This is combined with an occupancy map generated by the robot during the mapping process to localised objects moving within the network. In addition, to deal with the problem of object handover between DWSCs of non-overlapping fields of view, a highly-scalable, distributed protocol has been designed. Cameras that follow the proposed protocol transmit object descriptions to a selected set of neighbours that are determined using a predictive forwarding strategy. The received descriptions are then matched at the subsequent camera on the object's path using a probability maximisation process with locally generated descriptions. The second problem of camera placement emerges naturally when these pervasive devices are put into real use. The locations, orientations, lens types etc. of the cameras must be chosen in a way that the utility of the network is maximised (e.g. maximum coverage) while user requirements are met. To deal with this, a statistical formulation of the problem of determining optimal camera configurations has been introduced and a Trans-Dimensional Simulated Annealing (TDSA) algorithm has been proposed to effectively solve the problem.