194 resultados para Visual Information


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We have developed a Hierarchical Look-Ahead Trajectory Model (HiLAM) that incorporates the firing pattern of medial entorhinal grid cells in a planning circuit that includes interactions with hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. We show the model’s flexibility in representing large real world environments using odometry information obtained from challenging video sequences. We acquire the visual data from a camera mounted on a small tele-operated vehicle. The camera has a panoramic field of view with its focal point approximately 5 cm above the ground level, similar to what would be expected from a rat’s point of view. Using established algorithms for calculating perceptual speed from the apparent rate of visual change over time, we generate raw dead reckoning information which loses spatial fidelity over time due to error accumulation. We rectify the loss of fidelity by exploiting the loop-closure detection ability of a biologically inspired, robot navigation model termed RatSLAM. The rectified motion information serves as a velocity input to the HiLAM to encode the environment in the form of grid cell and place cell maps. Finally, we show goal directed path planning results of HiLAM in two different environments, an indoor square maze used in rodent experiments and an outdoor arena more than two orders of magnitude larger than the indoor maze. Together these results bridge for the first time the gap between higher fidelity bio-inspired navigation models (HiLAM) and more abstracted but highly functional bio-inspired robotic mapping systems (RatSLAM), and move from simulated environments into real-world studies in rodent-sized arenas and beyond.


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As a social species in a constantly changing environment, humans rely heavily on the informational richness and communicative capacity of the face. Thus, understanding how the brain processes information about faces in real-time is of paramount importance. The N170 is a high temporal resolution electrophysiological index of the brain's early response to visual stimuli that is reliably elicited in carefully controlled laboratory-based studies. Although the N170 has often been reported to be of greatest amplitude to faces, there has been debate regarding whether this effect might be an artifact of certain aspects of the controlled experimental stimulation schedules and materials. To investigate whether the N170 can be identified in more realistic conditions with highly variable and cluttered visual images and accompanying auditory stimuli we recorded EEG 'in the wild', while participants watched pop videos. Scene-cuts to faces generated a clear N170 response, and this was larger than the N170 to transitions where the videos cut to non-face stimuli. Within participants, wild-type face N170 amplitudes were moderately correlated to those observed in a typical laboratory experiment. Thus, we demonstrate that the face N170 is a robust and ecologically valid phenomenon and not an artifact arising as an unintended consequence of some property of the more typical laboratory paradigm.


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This thesis demonstrates that robots can learn about how the world changes, and can use this information to recognise where they are, even when the appearance of the environment has changed a great deal. The ability to localise in highly dynamic environments using vision only is a key tool for achieving long-term, autonomous navigation in unstructured outdoor environments. The proposed learning algorithms are designed to be unsupervised, and can be generated by the robot online in response to its observations of the world, without requiring information from a human operator or other external source.


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Purpose: We term the visual field position from which the pupil appears most nearly circular as the pupillary circular axis (PCAx). The aim was to determine and compare the horizontal and vertical co-ordinates of the PCAx and optical axis from pupil shape and refraction information for only the horizontal meridian of the visual field. Method: The PCAx was determined from the changes with visual field angle in the ellipticity and orientation of pupil images out to ±90° from fixation along the horizontal meridian for the right eyes of 30 people. This axis was compared with the optical axis determined from the changes in the astigmatic components of the refractions for field angles out to ±35° in the same meridian. Results: The mean estimated horizontal and vertical field coordinates of the PCAx were (‒5.3±1.9°, ‒3.2±1.5°) compared with (‒4.8±5.1°, ‒1.5±3.4°) for the optical axis. The vertical co-ordinates of the two axes were just significantly different (p =0.03) but there was no significant correlation between them. Only the horizontal coordinate of the PCAx was significantly related to the refraction in the group. Conclusion: On average, the PCAx is displaced from the line-of-sight by about the same angle as the optical axis but there is more inter-subject variation in the position of the optical axis. When modelling the optical performance of the eye, it appears reasonable to assume that the pupil is circular when viewed along the line-of-sight.


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The lateral amygdala (LA) receives information from auditory and visual sensory modalities, and uses this information to encode lasting memories that predict threat. One unresolved question about the amygdala is how multiple memories, derived from different sensory modalities, are organized at the level of neuronal ensembles. We previously showed that fear conditioning using an auditory conditioned stimulus (CS) was spatially allocated to a stable topography of neurons within the dorsolateral amygdala (LAd) (Bergstrom et al, 2011). Here, we asked how fear conditioning using a visual CS is topographically organized within the amygdala. To induce a lasting fear memory trace we paired either an auditory (2 khz, 55 dB, 20 s) or visual (1 Hz, 0.5 s on/0.5 s off, 35 lux, 20 s) CS with a mild foot shock unconditioned stimulus (0.6 mA, 0.5 s). To detect learning-induced plasticity in amygdala neurons, we used immunohistochemistry with an antibody for phosphorylated mitogen-activated protein kinase (pMAPK). Using a principal components analysis-based approach to extract and visualize spatial patterns, we uncovered two unique spatial patterns of activated neurons in the LA that were associated with auditory and visual fear conditioning. The first spatial pattern was specific to auditory cued fear conditioning and consisted of activated neurons topographically organized throughout the LAd and ventrolateral nuclei (LAvl) of the LA. The second spatial pattern overlapped for auditory and visual fear conditioning and was comprised of activated neurons located mainly within the LAvl. Overall, the density of pMAPK labeled cells throughout the LA was greatest in the auditory CS group, even though freezing in response to the visual and auditory CS was equivalent. There were no differences detected in the number of pMAPK activated neurons within the basal amygdala nuclei. Together, these results provide the first basic knowledge about the organizational structure of two different fear engrams within the amygdala and suggest they are dissociable at the level of neuronal ensembles within the LA


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We present a method for calculating odome- try in three-dimensions for car-like ground ve- hicles with an Ackerman-like steering model. In our approach we use the information from a single camera to derive the odometry in the plane and fuse it with roll and pitch informa- tion derived from an on-board IMU to extend to three-dimensions, thus providing odometric altitude as well as traditional x and y transla- tion. We have mounted the odometry module on a standard Toyota Prado SUV and present results from a car-park environment as well as from an off-road track.


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The research reported here addresses the problem of detecting and tracking independently moving objects from a moving observer in real-time, using corners as object tokens. Corners are detected using the Harris corner detector, and local image-plane constraints are employed to solve the correspondence problem. The approach relaxes the restrictive static-world assumption conventionally made, and is therefore capable of tracking independently moving and deformable objects. Tracking is performed without the use of any 3-dimensional motion model. The technique is novel in that, unlike traditional feature-tracking algorithms where feature detection and tracking is carried out over the entire image-plane, here it is restricted to those areas most likely to contain-meaningful image structure. Two distinct types of instantiation regions are identified, these being the “focus-of-expansion” region and “border” regions of the image-plane. The size and location of these regions are defined from a combination of odometry information and a limited knowledge of the operating scenario. The algorithms developed have been tested on real image sequences taken from typical driving scenarios. Implementation of the algorithm using T800 Transputers has shown that near-linear speedups are achievable, and that real-time operation is possible (half-video rate has been achieved using 30 processing elements).


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The literacy demands of mathematics are very different to those in other subjects (Gough, 2007; O'Halloran, 2005; Quinnell, 2011; Rubenstein, 2007) and much has been written on the challenges that literacy in mathematics poses to learners (Abedi and Lord, 2001; Lowrie and Diezmann, 2007, 2009; Rubenstein, 2007). In particular, a diverse selection of visuals typifies the field of mathematics (Carter, Hipwell and Quinnell, 2012), placing unique literacy demands on learners. Such visuals include varied tables, graphs, diagrams and other representations, all of which are used to communicate information.


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This project developed a visual strategy and graphic outcomes to communicate the results of a scientific collaborative project to the Mackay community. During 2013 and 2014 a team from CSIRO engaged with the community in Mackay to collaboratively develop a set of strategies to improve the management of the Great Barrier Reef. The result of this work was a 300+ page scientific report that needed to be translated and summarised to the general community. The aim of this project was to strategically synthesise information contained in the report and to design and produce an outcome to be distributed to the participant community. By working with the CISRO researchers, an action toolkit was developed, with twelve cards and a booklet. Each card represented the story behind a certain local management issue and the actions that the participants suggested should be taken in order to improve management of The Reef. During the design synthesis it was identified that for all management issues there was a reference to the need to develop some sort of "educational campaign" to the area. That was then translated as an underlying action to support all other actions proposed in the toolkit.


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In a book seeking to redraw the boundaries between interdisciplinary and transnational modernisms, this chapter contributes to the reorientation in modernist studies by revisiting "primitivism." While no one freely identifies as “primitive,” the spectre of primitivism was a magnet of attraction as well as of critical refusal. It resided on the knife-edge of envy and denunciation, as well as for the projection of alternate imaginative utopias and the worst forms of racial chauvinism. This chapter asserts that primitivism endures as a provocation as much as a utopian aspiration, but it also provides a different understanding of cultures on the "periphery", which is how Antipodean art history has understood itself. The spectre of primitivism not only amplifies the quandaries of modernist cultures—both alerting one to the aesthetic alternatives to modernist cultures, yet also highlighting the fate of traditional culture pitted against modernist cultures, it also suggests the quandaries of a peripheral modernity.


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The visual characteristics of urban environments have been changing dramatically with the growth of cities around the world. Protection and enhancement of landscape character in urban environments have been one of the challenges for policy makers in addressing sustainable urban growth. Visual openness and enclosure in urban environments are important attributes in perception of visual space which affect the human interaction with physical space and which can be often modified by new developments. Measuring visual openness in urban areas results in more accurate, reliable, and systematic approach to manage and control visual qualities in growing cities. Recent advances in techniques in geographic information systems (GIS) and survey systems make it feasible to measure and quantify this attribute with a high degree of realism and precision. Previous studies in this field do not take full advantage of these improvements. This paper proposes a method to measure the visual openness and enclosure in a changing urban landscape in Australia, on the Gold Coast, by using the improved functionality in GIS. Using this method, visual openness is calculated and described for all publicly accessible areas in the selected study area. A final map is produced which shows the areas with highest visual openness and visibility to natural landscape resources. The output of this research can be used by planners and decision-makers in managing and controlling views in complex urban landscapes. Also, depending on the availability of GIS data, this method can be applied to any region including non-urban landscapes to help planners and policy-makers manage views and visual qualities.


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Acoustic recordings play an increasingly important role in monitoring terrestrial environments. However, due to rapid advances in technology, ecologists are accumulating more audio than they can listen to. Our approach to this big-data challenge is to visualize the content of long-duration audio recordings by calculating acoustic indices. These are statistics which describe the temporal-spectral distribution of acoustic energy and reflect content of ecological interest. We combine spectral indices to produce false-color spectrogram images. These not only reveal acoustic content but also facilitate navigation. An additional analytic challenge is to find appropriate descriptors to summarize the content of 24-hour recordings, so that it becomes possible to monitor long-term changes in the acoustic environment at a single location and to compare the acoustic environments of different locations. We describe a 24-hour ‘acoustic-fingerprint’ which shows some preliminary promise.


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Developing accurate and reliable crop detection algorithms is an important step for harvesting automation in horticulture. This paper presents a novel approach to visual detection of highly-occluded fruits. We use a conditional random field (CRF) on multi-spectral image data (colour and Near-Infrared Reflectance, NIR) to model two classes: crop and background. To describe these two classes, we explore a range of visual-texture features including local binary pattern, histogram of oriented gradients, and learn auto-encoder features. The pro-posed methods are evaluated using hand-labelled images from a dataset captured on a commercial capsicum farm. Experimental results are presented, and performance is evaluated in terms of the Area Under the Curve (AUC) of the precision-recall curves.Our current results achieve a maximum performance of 0.81AUC when combining all of the texture features in conjunction with colour information.


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Background Project archives are becoming increasingly large and complex. On construction projects in particular, the increasing amount of information and the increasing complexity of its structure make searching and exploring information in the project archive challenging and time-consuming. Methods This research investigates a query-driven approach that represents new forms of contextual information to help users understand the set of documents resulting from queries of construction project archives. Specifically, this research extends query-driven interface research by representing three types of contextual information: (1) the temporal context is represented in the form of a timeline to show when each document was created; (2) the search-relevance context shows exactly which of the entered keywords matched each document; and (3) the usage context shows which project participants have accessed or modified a file. Results We implemented and tested these ideas within a prototype query-driven interface we call VisArchive. VisArchive employs a combination of multi-scale and multi-dimensional timelines, color-coded stacked bar charts, additional supporting visual cues and filters to support searching and exploring historical project archives. The timeline-based interface integrates three interactive timelines as focus + context visualizations. Conclusions The feasibility of using these visual design principles is tested in two types of project archives: searching construction project archives of an educational building project and tracking of software defects in the Mozilla Thunderbird project. These case studies demonstrate the applicability, usefulness and generality of the design principles implemented.