273 resultados para Semi-formation


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A study of the bulk formation of YBa2Cu3O7-x from the Y2BaCuO5 plus liquid regime reveals that phase formation occurs at appreciable rates below 950°C in air. This result has been observed for phase-pure YBa2Cu3O7-x starting material given two types of heat treatment: held at 1100°C and slow-cooled from 1030°C at 6°C/h or heat-treated isothermally. Differential thermal analysis, with a cooling rate of 10°C/min indicates that the degree of undercooling for the peritectic formation of YBa2Cu3O7-x is greater than 100°C. © 1994.


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High tumor kallikrein-related-peptidase 4 (KLK4) levels are associated with a poor outcome for women with serous epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC), for which peritoneal dissemination and chemoresistance are key events. To determine the role of KLK4 in these events, we examined KLK4-transfected SKOV-3 and endogenous KLK4 expressing OVCA432 cells in 3-dimensional (3D) suspension culture to mimic the ascites microenvironment. KLK4-SKOV-3 cells formed multicellular aggregates (MCAs) as seen in ascites, as did SKOV-3 cells treated with active KLK4. MCA formation was reduced by treatment with a KLK4 blocking antibody or the selective active site KLK4 sunflower trypsin inhibitor (SFTI-FCQR). KLK4-MCAs formed larger cancer cell foci in mesothelial cell monolayers than those formed by vector and native SKOV-3 cells, suggesting KLK4-MCAs are highly invasive in the peritoneal microenvironment. A high level of KLK4 is expressed by ascitic EOC cells compared to matched primary tumor cells, further supporting its role in the ascitic microenvironment. Interestingly, KLK4 transfected SKOV-3 cells expressed high levels of the KLK4 substrate, urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA), particularly in 3D-suspension, and high levels of both KLK4 and uPA were observed in patient cells taken from ascites. Importantly, the KLK4-MCAs were paclitaxel resistant which was reversed by SFTI-FCQR and to a lesser degree by the general serine protease inhibitor, Aprotinin, suggesting that in addition to uPA, other as yet unidentified substrates of KLK4 must be involved. Nonetheless, these data suggest that KLK4 inhibition, in conjunction with paclitaxel, may improve the outcome for women with serous epithelial ovarian cancer and high KLK4 levels in their tumors.


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Detailed mineralogical studies of the matrix and fracture-fill materials of a large number of samples from the Rustler Formation have been carried out using x-ray diffraction, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, electron microprobe analysis, x-ray fluorescence, and atomic absorption spectrophotometry. These analyses indicate the presence of four clay minerals: interstratified chlorite/saponite, illite, chlorite, and serpentine. Corrensite (regularly stratified chlorite/saponite) is the dominant clay mineral in samples from the Culebra dolomite and two shale layers of the lower unnamed member of the Rustler Formation. Within other layers of the Rustler Formation, disordered mixed chlorite/saponite is usually the most abundant clay mineral. Studies of the morphology and composition of clay crystallites suggest that the corrensite was formed by the alteration of detrital dioctahedral smectite in magnesium-rich pore fluids during early diagenesis of the Rustler Formation. This study provides initial estimates of the abundance and nature of the clay minerals in the Culebra dolomite in the vicinity of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.


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This series of research vignettes is aimed at sharing current and interesting research findings from our team of international Entrepreneurship researchers. This vignette, written by Mr. Darren Kavanagh and Professor Per Davidsson, takes a closer look at job creation by new firms.


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A wide variety of experiments that involve the physics of small particles (μm to cm in size) of planetary significance can be conducted on the Space Station. Processes of interest include nucleation and condensation of particles from a gas, aggregation of small particles into larger ones, and low velocity collisions of particles. Only experiments relevant to planetary processes will be discussed in detail here.


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The interaction of bare graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) was investigated by ab initio density functional theory calculations with both the local density approximation (LDA) and the generalized gradient approximation (GGA). Remarkably, two bare 8-GNRs with zigzag-shaped edges are predicted to form an (8, 8) armchair single-wall carbon nanotube (SWCNT) without any obvious activation barrier. The formation of a (10, 0) zigzag SWCNT from two bare 10-GNRs with armchair-shaped edges has activation barriers of 0.23 and 0.61 eV for using the LDA and the revised PBE exchange correlation functional, respectively, Our results suggest a possible route to control the growth of specific types SWCNT via the interaction of GNRs.


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Ancient sandstones include important reservoirs for hydrocarbons (oil and gas), but, in many cases, their ability to serve as reservoirs is heavily constrained by the effects of carbonate cements on porosity and permeability. This study investigated the controls on distribution and abundance of carbonate cements within the Jurassic Plover Formation, Browse Basin, North West Shelf, Australia. Samples were analysed petrographically with point counting of 59 thin sections and mineralogically with x-ray diffraction from two wells within the Torosa Gas Field. Selected samples were also analysed for stable isotopes of O and C. Sandstones are classified into eleven groups. Most abundant are quartzarenites and then calcareous quartzarenites. Lithology ranged between sandstones consisting of mostly quartz with scant or no carbonate in the form of cement or allochems, to sandstones with as much as 40% carbonate. The major sources of carbonate cement in Torosa 1 and Torosa 4 sandstones were found to be early, shallow marine diagenetic processes (including cementation), followed by calcite cementation and recrystallisation of cements and allochems during redistribution by meteoric waters. Blocky and sparry calcite cements, indicative of meteoric environments on the basis of stable isotope values and palaeotemperature assessment, overprinted the initial shallow marine cement phase in all cases and meteoric cements are dominant. Torosa 4 was influenced more by marine settings than Torosa 1, and thus has the greater potential for calcite cement. The relatively low compaction of calcite-cemented sandstones and the stable isotope data suggest deep burial cementation was not a major factor. Insufficient volcanic rock fragments or authigenic clay content infers alteration of feldspars was not a major source of calcite. Very little feldspar is present, altered or otherwise. Hence, increased alkalinity from feldspar dissolution is not a contributing factor in cement formation. Increased alkalinity from bacterial sulphate reduction in organic–rich fine sediments may have driven limited cementation in some samples. The main definable and significant source of diagenetic marine calcite cement originated from original marine cements and the nearby dissolution of biogenic sources (allochems) at relatively shallow depths. Later diagenetic fluids emplaced minor dolomite, but this cement did not greatly affect the reservoir quality in the samples studied.


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This thesis investigates how modern individuals relate to themselves and others in the service of shaping their ethical conduct and governing themselves. It considers the use of online social networking sites (SNSs) as one particular practice through which people manage their day-to-day conduct and understandings of self. Current research on the use of SNSs has conceptualised them as tools for communication, information-sharing and self-presentation. This thesis suggests a different way of thinking about these sites as tools for self-formation. A Foucaultian genealogical, historical and problematising approach is applied in order to explore processes of subjectivation and historical backgrounds involved in the use of SNSs. This is complimented with an ANT-based understanding of the role that technologies play in shaping human action. Drawing new connections between three factors will show how they contribute to the ways in which people become selves today. These factors are, one, the psychologisation and rationalisation of modern life that lead people to confess and talk about themselves in order to improve and perfect themselves, two, the transparency or publicness of modern life that incites people to reveal themselves constantly to a public audience and, three, the techno-social hybrid character of Western societies. This thesis will show how some older practices of self-formation have been translated into the context of modern technologised societies and how the care of self has been reinvigorated and combined with the notion of baring self in public. This thesis contributes a different way of thinking about self and the internet that does not seek to define what the modern self is and how it is staged online but rather accounts for the multiple, contingent and historically conditioned processes of subjectivation through which individuals relate to themselves and others in the service of governing their daily conduct.


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Histories of Catholic education have received little attention by Church historians and are usually written by members of the Catholic clergy, with a strong emphasis placed on the spiritual and building accomplishments of the bishops. This thesis examines the provision of Catholic Education in Australasia, with a focus on the contribution of three men, Jean Baptiste Francois Pompallier, Thomas Arnold and Julian Edmund Tenison Woods. These men received support from the female religious orders in the regions where they worked, frequently with little recognition or praise by Catholic Church authorities. The tenets of their faith gave Pompallier and Woods strength and reinforced their determination to succeed. Arnold, however, possessed a strong desire to change society. All three believed in the desirability of providing Catholic schooling for the poor, with the curriculum facilitating the acquisition of socially desirable values and traits, including obedience, honesty, moral respectability and a strong adherence to Catholic religious values. The beneficiaries included society, future employers, the Church, the children and their parents. With the exception of promoting distinctly Catholic religious values, Roman Catholic schools and National schools in Australasia shared identical objectives. Historians have neglected the contributions of these men.


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The surface formation energies of four low-indexed surfaces, including (001), (100), (110) and (011), of tin dioxide (SnO2) terminated by nonmetals (H, N, O, F, Cl, Br, and I) have been studied with the frameworks of density functional theory. A strong dependence of relative surface stabilities on surface atoms has been presented based on the calculations. Several instructions, in particular the selection of specific precursors and morphology controlling agents, have been further illustrated as a guideline for experimentalists.


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Ab initio density functional theory (DFT) calculations are performed to study the formation and diffusion of hydrogen vacancies on MgH2(110) surface and in bulk. We find that the formation energies for a single H-vacancy increase slightly from the surface to deep layers. The energies for creating adjacent surface divancacies at two inplane sites and at an inplane and a bridge site are even smaller than that for the formation of a single H-vacancy, a fact that is attributed to the strong vacancy−vacancy interactions. The diffusion of an H-vacancy from an in-plane site to a bridge site on the surface has the smallest activation barrier calculated at 0.15 eV and should be fast at room temperature. The activation barriers computed for H-vacancy diffusion from the surface into sublayers are all less than 0.70 eV, which is much smaller than the activation energy for desorption of hydrogen on the MgH2(110) surface (1.78−2.80 eV/H2). This suggests that surface desorption is more likely than vacancy diffusion to be rate determining, such that finding effective catalyst on the MgH2 surface to facilitate desorption will be very important for improving overall dehydrogenation performance.


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Cardiovascular diseases are a leading cause of death throughout the developed world. With the demand for donor hearts far exceeding the supply, a bridge-to-transplant or permanent solution is required. This is currently achieved with ventricular assist devices (VADs), which can be used to assist the left ventricle (LVAD), right ventricle (RVAD), or both ventricles simultaneously (BiVAD). Earlier generation VADs were large, volume-displacement devices designed for temporary support until a donor heart was found. The latest generation of VADs use rotary blood pump technology which improves device lifetime and the quality of life for end stage heart failure patients. VADs are connected to the heart and greater vessels of the patient through specially designed tubes called cannulae. The inflow cannulae, which supply blood to the VAD, are usually attached to the left atrium or ventricle for LVAD support, and the right atrium or ventricle for RVAD support. Few studies have characterized the haemodynamic difference between the two cannulation sites, particularly with respect to rotary RVAD support. Inflow cannulae are usually made of metal or a semi-rigid polymer to prevent collapse with negative pressures. However suction, and subsequent collapse, of the cannulated heart chamber can be a frequent occurrence, particularly with the relatively preload insensitive rotary blood pumps. Suction events may be associated with endocardial damage, pump flow stoppages and ventricular arrhythmias. While several VAD control strategies are under development, these usually rely on potentially inaccurate sensors or somewhat unreliable inferred data to estimate preload. Fixation of the inflow cannula is usually achieved through suturing the cannula, often via a felt sewing ring, to the cannulated chamber. This technique extends the time on cardiopulmonary bypass which is associated with several postoperative complications. The overall objective of this thesis was to improve the placement and design of rotary LVAD and RVAD inflow cannulae to achieve enhanced haemodynamic performance, reduced incidence of suction events, reduced levels of postoperative bleeding and a faster implantation procedure. Specific objectives were: * in-vitro evaluation of LVAD and RVAD inflow cannula placement, * design and in-vitro evaluation of a passive mechanism to reduce the potential for heart chamber suction, * design and in-vitro evaluation of a novel suture-less cannula fixation device. In order to complete in-vitro evaluation of VAD inflow cannulae, a mock circulation loop (MCL) was developed to accurately replicate the haemodynamics in the human systemic and pulmonary circulations. Validation of the MCL’s haemodynamic performance, including the form and magnitude of pressure, flow and volume traces was completed through comparisons of patient data and the literature. The MCL was capable of reproducing almost any healthy or pathological condition, and provided a useful tool to evaluate VAD cannulation and other cardiovascular devices. The MCL was used to evaluate inflow cannula placement for rotary VAD support. Left and right atrial and ventricular cannulation sites were evaluated under conditions of mild and severe heart failure. With a view to long term LVAD support in the severe left heart failure condition, left ventricular inflow cannulation was preferred due to improved LVAD efficiency and reduced potential for thrombus formation. In the mild left heart failure condition, left atrial cannulation was preferred to provide an improved platform for myocardial recovery. Similar trends were observed with RVAD support, however to a lesser degree due to a smaller difference in right atrial and ventricular pressures. A compliant inflow cannula to prevent suction events was then developed and evaluated in the MCL. As rotary LVAD or RVAD preload was reduced, suction events occurred in all instances with a rigid inflow cannula. Addition of the compliant segment eliminated suction events in all instances. This was due to passive restriction of the compliant segment as preload dropped, thus increasing the VAD circuit resistance and decreasing the VAD flow rate. Therefore, the compliant inflow cannula acted as a passive flow control / anti-suction system in LVAD and RVAD support. A novel suture-less inflow cannula fixation device was then developed to reduce implantation time and postoperative bleeding. The fixation device was evaluated for LVAD and RVAD support in cadaveric animal and human hearts attached to a MCL. LVAD inflow cannulation was achieved in under two minutes with the suture-less fixation device. No leakage through the suture-less fixation device – myocardial interface was noted. Continued development and in-vivo evaluation of this device may result in an improved inflow cannulation technique with the potential for off-bypass insertion. Continued development of this research, in particular the compliant inflow cannula and suture-less inflow cannulation device, will result in improved postoperative outcomes, life span and quality of life for end-stage heart failure patients.


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In this paper we apply port-Hamiltonian theory with the bondgraph modelling approach to the problem of formation control using partial measurements of relative positions. We present a control design that drives a group of vehicles to a desired formation without requiring inter-vehicle communications or global position and velocity measurements to be available. Our generic approach is applicable to any form of relative measurement between vehicles, but we specifically consider the important cases of relative bearings and relative distances. In the case of bearings, our theory closely relates to the field of image-based visual servo (IBVS) control. We present simulation results to support the developed theory.


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In this paper, we propose a semi-supervised approach of anomaly detection in Online Social Networks. The social network is modeled as a graph and its features are extracted to detect anomaly. A clustering algorithm is then used to group users based on these features and fuzzy logic is applied to assign degree of anomalous behavior to the users of these clusters. Empirical analysis shows effectiveness of this method.


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The reactions of pyrrole and thiophene monomers in copper-exchanged mordenite have been investigated using EPR and UV–VIS absorption spectroscopy. The EPR spectra show a decrease in the intensity of the Cu2+ signal and the appearance of a radical signal due to the formation of oxidatively coupled oligomeric and/or polymeric species in the zeolite host. The reaction ceases when ca. 50% of the copper has reacted and differences in the form of the residual Cu2+ signal between the thiophene and pyrrole reactions suggest a greater degree of penetration of the reaction into the zeolite host for pyrrole, in agreement with previous XPS measurements. The EPR signal intensities show that the average length of the polymer chain that is associated with each radical centre is 15–20 and 5–7 monomer units for polypyrrole and polythiophene, respectively. The widths of the EPR signals suggest that these are at least partly due to small oligomers. The UV–VIS absorption spectra of the thiophene system show bands in three main regions: 2.8–3.0 eV (A), 2.3 eV (B) and 1.6–1.9 eV (D, E, F). Bands A and D–F occur in regions which have previously been observed for small oligomers, 4–6 monomer units in length. Band B is assigned to longer chain polythiophene molecules. We therefore conclude that the reaction between thiophene and copper-loaded mordenite produces a mixture of short oligomers together with some long chain polythiophene. The UV–VIS spectra of the pyrrole system show bands in the regions 3.6 eV (A), 2.7–3.0 eV (B, C) and 1.5–1.9 eV (D, F). Assignments of these bands are less certain than for the thiophene case because of the lack of literature data on the spectra of pyrrole oligomers.