164 resultados para Islam.


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This study investigates stakeholder pressures on corporate climate change-related accountability and disclosure practices in Australia. While existing scholarship investigates stakeholder pressures on companies to discharge their broader accountability through general social and environmental disclosures, there is a lack of research investigating whether and how stakeholder pressures emerge to influence accountability and disclosure practices related to climate change. We surveyed various stakeholder groups to understand their concerns about climate change-related corporate accountability and disclosure practices. We present three primary findings: first, while NGOs and the media have some influence, institutional investors and government bodies (regulators) are perceived to be the most powerful stakeholders in generating climate change-related concern and coercive pressure on corporations to be accountable. Second, corporate climate change-related disclosures, as documented through the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), are positively associated with such perceived coercive pressures. Lastly, we find a positive correlation between the level of media attention to climate change and Australian corporate responses to the CDP. Our results indicate that corporations will not disclose climate change information until pressured by non-financial stakeholders. This suggests a larger role for non-financial actors than previously theorized, with several policy implications.


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The home environment is conceptualised in prolific ways within the academic literature. A home is an unparalleled base for human settlement and habitation that embodies a sensorial space that is layered with personal memories and traces of history. The success of a home in providing a strong ‘sense of place’ depends on various factors such as geographical location, monetary funds or personal perceptions. A home too, is an influential medium that allows its dwellers to express, perform and continue their cultural traditions and religious faiths. Traditional Islamic teachings and practices involve guidelines that apply directly to the domestic space. The principles of privacy, modesty and hospitality are paramount to these guidelines and each has a significant influence upon the design of Muslim homes and the home owners’ or dwellers’ domestic behaviours. Despite a significant increase of Muslim population in Australia over the last decade, very little is known about their perceptions of domestic life and their use of domestic spaces within an Australian context. This research investigated on how Muslims in Brisbane live and adapt within their Australian homes and if these homes meet their personal and familial needs to perform their daily activities, as well as maintaining and practising their Islamic faiths and traditions. Specific attention has been given to their perceptions on tripartite principles of privacy, modesty, and hospitality (PMH) and how they achieve these three objectives. A qualitative case study approach was used to investigate six Muslim families living in four Brisbane suburbs, consisting of: a) Case Study 1: three Muslim families residing in one suburb of Brisbane and, b) Case Study 2: three international Muslim students living in three different Brisbane suburbs. This research indicates that apart from minor ‘design-related’ difficulties, case study participants were able to continue to perform their daily activities within their current homes through minor changes to the use of the available interior spaces. Above all, case study participants opined that their current Australian homes provide them with adequate safety and privacy for their families without any major disturbances. Insight gained from these cases suggests that greater research attention needs to be given to the potential development of Australian home designs that are adaptable to the ever-changing needs of the Australian multicultural society. Awareness of the multifactorial nature of the influences on Muslims’ perceptions of home and their use of domestic space is needed if architects, building designers, engineers and builders are to be properly equipped to meet the needs of their Muslim clients.


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The objective of this study was to determine the influence of lactose carrier size on drug dispersion of salmeterol xinafoate (SX) from interactive mixtures. SX dispersion was measured by using the fine particle fractions determined by a twin stage impinger attached to a Rotahaler1. The particle size of the lactose carrier in the SX interactive mixtures was varied using a range of commercial inhalation-grade lactoses. In addition, differing size fractions of individual lactose samples were achieved by dry sieving. The dispersion ofSXappeared to increase as the particle size of the lactose carrier decreased for the mixtures prepared from different particle size commercial samples of lactose and from different sieve fractions of the same lactose. Fine particles of lactose (<5 mm) associated with the lactose carrier were removed from the carrier surface by a wet decantation process to produce lactose samples with low but similar concentrations of fine lactose particles. The fine particle fractions of SX in mixtures prepared with the decanted lactose decreased significantly (analysis of variance, p<0.001) and the degree of dispersion became independent of the volume mean diameter of the carriers (analysis of variance, p<0.05). The dispersion behavior is therefore associated with the presence of fine adhered particles associated with the carriers and the inherent size of the carrier itself has little influence on dispersion.


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Purpose The role of fine lactose in the dispersion of salmeterol xinafoate (SX) from lactose mixtures was studied by modifying the fine lactose concentration on the surface of the lactose carriers using wet decantation. Methods Fine lactose was removed from lactose carriers by wet decantation using ethanol saturated with lactose. Particle sizing was achieved by laser diffraction. Fine particle fractions (FPFs) were determined by Twin Stage Impinger using a 2.5% SX mixture, and SX was analyzed by a validated high-performance liquid chromatography method. Adhesion forces between probes of SX and silica and the lactose surfaces were determined by atomic force microscopy. Results FPFs of SX were related to fine lactose concentration in the mixture for inhalation grade lactose samples. Reductions in FPF (2-4-fold) of Aeroflo 95 and 65 were observed after removing fine lactose by wet decantation; FPFs reverted to original values after addition of micronized lactose to decanted mixtures. FPFs of SX of sieved and decanted fractions of Aeroflo carriers were significantly different (p < 0.001). The relationship between FPF and fine lactose concentration was linear. Decanted lactose demonstrated surface modification through increased SX-lactose adhesion forces; however, any surface modification other than removal of fine lactose only slightly influenced FPF. Conclusions Fine lactose played a key and dominating role in controlling FPF. SX to fine lactose ratios influenced dispersion of SX with maximum dispersion occurring as the ratio approached unity.


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Microtubules (MTs) play important and diverse roles in eukaryotic cells. Their function and biophysical properties have made α−and β−tubulin, the main components of MTs, the subject of intense study. Interfering with normal MT dynamics, for example, by the addition of tubulin ligands, can cause the cell great distress and affect MT stability and functions, including mitosis, cell motion and intracellular organelle transport. It has been shown in the literature that tubulin is an important target molecule for developing anticancer drugs. Tubulin binding molecules have generated considerable interest after the successful introduction of the taxanes into clinical oncology and the widespread use of the vinca alkaloids vincristine and vinblastine. These compounds inhibit cell mitosis by binding to the protein tubulin in the mitotic spindle and preventing polymerization into the MTs. This mode of action is also shared with other natural agents eg colchicine and podophyllotoxin. However various tubulin isotypes have shown resistance to taxanes and other MT agents. Therefore, there is a strong need to design and develop new natural analogs as antimitotic agents to interact with tubulin at sites different from those of vinca alkaloids and taxanes. This minireview provides SAR on several classes of antimitotic agents reported in the literature. The structures and data given are essential to the scientists who are involved in drug design and development in the field of anticancer drugs.


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CoMFA and CoMSIA analysis were utilized in this investigation to define the important interacting regions in paclitaxel/tubulin binding site and to develop selective paclitaxel-like active compounds. The starting geometry of paclitaxel analogs was taken from the crystal structure of docetaxel. A total of 28 derivatives of paclitaxel were divided into two groups—a training set comprising of 19 compounds and a test set comprising of nine compounds. They were constructed and geometrically optimized using SYBYL v6.6. CoMFA studies provided a good predictability (q2 = 0.699, r2 = 0.991, PC = 6, S.E.E. = 0.343 and F = 185.910). They showed the steric and electrostatic properties as the major interacting forces whilst the lipophilic property contribution was a minor factor for recognition forces of the binding site. These results were in agreement with the experimental data of the binding activities of these compounds. Five fields in CoMSIA analysis (steric, electrostatic, hydrophobic, hydrogen-bond acceptor and donor properties) were considered contributors in the ligand–receptor interactions. The results obtained from the CoMSIA studies were: q2 = 0.535, r2 = 0.983, PC = 5, S.E.E. = 0.452 and F = 127.884. The data obtained from both CoMFA and CoMSIA studies were interpreted with respect to the paclitaxel/tubulin binding site. This intuitively suggested where the most significant anchoring points for binding affinity are located. This information could be used for the development of new compounds having paclitaxel-like activity with new chemical entities to overcome the existing pharmaceutical barriers and the economical problem associated with the synthesis of the paclitaxel analogs. These will boost the wide use of this useful class of compounds, i.e. in brain tumors as the most of the present active compounds have poor blood–brain barrier crossing ratios and also, various tubulin isotypes has shown resistance to taxanes and other antimitotic agents.


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We propose an architecture for a rule-based online management systems (RuleOMS). Typically, many domain areas face the problem that stakeholders maintain databases of their business core information and they have to take decisions or create reports according to guidelines, policies or regulations. To address this issue we propose the integration of databases, in particular relational databases, with a logic reasoner and rule engine. We argue that defeasible logic is an appropriate formalism to model rules, in particular when the rules are meant to model regulations. The resulting RuleOMS provides an efficient and flexible solution to the problem at hand using defeasible inference. A case study of an online child care management system is used to illustrate the proposed architecture.


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With much of the focus on the “risk” groups, families have often been less studied in HIV research. Further, because of a focus on the aetiology and epidemiology of HIV, the social impacts associated with HIV on families and neighbours are sometimes overlooked. This study examined parental experiences of stigma and discrimination while living with HIV within a family context in Bangladesh. A qualitative research design using a grounded theory approach was used for this research. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with 19 HIV-positive parents, recruited with the support of two self-help groups of HIV-positive people, in two settings namely Khulna and Dhaka in Bangladesh. The findings indicate that HIV-positive parents held the view that they continue to experience significant stigma and their narratives clearly show how this affected them and their children. A range of informal practices were enacted in everyday contexts by extended family and community members to identify, demarcate and limit the social interaction of HIV-positive parents. Parents highlighted a number of factors including negative thoughts and behaviours, rejection, isolation and derogatory remarks as manifestations of stigma and discrimination, impacting upon them and their children because of their association with HIV.


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Different human activities like combustion of fossil fuels, biomass burning, industrial and agricultural activities, emit a large amount of particulates into the atmosphere. As a consequence, the air we inhale contains significant amount of suspended particles, including organic and inorganic solids and liquids, as well as various microorganism, which are solely responsible for a number of pulmonary diseases. Developing a numerical model for transport and deposition of foreign particles in realistic lung geometry is very challenging due to the complex geometrical structure of the human lung. In this study, we have numerically investigated the airborne particle transport and its deposition in human lung surface. In order to obtain the appropriate results of particle transport and deposition in human lung, we have generated realistic lung geometry from the CT scan obtained from a local hospital. For a more accurate approach, we have also created a mucus layer inside the geometry, adjacent to the lung surface and added all apposite mucus layer properties to the wall surface. The Lagrangian particle tracking technique is employed by using ANSYS FLUENT solver to simulate the steady-state inspiratory flow. Various injection techniques have been introduced to release the foreign particles through the inlet of the geometry. In order to investigate the effects of particle size on deposition, numerical calculations are carried out for different sizes of particles ranging from 1 micron to 10 micron. The numerical results show that particle deposition pattern is completely dependent on its initial position and in case of realistic geometry; most of the particles are deposited on the rough wall surface of the lung geometry instead of carinal region.


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Though difficult, the study of gene-environment interactions in multifactorial diseases is crucial for interpreting the relevance of non-heritable factors and prevents from overlooking genetic associations with small but measurable effects. We propose a "candidate interactome" (i.e. a group of genes whose products are known to physically interact with environmental factors that may be relevant for disease pathogenesis) analysis of genome-wide association data in multiple sclerosis. We looked for statistical enrichment of associations among interactomes that, at the current state of knowledge, may be representative of gene-environment interactions of potential, uncertain or unlikely relevance for multiple sclerosis pathogenesis: Epstein-Barr virus, human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, cytomegalovirus, HHV8-Kaposi sarcoma, H1N1-influenza, JC virus, human innate immunity interactome for type I interferon, autoimmune regulator, vitamin D receptor, aryl hydrocarbon receptor and a panel of proteins targeted by 70 innate immune-modulating viral open reading frames from 30 viral species. Interactomes were either obtained from the literature or were manually curated. The P values of all single nucleotide polymorphism mapping to a given interactome were obtained from the last genome-wide association study of the International Multiple Sclerosis Genetics Consortium & the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium, 2. The interaction between genotype and Epstein Barr virus emerges as relevant for multiple sclerosis etiology. However, in line with recent data on the coexistence of common and unique strategies used by viruses to perturb the human molecular system, also other viruses have a similar potential, though probably less relevant in epidemiological terms. © 2013 Mechelli et al.


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The insecure supply of fossil fuel coerces the scientific society to keep a vision to boost investments in the renewable energy sector. Among the many renewable fuels currently available around the world, biodiesel offers an immediate impact in our energy. In fact, a huge interest in related research indicates a promising future for the biodiesel technology. Heterogeneous catalyzed production of biodiesel has emerged as a preferred route as it is environmentally benign needs no water washing and product separation is much easier. The number of well-defined catalyst complexes that are able to catalyze transesterification reactions efficiently has been significantly expanded in recent years. The activity of catalysts, specifically in application to solid acid/base catalyst in transesterification reaction depends on their structure, strength of basicity/acidity, surface area as well as the stability of catalyst. There are various process intensification technologies based on the use of alternate energy sources such as ultrasound and microwave. The latest advances in research and development related to biodiesel production is represented by non-catalytic supercritical method and focussed exclusively on these processes as forthcoming transesterification processes. The latest developments in this field featuring highly active catalyst complexes are outlined in this review. The knowledge of more extensive research on advances in biofuels will allow a deeper insight into the mechanism of these technologies toward meeting the critical energy challenges in future.


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Flow patterns and aerodynamic characteristics behind three side-by-side square cylinders has been found depending upon the unequal gap spacing (g1 = s1/d and g2 = s2/d) between the three cylinders and the Reynolds number (Re) using the Lattice Boltzmann method. The effect of Reynolds numbers on the flow behind three cylinders are numerically studied for 75 ≤ Re ≤ 175 and chosen unequal gap spacings such as (g1, g2) = (1.5, 1), (3, 4) and (7, 6). We also investigate the effect of g2 while keeping g1 fixed for Re = 150. It is found that a Reynolds number have a strong effect on the flow at small unequal gap spacing (g1, g2) = (1.5, 1.0). It is also found that the secondary cylinder interaction frequency significantly contributes for unequal gap spacing for all chosen Reynolds numbers. It is observed that at intermediate unequal gap spacing (g1, g2) = (3, 4) the primary vortex shedding frequency plays a major role and the effect of secondary cylinder interaction frequencies almost disappear. Some vortices merge near the exit and as a result small modulation found in drag and lift coefficients. This means that with the increase in the Reynolds numbers and unequal gap spacing shows weakens wakes interaction between the cylinders. At large unequal gap spacing (g1, g2) = (7, 6) the flow is fully periodic and no small modulation found in drag and lift coefficients signals. It is found that the jet flows for unequal gap spacing strongly influenced the wake interaction by varying the Reynolds number. These unequal gap spacing separate wake patterns for different Reynolds numbers: flip-flopping, in-phase and anti-phase modulation synchronized, in-phase and anti-phase synchronized. It is also observed that in case of equal gap spacing between the cylinders the effect of gap spacing is stronger than the Reynolds number. On the other hand, in case of unequal gap spacing between the cylinders the wake patterns strongly depends on both unequal gap spacing and Reynolds number. The vorticity contour visualization, time history analysis of drag and lift coefficients, power spectrum analysis of lift coefficient and force statistics are systematically discussed for all chosen unequal gap spacings and Reynolds numbers to fully understand this valuable and practical problem.


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The present study explored the effects of the double counter twisted tapes on heat transfer and fluid friction characteristics in a heat exchanger tube. The double counter twisted tapes were used as counter-swirl flow generators in the test section. The experiments were performed with double counter twisted tapes of four different twist ratios (y = 1.95, 3.85, 5.92 and 7.75) using air as the testing fluid in a circular tube turbulent flow regime where the Reynolds number was varied from 6950 to 50,050. The experimental results demonstrated that the Nusselt number, friction factor and thermal enhancement efficiency were increased with decreasing twist ratio. The results also revealed that the heat transfer rate in the tube fitted with double counter twisted tape was significantly increased with corresponding increase in pressure drop. In the range of the present work, heat transfer rate and friction factor were obtained to be around 60 to 240% and 91 to 286% higher than those of the plain tube values, respectively. The maximum thermal enhancement efficiency of 1.34 was achieved by the use of double counter twisted tapes at constant blower power. In addition, the empirical correlations for the Nusselt number, friction factor and thermal enhancement efficiency were also developed, based on the experimental data.


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With recent economic growth in Oman there is increased use of heavy vehicles, presenting an increase in heavy vehicle crashes, associated fatalities and injuries. Vehicle defects cause a significant number of heavy vehicle crashes in Oman and increase the likelihood of fatalities. The aim of this study is to explore factors contributing to driving with vehicle defects in the Omani heavy vehicle industry. A series of qualitative participants observations were conducted in Oman with 49 drivers. These observations also involved discussion and interviews with drivers. The observations occurred at two road-side locations where heavy vehicle drivers gather for eating, resting, vehicle check-up, etc. Data collection was conducted over a three week period. The data was analysed using thematic analysis. A broad number of factors were identified as contributing to the driving of vehicles with defects. Participants indicated that tyres and vehicle mechanical faults were a common issue in the heavy vehicle industry. Participants regularly reported that their companies use cheap, poor quality standards parts and conducted minimal maintenance. Drivers also indicated that they felt powerless to resist company pressure to drive vehicles with known faults. In addition, drivers reported that traffic police were generally in effective and lacked skill to appropriately conduct roadside inspection on trucks. Further, participants stated that it was possible for companies to avoid being fined during annual or roadside vehicle inspections if members of the company knew the traffic police officer conducting the inspection. Moreover, fines issued by police are generally directed to the individual driver rather than being applied to the company, thus providing no incentive for companies to address vehicle faults. The implications of the findings are discussed.