Socio-cultural influences on vehicle defects in the Omani heavy vehicle industry

Autoria(s): Al-Bulushi, Islam; Edwards, Jason; Davey, Jeremy; Armstrong, Kerry; Al-Maniri, Abdullah; Al-Shamsi, Khalid



With recent economic growth in Oman there is increased use of heavy vehicles, presenting an increase in heavy vehicle crashes, associated fatalities and injuries. Vehicle defects cause a significant number of heavy vehicle crashes in Oman and increase the likelihood of fatalities. The aim of this study is to explore factors contributing to driving with vehicle defects in the Omani heavy vehicle industry. A series of qualitative participants observations were conducted in Oman with 49 drivers. These observations also involved discussion and interviews with drivers. The observations occurred at two road-side locations where heavy vehicle drivers gather for eating, resting, vehicle check-up, etc. Data collection was conducted over a three week period. The data was analysed using thematic analysis. A broad number of factors were identified as contributing to the driving of vehicles with defects. Participants indicated that tyres and vehicle mechanical faults were a common issue in the heavy vehicle industry. Participants regularly reported that their companies use cheap, poor quality standards parts and conducted minimal maintenance. Drivers also indicated that they felt powerless to resist company pressure to drive vehicles with known faults. In addition, drivers reported that traffic police were generally in effective and lacked skill to appropriately conduct roadside inspection on trucks. Further, participants stated that it was possible for companies to avoid being fined during annual or roadside vehicle inspections if members of the company knew the traffic police officer conducting the inspection. Moreover, fines issued by police are generally directed to the individual driver rather than being applied to the company, thus providing no incentive for companies to address vehicle faults. The implications of the findings are discussed.





Al-Bulushi, Islam, Edwards, Jason, Davey, Jeremy, Armstrong, Kerry, Al-Maniri, Abdullah, & Al-Shamsi, Khalid (2015) Socio-cultural influences on vehicle defects in the Omani heavy vehicle industry. In 2015 Australasian Road Safety Conference, 14 - 16 October 2015, Gold Coast, Qld.


Copyright 2015 [Please consult the author]


Centre for Accident Research & Road Safety - Qld (CARRS-Q); Faculty of Health; Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation; School of Psychology & Counselling

Palavras-Chave #111705 Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety #150703 Road Transportation and Freight Services #road traffic crashes #vehicle defects #Bronfenbrenner Ecological Development Model #Deterrence Theory #Safety #Oman

Conference Paper