155 resultados para Clayton Copula


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Background Supine imaging modalities provide valuable 3D information on scoliotic anatomy, but the altered spine geometry between the supine and standing positions affects the Cobb angle measurement. Previous studies report a mean 7°-10° Cobb angle increase from supine to standing, but none have reported the effect of endplate pre-selection or whether other parameters affect this Cobb angle difference. Methods Cobb angles from existing coronal radiographs were compared to those on existing low-dose CT scans taken within three months of the reference radiograph for a group of females with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Reformatted coronal CT images were used to measure supine Cobb angles with and without endplate pre-selection (end-plates selected from the radiographs) by two observers on three separate occasions. Inter and intra-observer measurement variability were assessed. Multi-linear regression was used to investigate whether there was a relationship between supine to standing Cobb angle change and eight variables: patient age, mass, standing Cobb angle, Risser sign, ligament laxity, Lenke type, fulcrum flexibility and time delay between radiograph and CT scan. Results Fifty-two patients with right thoracic Lenke Type 1 curves and mean age 14.6 years (SD 1.8) were included. The mean Cobb angle on standing radiographs was 51.9° (SD 6.7). The mean Cobb angle on supine CT images without pre-selection of endplates was 41.1° (SD 6.4). The mean Cobb angle on supine CT images with endplate pre-selection was 40.5° (SD 6.6). Pre-selecting vertebral endplates increased the mean Cobb change by 0.6° (SD 2.3, range −9° to 6°). When free to do so, observers chose different levels for the end vertebrae in 39% of cases. Multi-linear regression revealed a statistically significant relationship between supine to standing Cobb change and fulcrum flexibility (p = 0.001), age (p = 0.027) and standing Cobb angle (p < 0.001). The 95% confidence intervals for intra-observer and inter-observer measurement variability were 3.1° and 3.6°, respectively. Conclusions Pre-selecting vertebral endplates causes minor changes to the mean supine to standing Cobb change. There is a statistically significant relationship between supine to standing Cobb change and fulcrum flexibility such that this difference can be considered a potential alternative measure of spinal flexibility.


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The primary aim of this study was to determine whether endplate pre-selection makes a difference to the Cobb Angle change between supine and standing which is known to occur in idiopathic scoliosis. A secondary aim of this study was to identify which (if any) patient characteristics were correlated with supine versus standing Cobb change. The study found that pre-selecting vertebral endplates causes only has a minor effect on supine to standing Cobb change in scoliosis. There is a statistically significant relationship between supine to standing Cobb Angle change and fulcrum flexibility. Therefore, supine to standing Cobb Angle change can be considered as a measure of spinal flexibility when both standing and supine images are clinically available.


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The third edition of Work Health and Safety Law and Policy continues to provide a plain English approach to explaining and analysing the law which regulates work health and safety in Australia. Providing broad coverage, this book focuses on the role that legal regulation plays in preventing work-related injury and disease, as well as the way in which the law contributes to rehabilitating and compensating injured and ill workers. This third edition focuses on the national model Work Health and Safety Bill 2009. The provisions of the model Bill are outlined, along with court decisions and other documentation that help interpret the provisions in new legislation enacting the model Bill. There is also a chapter in the book examining the national model Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011, and model codes of practice. The book includes three chapters on common law, statutory workers’ compensation provisions and rehabilitation. Tables summarising the key legal provisions of the major Australian Commonwealth, State and Territory workers’ compensation statutes have been updated and give quick and easy reference to points of legislation.


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This paper analyses the concept of ‘work-relatedness’ in Australian workers’ compensation and occupational health and safety (OHS) systems. The concept of work-relatedness is important because it is a crucial element circumscribing the limits of the protection afforded to workers under the preventative OHS statutes, and is a threshold element which has to be satisfied before an injured or ill worker can recover statutory compensation. While the preventive and compensatory regimes do draw on some similar concepts of work-relatedness, as this paper will illustrate, there are significant differences both between, and within, these regimes.


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There is growing interest in the biomechanics of ‘fusionless’ implant constructs used for deformity correction in the thoracic spine, however, there are questions over the comparability of in vitro biomechanical studies from different research groups due to the various methods used for specimen preparation, testing and data collection. The aim of this study was to identify the effect of two key factors on the stiffness of immature bovine thoracic spine motion segments: (i) repeated cyclic loading and (ii) multiple freeze-thaw cycles, to aid in the planning and interpretation of in vitro studies. Two groups of thoracic spine motion segments from 6-8 week old calves were tested in flexion/extension, right/left lateral bending, and right/left axial rotation under moment control. Group (A) were tested with continuous repeated cyclic loading for 500 cycles with data recorded at cycles 3, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500. Group (B) were tested after each of five freeze-thaw sequences, with data collected from the 10th load cycle in each sequence. Group A: Flexion/extension stiffness reduced significantly over the 500 load cycles (-22%; P=0.001), but there was no significant change between the 5th and 200th load cycles. Lateral bending stiffness decreased significantly (-18%; P=0.009) over the 500 load cycles, but there was no significant change in axial rotation stiffness (P=0.137). Group B: There was no significant difference between mean stiffness over the five freeze-thaw sequences in flexion/extension (P=0.813) and a near significant reduction in mean stiffness in axial rotation (-6%; P=0.07). However, there was a statistically significant increase in stiffness in lateral bending (+30%; P=0.007). Comparison of in vitro testing results for immature thoracic bovine spine segments between studies can be performed with up to 200 load cycles without significant changes in stiffness. However, when testing protocols require greater than 200 cycles, or when repeated freeze-thaw cycles are involved, it is important to account for the effect of cumulative load and freeze-thaw cycles on spine segment stiffness.


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Managing spinal deformities in young children is challenging, particularly early onset scoliosis (EOS). Surgical intervention is often required if EOS has been unresponsive to conservative treatment particularly with rapidly progressive curves. An emerging treatment option for EOS is fusionless scoliosis surgery. Similar to bracing, this surgical option potentially harnesses growth, motion and function of the spine along with correcting spinal deformity. Dual growing rods are one such fusionless treatment, which aims to modulate growth of the vertebrae. The aim of this study was to ascertain the extent to which semi-constrained growing rods (Medtronic Sofamor Danek Memphis, TN, USA) with a telescopic sleeve component, reduce rotational constraint on the spine compared with standard rigid rods and hence potentially provide a more physiological mechanical environment for the growing spine. This study found that semi-constrained growing rods would be expected to allow growth via the telescopic rod components while maintaining the axial flexibility of the spine and the improved capacity for final correction.


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There is strong current interest in the use of biodegradable scaffolds in combination with bone growth factors as a valuable alternative to the current gold standard autograft in spinal fusion surgery Yong et al. (2013). Here we report on 6- vs 12- month data set evaluating the longitudinal performance of a CaP coated polycaprolactone (PCL) scaffold loaded with recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) as a bone graft substitute within a preclinical ovine thoracic spine. The results of this study demonstrate the efficacy of scaffold-based delivery of rhBMP-2 in promoting higher fusion grades at 6- and 12- months in comparison to the scaffold alone or autograft group within the same time frame. Fusion grades achieved at six months using PCL+rhBMP-2 are not significantly increased at twelve months post surgery.


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Background The use of dual growing rods is a fusionless surgical approach to the treatment of early onset scoliosis (EOS), which aims of harness potential growth in order to correct spinal deformity. The purpose of this study was to compare the in-vitro biomechanical response of two different dual rod designs under axial rotation loading. Methods Six porcine spines were dissected into seven level thoracolumbar multi-segmental units. Each specimen was mounted and tested in a biaxial Instron machine, undergoing nondestructive left/right axial rotation to peak moments of 4Nm at a constant rotation rate of 8deg.s-1. A motion tracking system (Optotrak) measured 3D displacements of individual vertebrae. Each spine was tested in an un-instrumented state first and then with appropriately sized semi-constrained growing rods and ‘rigid’ rods in alternating sequence. Range of motion, neutral zone size and stiffness were calculated from the moment-rotation curves and intervertebral ranges of motion were calculated from Optotrak data. Findings Irrespective of test sequence, rigid rods showed significantly reduction of total rotation across all instrumented levels (with increased stiffness) whilst semi-constrained rods exhibited similar rotation behavior to the un-instrumented (P<0.05). An 11% and 8% increase in stiffness for left and right axial rotation respectively and 15% reduction in total range of motion was recorded with dual rigid rods compared with semi-constrained rods. Interpretation Based on these findings, the semi-constrained growing rods do not increase axial rotation stiffness compared with un-instrumented spines. This is thought to provide a more physiological environment for the growing spine compared to dual rigid rod constructs.


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Due to its ability to represent intricate systems with material nonlinearities as well as irregular loading, boundary, geometrical and material domains, the finite element (FE) method has been recognized as an important computational tool in spinal biomechanics. Current FE models generally account for a single distinct spinal geometry with one set of material properties despite inherently large inter-subject variability. The uncertainty and high variability in tissue material properties, geometry, loading and boundary conditions has cast doubt on the reliability of their predictions and comparability with reported in vitro and in vivo values. A multicenter study was undertaken to compare the results of eight well-established models of the lumbar spine that have been developed, validated and applied for many years. Models were subjected to pure and combined loading modes and their predictions were compared to in vitro and in vivo measurements for intervertebral rotations, disc pressures and facet joint forces. Under pure moment loading, the predicted L1-5 rotations of almost all models fell within the reported in vitro ranges; their median values differed on average by only 2° for flexion-extension, 1° for lateral bending and 5° for axial rotation. Predicted median facet joint forces and disc pressures were also in good agreement with previously published median in vitro values. However, the ranges of predictions were larger and exceeded the in vitro ranges, especially for facet joint forces. For all combined loading modes, except for flexion, predicted median segmental intervertebral rotations and disc pressures were in good agreement with in vivo values. The simulations yielded median facet joint forces of 0 N in flexion, 38 N in extension, 14 N in lateral bending and 60 N in axial rotation that could not be validated due to the paucity of in vivo facet joint forces. In light of high inter-subject variability, one must be cautious when generalizing predictions obtained from one deterministic model. This study demonstrates however that the predictive power increases when FE models are combined together. The median of individual numerical results can hence be used as an improved tool in order to estimate the response of the lumbar spine.


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Clinically, the Cobb angle method measures the overall scoliotic curve in the coronal plane but does not measure individual vertebra and disc wedging. The contributions of the vertebrae and discs in the growing scoliotic spine were measured using sequential MRI scans to investigate coronal plane deformity progression with growth. Sequential MRI data showed complex patterns of deformity progression. Changes to the wedging of individual vertebrae and discs may occur in patients who have no increase in overall Cobb angle measure; the Cobb method alone may be insufficient to capture the complex mechanisms of deformity progression.


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Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a heritable disease occurring in one out of every 20,000 births. Although it is known that Type I collagen mutation in OI leads to increased bone fragility, the mechanism of this increased susceptibility to fracture is not clear. The aim of this study was to assess the microstructure of cortical bone fragments from patients with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) using polarized light microscopy, and to correlate microstructural observations with the results of previously performed mechanical compression tests on bone from the same source. Specimens of cortical bone were harvested from the lower limbs of three (3) OI patients at the time of surgery, and were divided into two groups. Group 1 had been subjected to previous micro-mechanical compression testing, while Group 2 had not been subjected to any prior testing. Polarized light microscopy revealed disorganized bone collagen architecture as has been previously observed, as well as a large increase in the areal porosity of the bone compared to typical values for healthy cortical bone, with large (several hundred micron sized), asymmetrical pores. Importantly, the areal porosity of the OI bone samples in Group 1 appears to correlate strongly with their previously measured apparent Young's modulus and compressive strength. Taken together with prior nanoindentation studies on OI bone tissue, the results of this study suggest that increased intra-cortical porosity is responsible for the reduction in macroscopic mechanical properties of OI cortical bone, and therefore that in vivo imaging modalities with resolutions of ~ 100 μm or less could potentially be used to non-invasively assess bone strength in OI patients. Although the number of subjects in this study is small, these results highlight the importance of further studies in OI bone by groups with access to human OI tissue in order to clarify the relationship between increased porosity and reduced macroscopic mechanical integrity.


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Study design Retrospective validation study. Objectives To propose a method to evaluate, from a clinical standpoint, the ability of a finite-element model (FEM) of the trunk to simulate orthotic correction of spinal deformity and to apply it to validate a previously described FEM. Summary of background data Several FEMs of the scoliotic spine have been described in the literature. These models can prove useful in understanding the mechanisms of scoliosis progression and in optimizing its treatment, but their validation has often been lacking or incomplete. Methods Three-dimensional (3D) geometries of 10 patients before and during conservative treatment were reconstructed from biplanar radiographs. The effect of bracing was simulated by modeling displacements induced by the brace pads. Simulated clinical indices (Cobb angle, T1–T12 and T4–T12 kyphosis, L1–L5 lordosis, apical vertebral rotation, torsion, rib hump) and vertebral orientations and positions were compared to those measured in the patients' 3D geometries. Results Errors in clinical indices were of the same order of magnitude as the uncertainties due to 3D reconstruction; for instance, Cobb angle was simulated with a root mean square error of 5.7°, and rib hump error was 5.6°. Vertebral orientation was simulated with a root mean square error of 4.8° and vertebral position with an error of 2.5 mm. Conclusions The methodology proposed here allowed in-depth evaluation of subject-specific simulations, confirming that FEMs of the trunk have the potential to accurately simulate brace action. These promising results provide a basis for ongoing 3D model development, toward the design of more efficient orthoses.


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Motivation Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are spherical bilayered proteolipids, harboring various bioactive molecules. Due to the complexity of the vesicular nomenclatures and components, online searches for EV-related publications and vesicular components are currently challenging. Results We present an improved version of EVpedia, a public database for EVs research. This community web portal contains a database of publications and vesicular components, identification of orthologous vesicular components, bioinformatic tools and a personalized function. EVpedia includes 6879 publications, 172 080 vesicular components from 263 high-throughput datasets, and has been accessed more than 65 000 times from more than 750 cities. In addition, about 350 members from 73 international research groups have participated in developing EVpedia. This free web-based database might serve as a useful resource to stimulate the emerging field of EV research. Availability and implementation The web site was implemented in PHP, Java, MySQL and Apache, and is freely available at http://evpedia.info.


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Background Context There are differences in definitions of end plate lesions (EPLs), often referred to as Schmorl’s nodes, that may, to some extent, account for the large range of reported prevalence (3.8 to 76%). Purpose To develop a technique to measure the size, prevalence and location of EPLs in a consistent manner. Study Design/Setting This study proposed a method using a detection algorithm which was applied to five adolescent females (average age 15.1 years, range 13.0 to 19.2 years) with idiopathic scoliosis (average major Cobb angle 60°, range 55 to 67°). Methods Existing low-dose, computed tomography scans were segmented semi-automatically to extract 3D morphology of each vertebral endplate. Any remaining attachments to the posterior elements of adjacent vertebrae or endplates were then manually sectioned. An automatic algorithm was used to determine the presence and position of EPLs. Results EPLs were identified in 15 of the 170 (8.8%) endplates analysed with an average depth of 3.1mm. 11/15 of the EPLs were seen in the lumbar spine. The algorithm was found to be most sensitive to changes in the minimum EPL gradient at the edges of the EPL. Conclusions This study describes an imaging analysis technique for consistent measurement of the prevalence, location and size of EPLs. The technique can be used to analyse large populations without observer errors in EPL definitions.


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Introduction Clinically, the Cobb angle method measures the overall scoliotic curve in the coronal plane but does not measure individual vertebra and disc wedging. The contributions of the vertebrae and discs in the growing scoliotic spine were measured to investigate coronal plane deformity progression with growth. Methods A 0.49mm isotropic 3D MRI technique was developed to investigate the level-by-level changes that occur in the growing spine of a group of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) patients, who received two to four sequential scans (spaced 3-12 months apart). The coronal plane wedge angles of each vertebra and disc in the major curve were measured to capture any changes that occurred during their adolescent growth phase. Results Seventeen patients had at least two scans. Mean patient age was 12.9 years (SD 1.5 years). Sixteen were classified as right-sided major thoracic Lenke Type 1 (one left sided). Mean standing Cobb angle at initial presentation was 31° (SD 12°). Six received two scans, nine three scans and two four scans, with 65% showing a Cobb angle progression of 5° or more between scans. Overall, there was no clear pattern of deformity progression of individual vertebrae and discs, nor between patients who progressed and those who didn’t. There were measurable changes in the wedging of the vertebrae and discs in all patients. In sequential scans, change in direction of wedging was also seen. In several patients there was reverse wedging in the discs that counteracted increased wedging of the vertebrae such that no change in overall Cobb angle was seen. Conclusion Sequential MRI data showed complex patterns of deformity progression. Changes to the wedging of individual vertebrae and discs may occur in patients who have no increase in Cobb angle measure; the Cobb method alone may be insufficient to capture the complex mechanisms of deformity progression.