341 resultados para action step


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Public engagement and support is essential for ensuring adaptation to climate change. The first step in achieving engagement is documenting how the general public currently perceive and understand climate change issues, specifically the importance they place on this global problem and identifying any unique challenges for individual communities. For rural communities, which rely heavily on local agriculture industries, climate change brings both potential impacts and opportunities. Yet, to date, our knowledge about how rural residents conceptualise climate change is limited. Thus, this research explores how the broader rural community – not only farmers – conceptualise climate change and responsive activities, focussing on documenting the understandings and risk perceptions of local residents from two small Australian rural communities. Twenty-three semi-structured interviews were conducted in communities in the Eden/Gippsland region on the border of New South Wales and Victoria, and the North-East of Tasmania. There are conflicting views on how climate change is conceptualised, the degree of concern and need for action, the role of local industry, who will 'win' and 'lose', and the willingness of rural communities to adapt. In particular, residents who believed in anthropogenic or human-induced factors described the changing climate as evidence of 'climate change', whereas those who were more sceptical termed it 'weather variability', suggesting that there is a divide in rural Australia that, unless urgently addressed, will hinder local and national policy responses to this global issue. Engaging these communities in the 21st century climate change debate will require a significant change in terminology and communication strategies.


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Change is a regular part of school life. Educational innovations are constantly being implements in order to benefit students, improve outcomes and meet the obligations and accountability demands of governments. Rapid social and technological change has occurred within and around schools during the past 15 or more years, impacting upon curricula and pedagogies. Simultaneously, there has been a trend towards incorporating youth voice, where young people share in the decisions that will impact on their school experiences (Mitra, 2008a, 2004). Most recently, with the advent of the first National Australian Curriculum (McGaw, 2010), there is an imposed curriculum change, which reflects the growing global trend towards centralised control over what students learn in school (Zhao, 2011) and highlights that schools have to respond to change from all levels. Spears (in press) also notes that parents are raising children in an increasingly wireless world which is far removed from the one in which they were raised. Educators are teaching in schools that are vastly different technologically from those they knew as children and adolescents, or even those in which they were teaching a decade ago. Children born in 1995, the year when the Internet was first commercialised, are 16 years old in 2011 and, whilst parents may have embraced technological advances in their own adult working or social lives, they are yet to fathom fully what it means for their children and their relationships: to be educated and to socialise in the midst of mobile social media. Young people have greater access to more information than at any time past and move seamlessly between online and offline environments, often referring to them as ‘the same life’ (Spears, Kofoed, Bartolo, Palermiti and Castabile, in press). Along with these changes has come the transformation of traditional forms of bullying to cyberbullying, amid the public perception that bullying generally is becoming worse in schools.


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A better understanding of the behaviour of prepared cane and bagasse, especially the ability to model the mechanical behaviour of bagasse as it is squeezed in a milling unit to extract juice, would help identify how to improve the current milling process; for example to reduce final bagasse moisture. Previous investigations have proven with certainty that juice flow through bagasse obeys Darcy’s permeability law, that the grip of the rough surface of the grooves on the bagasse can be represented by the Mohr- Coulomb failure criterion for soils, and that the internal mechanical behaviour of the bagasse can be represented by critical state behaviour similar to that of sand and clay. Current Finite Element Models (FEM) available in commercial software have adequate permeability models. However, commercial software does not contain an adequate mechanical model for bagasse. Progress has been made in the last ten years towards implementing a mechanical model for bagasse in finite element software code. This paper builds on that progress and carries out a further step towards obtaining an adequate material model. In particular, the prediction of volume change during shearing of normally consolidated final bagasse is addressed.


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This paper discusses the technique of ‘yarning’ as an action research process relevant for policy development work with Aboriginal peoples. Through a case study of an Aboriginal community-based smoking project in the Australian State of Victoria, the paper demonstrates how the Aboriginal concept of ‘yarning’ can be used to empower people to create policy change that not only impacts on their own health, but also impacts on the health of others and the Aboriginal organisation for which they work. The paper presents yarning within the context of models of empowerment and a methodological approach of participatory action research. The method is based on respect and inclusivity, with the final policy developed by staff for staff. Yarning is likely to be successful for action researchers working within a variety of Indigenous contexts.


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This is a creative piece inspired within and by the decolonising stream that emerged at the World Congress on Action Research and Action Learning, held in Melbourne, Australia in September 2010. It compliments the other works within ALAR Journal's specific edition on research experiences within the decolonising space.


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This edition of the ALAR Action learning action research journal aims to capture some of the current dilemmas, solutions and actions researchers experience in the decolonising space. This collection of papers demonstrates that researchers are not only undertaking action research with and within Indigenous and non-Indigenous contexts, but that they are doing so in exciting and dynamic ways across a diversity of situations. First we will address some of the literature on decolonisation. Then we will explain how this specific edition of the Journal came to fruition and aspects of action research.


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This edition of the ALAR Action learning action research journal aims to capture some of the current dilemmas, solutions and actions researchers experience in the decolonising space. This collection of papers demonstrates that researchers are not only undertaking action research with and within Indigenous and non-Indigenous contexts, but that they are doing so in exciting and dynamic ways across a diversity of situations. First we will address some of the literature on decolonisation. Then we will explain how this specific edition of the Journal came to fruition and aspects of action research. This is a condensed version of the Editorial that appears in the electronic version of the Journal.


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Physical inactivity is a serious concern both nationally and internationally. Despite the numerous benefits of performing regular physical activity, many individuals lead sedentary lifestyles. Of concern, though, is research showing that some population sub-groups are less likely to be active, such as parents of young children. Although there is a vast amount of research dedicated to understanding people.s physical activity-related behaviours, there is a paucity of research examining those factors that influence parental physical activity. More importantly, research applying theoretical models to understand physical activity decision-making among this at-risk population is limited. Given the current obesity epidemic, the decline in physical activity with parenthood, and the many social and health benefits associated with regular physical activity, it is important that adults with young children are sufficiently active. In light of the dearth of research examining parental physical activity and the scant research applying a theory-based approach to gain this understanding, the overarching aim of the current program of research was to adopt a mixed methods approach as well as use sound theoretical frameworks to understand the regular physical activity behaviour of mothers and fathers with young children. This program of research comprised of three distinct stages: a qualitative stage exploring individual, social, and psychological factors that influence parental regular physical activity (Stage 1); a quantitative stage identifying the important predictors of parental regular physical activity intentions and behaviour using sound theoretical frameworks and testing a single-item measure for assessing parental physical activity behaviour (Stage 2); and a qualitative stage exploring strategies for an intervention program aimed at increasing parental regular physical activity (Stage 3). As a thesis by publication, eight papers report the findings of this program of research; these papers are presented according to the distinct stages of investigation that guided this program of research. Stage One of the research program comprised a qualitative investigation using a focus group/interview methodology with parents of children younger than 5 years of age (N = 40; n = 21 mothers, n = 19 fathers) (Papers 1, 2, and 3). Drawing broadly on a social constructionist approach (Paper 1), thematic analytic methods revealed parents. understandings of physical activity (e.g., requires effort), patterns of physical activity-related behaviours (e.g., grab it when you can, declining physical activity habits), and how constructions of social role expectations might influence parents. physical activity decision making (e.g., creating an active family culture, guilt and selfishness). Drawing on the belief-based framework of the TPB (Paper 2), thematic content analytic methods revealed parents. commonly held beliefs about the advantages (e.g., improves parenting practices), disadvantages (e.g., interferes with commitments), barriers (e.g., time), and facilitators (e.g., social support) to performing regular physical activity. Parents. normative beliefs about social approval from important others or groups (e.g., spouse/partner) were also identified. Guided by theories of social support, Paper Three identified parents. perceptions about the specific social support dimensions that influence their physical activity decision making. Thematic content analysis identified instrumental (e.g., providing childcare, taking over chores), emotional (e.g., encouragement, companionship), and informational support (e.g., ideas and advice) as being important to the decision-making of parents in relation to their regular physical activity behaviour. The results revealed also that having support for being active is not straightforward (e.g., guilt-related issues inhibited the facilitative nature of social support for physical activity). Stage Two of the research program comprised a quantitative examination of parents. physical activity intentions and behaviour (Papers 4, 5, 6, and 7). Parents completed an extended TPB questionnaire at Time 1 (N = 580; n = 288 mothers, n = 292 fathers) and self-reported their physical activity at Time 2, 1 week later (N = 458; n = 252 mothers, n = 206 fathers). Paper Four revealed key behavioural (e.g., improving parenting practices), normative (e.g., people I exercise with), and control (e.g., lack of time) beliefs as significant independent predictors of parental physical activity. A test of the TPB augmented to include the constructs of self-determined motivation and planning was assessed in Paper Five. The findings revealed that the effect of self-determined motivation on intention was fully mediated by the TPB variables and the impact of intention on behaviour was partially mediated by the planning variables. Slight differences in the model.s motivational sequence between the sexes were also noted. Paper Six investigated, within a TPB framework, a range of social influences on parents. intentions to be active. For both sexes, attitude, perceived behavioural control, group norms, friend general support, and an active parent identity predicted intentions, with subjective norms and family support further predicting mothers. intentions and descriptive norms further predicting fathers. intentions. Finally, the measurement of parental physical activity was investigated in Paper Seven of Stage Two. The results showed that parents are at risk of low levels of physical activity, with the findings also revealing validation support for a brief single-item physical activity measure. Stage Three of the research program comprised a qualitative examination of parents. (N = 12; n = 6 mothers, n = 6 fathers) ideas for strategies that may be useful for developing and delivering an intervention program aimed at increasing parental physical activity (Paper 8). Parents revealed a range of strategies for what to include in a physical activity intervention designed for parents of young children. For example, parents identified persuasion and information type messages, problem-solving strategies that engage parents in generating a priority list of their lifestyle commitments, and behavioural modification techniques such as goal setting and incentives. Social intervention strategies (e.g., social comparison, counselling) and environmental approaches (e.g., community-based integrative parent/child programs) were also identified as was a skill-based strategy in helping parents generate a flexible life/family plan. Additionally, a range of strategies for how to best deliver a parental physical activity intervention was discussed. Taken as a whole, Paper Eight found that adopting a multifaceted approach in both the design and implementation of a resultant physical activity intervention may be useful in helping to increase parental physical activity. Overall, this program of research found support for parents as a unique group who hold both similar and distinctive perceptions about regular physical activity to the general adult population. Thus, these findings highlight the importance of targeting intervention strategies for parents of young children. Additionally, the findings suggest that it might also be useful to tailor some messages specifically to each sex. Effective promotion of physical activity in parents of young children is essential given the low rate of activity in this population. Results from this program of research highlight parents as an at-risk group for inactivity and provide an important first step in identifying the factors that influence both mothers. and fathers. physical activity decision making. These findings, in turn, provide a foundation on which to build effective intervention programs aimed at increasing parents. regular physical activity which is essential for ensuring the health and well-being of parents with young children.


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This paper proposes a new research method, Participatory Action Design Research (PADR), for studies in the Urban Informatics domain. PADR supports Urban Informatics research in developing new technological means (e.g. using mobile and ubiquitous computing) to resolve contemporary issues or support everyday life in urban environments. The paper discusses the nature, aims and inherent methodological needs of Urban Informatics research, and proposes PADR as a method to address these needs. Situated in a socio-technical context, Urban Informatics requires a close dialogue between social and design-oriented fields of research as well as their methods. PADR combines Action Research and Design Science Research, both of which are used in Information Systems, another field with a strong socio-technical emphasis, and further adapts them to the cross-disciplinary needs and research context of Urban Informatics.


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This article considers the decision of Robin DCJ in CTP Manager Limited v Ascent Pty Ltd [2011] QDC 74 and the likely impact of the decision on the practice in the court registries in similar circumstances.


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This study examined the effect that venture creation action has on the outcomes of nascent entrepreneurship. A theoretical model was developed which proposes action as a fundamental mechanism in venture creation. Thus, action should rightly be considered as a means rather than an end in itself. In this respect, action transmits the effects of venture resource endowments on to venture creation outcomes. This conceptual model was empirically supported in a random sample of nascent ventures. Ventures with higher levels of human or social capital tend to be more active in venture creation. In turn, more active venture attempts are more likely to achieve improved results.


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To the action researcher, who laboriously spends his or her hours working within the local contexts of communities or organisations to co-generate meaningful research, and who’s theories are hardened on the anvil of creating meaningful social change; futures studies might seem the discipline the most peripheral to its interests, and the most ill equipped to deal with the local and intimate domain of community existence. To the futurist, who laboriously spends his or her hours understanding the nuances of history and social change, who through persistent work, begins to make sense of the weak signals and the subtle shifts, action research would seem as simply an auxiliary field, inappropriate for understanding the greater scheme. I invite the reader, however, whether they belong to one camp or the other, to let go of their respective disciplinary perspectives, and see both belonging to each other. [Introduction] .


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Action learning / research is a broad field of research with deep roots in the 20th century. Unlike futures studies, which is more content oriented (i.e., the futures of health, peace futures, global futures), action learning / research is process and methodology oriented – addressing the manner in which research is done, rather than what is researched. At its core it is collaborative learning for social change. This is particularly important because, in this age of heterogenous changes and multi-fold social challenges, we need to be able to bridge learning about our futures with action and innovation in the present, in a way that is effective and accessible for lay communities and organisations, not just experts. [Introduction]


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This paper explores the cultural interplay between Indigenous women from one geographic locality being on and within the locality of the women of another locality – in this case, Whakatāne, Aotearoa. The authors consider identity, gender and place within the processes of transformation and decolonisation. They argue that women need to be involved in ways that restore their power as women and ensure their rightful place. The authors draw on the female ancestor Wairaka and her courage to argue that Indigenous women need to respond, change and adapt to the places in which they live. They argue that decolonisation needs to include action and possibilities for Māori and Indigenous Australian women.