304 resultados para Outdoor furniture.


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Typical quadrotor aerial robots used in research weigh inlMMLBox and carry payloads measured in hundreds of grams. Several obstacles in design and control must be overcome to cater for expected industry demands that push the boundaries of existing quadrotor performance. The X-4 Flyer, a 4 kg quadrotor with a 1 kg payload, is intended to be prototypical of useful commercial quadrotors. The custom-built craft uses tuned plant dynamics with an onboard embedded attitude controller to stabilise flight. Independent linear SISO controllers were designed to regulate flyer attitude. The performance of the system is demonstrated in indoor and outdoor flight.


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Emerging data streaming applications in Wireless Sensor Networks require reliable and energy-efficient Transport Protocols. Our recent Wireless Sensor Network deployment in the Burdekin delta, Australia, for water monitoring [T. Le Dinh, W. Hu, P. Sikka, P. Corke, L. Overs, S. Brosnan, Design and deployment of a remote robust sensor network: experiences from an outdoor water quality monitoring network, in: Second IEEE Workshop on Practical Issues in Building Sensor Network Applications (SenseApp 2007), Dublin, Ireland, 2007] is one such example. This application involves streaming sensed data such as pressure, water flow rate, and salinity periodically from many scattered sensors to the sink node which in turn relays them via an IP network to a remote site for archiving, processing, and presentation. While latency is not a primary concern in this class of application (the sampling rate is usually in terms of minutes or hours), energy-efficiency is. Continuous long-term operation and reliable delivery of the sensed data to the sink are also desirable. This paper proposes ERTP, an Energy-efficient and Reliable Transport Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. ERTP is designed for data streaming applications, in which sensor readings are transmitted from one or more sensor sources to a base station (or sink). ERTP uses a statistical reliability metric which ensures the number of data packets delivered to the sink exceeds the defined threshold. Our extensive discrete event simulations and experimental evaluations show that ERTP is significantly more energyefficient than current approaches and can reduce energy consumption by more than 45% when compared to current approaches. Consequently, sensor nodes are more energy-efficient and the lifespan of the unattended WSN is increased.


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A large-scale, outdoor, pervasive computing system based on the Fleck hardware platform applies sensor network technology to farming. Comprising static and animal-borne mobile nodes, the system measures the state of a complex, dynamic system comprising climate, soil, pasture, and animals. This data supports prediction of the land's future state and improved management outcomes through closed-loop control. This article is part of a special issue, Building a Sensor-Rich World.


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The 5th International Conference on Field and Service Robotics (FSR05) was held in Port Douglas, Australia, on 29th - 31st July 2005, and brought together the worlds' leading experts in field and service automation. The goal of the conference was to report and encourage the latest research and practical results towards the use of field and service robotics in the community with particular focus on proven technology. The conference provided a forum for researchers, professionals and robot manufacturers to exchange up-to-date technical knowledge and experience. Field robots are robots which operate in outdoor, complex, and dynamic environments. Service robots are those that work closely with humans, with particular applications involving indoor and structured environments. There are a wide range of topics presented in this issue on field and service robots including: Agricultural and Forestry Robotics, Mining and Exploration Robots, Robots for Construction, Security & Defence Robots, Cleaning Robots, Autonomous Underwater Vehicles and Autonomous Flying Robots. This meeting was the fifth in the series and brings FSR back to Australia where it was first held. FSR has been held every 2 years, starting with Canberra 1997, followed by Pittsburgh 1999, Helsinki 2001 and Lake Yamanaka 2003.


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If mobile robots are to perform useful tasks in the real-world they will require a catalog of fundamental navigation competencies and a means to select between them. In this paper we describe our work on strongly vision-based competencies: road-following, person or vehicle following, pose and position stabilization. Results from experiments on an outdoor autonomous tractor, a car-like vehicle, are presented.


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We present a novel vision-based technique for navigating an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) through urban canyons. Our technique relies on both optic flow and stereo vision information. We show that the combination of stereo and optic-flow (stereo-flow) is more effective at navigating urban canyons than either technique alone. Optic flow from a pair of sideways-looking cameras is used to stay centered in a canyon and initiate turns at junctions, while stereo vision from a forward-facing stereo head is used to avoid obstacles to the front. The technique was tested in full on an autonomous tractor at CSIRO and in part on the USC autonomous helicopter. Experimental results are presented from these two robotic platforms operating in outdoor environments. We show that the autonomous tractor can navigate urban canyons using stereoflow, and that the autonomous helicopter can turn away from obstacles to the side using optic flow. In addition, preliminary results show that a single pair of forward-facing fisheye cameras can be used for both stereo and optic flow. The center portions of the fisheye images are used for stereo, while flow is measured in the periphery of the images.


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This paper introduces the application of a sensor network to navigate a flying robot. We have developed distributed algorithms and efficient geographic routing techniques to incrementally guide one or more robots to points of interest based on sensor gradient fields, or along paths defined in terms of Cartesian coordinates. The robot itself is an integral part of the localization process which establishes the positions of sensors which are not known a priori. We use this system in a large-scale outdoor experiment with Mote sensors to guide an autonomous helicopter along a path encoded in the network. A simple handheld device, using this same environmental infrastructure, is used to guide humans.


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In this paper, we develop the switching controller presented by Lee et al. for the pose control of a car-like vehicle, to allow the use of an omnidirectional vision sensor. To this end we incorporate an extension to a hypothesis on the navigation behaviour of the desert ant, cataglyphis bicolor, which leads to a correspondence free landmark based vision technique. The method we present allows positioning to a learnt location based on feature bearing angle and range discrepancies between the robot's current view of the environment, and that at a learnt location. We present simulations and experimental results, the latter obtained using our outdoor mobile platform.


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This work investigates the computer modelling of the photochemical formation of smog products such as ozone and aerosol, in a system containing toluene, NOx and water vapour. In particular, the problem of modelling this process in the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) smog chambers, which utilize outdoor exposure, is addressed. The primary requirement for such modelling is a knowledge of the photolytic rate coefficients. Photolytic rate coefficients of species other than N02 are often related to JNo2 (rate coefficient for the photolysis ofN02) by a simple factor, but for outdoor chambers, this method is prone to error as the diurnal profiles may not be similar in shape. Three methods for the calculation of diurnal JNo2 are investigated. The most suitable method for incorporation into a general model, is found to be one which determines the photolytic rate coefficients for N02, as well as several other species, from actinic flux, absorption cross section and quantum yields. A computer model was developed, based on this method, to calculate in-chamber photolysis rate coefficients for the CSIRO smog chambers, in which ex-chamber rate coefficients are adjusted by accounting for variation in light intensity by transmittance through the Teflon walls, albedo from the chamber floor and radiation attenuation due to clouds. The photochemical formation of secondary aerosol is investigated in a series of toluene-NOx experiments, which were performed in the CSIRO smog chambers. Three stages of aerosol formation, in plots of total particulate volume versus time, are identified: a delay period in which no significant mass of aerosol is formed, a regime of rapid aerosol formation (regime 1) and a second regime of slowed aerosol formation (regime 2). Two models are presented which were developed from the experimental data. One model is empirically based on observations of discrete stages of aerosol formation and readily allows aerosol growth profiles to be calculated. The second model is based on an adaptation of published toluene photooxidation mechanisms and provides some chemical information about the oxidation products. Both models compare favorably against the experimental data. The gross effects of precursor concentrations (toluene, NOx and H20) and ambient conditions (temperature, photolysis rate) on the formation of secondary aerosol are also investigated, primarily using the mechanism model. An increase in [NOx]o results in increased delay time, rate of aerosol formation in regime 1 and volume of aerosol formed in regime 1. This is due to increased formation of dinitrocresol and furanone products. An increase in toluene results in a decrease in the delay time and an increase in the rate of aerosol formation in regime 1, due to enhanced reactivity from the toluene products, such as the radicals from the photolysis of benzaldehyde. Water vapor has very little effect on the formation of aerosol volume, except that rates are slightly increased due to more OH radicals from reaction with 0(1D) from ozone photolysis. Increased temperature results in increased volume of aerosol formed in regime 1 (increased dinitrocresol formation), while increased photolysis rate results in increased rate of aerosol formation in regime 1. Both the rate and volume of aerosol formed in regime 2 are increased by increased temperature or photolysis rate. Both models indicate that the yield of secondary particulates from hydrocarbons (mass concentration aerosol formed/mass concentration hydrocarbon precursor) is proportional to the ratio [NOx]0/[hydrocarbon]0


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Probabilistic robot mapping techniques can produce high resolution, accurate maps of large indoor and outdoor environments. However, much less progress has been made towards robots using these maps to perform useful functions such as efficient navigation. This paper describes a pragmatic approach to mapping system development that considers not only the map but also the navigation functionality that the map must provide. We pursue this approach within a bio-inspired mapping context, and use esults from robot experiments in indoor and outdoor environments to demonstrate its validity. The research attempts to stimulate new research directions in the field of robot mapping with a proposal for a new approach that has the potential to lead to more complete mapping and navigation systems.


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This thesis addresses the problem of detecting and describing the same scene points in different wide-angle images taken by the same camera at different viewpoints. This is a core competency of many vision-based localisation tasks including visual odometry and visual place recognition. Wide-angle cameras have a large field of view that can exceed a full hemisphere, and the images they produce contain severe radial distortion. When compared to traditional narrow field of view perspective cameras, more accurate estimates of camera egomotion can be found using the images obtained with wide-angle cameras. The ability to accurately estimate camera egomotion is a fundamental primitive of visual odometry, and this is one of the reasons for the increased popularity in the use of wide-angle cameras for this task. Their large field of view also enables them to capture images of the same regions in a scene taken at very different viewpoints, and this makes them suited for visual place recognition. However, the ability to estimate the camera egomotion and recognise the same scene in two different images is dependent on the ability to reliably detect and describe the same scene points, or ‘keypoints’, in the images. Most algorithms used for this purpose are designed almost exclusively for perspective images. Applying algorithms designed for perspective images directly to wide-angle images is problematic as no account is made for the image distortion. The primary contribution of this thesis is the development of two novel keypoint detectors, and a method of keypoint description, designed for wide-angle images. Both reformulate the Scale- Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) as an image processing operation on the sphere. As the image captured by any central projection wide-angle camera can be mapped to the sphere, applying these variants to an image on the sphere enables keypoints to be detected in a manner that is invariant to image distortion. Each of the variants is required to find the scale-space representation of an image on the sphere, and they differ in the approaches they used to do this. Extensive experiments using real and synthetically generated wide-angle images are used to validate the two new keypoint detectors and the method of keypoint description. The best of these two new keypoint detectors is applied to vision based localisation tasks including visual odometry and visual place recognition using outdoor wide-angle image sequences. As part of this work, the effect of keypoint coordinate selection on the accuracy of egomotion estimates using the Direct Linear Transform (DLT) is investigated, and a simple weighting scheme is proposed which attempts to account for the uncertainty of keypoint positions during detection. A word reliability metric is also developed for use within a visual ‘bag of words’ approach to place recognition.


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The ability of a designer – for example, interior designer, architect, landscape architect, etc. – to design for a particular target group (user and/or clients) is potentially enhanced through more targeted studies relating colour in situ. The study outlined in this paper involved participant responses to five achromatic scenes of different built environments prior to viewing the same scenes in colour. Importantly, in this study the participants, who were young designers, came to realise that colour potentially holds the power to impact on the identity of an architectural form, an interior space and/or particular elements such as doorways, furniture settings, etc., as well as influence atmosphere. Prior to discussing the study, a selection of other research, which links colour to meaning and emotions, introduces how people understand and/or feel in relation to colour. For example, yellow is said to be connected to happiness; or red evokes feelings of anger. Secondly, the need for spatial designers to understand colour in context is raised. An overview of the study is then provided. It was found that the impact of colour includes a shift in perception of aspects such as its atmosphere and youthfulness. Through studio/class discussions it was also noted the predicted age of the place, the function, and in association, the potential users when colour was added (or deleted) were often challenged.


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We alternately measured on-road and in-vehicle ultrafine (<100 nm) particle (UFP) concentration for 5 passenger vehicles that comprised an age range of 18 years. A range of cabin ventilation settings were assessed during 301 trips through a 4 km road tunnel in Sydney, Australia. Outdoor airflow(ventilation) rates under these settings were quantified on open roads using tracer gas techniques. Significant variability in tunnel trip average median in-cabin/on-road (I/O) UFP ratios was observed (0.08 to ∼1.0). Based on data spanning all test automobiles and ventilation settings, a positive linear relationship was found between outdoor air flow rate and I/O ratio, with the former accounting for a substantial proportion of variation in the latter (R2 ) 0.81). UFP concentrations recorded in cabin during tunnel travel were significantly higher than those reported by comparable studies performed on open roadways. A simple mathematical model afforded the ability to predict tunnel trip average in-cabin UFP concentrations with good accuracy. Our data indicate that under certain conditions, in-cabin UFP exposures incurred during tunnel travel may contribute significantly to daily exposure. The UFP exposure of automobile occupants appears strongly related to their choice of ventilation setting and vehicle.