168 resultados para Mill setup


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This study describes the evaluation of a clinical scar scale for our porcine burn scars, which includes scar cosmetic outcome, colour, height and hair, supplemented with reference porcine scar photographs representing each scar outcome and scar colour scores. A total of 72 porcine burn scars at week 6 after burn were rated in vivo and/or on photographs. Good agreements were achieved for both intra-rater reliability (correlation is 0.86-0.98) and inter-rater reliability (ICC=80-85%). The results showed statistically significant correlations for each pair in this clinical scar scale (p<0.01), with the best correlation found between scar cosmetic outcome and scar colour. A multivariate principle components analysis revealed that this clinical scar assessment was highly correlated with scar histology, wound size, and re-epithelialisation data (p<0.001). More severe scars are clinically characterised by darker purple colouration, more elevation, no presence of hair, histologically by thicker scar tissue, thinner remaining normal dermis, are more likely to have worse contraction, and slower re-epithelialisation. This study demonstrates that our clinical scar scale is a reliable, independent and valuable tool for assessing porcine burn outcome and truthfully reflects scar appearance and function. To our knowledge, this is the first study demonstrating a high correlation between clinical scar assessment and scar histology, wound contraction and re-epithelialisation data on porcine burn scars. We believe that the successful use of porcine scar scales is invaluable for assessing potential human burn treatments.


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This retrospective review examines healing in different sites on a porcine burn model; 24 pairs of burns on 18 pigs from other animal trials were selected for analysis. Each pair of burns was located on the either the cranial or the caudal part of the thoracic ribs region, on the same side of the animal. The burns were 40-50 cm(2) in size and of uniform deep-dermal partial thickness. Caudal burns healed significantly better than cranial burns, demonstrated by earlier closure of wounds, less scar formation and better cosmesis. To our knowledge, this is the first detailed study reporting that burn healing is affected by location on a porcine burn model. We recommend that similar symmetrical burns should be used for future comparative assessments of burn healing.


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Aims The Medical Imaging Training Immersive Environment (MITIE) system is a recently developed virtual reality (VR) platform that allows students to practice a range of medical imaging techniques. The aim of this pilot study was to harvest user feedback about the educational value of the application and inform future pedagogical development. This presentation explores the use of this technology for skills training and blurring the boundaries between academic learning and clinical skills training. Background MITIE is a 3D VR environment that allows students to manipulate a patient and radiographic equipment in order to produce a VR-generated image for comparison with a gold standard. As with VR initiatives in other health disciplines (1-6) the software mimics clinical practice as much as possible and uses 3D technology to enhance immersion and realism. The software was developed by the Medical Imaging Course Team at a provider University with funding from a Health Workforce Australia “Simulated Learning Environments” grant. Methods Over 80 students undertaking the Bachelor of Medical Imaging Course were randomised to receive practical experience with either MITIE or radiographic equipment in the medical radiation laboratory. Student feedback about the educational value of the software was collected and performance with an assessed setup was measured for both groups for comparison. Ethical approval for the project was provided by the university ethics panel. Results This presentation provides qualitative analysis of student perceptions relating to satisfaction, usability and educational value as well as comparative quantitative performance data. Students reported high levels of satisfaction and both feedback and assessment results confirmed the application’s significance as a pre-clinical training tool. There was a clear emerging theme that MITIE could be a useful learning tool that students could access to consolidate their clinical learning, either during their academic timetables or their clinical placement. Conclusion Student feedback and performance data indicate that MITIE has a valuable role to play in the clinical skills training for medical imaging students both in the academic and the clinical environment. Future work will establish a framework for an appropriate supporting pedagogy that can cross the boundary between the two environments. This project was possible due to funding made available by Health Workforce Australia.


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We thank Dr. Burd et al. for taking an interest in our paper [1]. The retrospective cohort study was performed and published for two reasons. Firstly, we wished to compare and contrast the use of Acticoat™ and Silvazine™, and secondly we wished to demonstrate how one's practice can be dramatically altered by a change in dressing used. We found that Acticoat™ was safe and easy to use, caused less trauma to patients, required less frequent dressing changes and enabled treatment to be conducted on an outpatient, rather than an inpatient basis. During the period of Acticoat™ treatment we also saw a dramatic reduction in grafting requirements and also in the need for long-term scar management. Burd et al. correctly state that silver-based dressings are now more widely available, however many burn centres in the world continue to use silver sulphadiazine with daily baths. We therefore feel that a comparison is very relevant and useful. Prospective, randomised clinical trials of a range of silver-based dressings would indeed be useful, and hopefully Dr. Burd and colleagues will take up their own suggestion and perform these studies...


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Classical results in unconditionally secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocols with a passive adversary indicate that every n-variate function can be computed by n participants, such that no set of size t < n/2 participants learns any additional information other than what they could derive from their private inputs and the output of the protocol. We study unconditionally secure MPC protocols in the presence of a passive adversary in the trusted setup (‘semi-ideal’) model, in which the participants are supplied with some auxiliary information (which is random and independent from the participant inputs) ahead of the protocol execution (such information can be purchased as a “commodity” well before a run of the protocol). We present a new MPC protocol in the trusted setup model, which allows the adversary to corrupt an arbitrary number t < n of participants. Our protocol makes use of a novel subprotocol for converting an additive secret sharing over a field to a multiplicative secret sharing, and can be used to securely evaluate any n-variate polynomial G over a field F, with inputs restricted to non-zero elements of F. The communication complexity of our protocol is O(ℓ · n 2) field elements, where ℓ is the number of non-linear monomials in G. Previous protocols in the trusted setup model require communication proportional to the number of multiplications in an arithmetic circuit for G; thus, our protocol may offer savings over previous protocols for functions with a small number of monomials but a large number of multiplications.


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We consider the problem of increasing the threshold parameter of a secret-sharing scheme after the setup (share distribution) phase, without further communication between the dealer and the shareholders. Previous solutions to this problem require one to start off with a nonstandard scheme designed specifically for this purpose, or to have communication between shareholders. In contrast, we show how to increase the threshold parameter of the standard Shamir secret-sharing scheme without communication between the shareholders. Our technique can thus be applied to existing Shamir schemes even if they were set up without consideration to future threshold increases. Our method is a new positive cryptographic application for lattice reduction algorithms, inspired by recent work on lattice-based list decoding of Reed-Solomon codes with noise bounded in the Lee norm. We use fundamental results from the theory of lattices (geometry of numbers) to prove quantitative statements about the information-theoretic security of our construction. These lattice-based security proof techniques may be of independent interest.


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This paper presents the Mossman Mill District Practices Framework. It was developed in the Wet Tropics region within the Great Barrier Reef in north-eastern Australia to describe the environmental benefits of agricultural management practices for the sugar cane industry. The framework translates complex, unclear and overlapping environmental plans, policy and legal arrangements into a simple framework of management practices that landholders can use to improve their management actions. Practices range from those that are old or outdated through to aspirational practices that have the potential to achieve desired resource condition targets. The framework has been applied by stakeholders at multiple scales to better coordinate and integrate a range of policy arrangements to improve natural resource management. It has been used to structure monitoring and evaluation in order to underpin a more adaptive approach to planning at mill district and property scale. Potentially, the framework and approach can be applied across fields of planning where adaptive management is needed. It has the potential to overcome many of the criticisms of property-scale and regional Natural Resource Management.


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A mechanochemical synthesis process has been used to synthesise aluminium nanoparticles. The aluminium is synthesised via a solid state chemical reaction which is initiated inside a ball mill at room temperature between either lithium (Li) or sodium (Na) metal which act as reducing agents with unreduced aluminium chloride (AlCl3). The reaction product formed consists of aluminium nanoparticles embedded within a by-product salt phase (LiCl or NaCl, respectively). The LiCl is washed with a suitable solvent resulting in aluminium (Al) nanoparticles which are not oxidised and are separated from the byproduct phase. Synthesis and washing was confirmed using X-ray diffraction (XRD). Nanoparticles were found to be ∼25–100nm from transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and an average size of 55nm was determined fromsmall angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements. As synthesised Al/NaCl composites, washed Al nanoparticles, and purchased Al nanoparticles were deuterium (D2) absorption tested up to 2 kbar at a variety of temperatures, with no absorption detected within system resolution.


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Developments in evaporator cleaning have accelerated in the past 10 years as a result of an extended period of research into scale formation and scale composition. Chemical cleaning still provides the most cost effective method of cleaning the evaporators. The paper describes a system that was designed to obtain on-line samples of evaporator scale negating the need to open up hot evaporator vessels for scale collection. This system was successfully implemented in a number of evaporators at a sugar mill. This paper also describes a recent experience in a sugar factory in which the cleaning procedure was slightly modified, resulting in effective removal of intractable scale.


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Developments in evaporator cleaning have accelerated in the past 10 years as a result of an extended period of research into scale formation and scale composition. Chemical cleaning still provides the most cost effective method of cleaning the evaporators. The paper describes a system that was designed to obtain on-line samples of evaporator scale negating the need to open up hot evaporator vessels for scale collection. This system was successfully implemented in a number of evaporators at a sugar mill. This paper also describes a recent experience in a sugar factory in which the cleaning procedure was slightly modified resulting in effective removal of intractable scale.


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Sugarcane biorefineries co-producing fuels, green chemicals and bio-products offer great potential for improving the profitability and sustainability of sugarcane industries around the world. Sugarcane bagasse is widely regarded as one of the best biomass feedstocks for early adoption and commercialisation of biorefining technologies because of the large scale of the resource and its availability at sugar factories. Biomass biorefineries aim to convert bagasse through biochemical and thermochemical processes to produce low cost fermentable sugars which are a platform for value-adding. Through subsequent fermentation technologies or chemical synthesis, the sugars can be converted to fuels including ethanol and butanol, oils, organic acids such as succinic and levulinic and polymer precursors. Other biorefinery products can include food and animal feeds, plastics, fibre products and resins. Recent advances in biorefinery production technologies are being demonstrated in a unique research facility at the Queensland University of Technology’s Mackay Renewable Biocommodities Pilot Plant in Mackay, Australia. This pilot scale production facility located at Mackay Sugar Ltd’s Racecourse Mill is demonstrating the production of a range of fuels and other products from sugarcane bagasse. This paper will address the opportunities available for sugarcane biorefineries to contribute to future profitability and sustainability of the sugarcane industry.


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Introduction Since 1992 there have been several articles published on research on plastic scintillators for use in radiotherapy. Plastic scintillators are said to be tissue equivalent, temperature independent and dose rate independent [1]. Although their properties were found to be promising for measurements in megavoltage X-ray beams there were some technical difficulties with regards to its commercialisation. Standard Imaging has produced the first commercial system which is now available for use in a clinical setting. The Exradin W1 scintillator device uses a dual fibre system where one fibre is connected to the Plastic Scintillator and the other fibre only measures Cerenkov radiation [2]. This paper presents results obtained during commissioning of this dosimeter system. Methods All tests were performed on a Novalis Tx linear accelerator equipped with a 6 MV SRS photon beam and conventional 6 and 18 MV X-ray beams. The following measurements were performed in a Virtual Water phantom at a depth of dose maximum. Linearity: The dose delivered was varied between 0.2 and 3.0 Gy for the same field conditions. Dose rate dependence: For this test the repetition rate of the linac was varied between 100 and 1,000 MU/min. A nominal dose of 1.0 Gy was delivered for each rate. Reproducibility: A total of five irradiations for the same setup. Results The W1 detector gave a highly linear relationship between dose and the number of Monitor Units delivered for a 10 9 10 cm2 field size at a SSD of 100 cm. The linearity was within 1 % for the high dose end and about 2 % for the very low dose end. For the dose rate dependence, the dose measured as a function of repetition the rate (100–1,000 MU/min) gave a maximum deviation of 0.9 %. The reproducibility was found to be better than 0.5 %. Discussion and conclusions The results for this system look promising so far being a new dosimetry system available for clinical use. However, further investigation is needed to produce a full characterisation prior to use in megavoltage X-ray beams.


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We introduce the MiniOrb platform, a combined sensor and interaction platform built to understand and encourage the gathering of data around personal indoor climate preferences in office environments. The platform consists of a sensor device, gathering localised environmental data and an attached tangible interaction and ambient display device. This device allows users to understand their local environment and record preferences with regards to their preferred level of office comfort. In addition to the tangible device we built a web-based mobile application that allowed users to record comfort preferences through a different interface. This paper describes the design goals and technical setup of the MiniOrb platform.


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The SOS screen, as originally described by Perkins et al. (1999), was setup with the aim of identifying Arabidopsis functions that might potentially be involved in the DNA metabolism. Such functions, when expressed in bacteria, are prone to disturb replication and thus trigger the SOS response. Consistently, expression of AtRAD51 and AtDMC1 induced the SOS response in bacteria, even affecting E. coli viability. 100 SOS-inducing cDNAs were isolated from a cDNA library constructed from an Arabidopsis cell suspension that was found to highly express meiotic genes. A large proportion of these SOS+ candidates are clearly related to the DNA metabolism, others could be involved in the RNA metabolism, while the remaining cDNAs encode either totally unknown proteins or proteins that were considered as irrelevant. Seven SOS+ candidate genes are induced following gamma irradiation. The in planta function of several of the SOS-inducing clones was investigated using T-DNA insertional mutants or RNA interference. Only one SOS+ candidate, among those examined, exhibited a defined phenotype: silenced plants for DUT1 were sensitive to 5-fluoro-uracil (5FU), as is the case of the leaky dut-1 mutant in E. coli that are affected in dUTPase activity. dUTPase is essential to prevent uracil incorporation in the course of DNA replication.