119 resultados para 540 Chimica e scienze connesse


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Background: Injury is a leading cause of adolescent death. Risk-taking behaviours, including unsafe road behaviours, violence and alcohol use, are primary contributors. Recent research suggests adolescents look out for their friends and engage in protective behaviour to reduce others’ involvement in risk-taking. A positive school environment, and particularly students’ school connectedness, is also associated with reduced injury-risks. Aim: This study aimed to understand the role of school connectedness in adolescents’ intentions to protect and prevent their friends from involvement in alcohol use, fights, drink driving and unlicensed driving. Method: Surveys were completed by 540 13-14 year old students (49% male). Four sequential logistic regression analyses were conducted to determine whether school connectedness statistically predicted intentions to protect friends from injury-risk behaviours. Gender and ethnicity were entered at step 1, students’ own risk behaviour at step 2, and school connectedness scores at step 3 for all analyses. Results: School connectedness significantly predicted intentions to protect friends from all four injury-risk behaviours, after accounting for the variance attributable to sex, ethnicity and adolescents’ own involvement in injury-risks. Significance: School connectedness is negatively associated with adolescents’ own injury-risk behaviours. This research extends our knowledge of this critical protective factor, as it shows that students who are connected to school are also more likely to protect their friends from alcohol use, violence and unsafe road behaviours. School connectedness may therefore be an important factor to target in school-based prevention programs, both to reduce adolescents’ own injury-risk behaviour and to increase injury prevention among friends.


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The school environment plays an important role in shaping adolescent outcomes, and research increasingly demonstrates the need to target the school social context in health promotion programs. This paper describes the research process undertaken to design a school connectedness component of an injury prevention program for early adolescents, Skills for Preventing Injury in Youth (SPIY). The connectedness component takes the form of a professional development workshop for teachers on increasing students’ connectedness to school, and this paper describes the research process used to construct program material. It also describes the methods used to encourage teachers’ implementation of connectedness strategies following program delivery. A multi-stage process of data collection included, (i) surveys with 540 Grade 9 students to examine links between school connectedness and risk-related injury, (ii) a systematic literature review of previously-evaluated school connectedness programs to determine key strategies that encourage implementation fidelity and program effectiveness, and (iii) interviews with 14 high school teachers to understand current use of connectedness strategies and ideas for program design. Findings from each stage are discussed in terms of how results informed the program design. The survey data provided information from which to frame program content, and the results of the systematic review demonstrated effective program strategies. The teacher interview data also provided program content incorporating target participants’ views and aligning with their priorities, which is important to ensure effective implementation of program strategies. A comprehensive design process provides an understanding of methods for, and may encourage, teachers’ future implementation of program strategies.


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Virtual Reality (VR) techniques are increasingly being used in education about and in the treatment of certain types of mental illness. Research indicates VR is delivering on it's promised potential to provide enhanced training and treatment outcomes through incorporation of this high-end technology. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder affecting 1−2% of the population. A significant research project being undertaken at the University of Queensland has constructed virtual environments that reproduce the phenomena experienced by patients who have psychosis. The VR environment will allow behavioral exposure therapies to be conducted with exactly controlled exposure stimuli and an expected reduction in risk of harm. This paper reports on the work of the project, previous stages of software development and current and future educational and clinical applications of the Virtual Environments.


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Emergence has the potential to effect complex, creative or open-ended interactions and novel game-play. We report on research into an emergent interactive system. This investigates emergent user behaviors and experience through the creation and evaluation of an interactive system. The system is +-NOW, an augmented reality, tangible, interactive art system. The paper briefly describes the qualities of emergence and +-NOW before focusing on its evaluation. This was a qualitative study with 30 participants conducted in context. Data analysis followed Grounded Theory Methods. Coding schemes, induced from data and external literature are presented. Findings show that emergence occurred in over half of the participants. The nature of these emergent behaviors is discussed along with examples from the data. Other findings indicate that participants found interaction with the work satisfactory. Design strategies for facilitating satisfactory experience despite the often unpredictable character of emergence, are briefly reviewed and potential application areas for emergence are discussed.


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Background: Whilst the benefits of physical activity in preventing progression from impaired glucose tolerance to overt diabetes in older adults are well recognised, it is not clear which strategies may prevent progression to overt diabetes in women with recent gestational diabetes. We sought to devise and pilot test a convenient, home based exercise program with telephone support, suited to the early post partum period. Twenty eight women with recent gestational diabetes were enrolled six weeks post partum into a 12 week randomised controlled trial of Usual Care ("UC" Controls (n= 13)) vs. Supported Care ("SC" individualised exercise program with regular telephone support (n= 15)). Findings: Baseline characteristics for the whole cohort at six weeks post partum (Mean ± SD) were Age 33 ± 4 years, Weight 80 ± 20 kg and Body Mass Index (BMI) 30.0 ± 9.7 kg / m2. The primary outcome, planned physical activity, increased by Median (Range) 60 (0-540) mins/wk in the SC group vs. 0 (0-580) mins/wk in the UC group (p = 0.234, Mann Whitney U test). The change in planned physical activity predominantly comprised planned walking. Body weight, BMI, waist circumference, % body fat (measured by bioimpedance), fasting glucose and insulin did not change significantly over time in either group. Conclusions: The intervention designed to increase physical activity in post partum women with previous gestational diabetes was feasible. However, no evidence to suggest that this type of program provides any measurable improvement in metabolic or biometric parameters over a three month post partum follow up was observed.


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Key distribution is one of the most challenging security issues in wireless sensor networks where sensor nodes are randomly scattered over a hostile territory. In such a sensor deployment scenario, there will be no prior knowledge of post deployment configuration. For security solutions requiring pairwise keys, it is impossible to decide how to distribute key pairs to sensor nodes before the deployment. Existing approaches to this problem are to assign more than one key, namely a key-chain, to each node. Key-chains are randomly drawn from a key-pool. Either two neighboring nodes have a key in common in their key-chains, or there is a path, called key-path, among these two nodes where each pair of neighboring nodes on this path has a key in common. Problem in such a solution is to decide on the key-chain size and key-pool size so that every pair of nodes can establish a session key directly or through a path with high probability. The size of the key-path is the key factor for the efficiency of the design. This paper presents novel, deterministic and hybrid approaches based on Combinatorial Design for key distribution. In particular, several block design techniques are considered for generating the key-chains and the key-pools.


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This paper details the progress to date, toward developing a small autonomous helicopter. We describe system architecture, avionics, visual state estimation, custom IMU design, aircraft modelling, as well as various linear and neuro/fuzzy control algorithms. Experimental results are presented for state estimation using fused stereo vision and IMU data, heading control, and attitude control. FAM attitude and velocity controllers have been shown to be effective in simulation.


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Internet chatrooms are common means of interaction and communications, and they carry valuable information about formal or ad-hoc formation of groups with diverse objectives. This work presents a fully automated surveillance system for data collection and analysis in Internet chatrooms. The system has two components: First, it has an eavesdropping tool which collects statistics on individual (chatter) and chatroom behavior. This data can be used to profile a chatroom and its chatters. Second, it has a computational discovery algorithm based on Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to locate hidden communities and communication patterns within a chatroom. The eavesdropping tool is used for fine tuning the SVD-based discovery algorithm which can be deployed in real-time and requires no semantic information processing. The evaluation of the system on real data shows that (i) statistical properties of different chatrooms vary significantly, thus profiling is possible, (ii) SVD-based algorithm has up to 70-80% accuracy to discover groups of chatters.


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We consider Cooperative Intrusion Detection System (CIDS) which is a distributed AIS-based (Artificial Immune System) IDS where nodes collaborate over a peer-to-peer overlay network. The AIS uses the negative selection algorithm for the selection of detectors (e.g., vectors of features such as CPU utilization, memory usage and network activity). For better detection performance, selection of all possible detectors for a node is desirable but it may not be feasible due to storage and computational overheads. Limiting the number of detectors on the other hand comes with the danger of missing attacks. We present a scheme for the controlled and decentralized division of detector sets where each IDS is assigned to a region of the feature space. We investigate the trade-off between scalability and robustness of detector sets. We address the problem of self-organization in CIDS so that each node generates a distinct set of the detectors to maximize the coverage of the feature space while pairs of nodes exchange their detector sets to provide a controlled level of redundancy. Our contribution is twofold. First, we use Symmetric Balanced Incomplete Block Design, Generalized Quadrangles and Ramanujan Expander Graph based deterministic techniques from combinatorial design theory and graph theory to decide how many and which detectors are exchanged between which pair of IDS nodes. Second, we use a classical epidemic model (SIR model) to show how properties from deterministic techniques can help us to reduce the attack spread rate.


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Identity-Based (IB) cryptography is a rapidly emerging approach to public-key cryptography that does not require principals to pre-compute key pairs and obtain certificates for their public keys— instead, public keys can be arbitrary identifiers such as email addresses, while private keys are derived at any time by a trusted private key generator upon request by the designated principals. Despite the flurry of recent results on IB encryption and signature, some questions regarding the security and efficiency of practicing IB encryption (IBE) and signature (IBS) as a joint IB signature/encryption (IBSE) scheme with a common set of parameters and keys, remain unanswered. We first propose a stringent security model for IBSE schemes. We require the usual strong security properties of: (for confidentiality) indistinguishability against adaptive chosen-ciphertext attacks, and (for nonrepudiation) existential unforgeability against chosen-message insider attacks. In addition, to ensure as strong as possible ciphertext armoring, we also ask (for anonymity) that authorship not be transmitted in the clear, and (for unlinkability) that it remain unverifiable by anyone except (for authentication) by the legitimate recipient alone. We then present an efficient IBSE construction, based on bilinear pairings, that satisfies all these security requirements, and yet is as compact as pairing-based IBE and IBS in isolation. Our scheme is secure, compact, fast and practical, offers detachable signatures, and supports multirecipient encryption with signature sharing for maximum scalability.


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The arrojadite-(KFe) mineral has been analyzed using a combination of scanning electron microscopy and a combination of Raman and infrared spectroscopy. The origin of the mineral is Rapid Creek sedimentary phosphatic iron formation, northern Yukon. The formula of the mineral was determined as K2.06Na2Ca0.89Na3.23(Fe7.82Mg4.40Mn0.78)Σ13.00Al1.44(PO4)10.85(PO3OH0.23)(OH)2. The complexity of the mineral formula is reflected in the spectroscopy. Raman bands at 975, 991 and 1005 cm−1 with shoulder bands at 951 and 1024 cm−1 are assigned to the View the MathML source ν1 symmetric stretching modes. The Raman bands at 1024, 1066, 1092, 1123, 1148 and 1187 cm−1 are assigned to the View the MathML source ν3 antisymmetric stretching modes. A series of Raman bands observed at 540, 548, 557, 583, 604, 615 and 638 cm−1 are attributed to the ν4 out of plane bending modes of the PO4 and H2PO4 units. The ν2 PO4 and H2PO4 bending modes are observed at 403, 424, 449, 463, 479 and 513 cm−1. Hydroxyl and water stretching bands are readily observed. Vibrational spectroscopy enables new information about the complex phosphate mineral arrojadite-(KFe) to be obtained.


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The tertiary sector is an important employer and its growth is well above average. The Texo project’s aim is to support this development by making services tradable. The composition of new or value-added services is a cornerstone of the proposed architecture. It is, however, intended to cater for build-time. Yet, at run-time unforseen exceptions may occur and user’s requirements may change. Varying circumstances require immediate sensemaking of the situation’s context and call for prompt extensions of existing services. Lightweight composition technology provided by the RoofTop project enables domain experts to create simple widget-like applications, also termed enterprise mashups, without extensive methodological skills. In this way RoofTop can assist and extend the idea of service delivery through the Texo platform and is a further step towards a next generation internet of services.


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In many applications of active noise control (ANC), an online secondary path modelling method using a white noise as a training signal is required to ensure convergence of the system. The modelling accuracy and the convergence rate increase when a white noise with larger variance is used, however larger the variance increases the residual noise, which decreases performance of the system. The proposed algorithm uses the advantages of the white noise with larger variance to model the secondary path, but the injection is stopped at the optimum point to increase performance of the system. In this approach, instead of continuous injection of the white noise, a sudden change in secondary path during the operation makes the algorithm to reactivate injection of the white noise to adjust the secondary path estimation. Comparative simulation results shown in this paper indicate effectiveness of the proposed method.