149 resultados para STARS: CHEMICALLY PECULIAR


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The position(s) of carbon-carbon double bonds within lipids can dramatically affect their structure and reactivity and thus has a direct bearing on biological function. Commonly employed mass spectrometric approaches to the characterization of complex lipids, however, fail to localize sites of unsaturation within the molecular structure and thus cannot distinguish naturally occurring regioisomers. In a recent communication \[Thomas, M. C.; Mitchell, T. W.; Blanksby, S. J. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 58-59], we have presented a new technique for the elucidation of double bond position in glycerophospholipids using ozone-induced fragmentation within the source of a conventional electrospray ionization mass spectrometer. Here we report the on-line analysis, using ozone electrospray mass spectrometry (OzESI-MS), of a broad range of common unsaturated lipids including acidic and neutral glycerophospholipids, sphingomyelins, and triacylglycerols. All lipids analyzed are found to form a pair of chemically induced fragment ions diagnostic of the position of each double bond(s) regardless of the polarity, the number of charges, or the adduction (e.g., \[M - H](-), \[M - 2H](2-), \[M + H](+), \[M + Na](+), \[M + NH4](+)). The ability of OzESI-MS to distinguish lipids that differ only in the position of the double bonds is demonstrated using the glycerophosphocholine standards, GPCho(9Z-18:1/9Z-18:1) and GPCho(6Z-18:1/6Z-18:1). While these regioisomers cannot be differentiated by their conventional tandem mass spectra, the OzESI-MS spectra reveal abundant fragment ions of distinctive mass-to-charge ratio (m/z). The approach is found to be sufficiently robust to be used in conjunction with the m/z 184 precursor ion scans commonly employed for the identification of phosphocholine-containing lipids in shotgun lipidomic analyses. This tandem OzESI-MS approach was used, in conjunction with conventional tandem mass spectral analysis, for the structural characterization of an unknown sphingolipid in a crude lipid extract obtained from a human lens. The OzESI-MS data confirm the presence of two regioisomers, namely, SM(d18:0/15Z-24:1) and SM(d18:0/17Z-24:1), and suggest the possible presence of a third isomer, SM(d18:0/19Z-24:1), in lower abundance. The data presented herein demonstrate that OzESI-MS is a broadly applicable, on-line approach for structure determination and, when used in conjunction with established tandem mass spectrometric methods, can provide near complete structural characterization of a range of important lipid classes. As such, OzESI-MS may provide important new insight into the molecular diversity of naturally occurring lipids.


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Ions formed from lipids during electrospray ionization of crude lipid extracts have been mass-selected within a quadrupole linear ion trap mass spectrometer and allowed to react with ozone vapor. Gas-phase ion-molecule reactions between unsaturated lipid ions and ozone are found to yield two primary product ions for each carbon-carbon double bond within the molecule. The mass-to-charge ratios of these chemically induced fragments are diagnostic of the position of unsaturation within the precursor ion. This novel analytical technique, dubbed ozone-induced dissociation (OzID), can be applied both in series and in parallel with conventional collision-induced dissociation (CID) to provide near-complete structural assignment of unknown lipids within complex mixtures without prior fractionation or derivatization. In this study, OzID is applied to a suite of complex lipid extracts from sources including human lens, bovine kidney, and commercial olive oil, thus demonstrating the technique to be applicable to a broad range of lipid classes including both neutral and acidic glycerophospholipids, sphingomyelins, and triacylglycerols. Gas-phase ozonolysis reactions are also observed with different types of precursor ions including \[M + H](+), \[M + Li](+), \[M + Na](+), and \[M H](-): in each case yielding fragmentation data that allow double bond position to be unambiguously assigned. Within the human lens lipid extract, three sphingomyelin regioisomers, namely SM(d18:0/15Z-24:1), SM(d18:0/17Z-24:1), and SM(d18:0/19Z-24:1), and a novel phosphatidylethanolamine alkyl ether, GPEtn(11Z-18:1e/9Z18:1), are identified using a combination of CID and OzID. These discoveries demonstrate that lipid identification based on CID alone belies the natural structural diversity in lipid biochemistry and illustrate the potential of OzID as a complementary approach within automated, high-throughput lipid analysis protocols.


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Three strategies for approaching the design and synthesis of non-chemically amplified resists (non-CARs) are presented. These are linear polycarbonates, star polyester-blk-poly(methyl methacrylate) and comb polymers with polysulfone backbones. The linear polycarbonates were designed to cleave when irradiated with 92 eV photons and high Tg alicyclic groups were incorporated into the backbone to increase Tg and etch resistance. The star block copolymers were designed to have a core that is sensitive to 92 eV photons and arms that have the potential to provide properties such as high Tg and etch resistance. Similarly the polysulfone comb polymers were designed to have an easily degradable polymer backbone and comb-arms that impart favorable physical properties. Initial patterning results are presented for a number of the systems.


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SINCE THE INVENTION OF recording technologies like the phonograph in the late 1800s, Indigenous music has been performed and recorded across Australia for a wide range of audiences. In the early twentieth century, for instance, music was recorded by anthropologists keen to capture the sounds of a culture that was believed to be in rapid decline (Thomas). Individual performers were not considered important in these recordings; their music was produced for scientific posterity rather than popular pleasure. And even though Aboriginal participation in local music festivals, touring vaudeville shows, and community gatherings was well documented throughout the twentieth century, it was not until the 1950s that Indigenous “pop stars” began to sell records for mass consumption(Dunbar-Hall and Gibson). Yet, with the persistence of recording artists like Jimmy Little over the past sixty years, Indigenous musicians have steadily gained prominence in Australia’s mainstream. This has been particularly true of the past twenty years, especially since the Sydney Olympics, where promotional strategies have brought about a new popular pride in musical achievements, based upon a celebrated history of diverse sounds and voices.


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There is an increasing need for biodegradable, environmentally friendly plastics to replace the petroleum-based non-degradable plastics which litter and pollute the environment. Starch-based plastic film composites are becoming a popular alternative because of their low cost, biodegradability, the abundance of starch, and ease with which starch-based films can be chemically modified. This paper reports on the results of using sugar cane bagasse nanofibres to improve the physicochemical properties of starch-based polymers. The addition of bagasse nanofibre (2.5, 5, 10 or 20 wt%) to (modified) potato starch (‘Soluble starch’) reduced the moisture uptake by up to 17 % at 58 % relative humidity (RH). The film’s tensile strength and Young’s Modulus increased by up to 100 % and 200 % with 10 wt% and 20 wt% nanofibre respectively at 58% RH. The tensile strain reduced by up to 70 % at 20 wt% fibre loading. These results indicate that addition of sugar cane bagasse nanofibres significantly improved the properties of starch-based plastic films


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Phospholipids are the key structural component of cell membranes, and recent advances in electrospray ionization mass spectrometry provide for the fast and efficient analysis of these compounds in biological extracts.1-3 The application of electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS) to phospholipid analysis has demonstrated several key advantages over the more traditional chromatographic methods, including speed and greater structural information.4 For example, the ESI-MS/MS spectrum of a typical phospholipidsparticularly in negative ion modesreadily identifies the carbon chain length and the degree of unsaturation of each of the fatty acids esterified to the parent molecule.5 A critical limitation of conventional ESI-MS/MS analysis, however, is the inability to uniquely identify the position of double bonds within the fatty acid chains. This is especially problematic given the importance of double bond position in determining the biological function of lipid classes.6 Previous attempts to identify double bond position in intact phospholipids using mass spectrometry employ either MS3 or offline chemical derivatization.7-11 The former method requires specialized instrumentation and is rarely applied, while the latter methods suffer from complications inherent in sample handling prior to analysis. In this communication we outline a novel on-line approach for the identification of double bond position in intact phospholipids. In our method, the double bond(s) present in unsaturated phospholipids are cleaved by ozonolysis within the ion source of a conventional ESI mass spectrometer to give two chemically induced fragment ions that may be used to unambiguously assign the position of the double bond. This is achieved by using oxygen as the electrospray nebulizing gas in combination with high electrospray voltages to initiate the formation of an ozoneproducing.


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Background This study evaluated the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of a church-based intervention to promote physical activity (PA) in children. Methods The study was conducted in 4 churches located in 2 large metropolitan areas and 2 regional towns in Kansas. Churches in the intervention condition implemented the "Shining Like Stars" physical activity curriculum module during their regularly scheduled Sunday school classes. Churches in the control condition delivered the same content without integrating physical activity into the lessons. In addition to the curriculum, the intervention churches completed a series of weekly family devotional activities designed to promote parental support for PA and increase PA outside of Sunday school. Results Children completing the Shining Like Stars curriculum exhibited significantly greater amounts of MVPA than those in the control condition (20 steps/min vs. 7 steps/min). No intervention effects were observed for PA levels outside of Sunday school or parental support for PA; however, relative to controls, children in the intervention churches did exhibit a significant reduction in screen time. Conclusion The findings confirm that the integration of physical activity into Sunday school is feasible and a potentially effective strategy for promoting PA in young children.


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Bauxite refinery residues are derived from the Bayer process by the digestion of crushed bauxite in concentrated caustic at elevated temperatures. Chemically, it comprises, in varying amounts (depending upon the composition of the starting bauxite), oxides of iron and titanium, residual alumina, sodalite, silica, and minor quantities of other metal oxides. Bauxite residues are being neutralised by seawater in recent years to reduce the alkalinity in bauxite residue, through the precipitation of hydrotalcite-like compounds and some other Mg, Ca, and Al hydroxide and carbonate minerals. A combination of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and vibrational spectroscopy techniques, including mid-infrared (IR), Raman, near-infrared (NIR), and UV-Visible, have been used to characterise bauxite residue and seawater neutralised bauxite residue. Both the ferrous (Fe2+) and ferric (Fe3+) ions within bauxite residue can be identified by their characteristic NIR bands, where ferrous ions produce a strong absorption band at around 9000 cm-1, while ferric ions produce two strong bands at 25000 and 14300 cm-1. The presence of adsorbed carbonate and hydroxide anions can be identified at around 5200 and 7000 cm-1, respectively, attributed to the 2nd overtone of the 1st fundamental overtones observed in the mid-IR spectra. The complex bands in the Raman and mid-IR spectra around 3500 cm-1 are assigned to the OH stretching vibrations of the various oxides present in bauxite residue, and water. The combination of carbonate and hydroxyl units and their fundamental overtones give rise to many of the features of the NIR spectra.


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SPARC (secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine)/ osteonectin/BM-40 is a matricellular protein implicated in development, cell transformation and tumorigenesis. We have examined the role of SPARC in cell transformation induced chemically with 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) and 12- tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) in embryonic fibroblasts and in the skin of mice. Embryonic fibroblasts from SPARCnull mice showed increases in cell proliferation, enhanced sensitivity to DMBA and a higher number of DMBA/TPA-induced transformation foci. The number of DMBA-DNA adducts was 9 times higher in SPARCnull fibroblasts and their stability was lower than wild-type fibroblasts, consistent with a reduction in excision repair cross-complementing 1 the nucleotide excision repair enzyme in these cells. The SPARCnull mice showed an increase in both the speed and number of papillomas forming after topical administration of DMBA/TPA to the skin. These papillomas showed reduced growth and reduced progression to a more malignant phenotype, indicating that the effect of SPARC on tumorigenesis depends upon the transformation stage and/or tissue context. These data reinforce a growing number of observations in which SPARC has shown opposite effects on different tumor types/stages.


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Traffic state estimation in an urban road network remains a challenge for traffic models and the question of how such a network performs remains a difficult one to answer for traffic operators. Lack of detailed traffic information has long restricted research in this area. The introduction of Bluetooth into the automotive world presented an alternative that has now developed to a stage where large-scale test-beds are becoming available, for traffic monitoring and model validation purposes. But how much confidence should we have in such data? This paper aims to give an overview of the usage of Bluetooth, primarily for the city-scale management of urban transport networks, and to encourage researchers and practitioners to take a more cautious look at what is currently understood as a mature technology for monitoring travellers in urban environments. We argue that the full value of this technology is yet to be realised, for the analytical accuracies peculiar to the data have still to be adequately resolved.


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A catchment-scale multivariate statistical analysis of hydrochemistry enabled assessment of interactions between alluvial groundwater and Cressbrook Creek, an intermittent drainage system in southeast Queensland, Australia. Hierarchical cluster analyses and principal component analysis were applied to time-series data to evaluate the hydrochemical evolution of groundwater during periods of extreme drought and severe flooding. A simple three-dimensional geological model was developed to conceptualise the catchment morphology and the stratigraphic framework of the alluvium. The alluvium forms a two-layer system with a basal coarse-grained layer overlain by a clay-rich low-permeability unit. In the upper and middle catchment, alluvial groundwater is chemically similar to streamwater, particularly near the creek (reflected by high HCO3/Cl and K/Na ratios and low salinities), indicating a high degree of connectivity. In the lower catchment, groundwater is more saline with lower HCO3/Cl and K/Na ratios, notably during dry periods. Groundwater salinity substantially decreased following severe flooding in 2011, notably in the lower catchment, confirming that flooding is an important mechanism for both recharge and maintaining groundwater quality. The integrated approach used in this study enabled effective interpretation of hydrological processes and can be applied to a variety of hydrological settings to synthesise and evaluate large hydrochemical datasets.


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The present study compares the effects of two different material processing techniques on modifying hydrophilic SiO2 nanoparticles. In one method, the nanoparticles undergo plasma treatment by using a custom-developed atmospheric-pressure non-equilibrium plasma reactor. With the other method, they undergo chemical treatment which grafts silane groups onto their surface and turns them into hydrophobic. The treated nanoparticles are then used to synthesize epoxy resin-based nanocomposites for electrical insulation applications. Their characteristics are investigated and compared with the pure epoxy resin and nanocomposite fabricated with unmodified nanofillers counterparts. The dispersion features of the nanoparticles in the epoxy resin matrix are examined through scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images. All samples show evidence that the agglomerations are smaller than 30 nm in their diameters. This indicates good dispersion uniformity. The Weibull plot of breakdown strength and the recorded partial discharge (PD) events of the epoxy resin/plasma-treated hydrophilic SiO2 nanocomposite (ER/PTI) suggest that the plasma-treated specimen yields higher breakdown strength and lower PD magnitude as compared to the untreated ones. In contrast, surprisingly, lower breakdown strength is found for the nanocomposite made by the chemically treated hydrophobic particles, whereas the PD magnitude and PD numbers remain at a similar level as the plasma-treated ones.


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We report on the chemical synthesis of the arrays of silicon oxide nanodots and their self-organization on the surface via physical processes triggered by surface charges. The method based on chemically active oxygen plasma leads to the rearrangement of nanostructures and eventually to the formation of groups of nanodots. This behavior is explained in terms of the effect of electric field on the kinetics of surface processes. The direct measurements of the electric charges on the surface demonstrate that the charge correlates with the density and arrangement of nanodots within the array. Extensive numerical simulations support the proposed mechanism and prove a critical role of the electric charges in the self-organization. This simple and environment-friendly self-guided process could be used in the chemical synthesis of large arrays of nanodots on semiconducting surfaces for a variety of applications in catalysis, energy conversion and storage, photochemistry, environmental and biosensing, and several others.


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Molecular doping and detection are at the forefront of graphene research, a topic of great interest in physical and materials science. Molecules adsorb strongly on graphene, leading to a change in electrical conductivity at room temperature. However, a common impediment for practical applications reported by all studies to date is the excessively slow rate of desorption of important reactive gases such as ammonia and nitrogen dioxide. Annealing at high temperatures, or exposure to strong ultraviolet light under vacuum, is employed to facilitate desorption of these gases. In this article, the molecules adsorbed on graphene nanoflakes and on chemically derived graphene-nanomesh flakes are displaced rapidly at room temperature in air by the use of gaseous polar molecules such as water and ethanol. The mechanism for desorption is proposed to arise from the electrostatic forces exerted by the polar molecules, which decouples the overlap between substrate defect states, molecule states, and graphene states near the Fermi level. Using chemiresistors prepared from water-based dispersions of single-layer graphene on mesoporous alumina membranes, the study further shows that the edges of the graphene flakes (showing p-type responses to NO2 and NH3) and the edges of graphene nanomesh structures (showing n-type responses to NO2 and NH3) have enhanced sensitivity. The measured responses towards gases are comparable to or better than those which have been obtained using devices that are more sophisticated. The higher sensitivity and rapid regeneration of the sensor at room temperature provides a clear advancement towards practical molecule detection using graphene-based materials.


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Despite major advances in the fabrication and characterization of SiC and related materials, there has been no convincing evidence of the synthesis of nanodevice-quality nanoislanded SiC films at low, ultralarge scale integration technology-compatible process temperatures. The authors report on a low-temperature (400 °C) plasma-assisted rf magnetron sputtering deposition of high-quality nanocrystalline SiC films made of uniform-size nanoislands that almost completely cover the Si(100) surface. These nanoislands are chemically pure, highly stoichiometric, have a typical size of 20-35 nm, and contain small (∼5 nm) nanocrystalline inclusions. The properties of nanocrystalline SiC films can be effectively controlled by the plasma parameters.