353 resultados para Coinciding Objects


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The paper presents a fast and robust stereo object recognition method. The method is currently unable to identify the rotation of objects. This makes it very good at locating spheres which are rotationally independent. Approximate methods for located non-spherical objects have been developed. Fundamental to the method is that the correspondence problem is solved using information about the dimensions of the object being located. This is in contrast to previous stereo object recognition systems where the scene is first reconstructed by point matching techniques. The method is suitable for real-time application on low-power devices.


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The implementation of a robotic security solution generally requires one algorithm to route the robot around the environment and another algorithm to perform anomaly detection. Solutions to the routing problem require the robot to have a good estimate of its own pose. We present a novel security system that uses metrics generated by the localisation algorithm to perform adaptive anomaly detection. The localisation algorithm is a vision-based SLAM solution called RatSLAM, based on mechanisms within the hippocampus. The anomaly detection algorithm is based on the mechanisms used by the immune system to identify threats to the body. The system is explored using data gathered within an unmodified office environment. It is shown that the algorithm successfully reacts to the presence of people and objects in areas where they are not usually present and is tolerised against the presence of people in environments that are usually dynamic.


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This article describes the development and launching of a stargazing activity on two cruise ships, Pacific Dawn and Pacific Sun, which sail from Australian ports. The session included a presentation entitled “Voyage to the Stars” that gave passengers an overview of the life cycle of stars from star-birth nebulae to white dwarfs and black holes. In the presentation it was noted that ancient mariners used the celestial sphere to navigate. The presentation was followed by on-deck observing sessions in which objects shown in the presentation were viewed with the naked eye, binoculars and a small telescope. The activity seemed to be well received and resulted in numerous questions to the presenter of the activity. Many people said that the activity had kindled or rekindled their interest in astronomy.


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A small scale sculpture that contributes towards my ongoing explorations into how our collective ability to sustain (the future) is as much a cultural problematic as it is an economic or technological one. The curatorial brief of the project was a technical one - in that each curated artist was to design a piece in CAD suitable for 3D resin printing - The object should be entirely generated through 3D visualisation and modelling tools and should be machined and shipped within the dimensions of 6cm x 6cm x 6cm. My design for this brief was influenced by recent research I had conducted in Mildura in the Sunraysia irrigated region of NW Victoria. Each name set within the work is an Australian soldier/settler – who, on returning from the ‘Great War’ was duly awarded a ‘block’ in Australia’s new inland irrigated settlements - with the explicit task of clearing it to plant and reap. Through their concerted and well-intentioned efforts, these workers began to profoundly re-shape Australia’s marginal country - inadvertently presaging the bleak future faced today by many of Australia’s inland lands and river systems. Furthermore, through that time's predominant colonial conception of ‘terra nullius’ (this land is unoccupied and therefore free to be claimed) they each played a small but formative part in building the profound cultural divide between land and peoples that still haunts Australia today. THE EXHIBITION: Inside Out is a compelling international touring exhibition featuring forty-six miniature sculptures produced in resin using 3D printing technologies. Developments in virtual computer visualisation and integrated digital technologies are giving contemporary makers new insight and opportunities to create objects and forms which were previously impossible to produce or difficult to envisage. The exhibition is the result of collaboration between the Art Technology Coalition, the University of Technology Sydney and RMIT University in Australia along with De Montfort University, Manchester Metropolitan University and Dartington College of Arts at University College Falmouth in the United Kingdom.


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Silhouettes are common features used by many applications in computer vision. For many of these algorithms to perform optimally, accurately segmenting the objects of interest from the background to extract the silhouettes is essential. Motion segmentation is a popular technique to segment moving objects from the background, however such algorithms can be prone to poor segmentation, particularly in noisy or low contrast conditions. In this paper, the work of [3] combining motion detection with graph cuts, is extended into two novel implementations that aim to allow greater uncertainty in the output of the motion segmentation, providing a less restricted input to the graph cut algorithm. The proposed algorithms are evaluated on a portion of the ETISEO dataset using hand segmented ground truth data, and an improvement in performance over the motion segmentation alone and the baseline system of [3] is shown.


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Intelligent surveillance systems typically use a single visual spectrum modality for their input. These systems work well in controlled conditions, but often fail when lighting is poor, or environmental effects such as shadows, dust or smoke are present. Thermal spectrum imagery is not as susceptible to environmental effects, however thermal imaging sensors are more sensitive to noise and they are only gray scale, making distinguishing between objects difficult. Several approaches to combining the visual and thermal modalities have been proposed, however they are limited by assuming that both modalities are perfuming equally well. When one modality fails, existing approaches are unable to detect the drop in performance and disregard the under performing modality. In this paper, a novel middle fusion approach for combining visual and thermal spectrum images for object tracking is proposed. Motion and object detection is performed on each modality and the object detection results for each modality are fused base on the current performance of each modality. Modality performance is determined by comparing the number of objects tracked by the system with the number detected by each mode, with a small allowance made for objects entering and exiting the scene. The tracking performance of the proposed fusion scheme is compared with performance of the visual and thermal modes individually, and a baseline middle fusion scheme. Improvement in tracking performance using the proposed fusion approach is demonstrated. The proposed approach is also shown to be able to detect the failure of an individual modality and disregard its results, ensuring performance is not degraded in such situations.


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This thesis is the result of an investigation of a Queensland example of curriculum reform based on outcomes, a type of reform common to many parts of the world during the last decade. The purpose of the investigation was to determine the impact of outcomes on teacher perspectives of professional practice. The focus was chosen to permit investigation not only of changes in behaviour resulting from the reform but also of teachers' attitudes and beliefs developed during implementation. The study is based on qualitative methodology, chosen because of its suitability for the investigation of attitudes and perspectives. The study exploits the researcher's opportunities for prolonged, direct contact with groups of teachers through the selection of an over-arching ethnography approach, an approach designed to capture the holistic nature of the reform and to contextualise the data within a broad perspective. The selection of grounded theory as a basis for data analysis reflects the open nature of this inquiry and demonstrates the study's constructivist assumptions about the production of knowledge. The study also constitutes a multi-site case study by virtue of the choice of three individual school sites as objects to be studied and to form the basis of the report. Three primary school sites administered by Brisbane Catholic Education were chosen as the focus of data collection. Data were collected from three school sites as teachers engaged in the first year of implementation of Student Performance Standards, the Queensland version of English outcomes based on the current English syllabus. Teachers' experience of outcomes-driven curriculum reform was studied by means of group interviews conducted at individual school sites over a period of fourteen months, researcher observations and the collection of artefacts such as report cards. Analysis of data followed grounded theory guidelines based on a system of coding. Though classification systems were not generated prior to data analysis, the labelling of categories called on standard, non-idiosyncratic terminology and analytic frames and concepts from existing literature wherever practicable in order to permit possible comparisons with other related research. Data from school sites were examined individually and then combined to determine teacher understandings of the reform, changes that have been made to practice and teacher responses to these changes in terms of their perspectives of professionalism. Teachers in the study understood the reform as primarily an accountability mechanism. Though teachers demonstrated some acceptance of the intentions of the reform, their responses to its conceptualisation, supporting documentation and implications for changing work practices were generally characterised by reduced confidence, anger and frustration. Though the impact of outcomes-based curriculum reform must be interpreted through the inter-relationships of a broad range of elements which comprise teachers' work and their attitudes towards their work, it is proposed that the substantive findings of the study can be understood in terms of four broad themes. First, when the conceptual design of outcomes did not serve teachers' accountability requirements and outcomes were perceived to be expressed in unfamiliar technical language, most teachers in the study lost faith in the value of the reform and lost confidence in their own abilities to understand or implement it. Second, this reduction of confidence was intensified when the scope of outcomes was outside the scope of the teachers' existing curriculum and assessment planning and teachers were confronted with the necessity to include aspects of syllabuses or school programs which they had previously omitted because of a lack of understanding or appreciation. The corollary was that outcomes promoted greater syllabus fidelity when frameworks were closely aligned. Third, other benefits the teachers associated with outcomes included the development of whole school curriculum resources and greater opportunity for teacher collaboration, particularly among schools. The teachers, however, considered a wide range of factors when determining the overall impact of the reform, and perceived a number of them in terms of the costs of implementation. These included the emergence of ethical dilemmas concerning relationships with students, colleagues and parents, reduced individual autonomy, particularly with regard to the selection of valued curriculum content and intensification of workload with the capacity to erode the relationships with students which teachers strongly associated with the rewards of their profession. Finally, in banding together at the school level to resist aspects of implementation, some teachers showed growing awareness of a collective authority capable of being exercised in response to top-down reform. These findings imply that Student Performance Standards require review and, additional implementation resourcing to support teachers through times of reduced confidence in their own abilities. Outcomes prove an effective means of high-fidelity syllabus implementation, and, provided they are expressed in an accessible way and aligned with syllabus frameworks and terminology, should be considered for inclusion in future syllabuses across a range of learning areas. The study also identifies a range of unintended consequences of outcomes-based curriculum and acknowledges the complexity of relationships among all the aspects of teachers' work. It also notes that the impact of reform on teacher perspectives of professional practice may alter teacher-teacher and school-system relationships in ways that have the potential to influence the effectiveness of future curriculum reform.


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Assessment of the condition of connectors in the overhead electricity network has traditionally relied on the heat dissipation or voltage drop from existing load current (50Hz) as a measurable parameter to differentiate between satisfactory and failing connectors. This research has developed a technique which does not rely on the 50Hz current and a prototype connector tester has been developed. In this system a high frequency signal is injected into the section of line under test and measures the resistive voltage drop and the current at the test frequency to yield the resistance in micro-ohms. From the value of resistance a decision as to whether a connector is satisfactory or approaching failure can be made. Determining the resistive voltage drop in the presence of a large induced voltage was achieved by the innovative approach of using a representative sample of the magnetic flux producing the induced voltage as the phase angle reference for the signal processing rather than the phase angle of the current, which can be affected by the presence of nearby metal objects. Laboratory evaluation of the connector tester has validated the measurement technique. The magnitude of the load current (50Hz) has minimal effect on the measurement accuracy. Addition of a suitable battery based power supply system and isolated communications, probably radio and refinement of the printed circuit board design and software are the remaining development steps to a production instrument.


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Where object-oriented languages deal with objects as described by classes, model-driven development uses models, as graphs of interconnected objects, described by metamodels. A number of new languages have been and continue to be developed for this model- based paradigm, both for model transformation and for general programming using models. Many of these use single-object approaches to typing, derived from solutions found in object-oriented systems, while others use metamodels as model types, but without a clear notion of polymorphism. Both of these approaches lead to brittle and overly restrictive reuse characteristics. In this paper we propose a simple extension to object-oriented typing to better cater for a model-oriented context, including a simple strategy for typing models as a collection of interconnected objects. We suggest extensions to existing type system formalisms to support these concepts and their manipulation. Using a simple example we show how this extended approach permits more flexible reuse, while preserving type safety.


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My research investigates why nouns are learned disproportionately more frequently than other kinds of words during early language acquisition (Gentner, 1982; Gleitman, et al., 2004). This question must be considered in the context of cognitive development in general. Infants have two major streams of environmental information to make meaningful: perceptual and linguistic. Perceptual information flows in from the senses and is processed into symbolic representations by the primitive language of thought (Fodor, 1975). These symbolic representations are then linked to linguistic input to enable language comprehension and ultimately production. Yet, how exactly does perceptual information become conceptualized? Although this question is difficult, there has been progress. One way that children might have an easier job is if they have structures that simplify the data. Thus, if particular sorts of perceptual information could be separated from the mass of input, then it would be easier for children to refer to those specific things when learning words (Spelke, 1990; Pylyshyn, 2003). It would be easier still, if linguistic input was segmented in predictable ways (Gentner, 1982; Gleitman, et al., 2004) Unfortunately the frequency of patterns in lexical or grammatical input cannot explain the cross-cultural and cross-linguistic tendency to favor nouns over verbs and predicates. There are three examples of this failure: 1) a wide variety of nouns are uttered less frequently than a smaller number of verbs and yet are learnt far more easily (Gentner, 1982); 2) word order and morphological transparency offer no insight when you contrast the sentence structures and word inflections of different languages (Slobin, 1973) and 3) particular language teaching behaviors (e.g. pointing at objects and repeating names for them) have little impact on children's tendency to prefer concrete nouns in their first fifty words (Newport, et al., 1977). Although the linguistic solution appears problematic, there has been increasing evidence that the early visual system does indeed segment perceptual information in specific ways before the conscious mind begins to intervene (Pylyshyn, 2003). I argue that nouns are easier to learn because their referents directly connect with innate features of the perceptual faculty. This hypothesis stems from work done on visual indexes by Zenon Pylyshyn (2001, 2003). Pylyshyn argues that the early visual system (the architecture of the "vision module") segments perceptual data into pre-conceptual proto-objects called FINSTs. FINSTs typically correspond to physical things such as Spelke objects (Spelke, 1990). Hence, before conceptualization, visual objects are picked out by the perceptual system demonstratively, like a finger pointing indicating ‘this’ or ‘that’. I suggest that this primitive system of demonstration elaborates on Gareth Evan's (1982) theory of nonconceptual content. Nouns are learnt first because their referents attract demonstrative visual indexes. This theory also explains why infants less often name stationary objects such as plate or table, but do name things that attract the focal attention of the early visual system, i.e., small objects that move, such as ‘dog’ or ‘ball’. This view leaves open the question how blind children learn words for visible objects and why children learn category nouns (e.g. 'dog'), rather than proper nouns (e.g. 'Fido') or higher taxonomic distinctions (e.g. 'animal').


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This chapter reports on research work that aims to overcome some limitations of conventional community engagement for urban planning. Adaptive and human-centred design approaches that are well established in human-computer interaction (such as personas and design scenarios) as well as creative writing and dramatic character development methods (such as the Stanislavsky System and the Meisner Technique) are yet largely unexplored in the rather conservative and long-term design context of urban planning. Based on these approaches, we have been trialling a set of performance based workshop activities to gain insights into participants’ desires and requirements that may inform the future design of apartments and apartment buildings in inner city Brisbane. The focus of these workshops is to analyse the behaviour and lifestyle of apartment dwellers and generate residential personas that become boundary objects in the cross-disciplinary discussions of urban design and planning teams. Dramatisation and embodied interaction of use cases form part of the strategies we employed to engage participants and elicit community feedback.


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Electrostatic discharge is the sudden and brief electric current that flashes between two objects at different voltages. This is a serious issue ranging in application from solid-state electronics to spectacular and dangerous lightning strikes (arc flashes). The research herein presents work on the experimental simulation and measurement of the energy in an electrostatic discharge. The energy released in these discharges has been linked to ignitions and burning in a number of documented disasters and can be enormously hazardous in many other industrial scenarios. Simulations of electrostatic discharges were designed to specifications by IEC standards. This is typically based on the residual voltage/charge on the discharge capacitor, whereas this research examines the voltage and current in the actual spark in order to obtain a more precise comparative measurement of the energy dissipated.