105 resultados para nanometric coatings


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The combination of thermally- and photochemically-induced polymerization using light sensitive alkoxyamines was investigated. The thermally driven polymerizations were performed via the cleavage of the alkoxyamine functionality, whereas the photochemically-induced polymerizations were carried out either by nitroxide mediated photo-polymerization (NMP2) or by a classical type II mechanism, depending on the structure of the light-sensitive alkoxyamine employed. Once the potential of the various structures as initiators of thermally- and photo-induced polymerizations was established, their use in combination for block copolymer syntheses was investigated. With each alkoxyamine investigated, block copolymers were successfully obtained and the system was applied to the post-modification of polymer coatings for application in patterning and photografting.


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Sediment samples were taken from six sampling sites in Bramble Bay, Queensland, Australia between February and November in 2012. They were analysed for a range of heavy metals including Al, Fe, Mn, Ti, Ce, Th, U, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, Sb, Te, Hg, Tl and Pb. Fraction analysis, enrichment factors and Principal Component Analysis –Absolute Principal Component Scores (PCA-APCS) were carried out in order to assess metal pollution, potential bioavailability and source apportionment. Cr and Ni exceeded the Australian Interim Sediment Quality Guidelines at some sampling sites, while Hg was found to be the most enriched metal. Fraction analysis identified increased weak acid soluble Hg and Cd during the sampling period. Source apportionment via PCA-APCS found four sources of metals pollution, namely, marine sediments, shipping, antifouling coatings and a mixed source. These sources need to be considered in any metal pollution control measure within Bramble Bay.


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Toughness is the ability of a material to deform plastically and to absorb energy before fracture. The first of its kind, this book covers the most recent developments in the toughening of hard coatings and the methodologies for measuring the toughness of thin films and coatings. The book looks at the present status of toughness for coatings and discusses high-temperature nanocomposite coatings, porous thin films, laser treated surface layers, cracking resistance, indentation techniques, sliding contact fracture, IPN hybrid composites for protection, and adhesion strength.


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Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) is the most commonly used anode as a transparent electrode and more recently as an anode for organic photovoltaics (OPVs). However, there are significant drawbacks in using ITO which include high material costs, mechanical instability including brittleness and poor electrical properties which limit its use in low-cost flexible devices. We present initial results of poly(3-hexylthiophene): phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester OPVs showing that an efficiency of 1.9% (short-circuit current 7.01 mA/cm2, open-circuit voltage 0.55 V, fill factor 0.49) can be attained using an ultra thin film of gold coated glass as the device anode. The initial I-V characteristics demonstrate that using high work function metals when the thin film is kept ultra thin can be used as a replacement to ITO due to their greater stability and better morphological control.


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This research investigated the use of DNA fingerprinting to characterise the bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae or pneumococcus, and hence gain insight into the development of new vaccines or antibiotics. Different bacterial DNA fingerprinting methods were studied, and a novel method was developed and validated, which characterises different cell coatings that pneumococci produce. This method was used to study the epidemiology of pneumococci in Queensland before and after the introduction of the current pneumococcal vaccine. This study demonstrated that pneumococcal disease is highly prevalent in children under four years, that the bacteria can `switch' its cell coating to evade the vaccine, and that some DNA fingerprinting methods are more discriminatory than others. This has an impact on understanding which strains are more prone to cause invasive disease. Evidence of the excellent research findings have been published in high impact internationally refereed journals.


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Novel, highly chlorinated surface coatings were produced via a one-step plasma polymerization (pp) of 1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCE), exhibiting excellent antimicrobial properties against the vigorously biofilm-forming bacterium Staphylococcus epidermidis.


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We report a new method for the growth of reduced graphene oxide (rGO) on the 316L alloy of stainless steel (SS) and its relevance for biomedical applications. We demonstrate that electrochemical etching increases the concentration of metallic species on the surface and enables the growth of rGO. This result is supported through a combination of Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), density functional theory (DFT) calculations and static water contact angle measurements. Raman spectroscopy identifies the G and D bands for oxidized species of graphene at 1595 cm(-1) and 1350 cm(-1), respectively, and gives an ID/IG ratio of 1.2, indicating a moderate degree of oxidation. XPS shows -OH and -COOH groups in the rGO stoichiometry and static contact angle measurements confirm the wettability of rGO. SEM and AFM measurements were performed on different substrates before and after coronene treatment to confirm rGO growth. Cell viability studies reveal that these rGO coatings do not have toxic effects on mammalian cells, making this material suitable for biomedical and biotechnological applications.


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A profluorescent nitroxide possessing an isoindoline nitroxide moiety linked to a perylene fluorophore was developed to monitor radical mediated degradation of melamine-formaldehyde crosslinked polyester coil coatings in an industry standard accelerated weathering tester. Trapping of polyester-derived radicals (most likely C-radicals) that are generated during polymer degradation leads to fluorescent closed-shell alkoxy amines, which was used to obtain time-dependent degradation profiles to assess the relative stability of different polyesters towards weathering. The nitroxide probe couples excellent thermal stability and satisfactory photostability with high sensitivity and enables detection of free radical damage in polyesters under conditions that mimic exposure to the environment on a time scale of hours rather than months or years required by other testing methods. There are indications that the profluorescent nitroxide undergoes partial photo-degradation in the absence of polymer-derived radicals. Unexpectedly, it was also found that UV-induced fragmentation of the NO–C bond in closed-shell alkoxy amines leads to regeneration of the profluorescent nitroxide and the respective C-radical. The maximum fluorescence intensity that could be achieved with a given probe concentration is therefore not only determined by the amount of polyester radicals formed during accelerated weathering, but also by the light-driven side reactions of the profluorescent nitroxide and the corresponding alkoxy amine radical trapping products. Studies to determine the optimum probe concentration in the polymer matrix revealed that aggregation and re-absorption effects lowered the fluorescence intensity at higher concentrations of the profluorescent nitroxide, but too low probe concentrations, where these effects would be avoided, were not sufficient to trap the amount of polyester radicals formed upon weathering. The optimized experimental conditions were used to assess the impact of temperature and UV irradiance on polymer degradation during accelerated weathering.


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Details of a fast and sustainable bottom-up process to grow large area high quality graphene films without the aid of any catalyst are reported in this paper. We used Melaleuca alternifolia, a volatile natural extract from tea tree plant as the precursor. The as-fabricated graphene films yielded a stable contact angle of 135°, indicating their potential application in very high hydrophobic coatings. The electronic devices formed by sandwiching pentacene between graphene and aluminum films demonstrated memristive behavior, and hence, these graphene films could find use in nonvolatile memory devices also.


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Strategies that confine antibacterial and/or antifouling property to the surface of the implant, by modifying the surface chemistry and morphology or by encapsulating the material in an antibiotic-loaded coating, are most promising as they do not alter bulk integrity of the material. Among them, plasma-assisted modification and catechol chemistry stand out for their ability to modify a wide range of substrates. By controlling processing parameters, plasma environment can be used for surface nano structuring, chemical activation, and deposition of biologically active and passive coatings. Catechol chemistry can be used for material-independent, highly-controlled surface immobilisation of active molecules and fabrication of biodegradable drug-loaded hydrogel coatings. In this article, we comprehensively review the role plasma-assisted processing and catechol chemistry can play in combating bacterial colonisation on medically relevant coatings, and how these strategies can be coupled with the use of natural antimicrobial agents to produce synthetic antibiotic-free antibacterial surfaces.


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Clinical utility of biodegradable magnesium implants is undermined by the untimely degradation of these materials in vivo. Their high corrosion rate leads to loss of mechanical integrity, peri–implant alkalization and localised accumulation of hydrogen gas. Biodegradable coatings were produced on pure magnesium using RF plasma polymerisation. A monoterpene alcohol with known anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties was used as a polymer precursor. The addition of the polymeric layer was found to reduce the degradation rate of magnesium in simulated body fluid. The in vitro studies indicated good cytocompatibility of non-adherent THP–1 cells and mouse macrophage cells with the polymer, and the polymer coated sample. The viability of THP–1 cells was significantly improved when in contact with polymer encapsulated magnesium compared to unmodified samples. Collectively, these results suggest plasma enhanced polymer encapsulation of magnesium as a suitable method to control degradation kinetics of this biomaterial.


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Low pressure radio frequency plasma-assisted deposition of 1-isopropyl-4-methyl-1,4-cyclohexadiene thin films was investigated for different polymerization conditions. Transparent, environmentally stable and flexible, these organic films are promising candidates for organic photovoltaics (OPV) and flexible electronics applications, where they can be used as encapsulating coatings and insulating interlayers. The effect of deposition RF power on optical properties of the films was limited, with all films being optically transparent, with refractive indices in a range of 1.57–1.58 at 500 nm. The optical band gap (Eg) of ~3 eV fell into the insulating Eg region, decreasing for films fabricated at higher RF power. Independent of deposition conditions, the surfaces were smooth and defect-free, with uniformly distributed morphological features and average roughness between 0.30 nm (at 10 W) and 0.21 nm (at 75 W). Films fabricated at higher deposition power displayed enhanced resistance to delamination and wear, and improved hardness, from 0.40 GPa for 10 W to 0.58 GPa for 75 W at a load of 700 μN. From an application perspective, it is therefore possible to tune the mechanical and morphological properties of these films without compromising their optical transparency or insulating property.


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Investigations on the wetting, solubility and chemical composition of plasma polymer thin films provide an insight into the feasibility of implementing these polymeric materials in organic electronics, particularly where wet solution processing is involved. In this study, thin films were prepared from 1-isopropyl-4-methyl-1,4-cyclohexadiene (γ-Terpinene) using radio frequency (RF) plasma polymerization. FTIR showed the polymers to be structurally dissimilar to the original monomer and highly cross-linked, where the loss of original functional groups and the degree of cross-linking increased with deposition power. The polymer surfaces were hydrocarbon-rich, with oxygen present in the form of O–H and C=O functional groups. The oxygen content decreased with deposition power, with films becoming more hydrophobic and, thus, less wettable. The advancing and receding contact angles were investigated, and the water advancing contact angle was found to increase from 63.14° to 73.53° for thin films prepared with an RF power of 10 W to 75 W. The wetting envelopes for the surfaces were constructed to enable the prediction of the surfaces’ wettability for other solvents. The effect of roughness on the wetting behaviour of the films was insignificant. The polymers were determined to resist solubilization in solvents commonly used in the deposition of organic semiconducting layers, including chloroform and chlorobenzene, with higher stability observed in films fabricated at higher RF power.


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Synthetic, natural, or composite, biomaterials occupy a key position in the management of disease and support continuous advancement of health care. Clinical utility of many permanent and biodegradable implants can be significantly improved via surface modification. Here, we discuss a novel polymer material developed from essential oil-based monoterpene alcohol using plasma polymerisation. The developed coatings are cytocompatible and limit adhesion and proliferation of a variety of pathogens. The coating can also be used to control degradation behaviour of resorbable materials, such as magnesium.