527 resultados para Lattice Engineering


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Tungsten trioxide is one of the potential semiconducting materials used for sensing NH3, CO, CH4 and acetaldehyde gases. The current research aims at development, microstructural characterization and gas sensing properties of thin films of Tungsten trioxide (WO3). In this paper, we intend to present the microstructural characterization of these films as a function of post annealing heat treatment. Microstructural and elemental analysis of electron beam evaporated WO3 thin films and iron doped WO3 films (WO3:Fe) have been carried out using analytical techniques such as Transmission electron microscopy, Rutherford Backscattered Spectroscopy and XPS analysis. TEM analysis revealed that annealing at 300oC for 1 hour improves cyrstallinity of WO3 film. Both WO3 and WO3:Fe films had uniform thickness and the values corresponded to those measured during deposition. RBS results show a fairly high concentration of oxygen at the film surface as well as in the bulk for both films, which might be due to adsorption of oxygen from atmosphere or lattice oxygen vacancy inherent in WO3 structure. XPS results indicate that tungsten exists in 4d electronic state on the surface but at a depth of 10 nm, both 4d and 4f electronic states were observed. Atomic force microscopy reveals nanosize particles and porous structure of the film. This study shows e-beam evaporation technique produces nanoaparticles and porous WO3 films suitable for gas sensing applications and doping with iron decreases the porosity and particle size which can help improve the gas selectivity.


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Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by low bone mass and micro-architectural deterioration of bone tissue, with a consequent increase in bone fragility and susceptibility to fracture. Osteoporosis affects over 200 million people worldwide, with an estimated 1.5 million fractures annually in the United States alone, and with attendant costs exceeding $10 billion dollars per annum. Osteoporosis reduces bone density through a series of structural changes to the honeycomb-like trabecular bone structure (micro-structure). The reduced bone density, coupled with the microstructural changes, results in significant loss of bone strength and increased fracture risk. Vertebral compression fractures are the most common type of osteoporotic fracture and are associated with pain, increased thoracic curvature, reduced mobility, and difficulty with self care. Surgical interventions, such as kyphoplasty or vertebroplasty, are used to treat osteoporotic vertebral fractures by restoring vertebral stability and alleviating pain. These minimally invasive procedures involve injecting bone cement into the fractured vertebrae. The techniques are still relatively new and while initial results are promising, with the procedures relieving pain in 70-95% of cases, medium-term investigations are now indicating an increased risk of adjacent level fracture following the procedure. With the aging population, understanding and treatment of osteoporosis is an increasingly important public health issue in developed Western countries. The aim of this study was to investigate the biomechanics of spinal osteoporosis and osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures by developing multi-scale computational, Finite Element (FE) models of both healthy and osteoporotic vertebral bodies. The multi-scale approach included the overall vertebral body anatomy, as well as a detailed representation of the internal trabecular microstructure. This novel, multi-scale approach overcame limitations of previous investigations by allowing simultaneous investigation of the mechanics of the trabecular micro-structure as well as overall vertebral body mechanics. The models were used to simulate the progression of osteoporosis, the effect of different loading conditions on vertebral strength and stiffness, and the effects of vertebroplasty on vertebral and trabecular mechanics. The model development process began with the development of an individual trabecular strut model using 3D beam elements, which was used as the building block for lattice-type, structural trabecular bone models, which were in turn incorporated into the vertebral body models. At each stage of model development, model predictions were compared to analytical solutions and in-vitro data from existing literature. The incremental process provided confidence in the predictions of each model before incorporation into the overall vertebral body model. The trabecular bone model, vertebral body model and vertebroplasty models were validated against in-vitro data from a series of compression tests performed using human cadaveric vertebral bodies. Firstly, trabecular bone samples were acquired and morphological parameters for each sample were measured using high resolution micro-computed tomography (CT). Apparent mechanical properties for each sample were then determined using uni-axial compression tests. Bone tissue properties were inversely determined using voxel-based FE models based on the micro-CT data. Specimen specific trabecular bone models were developed and the predicted apparent stiffness and strength were compared to the experimentally measured apparent stiffness and strength of the corresponding specimen. Following the trabecular specimen tests, a series of 12 whole cadaveric vertebrae were then divided into treated and non-treated groups and vertebroplasty performed on the specimens of the treated group. The vertebrae in both groups underwent clinical-CT scanning and destructive uniaxial compression testing. Specimen specific FE vertebral body models were developed and the predicted mechanical response compared to the experimentally measured responses. The validation process demonstrated that the multi-scale FE models comprising a lattice network of beam elements were able to accurately capture the failure mechanics of trabecular bone; and a trabecular core represented with beam elements enclosed in a layer of shell elements to represent the cortical shell was able to adequately represent the failure mechanics of intact vertebral bodies with varying degrees of osteoporosis. Following model development and validation, the models were used to investigate the effects of progressive osteoporosis on vertebral body mechanics and trabecular bone mechanics. These simulations showed that overall failure of the osteoporotic vertebral body is initiated by failure of the trabecular core, and the failure mechanism of the trabeculae varies with the progression of osteoporosis; from tissue yield in healthy trabecular bone, to failure due to instability (buckling) in osteoporotic bone with its thinner trabecular struts. The mechanical response of the vertebral body under load is highly dependent on the ability of the endplates to deform to transmit the load to the underlying trabecular bone. The ability of the endplate to evenly transfer the load through the core diminishes with osteoporosis. Investigation into the effect of different loading conditions on the vertebral body found that, because the trabecular bone structural changes which occur in osteoporosis result in a structure that is highly aligned with the loading direction, the vertebral body is consequently less able to withstand non-uniform loading states such as occurs in forward flexion. Changes in vertebral body loading due to disc degeneration were simulated, but proved to have little effect on osteoporotic vertebra mechanics. Conversely, differences in vertebral body loading between simulated invivo (uniform endplate pressure) and in-vitro conditions (where the vertebral endplates are rigidly cemented) had a dramatic effect on the predicted vertebral mechanics. This investigation suggested that in-vitro loading using bone cement potting of both endplates has major limitations in its ability to represent vertebral body mechanics in-vivo. And lastly, FE investigation into the biomechanical effect of vertebroplasty was performed. The results of this investigation demonstrated that the effect of vertebroplasty on overall vertebra mechanics is strongly governed by the cement distribution achieved within the trabecular core. In agreement with a recent study, the models predicted that vertebroplasty cement distributions which do not form one continuous mass which contacts both endplates have little effect on vertebral body stiffness or strength. In summary, this work presents the development of a novel, multi-scale Finite Element model of the osteoporotic vertebral body, which provides a powerful new tool for investigating the mechanics of osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures at the trabecular bone micro-structural level, and at the vertebral body level.


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We conduct the detailed numerical investigation of a nanomanipulation and nanofabrication technique—thermal tweezers with dynamic evolution of surface temperature, caused by absorption of interfering laser pulses in a thin metalfilm or any other absorbing surface. This technique uses random Brownian forces in the presence of strong temperature modulation (surfacethermophoresis) for effective manipulation of particles/adatoms with nanoscale resolution. Substantial redistribution of particles on the surface is shown to occur with the typical size of the obtained pattern elements of ∼100 nm, which is significantly smaller than the wavelength of the incident pulses used (532 nm). It is also demonstrated that thermal tweezers based on surfacethermophoresis of particles/adatoms are much more effective in achieving permanent high maximum-to-minimum concentration ratios than bulk thermophoresis, which is explained by the interaction of diffusing particles with the periodic lattice potential on the surface. Typically required pulse regimes including pulse lengths and energies are also determined. The approach is applicable for reproducing any holographically achievable surfacepatterns, and can thus be used for engineering properties of surfaces including nanopatterning and design of surface metamaterials.


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Browse > Journals> Automation Science and Enginee ...> Volume: 5 Issue: 3 Microassembly Fabrication of Tissue Engineering Scaffolds With Customized Design 4468741 abstract Han Zhang; Burdet, E.; Poo, A.N.; Hutmacher, D.W.; GE Global Res. Center Ltd., Shanghai This paper appears in: Automation Science and Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Issue Date: July 2008 Volume: 5 Issue:3 On page(s): 446 - 456 ISSN: 1545-5955 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TASE.2008.917011 Date of Current Version: 02 July 2008 Sponsored by: IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Abstract This paper presents a novel technique to fabricate scaffold/cell constructs for tissue engineering by robotic assembly of microscopic building blocks (of volume 0.5$,times,$0.5$,times,$0.2 ${hbox{mm}}^{3}$ and 60 $mu {hbox{m}}$ thickness). In this way, it becomes possible to build scaffolds with freedom in the design of architecture, surface morphology, and chemistry. Biocompatible microparts with complex 3-D shapes were first designed and mass produced using MEMS techniques. Semi-automatic assembly was then realized using a robotic workstation with four degrees of freedom integrating a dedicated microgripper and two optical microscopes. Coarse movement of the gripper is determined by pattern matching in the microscopes images, while the operator controls fine positioning and accurate insertion of the microparts. Successful microassembly was demonstrated using SU-8 and acrylic resin microparts. Taking advantage of parts distortion and adhesion forces, which dominate at micro-level, the parts cleave together after assembly. In contrast to many current scaffold fabrication techniques, no heat, pressure, electrical effect, or toxic chemical reaction is involved, a critical condition for creating scaffolds with biological agents.


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Advances in tissue engineering have traditionally led to the design of scaffold- or matrix-based culture systems that better reflect the biological, physical and biochemical environment of the natural extracellular matrix. Although their clinical applications in regenerative medicine tend to receive most of the attention, it is obvious that other areas of biomedical research could be well served by the powerful tools that have already been developed in tissue engineering. In this article, we review the recent literature to demonstrate how tissue engineering platforms can enhance in vitro and in vivo models of tumorigenesis and thus hold great promise to contribute to future cancer research.


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Optimal operation and maintenance of engineering systems heavily rely on the accurate prediction of their failures. Most engineering systems, especially mechanical systems, are susceptible to failure interactions. These failure interactions can be estimated for repairable engineering systems when determining optimal maintenance strategies for these systems. An extended Split System Approach is developed in this paper. The technique is based on the Split System Approach and a model for interactive failures. The approach was applied to simulated data. The results indicate that failure interactions will increase the hazard of newly repaired components. The intervals of preventive maintenance actions of a system with failure interactions, will become shorter compared with scenarios where failure interactions do not exist.


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Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are emerging as an ideal platform for a wide range of civil applications such as disaster monitoring, atmospheric observation and outback delivery. However, the operation of UAVs is currently restricted to specially segregated regions of airspace outside of the National Airspace System (NAS). Mission Flight Planning (MFP) is an integral part of UAV operation that addresses some of the requirements (such as safety and the rules of the air) of integrating UAVs in the NAS. Automated MFP is a key enabler for a number of UAV operating scenarios as it aids in increasing the level of onboard autonomy. For example, onboard MFP is required to ensure continued conformance with the NAS integration requirements when there is an outage in the communications link. MFP is a motion planning task concerned with finding a path between a designated start waypoint and goal waypoint. This path is described with a sequence of 4 Dimensional (4D) waypoints (three spatial and one time dimension) or equivalently with a sequence of trajectory segments (or tracks). It is necessary to consider the time dimension as the UAV operates in a dynamic environment. Existing methods for generic motion planning, UAV motion planning and general vehicle motion planning cannot adequately address the requirements of MFP. The flight plan needs to optimise for multiple decision objectives including mission safety objectives, the rules of the air and mission efficiency objectives. Online (in-flight) replanning capability is needed as the UAV operates in a large, dynamic and uncertain outdoor environment. This thesis derives a multi-objective 4D search algorithm entitled Multi- Step A* (MSA*) based on the seminal A* search algorithm. MSA* is proven to find the optimal (least cost) path given a variable successor operator (which enables arbitrary track angle and track velocity resolution). Furthermore, it is shown to be of comparable complexity to multi-objective, vector neighbourhood based A* (Vector A*, an extension of A*). A variable successor operator enables the imposition of a multi-resolution lattice structure on the search space (which results in fewer search nodes). Unlike cell decomposition based methods, soundness is guaranteed with multi-resolution MSA*. MSA* is demonstrated through Monte Carlo simulations to be computationally efficient. It is shown that multi-resolution, lattice based MSA* finds paths of equivalent cost (less than 0.5% difference) to Vector A* (the benchmark) in a third of the computation time (on average). This is the first contribution of the research. The second contribution is the discovery of the additive consistency property for planning with multiple decision objectives. Additive consistency ensures that the planner is not biased (which results in a suboptimal path) by ensuring that the cost of traversing a track using one step equals that of traversing the same track using multiple steps. MSA* mitigates uncertainty through online replanning, Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) and tolerance. Each trajectory segment is modeled with a cell sequence that completely encloses the trajectory segment. The tolerance, measured as the minimum distance between the track and cell boundaries, is the third major contribution. Even though MSA* is demonstrated for UAV MFP, it is extensible to other 4D vehicle motion planning applications. Finally, the research proposes a self-scheduling replanning architecture for MFP. This architecture replicates the decision strategies of human experts to meet the time constraints of online replanning. Based on a feedback loop, the proposed architecture switches between fast, near-optimal planning and optimal planning to minimise the need for hold manoeuvres. The derived MFP framework is original and shown, through extensive verification and validation, to satisfy the requirements of UAV MFP. As MFP is an enabling factor for operation of UAVs in the NAS, the presented work is both original and significant.


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A teaching and learning development project is currently under way at Queensland University of Technology to develop advanced technology videotapes for use with the delivery of structural engineering courses. These tapes consist of integrated computer and laboratory simulations of important concepts, and behaviour of structures and their components for a number of structural engineering subjects. They will be used as part of the regular lectures and thus will not only improve the quality of lectures and learning environment, but also will be able to replace the ever-dwindling laboratory teaching in these subjects. The use of these videotapes, developed using advanced computer graphics, data visualization and video technologies, will enrich the learning process of the current diverse engineering student body. This paper presents the details of this new method, the methodology used, the results and evaluation in relation to one of the structural engineering subjects, steel structures.


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In the quest for shorter time-to-market, higher quality and reduced cost, model-driven software development has emerged as a promising approach to software engineering. The central idea is to promote models to first-class citizens in the development process. Starting from a set of very abstract models in the early stage of the development, they are refined into more concrete models and finally, as a last step, into code. As early phases of development focus on different concepts compared to later stages, various modelling languages are employed to most accurately capture the concepts and relations under discussion. In light of this refinement process, translating between modelling languages becomes a time-consuming and error-prone necessity. This is remedied by model transformations providing support for reusing and automating recurring translation efforts. These transformations typically can only be used to translate a source model into a target model, but not vice versa. This poses a problem if the target model is subject to change. In this case the models get out of sync and therefore do not constitute a coherent description of the software system anymore, leading to erroneous results in later stages. This is a serious threat to the promised benefits of quality, cost-saving, and time-to-market. Therefore, providing a means to restore synchronisation after changes to models is crucial if the model-driven vision is to be realised. This process of reflecting changes made to a target model back to the source model is commonly known as Round-Trip Engineering (RTE). While there are a number of approaches to this problem, they impose restrictions on the nature of the model transformation. Typically, in order for a transformation to be reversed, for every change to the target model there must be exactly one change to the source model. While this makes synchronisation relatively “easy”, it is ill-suited for many practically relevant transformations as they do not have this one-to-one character. To overcome these issues and to provide a more general approach to RTE, this thesis puts forward an approach in two stages. First, a formal understanding of model synchronisation on the basis of non-injective transformations (where a number of different source models can correspond to the same target model) is established. Second, detailed techniques are devised that allow the implementation of this understanding of synchronisation. A formal underpinning for these techniques is drawn from abductive logic reasoning, which allows the inference of explanations from an observation in the context of a background theory. As non-injective transformations are the subject of this research, there might be a number of changes to the source model that all equally reflect a certain target model change. To help guide the procedure in finding “good” source changes, model metrics and heuristics are investigated. Combining abductive reasoning with best-first search and a “suitable” heuristic enables efficient computation of a number of “good” source changes. With this procedure Round-Trip Engineering of non-injective transformations can be supported.


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Reforms to the national research and research training system by the Commonwealth Government of Australia sought to effectively connect research conducted in universities to Australia's national innovation system. Research training has a key role in ensuring an adequate supply of highly skilled people for the national innovation system. During their studies, research students produce and disseminate a massive amount of new knowledge. Prior to this study, there was no research that examined the contribution of research training to Australia's national innovation system despite the existence of policy initiatives aiming to enhance this contribution. Given Australia's below average (but improving) innovation performance compared to other OECD countries, the inclusion of Finland and the United States provided further insights into the key research question. This study examined three obvious ways that research training contributes to the national innovation systems in the three countries: the international mobility and migration of research students and graduates, knowledge production and distribution by research students, and the impact of research training as advanced human capital formation on economic growth. Findings have informed the concept of a research training culture of innovation that aims to enhance the contribution of research training to Australia's national innovation system. Key features include internationally competitive research and research training environments; research training programs that equip students with economically-relevant knowledge and the capabilities required by employers operating in knowledge-based economies; attractive research careers in different sectors; a national commitment to R&D as indicated by high levels of gross and business R&D expenditure; high private and social rates of return from research training; and the horizontal coordination of key organisations that create policy for, and/or invest in research training.