96 resultados para Fuzzy Inference


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At Eurocrypt’04, Freedman, Nissim and Pinkas introduced a fuzzy private matching problem. The problem is defined as follows. Given two parties, each of them having a set of vectors where each vector has T integer components, the fuzzy private matching is to securely test if each vector of one set matches any vector of another set for at least t components where t < T. In the conclusion of their paper, they asked whether it was possible to design a fuzzy private matching protocol without incurring a communication complexity with the factor (T t ) . We answer their question in the affirmative by presenting a protocol based on homomorphic encryption, combined with the novel notion of a share-hiding error-correcting secret sharing scheme, which we show how to implement with efficient decoding using interleaved Reed-Solomon codes. This scheme may be of independent interest. Our protocol is provably secure against passive adversaries, and has better efficiency than previous protocols for certain parameter values.


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This thesis developed new search engine models that elicit the meaning behind the words found in documents and queries, rather than simply matching keywords. These new models were applied to searching medical records: an area where search is particularly challenging yet can have significant benefits to our society.


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Sensing the mental, physical and emotional demand of a driving task is of primary importance in road safety research and for effectively designing in-vehicle information systems (IVIS). Particularly, the need of cars capable of sensing and reacting to the emotional state of the driver has been repeatedly advocated in the literature. Algorithms and sensors to identify patterns of human behavior, such as gestures, speech, eye gaze and facial expression, are becoming available by using low cost hardware: This paper presents a new system which uses surrogate measures such as facial expression (emotion) and head pose and movements (intention) to infer task difficulty in a driving situation. 11 drivers were recruited and observed in a simulated driving task that involved several pre-programmed events aimed at eliciting emotive reactions, such as being stuck behind slower vehicles, intersections and roundabouts, and potentially dangerous situations. The resulting system, combining face expressions and head pose classification, is capable of recognizing dangerous events (such as crashes and near misses) and stressful situations (e.g. intersections and way giving) that occur during the simulated drive.


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This paper addresses the problem of determining optimal designs for biological process models with intractable likelihoods, with the goal of parameter inference. The Bayesian approach is to choose a design that maximises the mean of a utility, and the utility is a function of the posterior distribution. Therefore, its estimation requires likelihood evaluations. However, many problems in experimental design involve models with intractable likelihoods, that is, likelihoods that are neither analytic nor can be computed in a reasonable amount of time. We propose a novel solution using indirect inference (II), a well established method in the literature, and the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm of Müller et al. (2004). Indirect inference employs an auxiliary model with a tractable likelihood in conjunction with the generative model, the assumed true model of interest, which has an intractable likelihood. Our approach is to estimate a map between the parameters of the generative and auxiliary models, using simulations from the generative model. An II posterior distribution is formed to expedite utility estimation. We also present a modification to the utility that allows the Müller algorithm to sample from a substantially sharpened utility surface, with little computational effort. Unlike competing methods, the II approach can handle complex design problems for models with intractable likelihoods on a continuous design space, with possible extension to many observations. The methodology is demonstrated using two stochastic models; a simple tractable death process used to validate the approach, and a motivating stochastic model for the population evolution of macroparasites.


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This research is a step forward in improving the accuracy of detecting anomaly in a data graph representing connectivity between people in an online social network. The proposed hybrid methods are based on fuzzy machine learning techniques utilising different types of structural input features. The methods are presented within a multi-layered framework which provides the full requirements needed for finding anomalies in data graphs generated from online social networks, including data modelling and analysis, labelling, and evaluation.


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This chapter focuses on the implementation of the TS (Tagaki-Sugino) fuzzy controller for the Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) based wind generator. The conventional PI control loops for mantaining desired active power and DC capacitor voltage is compared with the TS fuzzy controllers. DFIG system is represented by a third-order model where electromagnetic transients of the stator are neglected. The effectiveness of the TS-fuzzy controller on the rotor speed oscillations and the DC capacitor voltage variations of the DFIG damping controller on converter ratings is also investigated. The results from the time domain simulations are presented to elucidate the effectiveness of the TS-fuzzy controller over the conventional PI controller in the DFIG system. The proposed TS-fuzzy con-troller can improve the fault ride through capability of DFIG compared to the conventional PI controller.


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Modern power systems have become more complex due to the growth in load demand, the installation of Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) devices and the integration of new HVDC links into existing AC grids. On the other hand, the introduction of the deregulated and unbundled power market operational mechanism, together with present changes in generation sources including connections of large renewable energy generation with intermittent feature in nature, have further increased the complexity and uncertainty for power system operation and control. System operators and engineers have to confront a series of technical challenges from the operation of currently interconnected power systems. Among the many challenges, how to evaluate the steady state and dynamic behaviors of existing interconnected power systems effectively and accurately using more powerful computational analysis models and approaches becomes one of the key issues in power engineering. The traditional computing techniques have been widely used in various fields for power system analysis with varying degrees of success. The rapid development of computational intelligence, such as neural networks, fuzzy systems and evolutionary computation, provides tools and opportunities to solve the complex technical problems in power system planning, operation and control.


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This chapter explores the possibility and exigencies of employing hypotheses, or educated guesses, as the basis for ethnographic research design. The authors’ goal is to examine whether using hypotheses might provide a path to resolve some of the challenges to knowledge claims produced by ethnographic studies. Through resolution of the putative division between qualitative and quantitative research traditions , it is argued that hypotheses can serve as inferential warrants in qualitative and ethnographic studies.


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For future planetary robot missions, multi-robot-systems can be considered as a suitable platform to perform space mission faster and more reliable. In heterogeneous robot teams, each robot can have different abilities and sensor equipment. In this paper we describe a lunar demonstration scenario where a team of mobile robots explores an unknown area and identifies a set of objects belonging to a lunar infrastructure. Our robot team consists of two exploring scout robots and a mobile manipulator. The mission goal is to locate the objects within a certain area, to identify the objects, and to transport the objects to a base station. The robots have a different sensor setup and different capabilities. In order to classify parts of the lunar infrastructure, the robots have to share the knowledge about the objects. Based on the different sensing capabilities, several information modalities have to be shared and combined by the robots. In this work we propose an approach using spatial features and a fuzzy logic based reasoning for distributed object classification.


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Semantic perception and object labeling are key requirements for robots interacting with objects on a higher level. Symbolic annotation of objects allows the usage of planning algorithms for object interaction, for instance in a typical fetchand-carry scenario. In current research, perception is usually based on 3D scene reconstruction and geometric model matching, where trained features are matched with a 3D sample point cloud. In this work we propose a semantic perception method which is based on spatio-semantic features. These features are defined in a natural, symbolic way, such as geometry and spatial relation. In contrast to point-based model matching methods, a spatial ontology is used where objects are rather described how they "look like", similar to how a human would described unknown objects to another person. A fuzzy based reasoning approach matches perceivable features with a spatial ontology of the objects. The approach provides a method which is able to deal with senor noise and occlusions. Another advantage is that no training phase is needed in order to learn object features. The use-case of the proposed method is the detection of soil sample containers in an outdoor environment which have to be collected by a mobile robot. The approach is verified using real world experiments.