104 resultados para FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTORS


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The characterization of X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence, and field emission scanning electron microscope were used to confirm the successful preparation of Al-substituted goethite with different Al content. The micro-Raman spectroscopy was utilized to investigate the effect of Al content on the goethite lattice. The results show that all the feature bands of goethite shifted to high wavenumbers after the occurrence of Al substitution for Fe in the structure of goethite. The shift of wavenumber shows a good linear relationship as a function of increasing Al content especially for the band at 299 cm−1 (R2 = 0.9992). The in situ Raman spectroscopy of thermally treated goethite indicated that the Al substitution not only hinders the transformation of goethite, but also retarded the crystallization of thermally formed hematite. All the results indicated that Raman spectrum displayed an excellent performance in characterizing Al-substituted goethite, which implied the promising application in other substituted metal oxides or hydroxides.


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Introduction The consistency of measuring small field output factors is greatly increased by reporting the measured dosimetric field size of each factor, as opposed to simply stating the nominal field size [1] and therefore requires the measurement of cross-axis profiles in a water tank. However, this makes output factor measurements time consuming. This project establishes at which field size the accuracy of output factors are not affected by the use of potentially inaccurate nominal field sizes, which we believe establishes a practical working definition of a ‘small’ field. The physical components of the radiation beam that contribute to the rapid change in output factor at small field sizes are examined in detail. The physical interaction that dominates the cause of the rapid dose reduction is quantified, and leads to the establishment of a theoretical definition of a ‘small’ field. Methods Current recommendations suggest that radiation collimation systems and isocentre defining lasers should both be calibrated to permit a maximum positioning uncertainty of 1 mm [2]. The proposed practical definition for small field sizes is as follows: if the output factor changes by ±1.0 % given a change in either field size or detector position of up to ±1 mm then the field should be considered small. Monte Carlo modelling was used to simulate output factors of a 6 MV photon beam for square fields with side lengths from 4.0 to 20.0 mm in 1.0 mm increments. The dose was scored to a 0.5 mm wide and 2.0 mm deep cylindrical volume of water within a cubic water phantom, at a depth of 5 cm and SSD of 95 cm. The maximum difference due to a collimator error of ±1 mm was found by comparing the output factors of adjacent field sizes. The output factor simulations were repeated 1 mm off-axis to quantify the effect of detector misalignment. Further simulations separated the total output factor into collimator scatter factor and phantom scatter factor. The collimator scatter factor was further separated into primary source occlusion effects and ‘traditional’ effects (a combination of flattening filter and jaw scatter etc.). The phantom scatter was separated in photon scatter and electronic disequilibrium. Each of these factors was plotted as a function of field size in order to quantify how each affected the change in small field size. Results The use of our practical definition resulted in field sizes of 15 mm or less being characterised as ‘small’. The change in field size had a greater effect than that of detector misalignment. For field sizes of 12 mm or less, electronic disequilibrium was found to cause the largest change in dose to the central axis (d = 5 cm). Source occlusion also caused a large change in output factor for field sizes less than 8 mm. Discussion and conclusions The measurement of cross-axis profiles are only required for output factor measurements for field sizes of 15 mm or less (for a 6 MV beam on Varian iX linear accelerator). This is expected to be dependent on linear accelerator spot size and photon energy. While some electronic disequilibrium was shown to occur at field sizes as large as 30 mm (the ‘traditional’ definition of small field [3]), it has been shown that it does not cause a greater change than photon scatter until a field size of 12 mm, at which point it becomes by far the most dominant effect.


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Introduction Total scatter factor (or output factor) in megavoltage photon dosimetry is a measure of relative dose relating a certain field size to a reference field size. The use of solid phantoms has been well established for output factor measurements, however to date these phantoms have not been tested with small fields. In this work, we evaluate the water equivalency of a number of solid phantoms for small field output factor measurements using the EGSnrc Monte Carlo code. Methods The following small square field sizes were simulated using BEAMnrc: 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 30 mm. Each simulated phantom geometry was created in DOSXYZnrc and consisted of a silicon diode (of length and width 1.5 mm and depth 0.5 mm) submersed in the phantom at a depth of 5 g/cm2. The source-to-detector distance was 100 cm for all simulations. The dose was scored in a single voxel at the location of the diode. Interaction probabilities and radiation transport parameters for each material were created using custom PEGS4 files. Results A comparison of the resultant output factors in the solid phantoms, compared to the same factors in a water phantom are shown in Fig. 1. The statistical uncertainty in each point was less than or equal to 0.4 %. The results in Fig. 1 show that the density of the phantoms affected the output factor results, with higher density materials (such as PMMA) resulting in higher output factors. Additionally, it was also calculated that scaling the depth for equivalent path length had negligible effect on the output factor results at these field sizes. Discussion and conclusions Electron stopping power and photon mass energy absorption change minimally with small field size [1]. Also, it can be seen from Fig. 1 that the difference from water decreases with increasing field size. Therefore, the most likely cause for the observed discrepancies in output factors is differing electron disequilibrium as a function of phantom density. When measuring small field output factors in a solid phantom, it is important that the density is very close to that of water.


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Uniform DNA distribution in tumors is a prerequisite step for high transfection efficiency in solid tumors. To improve the transfection efficiency of electrically assisted gene delivery to solid tumors in vivo, we explored how tumor histological properties affected transfection efficiency. In four different tumor types (B16F1, EAT, SA-1 and LPB), proteoglycan and collagen content was morphometrically analyzed, and cell size and cell density were determined in paraffin-embedded tumor sections under a transmission microscope. To demonstrate the influence of the histological properties of solid tumors on electrically assisted gene delivery, the correlation between histological properties and transfection efficiency with regard to the time interval between DNA injection and electroporation was determined. Our data demonstrate that soft tumors with larger spherical cells, low proteoglycan and collagen content, and low cell density are more effectively transfected (B16F1 and EAT) than rigid tumors with high proteoglycan and collagen content, small spindle-shaped cells and high cell density (LPB and SA-1). Furthermore, an optimal time interval for increased transfection exists only in soft tumors, this being in the range of 5-15 min. Therefore, knowledge about the histology of tumors is important in planning electrogene therapy with respect to the time interval between DNA injection and electroporation.


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Carbon nanorods and graphene-like nanosheets are catalytically synthesized in a hot filament chemical vapor deposition system with and without plasma enhancement, with gold used as a catalyst. The morphological and structural properties of the carbon nanorods and nanosheets are investigated by field-emission scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and micro-Raman spectroscopy. It is found that carbon nanorods are formed when a CH4 + H2 + N2 plasma is present while carbon nanosheets are formed in a methane environment without a plasma. The formation of carbon nanorods and carbon nanosheets are analyzed. The results suggest that the formation of carbon nanorods is primarily a precipitation process while the formation of carbon nanosheets is a complex process involving surface-catalysis, surface diffusion and precipitation influenced by the Gibbs–Thomson effect. The electron field emission properties of the carbon nanorods and graphene-like nanosheets are measured under high-vacuum; it is found that the carbon nanosheets have a lower field emission turn-on than the carbon nanorods. These results are important to improve the understanding of formation mechanisms of carbon nanomaterials and contribute to eventual applications of these structures in nanodevices.


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Textured silicon surfaces are widely used in manufacturing of solar cells due to increasing the light absorption probability and also the antireflection properties. However, these Si surfaces have a high density of surface defects that need to be passivated. In this study, the effect of the microscopic surface texture on the plasma surface passivation of solar cells is investigated. The movement of 105 H+ ions in the texture-modified plasma sheath is studied by Monte Carlo numerical simulation. The hydrogen ions are driven by the combined electric field of the plasma sheath and the textured surface. The ion dynamics is simulated, and the relative ion distribution over the textured substrate is presented. This distribution can be used to interpret the quality of the Si dangling bonds saturation and consequently, the direct plasma surface passivation.


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Nitrogenated carbon nanotips (NCNTPs) are synthesized by plasma-enhanced hot filament chemical vapor deposition from the hydrogen, methane, and nitrogen gas mixtures with different flow rate ratios of hydrogen to nitrogen. The morphological, structural, compositional, and electron field emission (EFE) properties of the NCNTPs were investigated by field emissionscanning electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, x ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and EFE high-vacuum system. It is shown that the NCNTPs deposited at an intermediate flow rate ratio of hydrogen to nitrogen feature the best size/shape and pattern uniformity, the highest nanotip density, the highest nitrogen concentration, as well as the best electron field emission performance. Several factors that come into play along with the nitrogen incorporation, such as the combined effect of the plasma sputtering and etching, the transition of sp 3carbon clusters to sp 2carbon clusters, the increase of the size of the sp 2 clusters, as well as the reduction of the work function, have been examined to interpret these experimental findings. Our results are highly relevant to the development of the next generation electron field emitters, flat panel displays, atomic force microscope probes, and several other advanced applications.


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The effects of an inductively rotating current were observed on low-frequency inductively coupled plasmas. The spatial distribution of electromagnetic fields was investigated in a cylindrical metallic chamber filled with dense plasma. The distribution of the magnetic field in plasma chamber was observed for rarefied and dense plasmas. The plasma was assumed as uniform in the electromagnetic fields. The results showed the plasma density increased with power and the electron density increased with pressure.


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The continuous steady-state current drive in a spherical argon plasma by transverse oscillating magnetic field (OMF) is investigated. The experimental results reveal that a rotating magnetic field is generated, and its amplitude depends linearly on the external steady vertical magnetic field. It has been shown that steady toroidal currents of up to about 400 A can be driven by a 490 kHz OMF with an input power of 1.4 kW. The generation of steady toroidal magnetic fields directed oppositely in the upper and lower hemispheres have been recorded. The measurements of time-varying magnetic fields unveil a strong nonlinear effect of the frequency-doubled field harmonics generation. The electron number density and temperature of up to 6.2×1018 m-3 and 12 eV have been obtained. The observed effects validate the existing theory of the OMF current drive in spherical plasmas.


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In approximation of weak heating influence of electron heating in the high-frequency surface wave field on propagation of surface wave (heating nonlinearity) is considered. It is shown that high-frequency surface wave propagates in direction perpendicular to the external magnetic field at the semiconductor-metal interface. A nonlinear dispersion equation is obtained and studied that allows to make conclusions about the contribution of heating nonlinearity to nonlinear process of considered interaction.


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Two kinds of floating electrode, floating dielectric barrier covered electrode (FDBCE) and floating pin electrode (FPE), which can enhance the performance of plasma jet are reported. The intense discharge between the floating electrode and power electrode decreased the voltage to trigger the plasma jet substantially. The transition of plasma bullet from ring shape to disk shape in the high helium concentration region happened when the floating electrode was totally inside the powered ring electrode. The enhanced electric field between propagating plasma bullet and ground electrode is the reason for this transition. The double plasma bullets happened when part of the FDBCE was outside the powered ring electrode, which is attributed to the structure and surface charge of FDBCE. As part of the FPE was outside the powered ring electrode, the return stroke resulted in a single intensified plasma channel between FPE and ground electrode.


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Both environmental economists and policy makers have shown a great deal of interest in the effect of pollution abatement on environmental efficiency. In line with the modern resources available, however, no contribution is brought to the environmental economics field with the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) application, which enables simulation from a distribution of a Markov chain and simulating from the chain until it approaches equilibrium. The probability density functions gained prominence with the advantages over classical statistical methods in its simultaneous inference and incorporation of any prior information on all model parameters. This paper concentrated on this point with the application of MCMC to the database of China, the largest developing country with rapid economic growth and serious environmental pollution in recent years. The variables cover the economic output and pollution abatement cost from the year 1992 to 2003. We test the causal direction between pollution abatement cost and environmental efficiency with MCMC simulation. We found that the pollution abatement cost causes an increase in environmental efficiency through the algorithm application, which makes it conceivable that the environmental policy makers should make more substantial measures to reduce pollution in the near future.


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University orientation is a key event for new students that aids in the transition from a school to a university environment. A smartphone orientation application was built to aid students attending the event. Achievements were added to the application in an attempt to engage students further with the orientation activities and application. An exploratory field study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of the achievement system on participants attending orientation. Forty-six new students were recruited to test the orientation application. Twenty-six participants used a gamified version of the orientation application and twenty participants used a non-gamified version. While the gamification was generally well received, no impact on user experience was evident. Some effect on engagement with orientation activities was shown. Participants who used the gamified system reported the game elements as fun, but some negative issues arose, such as cheating.


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We conduct a field experiment on tax compliance, focusing on newly founded firms. As a novelty the effect of tax authorities’ supervision on timely tax payments is examined. Interestingly, results show no positive overall effect of close supervision on tax compliance.


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Purpose To quantify the effects of driver age on night-time pedestrian conspicuity, and to determine whether individual differences in visual performance can predict drivers' ability to recognise pedestrians at night. Methods Participants were 32 visually normal drivers (20 younger: M = 24.4 years ± 6.4 years; 12 older: M = 72.0 years ± 5.0 years). Visual performance was measured in a laboratory-based testing session including visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, motion sensitivity and the useful field of view. Night-time pedestrian recognition distances were recorded while participants drove an instrumented vehicle along a closed road course at night; to increase the workload of drivers, auditory and visual distracter tasks were presented for some of the laps. Pedestrians walked in place, sideways to the oncoming vehicles, and wore either a standard high visibility reflective vest or reflective tape positioned on the movable joints (biological motion). Results Driver age and pedestrian clothing significantly (p < 0.05) affected the distance at which the drivers first responded to the pedestrians. Older drivers recognised pedestrians at approximately half the distance of the younger drivers and pedestrians were recognised more often and at longer distances when they wore a biological motion reflective clothing configuration than when they wore a reflective vest. Motion sensitivity was an independent predictor of pedestrian recognition distance, even when controlling for driver age. Conclusions The night-time pedestrian recognition capacity of older drivers was significantly worse than that of younger drivers. The distance at which drivers first recognised pedestrians at night was best predicted by a test of motion sensitivity.