757 resultados para Human diet


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This study has provided further understanding of the pathogenesis of EV71, one of the major etiological agents associated with significant mortality in Hand, Foot and Mouth disease. Elucidating the host-pathogen interaction and the mechanism that the virus uses to bypass host defence systems to establish infection will aid in the development of potential antiviral therapeutics against EV71.


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Objective The aim of this study was to explore the mediating and moderating relationships between emotional perceptions of coeliac disease, negative emotional states, emotion regulation, emotional eating and gluten-free diet adherence. Method Adults with coeliac disease (N = 253) were recruited from state organisations of Coeliac Australia and completed an online questionnaire measuring illness perceptions, emotion regulation strategies, negative emotional states, emotional eating and gluten-free diet adherence. Results Participants' levels of depression and anxiety, but not stress or emotional eating, were associated with gluten-free diet adherence. Emotional perception of coeliac disease was also associated with gluten-free diet adherence, and this relationship was partially mediated by depression and anxiety. Furthermore, the emotion regulation strategies of cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression moderated the relationship between emotional perceptions and depression, but not emotional perceptions and anxiety. Conclusions Interventions to improve dietary adherence for adults with coeliac disease displaying depressive symptoms should aim to increase the use of cognitive reappraisal and reduce the use of expressive suppression. Future studies should also explore mechanisms that may moderate the relationship between emotional perceptions and anxiety.


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The “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations ‘Protect, Respect and Remedy Framework’” (the Guiding Principles), endorsed by The United Nations Human Rights Council on 16 June 2011, outline obligations for nation states that currently exist under international law and provide the first authoritative reference point for corporations’ human rights responsibilities. Of the 30 principles endorsed, half relate directly to business. The Guiding Principles have far-reaching implications for all businesses, both small and large, and represent one of the most significant developments in corporate governance this century. In response to a recognition of the potential impacts of the Guiding Principles on corporate governance, the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia provided La Trobe Business School with grant funding to undertake groundbreaking research on the implications of the Guiding Principles for management and accounting systems within corporate Australia. This report represents the outcome of the study.


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Research on subtle dehumanization has focused on the attribution of human uniqueness to groups (infrahumanization), but has not examined another sense of humanness, human nature. Additionally, research has not extended far beyond Western cultures to examine the universality of these forms of dehumanization. Hence, the attribution of both forms of humanness was examined in three cross-cultural studies. Anglo-Australian and ethnic Chinese attributed values and traits (Study 1, N = 200) and emotions (Study 2, N = 151) to Australian and Chinese groups, and rated these characteristics on human uniqueness and human nature. Both studies found evidence of complementary attributions of humanness for Australians, who denied Chinese human nature but attributed them with greater human uniqueness. Chinese denied Australians human uniqueness, but their attributions of human nature varied for traits, values, and emotions. Study 3 (N = 54) demonstrated similar forms of dehumanization using an implicit method. These results and their implications for dehumanization and prejudice suggest the need to broaden investigation and theory to encompass both forms of humanness, and examine the attribution of both lesser and greater humanness to outgroups.


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Background Food neophobia, the rejection of unknown or novel foods, may result in poor dietary patterns. This study investigates the cross-sectional relationship between neophobia in children aged 24 months and variety of fruit and vegetable consumption, intake of discretionary foods and weight. Methods Secondary analysis of data from 330 parents of children enrolled in the NOURISH RCT (control group only) and SAIDI studies was performed using data collected at child age 24 months. Neophobia was measured at 24 months using the Child Food Neophobia Scale (CFNS). The cross-sectional associations between total CFNS score and fruit and vegetable variety, discretionary food intake and BMI (Body Mass Index) Z-score were examined via multiple regression models; adjusting for significant covariates. Results At 24 months, more neophobic children were found to have lower variety of fruits (β=-0.16, p=0.003) and vegetables (β=-0.29, p<0.001) but have a greater proportion of daily energy from discretionary foods (β=0.11, p=0.04). There was no significant association between BMI Z-score and CFNS score. Conclusions Neophobia is associated with poorer dietary quality. Results highlight the need for interventions to (1) begin early to expose children to a wide variety of nutritious foods before neophobia peaks and (2) enable health professionals to educate parents on strategies to overcome neophobia.


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This report presents the findings from a study of the financial impact of work-integrated learning commonly referred to as 'placement' among social work and human services students. Based on a survey of 214 respondants, 14 in-depth interviews and two focus groups, the findings indicate that two thirds of the surveyed group felt tired and anxious about their experience of balancing paid work and placement, with 2 in 5 reporting their learning experience was compromised as a result. The significant implications and potential solutions are also discussed.


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This is a comprehensive study of human kidney proximal tubular epithelial cells (PTEC) which are known to respond to and mediate the pathological process of a range of kidney diseases. It identifies various molecules expressed by PTEC and how these molecules participate in down-regulating the inflammatory process, thereby highlighting the clinical potential of these molecules to treat various kidney diseases. In the disease state, PTEC gain the ability to regulate the immune cell responses present within the interstitium. This down-regulation is a complex interaction of contact dependent/independent mechanisms involving various immuno-regulatory molecules including PD-L1, sHLA-G and IDO. The overall outcome of this down-regulation is suppressed DC maturation, decreased number of antibody producing B cells and low T cell responses. These manifestations within a clinical setting are expected to dampen the ongoing inflammation, preventing the damage caused to the kidney tissue.


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Whilst tertiary institutions continue to invest heavily in the technological aspects of online Teaching & Learning (T&L), there does not appear to have been a commensurate investment in the “human” aspects of the use of the technology. Despite the broad recognition that teaching and learning materials need to be adapted for and to the onscreen medium, little attention appears to have been paid thus far to the actual people who are delivering it – who equally need to “adapt themselves” to that medium, in order to maximise the benefit of the technology by maximising the human communication skills of those using the online medium – as distinct from the technical skills required to drive and deliver the bits and bytes. The REdelivery Initiative was a direct response to that notion. This paper details – by way of a narrative of one of the workshop participants – that part of the process involving the professional development of academics specifically in and specifically for the digital, online, T&L context, in order to both illuminate and maximise the potential and opportunities afforded by the technology.


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The autonomous capabilities in collaborative unmanned aircraft systems are growing rapidly. Without appropriate transparency, the effectiveness of the future multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) management paradigm will be significantly limited by the human agent’s cognitive abilities; where the operator’s CognitiveWorkload (CW) and Situation Awareness (SA) will present as disproportionate. This proposes a challenge in evaluating the impact of robot autonomous capability feedback, allowing the human agent greater transparency into the robot’s autonomous status - in a supervisory role. This paper presents; the motivation, aim, related works, experiment theory, methodology, results and discussions, and the future work succeeding this preliminary study. The results in this paper illustrates that, with a greater transparency of a UAV’s autonomous capability, an overall improvement in the subjects’ cognitive abilities was evident, that is, with a confidence of 95%, the test subjects’ mean CW was demonstrated to have a statistically significant reduction, while their mean SA was demonstrated to have a significant increase.


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Rods, cones and melanopsin containing intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) operate in concert to regulate pupil diameter. The temporal properties of intrinsic ipRGC signalling are distinct to those of rods and cones, including longer latencies and sustained signalling after light offset. We examined whether the melanopsin mediated post-illumination pupil response (PIPR) and pupil constriction were dependent upon the inter-stimulus interval (ISI) between successive light pulses and the temporal frequency of sinusoidal light stimuli. Melanopsin excitation was altered by variation of stimulus wavelength (464 nm and 638 nm lights) and irradiance (11.4 and 15.2 log photons cm(-2) s(-1)). We found that 6s PIPR amplitude was independent of ISI and temporal frequency for all melanopsin excitation levels, indicating complete summation. In contrast to the PIPR, the maximum pupil constriction increased with increasing ISI with high and low melanopsin excitation, but time to minimum diameter was slower with high melanopsin excitation only. This melanopsin response to briefly presented pulses (16 and 100 ms) slows the temporal response of the maximum pupil constriction. We also demonstrate that high melanopsin excitation attenuates the phasic peak-trough pupil amplitude compared to conditions with low melanopsin excitation, indicating an interaction between inner and outer retinal inputs to the pupil light reflex. We infer that outer retina summation is important for rapidly controlling pupil diameter in response to short timescale fluctuations in illumination and may occur at two potential sites, one that is presynaptic to extrinsic photoreceptor input to ipRGCs, or another within the pupil control pathway if ipRGCs have differential temporal tuning to extrinsic and intrinsic signalling.


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We present our work on tele-operating a complex humanoid robot with the help of bio-signals collected from the operator. The frameworks (for robot vision, collision avoidance and machine learning), developed in our lab, allow for a safe interaction with the environment, when combined. This even works with noisy control signals, such as, the operator’s hand acceleration and their electromyography (EMG) signals. These bio-signals are used to execute equivalent actions (such as, reaching and grasping of objects) on the 7 DOF arm.


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Human half-lives of PentaBDE congeners have been estimated from the decline in serum concentrations measured over a 6-12 month period for a population of exchange students moving from North America to Australia. Australian serum PBDE concentrations are typically between 5 -10 times lower than in North America and we can therefore hypothesize that if the biological half-life is sufficiently short we would observe a decline in serum concentration with length of residence in Australia. Thirty students were recruited over a period of 3 years from whom serum were archived every 2 months during their stay in Australia. Australian residents (n=22) were also sampled longitudinally to estimate general population background levels. All serum samples were analyzed by gas chromatography high resolution mass spectrometry. Key findings confirmed that BDE-47 concentrations in the Australians (median 2.3;


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Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are considered to be a cost effective and efficient way to reduce flammability therefore reducing harm caused by fires. PBDEs are incorporated into a variety of manufactured products and are found worldwide in biological and environmental samples (e.g. Hites et al. 2004). Unlike other persistent organic pollutants there is limited data on PBDE concentrations by age and/or other population specific factors. Some studies have shown no variation in adult serum PBDE concentrations with age (e.g. Mazdai et al., 2003, Meironyte Guvenius et al., 2003) while Petreas et al. (2003) and Schecter et al. (2005) found results to be suggestive of an age trend in adult data but no statistically significant correlation was found. In addition to the data on adult concentrations there is limited data which investigates the levels of PBDEs in infants and young children. Fangström et al. (2005) showed that in seven year olds there was no difference in PBDE concentration when compared to adult concentrations. While Thomsen et al. (2002, 2005) found the concentration of PBDEs in pooled samples of blood serum from a 0-4 years age group to be higher than other age groups (4 to > 60 years). In addition, a family of four was studied in the U.S. and the concentrations were found to be greatest in the 18-month-old infant followed by the 5 year old child, then the mother and father (Fischer et al., 2006). The objectives of this study were to assess age, gender and regional trends of PBDE concentrations in a representative sample of the Australian population.


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Over the last few years, investigations of human epigenetic profiles have identified key elements of change to be Histone Modifications, stable and heritable DNA methylation and Chromatin remodeling. These factors determine gene expression levels and characterise conditions leading to disease. In order to extract information embedded in long DNA sequences, data mining and pattern recognition tools are widely used, but efforts have been limited to date with respect to analyzing epigenetic changes, and their role as catalysts in disease onset. Useful insight, however, can be gained by investigation of associated dinucleotide distributions. The focus of this paper is to explore specific dinucleotides frequencies across defined regions within the human genome, and to identify new patterns between epigenetic mechanisms and DNA content. Signal processing methods, including Fourier and Wavelet Transformations, are employed and principal results are reported.