The effect of autonomy transparency in human-robot interactions : a preliminary study on operator cognitive workload and situation awareness in multiple heterogeneous UAV management

Autoria(s): Chen, Ting; Campbell, Duncan; Gonzalez, Felipe; Coppin, Gilles



The autonomous capabilities in collaborative unmanned aircraft systems are growing rapidly. Without appropriate transparency, the effectiveness of the future multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) management paradigm will be significantly limited by the human agent’s cognitive abilities; where the operator’s CognitiveWorkload (CW) and Situation Awareness (SA) will present as disproportionate. This proposes a challenge in evaluating the impact of robot autonomous capability feedback, allowing the human agent greater transparency into the robot’s autonomous status - in a supervisory role. This paper presents; the motivation, aim, related works, experiment theory, methodology, results and discussions, and the future work succeeding this preliminary study. The results in this paper illustrates that, with a greater transparency of a UAV’s autonomous capability, an overall improvement in the subjects’ cognitive abilities was evident, that is, with a confidence of 95%, the test subjects’ mean CW was demonstrated to have a statistically significant reduction, while their mean SA was demonstrated to have a significant increase.



Australian Robotics & Automation Association ARAA


Chen, Ting, Campbell, Duncan, Gonzalez, Felipe, & Coppin, Gilles (2014) The effect of autonomy transparency in human-robot interactions : a preliminary study on operator cognitive workload and situation awareness in multiple heterogeneous UAV management. In Proceedings of Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation 2014, Australian Robotics & Automation Association ARAA, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 1-10.


Copyright 2014 [please consult the authors]


Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation; School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science; Science & Engineering Faculty


Conference Paper