191 resultados para ball-milling


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This paper describes the real time global vision system for the robot soccer team the RoboRoos. It has a highly optimised pipeline that includes thresholding, segmenting, colour normalising, object recognition and perspective and lens correction. It has a fast ‘paint’ colour calibration system that can calibrate in any face of the YUV or HSI cube. It also autonomously selects both an appropriate camera gain and colour gains robot regions across the field to achieve colour uniformity. Camera geometry calibration is performed automatically from selection of keypoints on the field. The system achieves a position accuracy of better than 15mm over a 4m × 5.5m field, and orientation accuracy to within 1°. It processes 614 × 480 pixels at 60Hz on a 2.0GHz Pentium 4 microprocessor.


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An adaptive agent improves its performance by learning from experience. This paper describes an approach to adaptation based on modelling dynamic elements of the environment in order to make predictions of likely future state. This approach is akin to an elite sports player being able to “read the play”, allowing for decisions to be made based on predictions of likely future outcomes. Modelling of the agent‟s likely future state is performed using Markov Chains and a technique called “Motion and Occupancy Grids”. The experiments in this paper compare the performance of the planning system with and without the use of this predictive model. The results of the study demonstrate a surprising decrease in performance when using the predictions of agent occupancy. The results are derived from statistical analysis of the agent‟s performance in a high fidelity simulation of a world leading real robot soccer team.


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This paper presents a new approach to improving the effectiveness of autonomous systems that deal with dynamic environments. The basis of the approach is to find repeating patterns of behavior in the dynamic elements of the system, and then to use predictions of the repeating elements to better plan goal directed behavior. It is a layered approach involving classifying, modeling, predicting and exploiting. Classifying involves using observations to place the moving elements into previously defined classes. Modeling involves recording features of the behavior on a coarse grained grid. Exploitation is achieved by integrating predictions from the model into the behavior selection module to improve the utility of the robot's actions. This is in contrast to typical approaches that use the model to select between different strategies or plays. Three methods of adaptation to the dynamic features of the environment are explored. The effectiveness of each method is determined using statistical tests over a number of repeated experiments. The work is presented in the context of predicting opponent behavior in the highly dynamic and multi-agent robot soccer domain (RoboCup).


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Maintenance is a time consuming and expensive task for any golf course or driving range manager. For a golf course the primary tasks are grass mowing and maintenance (fertilizer and herbicide spreading), while for a driving range mowing, maintenance and ball collection are required. All these tasks require an operator to drive a vehicle along paths which are generally predefined. This paper presents some preliminary in-field tsting results for an automated tractor vehicle performing golf ball collection on an actual driving range, and mowing on difficult unstructured terrain.


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The high moisture content of mill mud (typically 75–80% for Australian factories) results in high transportation costs for the redistribution of mud onto cane farms. The high transportation cost relative to the nutrient value of the mill mud results in many milling companies subsidising the cost of this recycle to ensure a wide distribution across the cane supply area. An average mill would generate about 100 000 t of mud (at 75% moisture) in a crushing season. The development of mud processing facilities that will produce a low moisture mud that can be effectively incorporated into cane land with existing or modified spreading equipment will improve the cost efficiency of mud redistribution to farms; provide an economical fertiliser alternative to more farms in the supply area; and reduce the potential for adverse environmental impacts from farms. A research investigation assessing solid bowl decanter centrifuges to produce low moisture mud with low residual pol was undertaken and the results compared to the performance of existing rotary vacuum filters in factory trials. The decanters were operated on filter mud feed in parallel with the rotary vacuum filters to allow comparisons of performance. Samples of feed, mud product and filtrate were analysed to provide performance indicators. The decanter centrifuge could produce mud cakes with very low moistures and residual pol levels. Spreading trials in cane fields indicated that the dry cake could be spread easily by standard mud trucks and by trucks designed specifically to spread fertiliser.


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Fermentation feedstocks in the sugar industry are based on cane juice, B molasses or final molasses. Brazil has been producing ethanol by directing sugarcane juice to fermentation directly or using lower quality juice as a diluent with B molasses to prepare the fermentation broth. One issue that has received only limited interest particularly from outside Brazil is the most appropriate conditions for clarification of the juice going to fermentation. Irrespective of whether the juice supply is the total flow from the milling tandem or a diffuser station or a part of the total flow, removal of the insoluble solids is essential. However, the standard defecation process used by sugar factories around the world to clarify juice can introduce unwanted calcium ions and remove other nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen that are considered essential for the fermentation process. An investigation was undertaken by SRI to assess the effects on the constituents of cane juice when subjected to the typical clarification process in an Australian factory and what conditions would be needed to provide a clarified juice suitable for fermentation. Typical juices from one factory were clarified in laboratory trials under a range of pH conditions and the resulting clarified juices analysed. The results indicated that pH had a major effect on the residual concentrations of key constituents in the clarified juice and that the selected clarification conditions are determined by the nominated quality criteria of clarified juice feedstock for fermentation. Further trials were conducted in overseas factories to confirm the results obtained in Australia. It became apparent that the preferred specifications for clarified juice going to fermentation varied from country to country. Each supplier of fermentation technology had criteria applying to clarified juice feedstock that would have a major impact on the standard of clarification required to achieve compliance with the criteria.


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The control and coordination of multiple mobile robots is a challenging task; particularly in environments with multiple, rapidly moving obstacles and agents. This paper describes a robust approach to multi-robot control, where robustness is gained from competency at every layer of robot control. The layers are: (i) a central coordination system (MAPS), (ii) an action system (AES), (iii) a navigation module, and (iv) a low level dynamic motion control system. The multi-robot coordination system assigns each robot a role and a sub-goal. Each robots action execution system then assumes the assigned role and attempts to achieve the specified sub-goal. The robots navigation system directs the robot to specific goal locations while ensuring that the robot avoids any obstacles. The motion system maps the heading and speed information from the navigation system to force-constrained motion. This multi-robot system has been extensively tested and applied in the robot soccer domain using both centralized and distributed coordination.


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Deformation Behaviour of microcrystalline (mc) and nanocrystalline (nc) Mg-5%Al alloys produced by hot extrusion of ball-milled powders were investigated using instrumented indentation tests. The hardness values of the mc and nc metals exhibited indentation size effect (ISE), with nc alloys showing weaker ISE. The highly localized dislocation activities resulted in a small activation volume, hence enhanced strain rate sensitivity. Relative higher strain rate sensitivity and the negative Hall-Petch Relationship suggested the increasingly important role of grain boundary mediated mechanisms when the grain size decreased to nanometer region.


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My research investigates why nouns are learned disproportionately more frequently than other kinds of words during early language acquisition (Gentner, 1982; Gleitman, et al., 2004). This question must be considered in the context of cognitive development in general. Infants have two major streams of environmental information to make meaningful: perceptual and linguistic. Perceptual information flows in from the senses and is processed into symbolic representations by the primitive language of thought (Fodor, 1975). These symbolic representations are then linked to linguistic input to enable language comprehension and ultimately production. Yet, how exactly does perceptual information become conceptualized? Although this question is difficult, there has been progress. One way that children might have an easier job is if they have structures that simplify the data. Thus, if particular sorts of perceptual information could be separated from the mass of input, then it would be easier for children to refer to those specific things when learning words (Spelke, 1990; Pylyshyn, 2003). It would be easier still, if linguistic input was segmented in predictable ways (Gentner, 1982; Gleitman, et al., 2004) Unfortunately the frequency of patterns in lexical or grammatical input cannot explain the cross-cultural and cross-linguistic tendency to favor nouns over verbs and predicates. There are three examples of this failure: 1) a wide variety of nouns are uttered less frequently than a smaller number of verbs and yet are learnt far more easily (Gentner, 1982); 2) word order and morphological transparency offer no insight when you contrast the sentence structures and word inflections of different languages (Slobin, 1973) and 3) particular language teaching behaviors (e.g. pointing at objects and repeating names for them) have little impact on children's tendency to prefer concrete nouns in their first fifty words (Newport, et al., 1977). Although the linguistic solution appears problematic, there has been increasing evidence that the early visual system does indeed segment perceptual information in specific ways before the conscious mind begins to intervene (Pylyshyn, 2003). I argue that nouns are easier to learn because their referents directly connect with innate features of the perceptual faculty. This hypothesis stems from work done on visual indexes by Zenon Pylyshyn (2001, 2003). Pylyshyn argues that the early visual system (the architecture of the "vision module") segments perceptual data into pre-conceptual proto-objects called FINSTs. FINSTs typically correspond to physical things such as Spelke objects (Spelke, 1990). Hence, before conceptualization, visual objects are picked out by the perceptual system demonstratively, like a finger pointing indicating ‘this’ or ‘that’. I suggest that this primitive system of demonstration elaborates on Gareth Evan's (1982) theory of nonconceptual content. Nouns are learnt first because their referents attract demonstrative visual indexes. This theory also explains why infants less often name stationary objects such as plate or table, but do name things that attract the focal attention of the early visual system, i.e., small objects that move, such as ‘dog’ or ‘ball’. This view leaves open the question how blind children learn words for visible objects and why children learn category nouns (e.g. 'dog'), rather than proper nouns (e.g. 'Fido') or higher taxonomic distinctions (e.g. 'animal').


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Magnesium alloys are attracting increasing research interests due to their low density, high specific strength and good mechineability and availability as compared to other structural materials. However, the deformation and failure mechanisms of nanocrystalline Mg alloys have not been well understood. In this work, the deformation behavior of nanocrystalline Mg-5% Al alloys was investigated using compression test, with a focus on the effects of grain size. The average grain size of the Mg-Al alloy was changed from 13 µm to 50 nm via mechanical milling. The results showed that grain size had a significant influence on the yield stress and ductility of the Mg alloys, and the materials exhibited increased strain rate sensitivity with decrease of grain size. The deformation mechanisms were also strongly dependent with the grain sizes.


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This paper presents a continuous isotropic spherical omnidirectional drive mechanism that is efficient in its mechanical simplicity and use of volume. Spherical omnidirectional mechanisms allow isotropic motion, although many are limited from achieving true isotropic motion by practical mechanical design considerations. The mechanism presented in this paper uses a single motor to drive a point on the great circle of the sphere parallel to the ground plane, and does not require a gearbox. Three mechanisms located 120 degrees apart provide a stable drive platform for a mobile robot. Results show the omnidirectional ability of the robot and demonstrate the performance of the spherical mechanism compared to a popular commercial omnidirectional wheel over edges of varying heights and gaps of varying widths.


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This paper presents a conceptual framework, informed by Foucault’s work on governmentality, which allows for new kinds of reflection on the practice of legal education. Put simply, this framework suggests that legal education can be understood as a form of government that relies on a specific rationalisation and programming of the activities of legal educators, students, and administrators, and is implemented by harnessing specific techniques and bodies of ‘know-how’. Applying this framework to assessment at three Australian law schools, this paper highlights how assessment practices are rationalised, programmed, and implemented, and points out how this government shapes students’ legal personae. In particular, this analysis focuses on the governmental effects of pedagogical discourses that are dominant within the design and scholarship of legal education. It demonstrates that the development of pedagogically-sound regimes of assessment has contributed to a reformulation of the terrain of government, by providing the conditions under which forms of legal personae may be more effectively shaped, and extending the power relations that achieve this. This analysis provides legal educators with an original way of reflecting on the power effects of teaching the law, and new opportunities for thinking about what is possible in legal education.


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Since a recent Australian study found that university law students experience higher rates of depression than medical students and legal professionals (Kelk et al. 2009), the mental health of law students has increasingly become a target of government. To date, however, there has been no attempt to analyse these practices as an activity of government in advanced liberal societies. This paper addresses this imbalance by providing an initial analytics of the government of depression in law schools. It demonstrates how students are responsibilised to manage the risks and uncertainties of legal education by constructing resilient forms of personal and professional personae. It highlights that, in order to avoid depression, students are encouraged to shape not just their minds and bodies according to psychological and biomedical discourses, but are also to govern their ethical dispositions and become virtuous persons. This paper also argues that these forms of government are tied to advanced liberal forms of rule, as they position the law student as the locus of responsibility for depression, imply that depression is caused by an individual failing, and entrench students within responsibilising and entrepreneurial forms of subjectivity.


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A better understanding of the behaviour of prepared cane and bagasse during the crushing process is believed to be an essential prerequisite for further improvements to the crushing process. Improvements could be made, for example, in throughput, sugar extraction, and bagasse moisture. The ability to model the mechanical behaviour of bagasse as it is squeezed in a milling unit to extract juice would help identify how to improve the current process to reduce final bagasse moisture. However an adequate mechanical model for bagasse is currently not available. Previous investigations have proven with certainty that juice flow through bagasse obeys Darcy’s permeability law, that the grip of the rough surface of the grooves on the bagasse can be represented by the Mohr- Coulomb failure criterion for soils, and that the internal mechanical behaviour of the bagasse is critical state behaviour similar to that for sand and clay. Current Finite Element Models (FEM) available in commercial software have adequate permeability models. However, the same commercial software do not contain an adequate mechanical model for bagasse. Progress has been made in the last ten years towards implementing a mechanical model for bagasse in finite element software code. This paper builds on that progress and carries out a further step towards obtaining an adequate material model.