172 resultados para Unbalanced Circuits


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When the supply voltages are balanced and sinusoidal, load compensation can give both unity power factor (UPF) and perfect harmonic cancellation (PHC) source currents. But under distorted supply voltages, achieving both UPF and PHC currents are not possible and contradictory to each other. Hence there should be an optimal performance between these two important compensation goals. This paper presents an optimal control algorithm for load compensation under unbalanced and distorted supply voltages. In this algorithm source currents are compensated for reactive, imbalance components and harmonic distortions set by the limits. By satisfying the harmonic distortion limits and power balance, this algorithm gives the source currents which will provide the maximum achievable power factor. The detailed simulation results using MATLAB are presented to support the performance of the proposed optimal control algorithm.


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Simulation study of a custom power park (CPP) is presented. It is assumed that the park contains unbalanced and nonlinear loads in addition to a sensitive load. Two different types of compensators are used separately to protect the sensitive load against unbalance and distortion caused by the other loads. It has been shown that a shunt compensator can regulate the voltage of the CPP bus, whereas the series compensator can only regulate the sensitive load terminal voltage. Additional issues such as the load transfer through a static transfer switch, detection of sag/fault etc. are also discussed. The concepts are validated through PSCAD/EMTDC simulation studies on a sample distribution system.


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This paper presents the stability analysis for a distribution static compensator (DSTATCOM) that operates in current control mode based on bifurcation theory. Bifurcations delimit the operating zones of nonlinear circuits and, hence, the capability to compute these bifurcations is of important interest for practical design. A control design for the DSTATCOM is proposed. Along with this control, a suitable mathematical representation of the DSTATCOM is proposed to carry out the bifurcation analysis efficiently. The stability regions in the Thevenin equivalent plane are computed for different power factors at the point of common coupling. In addition, the stability regions in the control gain space, as well as the contour lines for different Floquet multipliers are computed. It is demonstrated through bifurcation analysis that the loss of stability in the DSTATCOM is due to the emergence of a Neimark bifurcation. The observations are verified through simulation studies.


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This paper presents a novel topology to generate high voltage with utilization of slow and fast power switches. New concepts used in this topology include numbers of diode-capacitor units in parallel with resonant circuits which are connected to a positive buck-boost converter. The resonant circuit reverses the voltage polarity of the capacitors. This configuration has capability of generating a flexible high voltage with certain number of capacitors. The advantage of this topology is to use slow switches, less number of diodes and capacitors compare to Marx generator. Simulations have been performed to verify the proposed topology.


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Railway signaling facilitates two main functions, namely, train detection and train control, in order to maintain safe separations among the trains. Track circuits are the most commonly used train detection means with the simple open/close circuit principles; and subsequent adoption of axle counters further allows the detection of trains under adverse track conditions. However, with electrification and power electronics traction drive systems, aggravated by the electromagnetic interference in the vicinity of the signaling system, railway engineers often find unstable or even faulty operations of track circuits and axle counting systems, which inevitably jeopardizes the safe operation of trains. A new means of train detection, which is completely free from electromagnetic interference, is therefore required for the modern railway signaling system. This paper presents a novel optical fiber sensor signaling system. The sensor operation, field setup, axle detection solution set, and test results of an installation in a trial system on a busy suburban railway line are given.


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For decades, the development, construction, track ownership and operation of mainline railways in China have been overseen by the state-owned authorities. From mid-90’s, the mainline railway management has undergone revamps to revitalize the intra-modal competitiveness of railway transportation and to steer it toward the direction of modern business management. With the rapid economic growth; the large-scale expansion of the mainline network; and the increasing expectation on service, the mainline railways in China require further restructuring. Inevitably, a sustainable approach to ensure business viability and service quality in the next few decades is an imminent challenge. This paper reviews the operations and management of mainline railway in China and discusses the possibility of introducing open access market. Drawing the experiences on railway open markets outside China, the discussions include the need and feasibility of railway open market in China; and the suitability and limitations of different models. Particular considerations will be given to the unique characteristics of the mainline railways in China, where the developments across neighbouring regions are unbalanced; freight and passenger services are of similar demands; and the high-speed train operations are operated with low-speed ones in mixed traffic.


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Voice recognition is one of the key enablers to reduce driver distraction as in-vehicle systems become more and more complex. With the integration of voice recognition in vehicles, safety and usability are improved as the driver’s eyes and hands are not required to operate system controls. Whilst speaker independent voice recognition is well developed, performance in high noise environments (e.g. vehicles) is still limited. La Trobe University and Queensland University of Technology have developed a low-cost hardware-based speech enhancement system for automotive environments based on spectral subtraction and delay–sum beamforming techniques. The enhancement algorithms have been optimised using authentic Australian English collected under typical driving conditions. Performance tests conducted using speech data collected under variety of vehicle noise conditions demonstrate a word recognition rate improvement in the order of 10% or more under the noisiest conditions. Currently developed to a proof of concept stage there is potential for even greater performance improvement.


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The connections between the development of creative industries and the growth of cities was noted by several sources over the 2000s, but explanations relating to the nature of the link have thus far provide to be insufficient. The two dominant ‘scripts’ were those of ‘creative clusters’ and ‘creative/cities/creative class’ theories, but both have proved to be insufficient, not least because they privilege amenities-led, supply-drive accounts of urban development that fail to adequately situate cities in wider global circuits of culture and economic production. It is proposed that the emergent field of cultural economic geography provides some insights into redressing these lacunae, particularly in the possibilities for an original synthesis of cultural and economic geography, cultural studies and new strands of economic theory.


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This tutorial is designed to help new users become familiar with using the Spartan-3E board. The tutorial steps through the following: writing a small program in VHDL which carries out simple combinational logic; connecting the program inputs and outputs to the switches, buttons and LEDs on the Spartan-3E board; and downloading the program to the Spartan-3E board using the Project Navigator software.


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Developing safe and sustainable road systems is a common goal in all countries. Applications to assist with road asset management and crash minimization are sought universally. This paper presents a data mining methodology using decision trees for modeling the crash proneness of road segments using available road and crash attributes. The models quantify the concept of crash proneness and demonstrate that road segments with only a few crashes have more in common with non-crash roads than roads with higher crash counts. This paper also examines ways of dealing with highly unbalanced data sets encountered in the study.


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Decoupling networks can alleviate the effects of mutual coupling in antenna arrays. Conventional decoupling networks can provide decoupled and matched ports at a single frequency. This paper describes dual-frequency decoupling which is achieved by using a network of series or parallel resonant circuits instead of single reactive elements.


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Shanghai as a place where other people's dreams inform the imaginary landscape. How does this relate to the new possibilities available to the current citizens of the city?


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Ocean processes are dynamic, complex, and occur on multiple spatial and temporal scales. To obtain a synoptic view of such processes, ocean scientists collect data over long time periods. Historically, measurements were continually provided by fixed sensors, e.g., moorings, or gathered from ships. Recently, an increase in the utilization of autonomous underwater vehicles has enabled a more dynamic data acquisition approach. However, we still do not utilize the full capabilities of these vehicles. Here we present algorithms that produce persistent monitoring missions for underwater vehicles by balancing path following accuracy and sampling resolution for a given region of interest, which addresses a pressing need among ocean scientists to efficiently and effectively collect high-value data. More specifically, this paper proposes a path planning algorithm and a speed control algorithm for underwater gliders, which together give informative trajectories for the glider to persistently monitor a patch of ocean. We optimize a cost function that blends two competing factors: maximize the information value along the path, while minimizing deviation from the planned path due to ocean currents. Speed is controlled along the planned path by adjusting the pitch angle of the underwater glider, so that higher resolution samples are collected in areas of higher information value. The resulting paths are closed circuits that can be repeatedly traversed to collect long-term ocean data in dynamic environments. The algorithms were tested during sea trials on an underwater glider operating off the coast of southern California, as well as in Monterey Bay, California. The experimental results show significant improvements in data resolution and path reliability compared to previously executed sampling paths used in the respective regions.


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The use of metal stripes for the guiding of plasmons is a well established technique for the infrared regime and has resulted in the development of a myriad of passive optical components and sensing devices. However, the plasmons suffer from large losses around sharp bends, making the compact design of nanoscale sensors and circuits problematic. A compact alternative would be to use evanescent coupling between two sufficiently close stripes, and thus we propose a compact interferometer design using evanescent coupling. The sensitivity of the design is compared with that achieved using a hand-held sensor based on the Kretschmann style surface plasmon resonance technique. Modeling of the new interferometric sensor is performed for various structural parameters using finite-difference time-domain and COMSOL Multiphysics. The physical mechanisms behind the coupling and propagation of plasmons in this structure are explained in terms of the allowed modes in each section of the device.