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Through a combinatorial approach involving experimental measurement and plasma modelling, it is shown that a high degree of control over diamond-like nanocarbon film sp3/sp2 ratio (and hence film properties) may be exercised, starting at the level of electrons (through modification of the plasma electron energy distribution function). Hydrogenated amorphous carbon nanoparticle films with high percentages of diamond-like bonds are grown using a middle-frequency (2 MHz) inductively coupled Ar + CH4 plasma. The sp3 fractions measured by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Raman spectroscopy in the thin films are explained qualitatively using sp3/sp2 ratios 1) derived from calculated sp3 and sp2 hybridized precursor species densities in a global plasma discharge model and 2) measured experimentally. It is shown that at high discharge power and lower CH4 concentrations, the sp3/sp2 fraction is higher. Our results suggest that a combination of predictive modeling and experimental studies is instrumental to achieve deterministically grown made-to-order diamond-like nanocarbons suitable for a variety of applications spanning from nano-magnetic resonance imaging to spin-flip quantum information devices. This deterministic approach can be extended to graphene, carbon nanotips, nanodiamond and other nanocarbon materials for a variety of applications


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Using the advanced radio-frequency plasma-assisted magnetron deposition system, various nanostructures such as nanoflowers of carbon nanotubes, ZnO nanobelts, and silicon nanotrees were successfully synthesized. In this paper, we present the photographs of ICP and magnetron discharges, the photograph of a complex plasma structure, and the SEM images of various nanostructures synthesized in the system with magnetron and ICP sources operating simultaneously.


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An advanced combination of numerical models, including plasma sheath, ion- and radical-induced species creation and plasma heating effects on the surface and within a Au catalyst nanoparticle, is used to describe the catalyzed growth of Si nanowires in the sheath of a low-temperature and low-pressure plasma. These models have been used to explain the higher nanowire growth rates, low-energy barriers, much thinner Si nanowire nucleation and the less effective Gibbs–Thomson effect in reactive plasma processes, compared with those of neutral gas thermal processes. The effects of variation in the plasma sheath parameters and substrate potential on Si nanowire nucleation and growth have also been investigated. It is shown that increasing the plasma-related effects leads to decreases in the nucleation energy barrier and the critical nanoparticle radius, with the Gibbs–Thomson effect diminished, even at low temperatures. The results obtained are consistent with available experimental results and open a path toward the energy- and matter-efficient nucleation and growth of a broad range of one-dimensional quantum structures.


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Plasma sheath, nanostructure growth, and thermal models are used to describe carbon nanofiber (CNF) growth and heating in a low-temperature plasma. It is found that when the H2 partial pressure is increased, H atom recombination and H ion neutralization are the main mechanisms responsible for energy release on the catalyst surface. Numerical results also show that process parameters such as the substrate potential, electron temperature and number density mainly affect the CNF growth rate and plasma heating at low catalyst temperatures. In contrast, gas pressure, ion temperature, and the C2H2:H2 supply ratio affect the CNF growth at all temperatures. It is shown that plasma-related processes substantially increase the catalyst particle temperature, in comparison to the substrate and the substrate-holding platform temperatures.


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The possibility of initial stage control of the elemental composition and core/shell structure of binary SiC quantum dots by optimizing temporal variation of Si and C incoming fluxes and surface temperatures is shown via hybrid numerical simulations. Higher temperatures and influxes encourage the formation of a stoichiometric outer shell over a small carbon-enriched core, whereas lower temperatures result in a larger carbon-enriched core, Si-enriched undershell, and then a stoichiometric SiC outer shell. This approach is generic and is applicable to a broad range of semiconductor materials and nanofabrication techniques. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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A numerical growth model is used to describe the catalyzed growth of carbon nanofibers in the sheath of a low-temperature plasma. Using the model, the effects of variation in the plasma sheath parameters and substrate potential on the carbon nanofiber growth characteristics, such as the growth rate, the effective carbon flux to the catalyst surface, and surface coverages, have been investigated. It is shown that variations in the parameters, which change the sheath width, mainly affect the growth parameters at the low catalyst temperatures, whereas the other parameters such as the gas pressure, ion temperature, and percentages of the hydrocarbon and etching gases, strongly affect the carbon nanofiber growth at higher temperatures. The conditions under which the carbon nanofiber growth can still proceed under low nanodevice-friendly process temperatures have been formulated and summarized. These results are consistent with the available experimental results and can also be used for catalyzed growth of other high-aspect-ratio nanostructures in low-temperature plasmas.


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A simple, effective, and innovative approach based on ion-assisted self-organization is proposed to synthesize size-selected Si quantum dots (QDs) on SiC substrates at low substrate temperatures. Using hybrid numerical simulations, the formation of Si QDs through a self-organization approach is investigated by taking into account two distinct cases of Si QD formation using the ionization energy approximation theory, which considers ionized in-fluxes containing Si3+ and Si1+ ions in the presence of a microscopic nonuniform electric field induced by a variable surface bias. The results show that the highest percentage of the surface coverage by 1 and 2 nm size-selected QDs was achieved using a bias of -20 V and ions in the lowest charge state, namely, Si1+ ions in a low substrate temperature range (227-327 °C). As low substrate temperatures (≤500 °C) are desirable from a technological point of view, because (i) low-temperature deposition techniques are compatible with current thin-film Si-based solar cell fabrication and (ii) high processing temperatures can frequently cause damage to other components in electronic devices and destroy the tandem structure of Si QD-based third-generation solar cells, our results are highly relevant to the development of the third-generation all-Si tandem photovoltaic solar cells.


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Semiconductor III-V quantum dots (QDs) are particularly enticing components for the integration of optically promising III-V materials with the silicon technology prevalent in the microelectronics industry. However, defects due to deviations from a stoichiometric composition [group III: group V = 1] may lead to impaired device performance. This paper investigates the initial stages of formation of InSb and GaAs QDs on Si(1 0 0) through hybrid numerical simulations. Three situations are considered: a neutral gas environment (NG), and two ionized gas environments, namely a localized ion source (LIS) and a background plasma (BP) case. It is shown that when the growth is conducted in an ionized gas environment, a stoichiometric composition may be obtained earlier in the QD as compared to a NG. Moreover, the stoichiometrization time, tst, is shorter for the BP case compared to the LIS scenario. A discussion of the effect of ion/plasma-based tools as well as a range of process conditions on the final island size distribution is also included. Our results suggest a way to obtain a deterministic level of control over nanostructure properties (in particular, elemental composition and size) during the initial stages of growth which is a crucial step towards achieving highly tailored QDs suitable for implementation in advanced technological devices.


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A high level of control over quantum dot (QD) properties such as size and composition during fabrication is required to precisely tune the eventual electronic properties of the QD. Nanoscale synthesis efforts and theoretical studies of electronic properties are traditionally treated quite separately. In this paper, a combinatorial approach has been taken to relate the process synthesis parameters and the electron confinement properties of the QDs. First, hybrid numerical calculations with different influx parameters for Si1-x Cx QDs were carried out to simulate the changes in carbon content x and size. Second, the ionization energy theory was applied to understand the electronic properties of Si1-x Cx QDs. Third, stoichiometric (x=0.5) silicon carbide QDs were grown by means of inductively coupled plasma-assisted rf magnetron sputtering. Finally, the effect of QD size and elemental composition were then incorporated in the ionization energy theory to explain the evolution of the Si1-x Cx photoluminescence spectra. These results are important for the development of deterministic synthesis approaches of self-assembled nanoscale quantum confinement structures.


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Self-assembly of highly stoichiometric SiC quantum dots still remains a major challenge for the gas/plasma-based nanodot synthesis. By means of a multiscale hybrid numerical simulation of the initial stage (0.1-2.5 s into the process) of deposition of SiCSi (100) quantum dot nuclei, it is shown that equal Si and kst atom deposition fluxes result in strong nonstoichiometric nanodot composition due to very different surface fluxes of Si and C adatoms to the quantum dots. At this stage, the surface fluxes of Si and C adatoms to SiC nanodots can be effectively controlled by manipulating the SiC atom influx ratio and the Si (100) surface temperature. It is demonstrated that at a surface temperature of 800 K the surface fluxes can be equalized after only 0.05 s into the process; however, it takes more then 1 s at a surface temperature of 600 K. Based on the results of this study, effective strategies to maintain a stoichiometric ([Si] [C] =1:1) elemental ratio during the initial stages of deposition of SiCSi (100) quantum dot nuclei in a neutral/ionized gas-based process are proposed.


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Carbon microcoils (CMCs) have been coated with a nickel-phosphorus (Ni-P) film using an electroless plating process, with sodium hypophosphite as a reducing agent in an alkaline bath. CMC composites have potential applications as microwave absorption materials. The morphology, elemental composition and phases in the coating layer of the CMCs and Ni-coated CMCs were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD), respectively. The effects of process parameters such as pH, temperature and coating time of the plating bath on the phosphorus content and deposition rate of the electroless Ni-P coating were studied. The results revealed that a continuous, uniform and low-phosphorous nickel coating was deposited on the surface of the CMCs for 20 min at pH 9.0, plating bath temperature 70 °C. The as-deposited coatings with approximately 4.5 wt.% phosphorus were found to consist of a mix of nano- and microcrystalline phases. The mean particle size of Ni-P nanoparticles on the outer surface of the CMCs was around 11.9 nm. The deposition rate was found to moderately increase with increasing pH, whereas, the phosphorous content of the deposit exhibited a significant decrease. Moreover, the material of the coating underwent a phase transition between an amorphous and a crystalline structure. The thickness of the deposit and the deposition rate may be controlled through careful variation of the coating time and plating bath temperature.


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It is commonly believed that in order to synthesize high-quality hydrogenated amorphous silicon carbide (a-Si1-xCx : H) films at competitive deposition rates it is necessary to operate plasma discharges at high power regimes and with heavy hydrogen dilution. Here we report on the fabrication of hydrogenated amorphous silicon carbide films with different carbon contents x (ranging from 0.09 to 0.71) at high deposition rates using inductively coupled plasma (ICP) chemical vapour deposition with no hydrogen dilution and at relatively low power densities (∼0.025 W cm -3) as compared with existing reports. The film growth rate R d peaks at x = 0.09 and x = 0.71, and equals 18 nm min-1 and 17 nm min-1, respectively, which is higher than other existing reports on the fabrication of a-Si1-xCx : H films. The extra carbon atoms for carbon-rich a-Si1-xCx : H samples are incorporated via diamond-like sp3 C-C bonding as deduced by Fourier transform infrared absorption and Raman spectroscopy analyses. The specimens feature a large optical band gap, with the maximum of 3.74 eV obtained at x = 0.71. All the a-Si1-xCx : H samples exhibit low-temperature (77 K) photoluminescence (PL), whereas only the carbon-rich a-Si1-xCx : H samples (x ≥ 0.55) exhibit room-temperature (300 K) PL. Such behaviour is explained by the static disorder model. High film quality in our work can be attributed to the high efficiency of the custom-designed ICP reactor to create reactive radical species required for the film growth. This technique can be used for a broader range of material systems where precise compositional control is required. © 2008 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Precise control of composition and internal structure is essential for a variety of novel technological applications which require highly tailored binary quantum dots (QDs) with predictable optoelectronic and mechanical properties. The delicate balancing act between incoming flux and substrate temperature required for the growth of compositionally graded (Si1-xC x; x varies throughout the internal structure), core-multishell (discrete shells of Si and C or combinations thereof) and selected composition (x set) QDs on low-temperature plasma/ion-flux-exposed Si(100) surfaces is investigated via a hybrid numerical simulation. Incident Si and C ions lead to localized substrate heating and a reduction in surface diffusion activation energy. It is shown that by incorporating ions in the influx, a steady-state composition is reached more quickly (for selected composition QDs) and the composition gradient of a Si1-xCx QD may be fine tuned; additionally (with other deposition conditions remaining the same), larger QDs are obtained on average. It is suggested that ionizing a portion of the influx is another way to control the average size of the QDs, and ultimately, their internal structure. Advantages that can be gained by utilizing plasma/ion-related controls to facilitate the growth of highly tailored, compositionally controlled quantum dots are discussed as well.


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Many properties of single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) arrays are determined by the size and surface coverage of the metal catalyst islands from which they are nucleated. Methods using thermal fragmentation of continuous metal films frequently fail to produce size-uniform islands. Hybrid numerical simulations are used to propose a new approach to controlled self-assembly of Ni islands of the required size and surface coverage using tailored gas-phase generated nanocluster fluxes and adjusted surface temperatures. It is shown that a maximum surface coverage of 0.359 by 0.96-1.02 nm Ni catalyst islands can be achieved at a low surface temperature of 500 K. Optimized growth of Ni catalyst islands can lead to fabrication of size-uniform SWCNT arrays, suitable for numerous nanoelectronic applications. This approach is deterministic and is applicable to a range of nanoassemblies where high surface coverage and island size uniformity are required.


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Understanding the generation of reactive species in a plasma is an important step towards creating reliable and robust plasma-aided nanofabrication processes. A two-dimensional fluid simulation of the number densities of surface preparation species in a low-temperature, low-pressure, non-equilibrium Ar+H2 plasma is conducted. The operating pressure and H2 partial pressure have been varied between 70-200 mTorr and 0.1-50%, respectively. An emphasis is placed on the application of these results to nanofabrication. A reasonable balance between operating pressures and H 2 partial pressures that would optimize the number densities of the two working units largely responsible for activation and passivation of surface dangling bonds (Ar+ and H respectively) in order to achieve acceptable rates of surface activation and passivation is obtained. It is found that higher operating pressures (150-200 mTorr) and lower H2 partial pressures (∼5%) are required in order to ensure high number densities of Ar+ and H species. This paper contributes to the improvement of the controllability and predictability of plasma-based nanoassembly processes.