127 resultados para Hand-to-hand fighting, Oriental


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Todoy's monogers-drowing on the expertise of their IT professiono/s-


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Throughout this workshop session we have looked at various configurations of Sage as well as using the Sage UI to run Sage applications (e.g. the image viewer). More advanced usage of Sage has been demonstrated using a Sage compatible version of Paraview highlighting the potential of parallel rendering. The aim of this tutorial session is to give a practical introduction to developing visual content for a tiled display using the Sage libraries. After completing this tutorial you should have the basic tools required to develop your own custom Sage applications. This tutorial is designed for software developers and intermediate programming knowledge is assumed, along with some introductory OpenGL . You will be required to write small portions of C/C++ code to complete this worksheet. However if you do not feel comfortable writing code (or have never written in C or C++), we will be on hand throughout this session so feel free to ask for some help. We have a number of machines in this lab running a VNC client to a virtual machine running Fedora 12. You should all be able to log in with the username “escience”, and password “escience10”. Some of the commands in this worksheet require you to run them as the root user, so note the password as you may need to use it a few times. If you need to access the Internet, then use the username “qpsf01”, password “escience10”


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The ultimate goal of an authorisation system is to allocate each user the level of access they need to complete their job - no more and no less. This proves to be challenging in an organisational setting because on one hand employees need enough access to perform their tasks, while on the other hand more access will bring about an increasing risk of misuse - either intentionally, where an employee uses the access for personal benefit, or unintentionally through carelessness, losing the information or being socially engineered to give access to an adversary. With the goal of developing a more dynamic authorisation model, we have adopted a game theoretic framework to reason about the factors that may affect users’ likelihood to misuse a permission at the time of an access decision. Game theory provides a useful but previously ignored perspective in authorisation theory: the notion of the user as a self-interested player who selects among a range of possible actions depending on their pay-offs.


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Recently I asked a first year student how he was coping with the transition from high school to university. The young fellow looked at me and said, “Man, everything is so different!” I smiled and said “like what?” with which he seriously replied, “Well for one thing, no one tells you that you have to wear a hat at lunch time.” I have to admit I was a little amused and surprised by this student’s response, as so often the focus, is placed on getting first year students to engage academically, when it is obvious at times, that even the mere transition in to university life and the culture itself, can be a hurdle. While teaching, within a large first year unit for over 10 years, it has become apparent that students want more connection with not only the peers that they study with, but also with the University as a whole. Dr Krause pointed out in her keynote paper, On Being Strategic about the First Year (2006), that this “sense of belonging is conducive to enhancing engagement, satisfaction with learning and commitment to study”. It has also become evident, that the way in which students want to be able to communicate has changed, with the advent of capabilities such as Instant Messaging via a network and Short Message Service SMS texting via their hand held mobile phones. To be able to chat and feel connected on social networking sites such as Bebo, Facebook and Twitter is not only a way of the future, it is here now and it is here to stay.


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This resource has been compiled from "Phenomenographic Research: An annotated Bibliogrphy (Third Edition)" and "1997 Supplement". This listing, containing more than one hundred citations, does not claim by any means to be comprehensive and it includes only material written in English. However, it has been attempted to cover material of significance in the development of phenomenographic research and pedagogy. The annotations in this publication are intended to offer prospective qualitative researchers and/or post-graduate research students a helping hand to enter the sometimes challenging research conversation that is centred around phenomenography. Please use this volume as diversely as your needs are to maximise its contents and to improve your experience of this distinctive approach to research.


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The natural convection thermal boundary layer adjacent to an inclined flat plate subject to sudden heating and a temperature boundary condition which follows a ramp function up until a specified time and then remains constant is investigated. The development of the flow from start-up to a steady-state has been described based on scaling analyses and verified by numerical simulations. Different flow regimes based on the Rayleigh number are discussed with numerical results for both boundary conditions. For ramp heating, the boundary layer flow depends on the comparison of the time at which the ramp heating is completed and the time at which the boundary layer completes its growth. If the ramp time is long compared with the steady state time, the layer reaches a quasi steady mode in which the growth of the layer is governed solely by the thermal balance between convection and conduction. On the other hand, if the ramp is completed before the layer becomes steady; the subsequent growth is governed by the balance between buoyancy and inertia, as for the case of instantaneous heating.


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Objectives The p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signal transduction pathway is involved in a variety of inflammatory responses, including cytokine generation, cell differentiation proliferation and apoptosis. Here, we examined the effects of systemic p38 MAPK inhibition on cartilage cells and osteoarthritis (OA) disease progression by both in vitro and in vivo approaches. Methods p38 kinase activity was evaluated in normal and OA cartilage cells by measuring the amount of phosphorylated protein. To examine the function of p38 signaling pathway in vitro, normal chondrocytes were isolated and differentiated in the presence or absence of p38 inhibitor; SB203580 and analysed for chondrogenic phenotype. Effect of systemic p38 MAPK inhibition in normal and OA (induced by menisectomy) rats were analysed by treating animals with vehicle alone (DMS0) or p38 inhibitor (SB203580). Damage to the femur and tibial plateau was evaluated by modified Mankin score, histology and immunohistochemistry. Results Our in vitro studies have revealed that a down-regulation of chondrogenic and increase of hypertrophic gene expression occurs in the normal chondrocytes, when p38 is neutralized by a pharmacological inhibitor. We further observed that the basal levels of p38 phosphorylation were decreased in OA chondrocytes compared with normal chondrocytes. These findings together indicate the importance of this pathway in the regulation of cartilage physiology and its relevance to OA pathogenesis. At in vivo level, systematic administration of a specific p38 MAPK inhibitor, SB203580, continuously for over a month led to a significant loss of proteoglycan; aggrecan and cartilage thickness. On the other hand, SB203580 treated normal rats showed a significant increase in TUNEL positive cells, cartilage hypertrophy markers such as Type 10 collagen, Runt-related transcription factor and Matrix metalloproteinase-13 and substantially induced OA like phenotypic changes in the normal rats. In addition, menisectomy induced OA rat models that were treated with p38 inhibitor showed aggravation of cartilage damage. Conclusions In summary, this study has provided evidence that the component of the p38 MAPK pathway is important to maintain the cartilage health and its inhibition can lead to severe cartilage degenerative changes. The observations in this study highlight the possibility of using activators of the p38 pathway as an alternative approach in the treatment of OA.


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An investigation of the natural convection boundary layer adjacent to an inclined semi-infinite plate subject to a temperature boundary condition which follows a ramp function up until some specified time and then remains constant is reported. The development of the flow from start-up to a steadystate has been described based on scaling analyses and verified by numerical simulations. Attention in this study has been given to fluids having a Prandtl number Pr less than unity. The boundary layer flow depends on the comparison of the time at which the ramp heating is completed and the time at which the boundary layer completes its growth. If the ramp time is long compared with the steady state time, the layer reaches a quasi steady mode in which the growth of the layer is governed solely by the thermal balance between convection and conduction. On the other hand, if the ramp is completed before the layer becomes steady; the subsequent growth is governed by the balance between buoyancy and inertia, as for the case of instantaneous heating.


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Evidence suggests that both start-up and young firms (henceforth: new firms) – despite typically being resource-constrained – are sometimes able to innovate (Katila & Shane 2005). Such firms are seldom able to invest in expensive innovation processes, which suggests that they may rely on other pathways to innovation. In this paper, we test arguments that “bricolage,” defined as making do by applying combinations of the resources at hand to new problems and opportunities, provides a pathway to innovation for new firms. Our results suggest that variations in bricolage behaviors can provide an explanation of innovation under resource constraints by new firms.


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The transition from early intervention programs to inclusive school settings presents children with developmental disabilities with a range of social challenges. In Queensland, in the year of transition to school, many children with developmental disabilities attend an Early Childhood Development Program for 2 to 3 days each week and also begin attendance in a mainstream program with the latter increasing to full-time attendance during the year. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected by parent interviews and teacher questionnaires for 62 children participating in the Transition to School Project regarding their perceptions of the success of the transition process and the benefits and challenges of inclusion. Both parents and teachers saw a range of benefits to children from their inclusion in ‘regular’ classrooms, with parents noting the helpfulness of teachers and their support for inclusion. Challenges noted by parents included the school’s lack of preparation for their child’s particular developmental needs especially in terms of the physical environment while teachers reported challenges meeting the needs of these children within the context and resources of the classroom. Parents were more likely than teachers to view the transition as easy. Correlational analyses indicated that teachers were more likely to view the transition as easy when they felt that the child was appropriately placed in a ‘regular’ classroom. Findings from this project can inform the development of effective transition-to-school programs in the early school years for children with developmental disabilities.


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Periprosthetic fractures are increasingly frequent. The fracture may be located over the shaft of the prosthesis, at its tip or below (21). The treatment of explosion fractures is difficult because the shaft blocks the application of implants, like screws, which need to penetrate the medullary cavity. The cerclage, as a simple periosteal loop, made of wire or more recently cable, does not only avoid the medullary cavity. Its centripetal mode of action is well suited for reducing and maintaining radially displaced fractures. Furthermore, the cerclage lends itself well for minimally invasive internal fixation. New insight challenges the disrepute of which the cerclage technology suffered for decades. The outcome of cerclage fixation benefits from an improved understanding of its technology, mechano-biology and periosteal blood supply. Preconceived and generally accepted opinions like "strangulation of blood supply" need to be re-examined. Recent mechanical evaluations (22) demonstrate that the wire application may be improved but cable is superior in hand- ling, maintenance of tension and strength. Beside the classical concepts of absolute and relative stability a defined stability condition needs consideration. It is typical for cerclage. Called "loose-lock stability" it specifies the situation where a loosened implant allows first unimpeded displacement changing abruptly into a locked fixation preventing further dislocation.


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The corset, with its laces and stays, appears to the modern eyes little more than a stylish torture device. However, the corset enjoyed a reputation among the most fashionable women of the nineteenth century. Since small waists were the primary measure of corporeal beauty, corsets were nearly universal among Western women of the middle class upwards. Wearing a corset was also a marker of decency; only lower classes and women of dubious reputation did not wear corsets. From instrument of torture and symbol of submission to its appropriation by women as a marker of sexual liberation, the corset has gone under a sartorial and symbolic transformation remaining the most erotic element of women’s dress. This paper discusses the corset in two Australian films, Picnic at Hanging Rock (Peter Weir, 1974) and Moulin Rouge (Baz Luhrman, 2001), arguing that the corset provides a counterpoint in each film signifying the tension between beauty and respectability, on the one hand, and desire and transgression, on the other. We argue that the corset is the primary prop around which the narrative revolves as well as the key signifying hook for the audience. The fact that erotic motifs are so rare in Australian films makes the centrality of the corset in these films even more powerful as a discursive trope


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This paper reports on a Professional Learning Program conducted in China with 140 general technology teachers. It aimed to integrate robotics technology across and within the disciplines of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. With the help of university facilitators teachers developed General Technology lessons that seamlessly integrated with rich learning content across disciplines. Teachers engaged in seminars and workshops, which provided the opportunities for them to actively couch sound principles of learning in their daily work. They gained first-hand experience in applying an aligned system of assessments, standards and quality learning experiences geared to the needs of each student. Teachers worked collaboratively in teams to create inquiry, design and collaborative learning activities that aligned with their curriculum and which dealt with real world problems, issues and challenges. They continually discussed and reflected deeply on the activities and shared the newly developed resources online with teachers across the entire country. It is evident from the preliminary analysis of data that teachers are beginning to apply rich pedagogical practices and are becoming ‘adaptive’ in their approach when using LEGO® robotic tools to design, redesign, create and re-create learning activities for their students.


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The National Cultural Policy Discussion Paper—drafted to assist the Australian Government in developing the first national Cultural Policy since Creative Nation nearly two decades ago—envisages a future in which arts, cultural and creative activities directly support the development of an inclusive, innovative and productive Australia. "The policy," it says, "will be based on an understanding that a creative nation produces a more inclusive society and a more expressive and confident citizenry by encouraging our ability to express, describe and share our diverse experiences—with each other and with the world" (Australian Government 3). Even a cursory reading of this Discussion Paper makes it clear that the question of impact—in aesthetic, cultural and economic terms—is central to the Government's agenda in developing a new Cultural Policy. Hand-in-hand with the notion of impact comes the process of measurement of progress. The Discussion Paper notes that progress "must be measurable, and the Government will invest in ways to assess the impact that the National Cultural Policy has on society and the economy" (11). If progress must be measurable, this raises questions about what arts, cultural and creative workers do, whether it is worth it, and whether they could be doing it better. In effect, the Discussion Paper pushes artsworkers ever closer to a climate in which they have to be skilled not just at making work, but at making the impact of this work clear to stakeholders. The Government in its plans for Australia's cultural future, is clearly most supportive of artsworkers who can do this, and the scholars, educators and employers who can best train the artsworkers of the future to do this.