Measurable progress? Teaching artsworkers to assess and articulate the impact of their work

Autoria(s): Gattenhof, Sandra J.; Hadley, Bree J.



The National Cultural Policy Discussion Paper—drafted to assist the Australian Government in developing the first national Cultural Policy since Creative Nation nearly two decades ago—envisages a future in which arts, cultural and creative activities directly support the development of an inclusive, innovative and productive Australia. "The policy," it says, "will be based on an understanding that a creative nation produces a more inclusive society and a more expressive and confident citizenry by encouraging our ability to express, describe and share our diverse experiences—with each other and with the world" (Australian Government 3). Even a cursory reading of this Discussion Paper makes it clear that the question of impact—in aesthetic, cultural and economic terms—is central to the Government's agenda in developing a new Cultural Policy. Hand-in-hand with the notion of impact comes the process of measurement of progress. The Discussion Paper notes that progress "must be measurable, and the Government will invest in ways to assess the impact that the National Cultural Policy has on society and the economy" (11). If progress must be measurable, this raises questions about what arts, cultural and creative workers do, whether it is worth it, and whether they could be doing it better. In effect, the Discussion Paper pushes artsworkers ever closer to a climate in which they have to be skilled not just at making work, but at making the impact of this work clear to stakeholders. The Government in its plans for Australia's cultural future, is clearly most supportive of artsworkers who can do this, and the scholars, educators and employers who can best train the artsworkers of the future to do this.





Queensland University of Technology


Gattenhof, Sandra J. & Hadley, Bree J. (2011) Measurable progress? Teaching artsworkers to assess and articulate the impact of their work. M/C Journal, 14(6).


Copyright 2011 Bree J. Hadley & Sandra J. Gattenhof


ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation; Drama; Creative Industries Faculty; Institute for Creative Industries and Innovation

Palavras-Chave #190000 STUDIES IN CREATIVE ARTS AND WRITING #producers #cultural impact #arts evaluation #HERN

Journal Article