75 resultados para Cranes (Birds)


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This paper discusses the issue of sensing and control for stabilizing a swinging load. Our work has focused in particular on the dragline as used for overburden stripping in open-pit coal mining, but many of the principles would also be applicable to construction cranes. Results obtained from experimental work on a full-scale production dragline are presented.


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Seagoing vessels have to undergo regular inspections, which are currently performed manually by ship surveyors. The main cost factor in a ship inspection is to provide access to the different areas of the ship, since the surveyor has to be close to the inspected parts, usually within arm's reach, either to perform a visual analysis or to take thickness measurements. The access to the structural elements in cargo holds, e.g., bulkheads, is normally provided by staging or by 'cherry-picking' cranes. To make ship inspections safer and more cost-efficient, we have introduced new inspection methods, tools, and systems, which have been evaluated in field trials, particularly focusing on cargo holds. More precisely, two magnetic climbing robots and a micro-aerial vehicle, which are able to assist the surveyor during the inspection, are introduced. Since localization of inspection data is mandatory for the surveyor, we also introduce an external localization system that has been verified in field trials, using a climbing inspection robot. Furthermore, the inspection data collected by the robotic systems are organized and handled by a spatial content management system that enables us to compare the inspection data of one survey with those from another, as well as to document the ship inspection when the robot team is used. Image-based defect detection is addressed by proposing an integrated solution for detecting corrosion and cracks. The systems' performance is reported, as well as conclusions on their usability, all in accordance with the output of field trials performed onboard two different vessels under real inspection conditions.


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Ghrelin and leptin are key peripherally secreted appetite-regulating hormones in vertebrates. Here we consider the ghrelin gene (GHRL) of birds (class Aves), where it has been reported that ghrelin inhibits rather than augments feeding. Thirty-one bird species were compared, revealing that most species harbour a functional copy of GHRL and the coding region for its derived peptides ghrelin and obestatin. We provide evidence for loss of GHRL in saker and peregrine falcons, and this is likely to result from the insertion of an ERVK retrotransposon in intron 0. We hypothesise that the loss of anorexigenic ghrelin is a predatory adaptation that results in increased food-seeking behaviour and feeding in falcons.


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Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a biologically inspired computational search and optimization method based on the social behaviors of birds flocking or fish schooling. Although, PSO is represented in solving many well-known numerical test problems, but it suffers from the premature convergence. A number of basic variations have been developed due to solve the premature convergence problem and improve quality of solution founded by the PSO. This study presents a comprehensive survey of the various PSO-based algorithms. As part of this survey, the authors have included a classification of the approaches and they have identify the main features of each proposal. In the last part of the study, some of the topics within this field that are considered as promising areas of future research are listed.


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A successful translocation involves many complex factors, including a genetically appropriate source population that can sustain harvest, social and governmental support, assessment of disease transmission risk and a release site with appropriately secure habitat that can support population establishment and persistance. This information is typically discussed during staturory approval processes and can take considerable time. However, following approval, for translocations of most fauna, the initial critical step involves the inherently stressful process of capture, holding, transportation and release. This process is unpredictable and novel, and is especially challenging for wild animals when they are confined in close proximity to conspecifics and humans. In contrast, captive-reared animals have to cope with the unfamiliar challenges of finding food and shelter, along with coping with competition and predation. Little has been written in the scientific literature about the translocation process. This is unsurprising because this process has usually been the realm of skilled practioners, often with animal husbandry backgrounds, rather than research scientists. Highly skilled intuition, observation and the translocation practioner's equivalent of a 'green thumb' often guides the way. However, theory and experimentation, particularly on the effects of stress, is available and this work is invaluable for a successful translocation. Here, we provide a brief description of the translocation process, and discussion of what stress is and how it can be managed. We then provide practical guidelines for the successful translocation of invertebrates, lizards, turtles, passerine birds, marsupials and bats, using examples from Australia and New Zealand.


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The Great Sandy Region (incorporating Fraser Island and the Cooloola sand-mass), south-east Queensland, contains a significant area of Ramsar-listed coastal wetlands, including the globally important patterned fen complexes. These mires form an elaborate network of pools surrounded by vegetated peat ridges and are the only known subtropical, Southern Hemisphere examples, with wetlands of this type typically located in high northern latitudes. Sedimentological, palynological and charcoal analysis from the Wathumba and Moon Point complexes on Fraser Island indicate two periods of swamp formation (that may contain patterned fens), one commencing at 12 000 years ago (Moon Point) and the other ~4300 years ago (Wathumba). Wetland formation and development is thought to be related to a combination of biological and hydrological processes with the dominant peat-forming rush, Empodisma minus, being an important component of both patterned and non-patterned mires within the region. In contrast to Northern Hemisphere paludifying systems, the patterning appears to initiate at the start of wetland development or as part of an infilling process. The wetlands dominated by E. minus are highly resilient to disturbance, particularly burning and sea level alterations, and appear to form important refuge areas for amphibians, fish and birds (both non-migratory and migratory) over thousands of years.


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Soundscape assessment has been proposed as a remote ecological monitoring tool for measuring biodiversity, but few studies have examined how soundscape patterns vary with landscape configuration and condition. The goal of our study was to examine a suite of published acoustic indices to determine whether they provide comparable results relative to varying levels of landscape fragmentation and ecological condition in nineteen forest sites in eastern Australia. Our comparison of six acoustic indices according to time of day revealed that two indices, the acoustic complexity and the bioacoustic index, presented a similar pattern that was linked to avian song intensity, but was not related to landscape and biodiversity attributes. The diversity indices, acoustic entropy and acoustic diversity, and the normalized difference soundscape index revealed high nighttime sound, as well as a dawn and dusk chorus. These indices appear to be sensitive to nocturnal biodiversity which is abundant at night in warm, subtropical environments. We argue that there is need to better understand temporal partitioning of the soundscape by specific taxonomic groups, and this should involve integrated research on amphibians, insects and birds during a 24 h cycle. The three indices that best connected the soundscape with landscape characteristics, ecological condition and bird species richness were acoustic entropy, acoustic evenness and the normalized difference soundscape index. This study has demonstrated that remote soundscape assessment can be implemented as an ecological monitoring tool in fragmented Australian forest landscapes. However, further investigation should be dedicated to refining and/or combining existing acoustic indices and also to determine if these indices are appropriate in other landscapes and for other survey purposes.


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Since 2006, we have been conducting urban informatics research that we define as “the study, design, and practice of urban experiences across different urban contexts that are created by new opportunities of real-time, ubiquitous technology and the augmentation that mediates the physical and digital layers of people networks and urban infrastructures” [1]. Various new research initiatives under the label “urban informatics” have been started since then by universities (e.g., NYU’s Center for Urban Science and Progress) and industry (e.g., Arup, McKinsey) worldwide. Yet, many of these new initiatives are limited to what Townsend calls, “data-driven approaches to urban improvement” [2]. One of the key challenges is that any quantity of aggregated data does not easily translate directly into quality insights to better understand cities. In this talk, I will raise questions about the purpose of urban informatics research beyond data, and show examples of media architecture, participatory city making, and citizen activism. I argue for (1) broadening the disciplinary foundations that urban science approaches draw on; (2) maintaining a hybrid perspective that considers both the bird’s eye view as well as the citizen’s view, and; (3) employing design research to not be limited to just understanding, but to bring about actionable knowledge that will drive change for good.


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Temporal and environmental variation in vocal activity can provide information on avian behaviour and call function not available to short-term experimental studies. Intersexual differences in this variation can provide insight into selection effects. Yet factors influencing vocal behaviour have not been assessed in many birds, even those monitored by acoustic methods. This applies to the New Zealand kiwi (Apterygidae), for which call censuses are used extensively in conservation monitoring, yet which have poorly understood acoustic ecology. We investigated little spotted kiwi Apteryx owenii vocal behaviour over 3 yr, measuring influences on vocal activity in both sexes from time of night, season, weather conditions and lunar cycle. We tested hypotheses that call rate variation reflects call function, foraging efficiency, historic predation risk and variability in sound transmission, and that there are inter-sexual differences in call function. Significant seasonal variation showed that vocalisations were important in kiwi reproduction, and inter-sexual synchronisation of call rates indicated that contact, pair-bonding or resource defence were key functions. All weather variables significantly affected call rates, with elevated calling during increased humidity and ground moisture indicating a relation between vocal activity and foraging conditions. A significant decrease in calling activity on cloudy nights, combined with no moonlight effect, suggests an impact of light pollution in this species. These influences on vocal activity provide insight into kiwi call function, have direct consequences for conservation monitoring of kiwi, and have wider implications in understanding vocal behaviour in a range of nocturnal birds


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International Design Competition for Qatar Psychiatric Hospital. The scheme for the Al Wakra Respite and Recovery Centre delivers on an all-in attitude toward evidence-based design. It sets new benchmarks in so many ways: the way it allows excellent separation between patient cohorts without unnecessary or visible restrictions; the way it allows sharing of most of the clinical kit and spaces; the way services reticulation and facilities management takes place without compromising security and safety; the ways It abandons the institutional axioms that are still so ubiquitous elsewhere, so it can appear as the friendly, welcoming and wholesome; the way it allows incredible flexibility to allow changes or flexion on the fly; the way it has such ‘good bones’ for more structural changes as the future unfolds. But most importantly, the scheme will be exemplary in the way the building itself plays a role in promoting the recovery and mental well-being of its residents. Like no other, the Centre will rise to the challenges of supporting and inspiring an exemplary mental health service and promote the well-being of the patients. The 160 bed scheme allows for 43,000m2 of landscape, packed with wholesome things to do and experience. The Aspire zone even has stables and a falconry, both to celebrate the love that Qatari people have for horses and birds.


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A poem


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The paper outlines the process of organising research student participants and creating a public musical performance at QUT. The theme of the Operetta/Morality play is the clash between economic values of humans necessitating growth and the basic needs of the other life on planet earth. The one act play is set in a court room presided over by a judge who adjudicates the court proceedings.Homo economicus is in the dock and victims(various animals and birds) raise their grievances.