783 resultados para micro fusion framework


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Industrial control systems (ICS) have been moving from dedicated communications to switched and routed corporate networks, making it probable that these devices are being exposed to the Internet. Many ICS have been designed with poor or little security features, making them vulnerable to potential attack. Recently, several tools have been developed that can scan the internet, including ZMap, Masscan and Shodan. However, little in-depth analysis has been done to compare these Internet-wide scanning techniques, and few Internet-wide scans have been conducted targeting ICS and protocols. In this paper we present a Taxonomy of Internet-wide scanning with a comparison of three popular network scanning tools, and a framework for conducting Internet-wide scans.


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There have been substantial advances in small field dosimetry techniques and technologies, over the last decade, which have dramatically improved the achievable accuracy of small field dose measurements. This educational note aims to help radiation oncology medical physicists to apply some of these advances in clinical practice. The evaluation of a set of small field output factors (total scatter factors) is used to exemplify a detailed measurement and simulation procedure and as a basis for discussing the possible effects of simplifying that procedure. Field output factors were measured with an unshielded diode and a micro-ionisation chamber, at the centre of a set of square fields defined by a micro-multileaf collimator. Nominal field sizes investigated ranged from 6×6 to 98×98 mm2. Diode measurements in fields smaller than 30 mm across were corrected using response factors calculated using Monte Carlo simulations of the full diode geometry and daisy-chained to match micro-chamber measurements at intermediate field sizes. Diode measurements in fields smaller than 15 mm across were repeated twelve times over three separate measurement sessions, to evaluate the to evaluate the reproducibility of the radiation field size and its correspondence with the nominal field size. The five readings that contributed to each measurement on each day varied by up to 0.26%, for the “very small” fields smaller than 15 mm, and 0.18% for the fields larger than 15 mm. The diode response factors calculated for the unshielded diode agreed with previously published results, within 1.6%. The measured dimensions of the very small fields differed by up to 0.3 mm, across the different measurement sessions, contributing an uncertainty of up to 1.2% to the very small field output factors. The overall uncertainties in the field output factors were 1.8% for the very small fields and 1.1% for the fields larger than 15 mm across. Recommended steps for acquiring small field output factor measurements for use in radiotherapy treatment planning system beam configuration data are provided.


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This thesis is an analyzing creative processes that can be fostered through computer gaming. Outcomes from the research build on our knowledge of how computer games foster creative thinking. The research proposes guidelines that build upon our understanding of the relationship between the creative processes that players undertake during a game and the components of the game that allow these processes to occur. These guidelines may be used in the game design process to better facilitate creative gameplay activity. A significant research contribution is the ability to create games that facilitate creative thinking through engaging interactions with technology.


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This paper presents a framework for synchronising multiple triggered sensors with respect to a local clock using standard computing hardware. Providing sensor measurements with accurate and meaningful timestamps is important for many sensor fusion, state estimation and control applications. Accurately synchronising sensor timestamps can be performed with specialised hardware, however, performing sensor synchronisation using standard computing hardware and non-real-time operating systems is difficult due to inaccurate and temperature sensitive clocks, variable communication delays and operating system scheduling delays. Results show the ability of our framework to estimate time offsets to sub-millisecond accuracy. We also demonstrate how synchronising timestamps with our framework results in a tenfold reduction in image stabilisation error for a vehicle driving on rough terrain. The source code will be released as an open source tool for time synchronisation in ROS.


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A high-frequency-link micro inverter is proposed with a front-end dual inductor push-pull converter and a grid-connected half-wave cycloconverter. Pulse width modulation is used to control the front-end converter and phase shift modulation is used at the back-end converter to obtain grid synchronized output current. A series resonant circuit and high-frequency transformer are used to interface the front-end and the back-end converters. The operation of the proposed micro-inverter in grid-connected mode is validated using MATLAB/Simpower simulation. Experimental results are provided to further validate the operation.


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Background Improving hand hygiene among health care workers (HCWs) is the single most effective intervention to reduce health care associated infections in hospitals. Understanding the cognitive determinants of hand hygiene decisions for HCWs with the greatest patient contact (nurses) is essential to improve compliance. The aim of this study was to explore hospital-based nurses’ beliefs associated with performing hand hygiene guided by the World Health Organization’s (WHO) 5 critical moments. Using the belief-base framework of the Theory of Planned Behaviour, we examined attitudinal, normative, and control beliefs underpinning nurses’ decisions to perform hand hygiene according to the recently implemented national guidelines. Methods Thematic content analysis of qualitative data from focus group discussions with hospital-based registered nurses from 5 wards across 3 hospitals in Queensland, Australia. Results Important advantages (protection of patient and self), disadvantages (time, hand damage), referents (supportive: patients, colleagues; unsupportive: some doctors), barriers (being too busy, emergency situations), and facilitators (accessibility of sinks/products, training, reminders) were identified. There was some equivocation regarding the relative importance of hand washing following contact with patient surroundings. Conclusions The belief base of the theory of planned behaviour provided a useful framework to explore systematically the underlying beliefs of nurses’ hand hygiene decisions according to the 5 critical moments, allowing comparisons with previous belief studies. A commitment to improve nurses’ hand hygiene practice across the 5 moments should focus on individual strategies to combat distraction from other duties, peer-based initiatives to foster a sense of shared responsibility, and management-driven solutions to tackle staffing and resource issues. Hand hygiene following touching a patient’s surroundings continues to be reported as the most neglected opportunity for compliance.


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Understanding the dynamics of disease spread is of crucial importance, in contexts such as estimating load on medical services to risk assessment and intervention policies against large-scale epidemic outbreaks. However, most of the information is available after the spread itself, and preemptive assessment is far from trivial. Here, we investigate the use of agent-based simulations to model such outbreaks in a stylised urban environment. For most diseases, infection of a new individual may occur from casual contact in crowds as well as from repeated interactions with social partners such as work colleagues or family members. Our model therefore accounts for these two phenomena.Presented in this paper is the initial framework for such a model, detailing implementation of geographical features and generation of social structures. Preliminary results are a promising step towards large-scale simulations and evaluation of potential intervention policies.


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The influence of constructivism and the ongoing drive for convergence, both of career theories and between theory and practice, have been key drivers in the career development literature for two decades (Patton, International Handbook of Career Guidance, 2008). Both contextual action theory and systems theory are derived from the root metaphor of contextualism, which has been proffered as a worldview to assist scientists and practitioners in organizing day-to-day experiential data. This chapter identifies the theoretical contributions of the Systems Theory Framework (STF) (Patton and McMahon, Career development and systems theory: A new development, 1999, Career psychology in South Africa, 2006) and Contextual Action Theory (Young and Valach, The future of career, 2000, Journal of Vocational Behavior 64:499–514, 2004; Young et al., Career choice and development, 1996, Career choice and development, 2002), each of which has advanced thinking in theory integration and in the integration between theory and practice in the career development and counseling field. Young et al. (Career development in childhood and adolescence, 2007) noted the connections between the Patton and McMahon systems theory approach and the contextual action theory approach and these connections will be highlighted in terms of the application of these theoretical developments to practice in career counseling, with a particular focus on the commonalities between the two approaches and what counselors can learn from each of them. In particular, this chapter will discuss common conceptual understandings and practice dimensions.


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Bone-anchored prostheses are increasingly acknowledged as viable alternative method of attachment of artificial limb compared to socket-suspended prostheses. To date, a few osseointegration fixations are commercially available. Several devices are at different stages of development particularly in Europe and the US. Clearly, the current momentum experienced worldwide is creating a need for a standardized evaluation framework to assess the benefits and safety of each procedure.


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This thesis in software engineering presents a novel automated framework to identify similar operations utilized by multiple algorithms for solving related computing problems. It provides a new effective solution to perform multi-application based algorithm analysis, employing fundamentally light-weight static analysis techniques compared to the state-of-art approaches. Significant performance improvements are achieved across the objective algorithms through enhancing the efficiency of the identified similar operations, targeting discrete application domains.


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This thesis is a framework to formalise contractors process for bidding decision making through categorising the factors effecting the decision to bid into five categories. It opens the door to introduce a strategic planning system for pre-contract and business development activities which cost the contractors up to 5% of the project cost which is considered as high risk investment and would have impact on submitted bid price and the project delivery quality.


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The evolutionary advantage of humans is in our unique ability to process stories – we have highly evolved ‘narrative organs.’ Through storytelling, vicarious knowledge, even guarded knowledge, is used to help our species to survive. We learn, regardless of whether the story being told is ‘truth’ or ‘fiction.’ This article discusses how humans place themselves in stories, as both observer and participant, to create a ‘neural balance’ or sweet spot that allows them to be immersed in a story without being entirely threatened by it – and how this involvement in story is the formation of empathy – an empathy that is integral to forging a future humanity. It is through empathy, we argue, that stories have the power to save us.


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Online interactions are becoming commonplace for a multitude of educational purposes. Each context presents a unique and dynamic mix of variables that combine to shape the practice and the identities of those involved. In this article, sociocultural theories of learning and sociocultural theories of technology are explored as a way to view and to map the complex interactions that can occur. The case of synchronous online moderation meetings are used as an example of the combination of variables that can impact on the development of shared understandings of a practice. Online moderation can involve teachers from geographically diverse areas discussing and negotiating their judgement decisions. These discussions represent an intersection of a national curriculum, standards-referenced assessment, moderation protocols, site-specific practices and understandings, and individual teachers’ knowledges and histories. It is suggested that the proposed theoretical combination addresses some of the limitations of each of the theories when investigating such a dynamic context. As higher education moves into increasing use of online modes of communication and a higher level of accountability the relevance of this discussion to higher education is evident.


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Biopharmaceuticals have been shown to have low delivery and transformation efficiencies. To over come this, larger doses are administered in order to obtain the desired response which may lead to toxicity and drug resistance. This paper reports upon a continuous particle production method utilizing surface acoustic wave atomization to reliably produce micro and nanoparticles with physical characteristics to facilitate the cellular uptake of biopharmaceuticals. By producing particles of an optimal size for cellular uptake, the efficacy and specificity of drug loaded nanoparticles will be increased. Better delivery methods will result in dosage reduction (hence lower costs per dose), reduced toxicity, and reduced problems associated with multidrug resistance due to over dosing.


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Integrating renewable energy into public space is becoming more common as a climate change solution. However, this approach is often guided by the environmental pillar of sustainability, with less focus on the economic and social pillars. The purpose of this paper is to examine this issue in the speculative renewable energy propositions for Freshkills Park in New York City submitted for the 2012 Land Art Generator Initiative (LAGI) competition. This paper first proposes an optimal electricity distribution (OED) framework in and around public spaces based on relevant ecology and energy theory (Odum’s fourth and fifth law of thermodynamics). This framework addresses social engagement related to public interaction, and economic engagement related to the estimated quantity of electricity produced, in conjunction with environmental engagement related to the embodied energy required to construct the renewable energy infrastructure. Next, the study uses the OED framework to analyse the top twenty-five projects submitted for the LAGI 2012 competition. The findings reveal an electricity distribution imbalance and suggest a lack of in-depth understanding about sustainable electricity distribution within public space design. The paper concludes with suggestions for future research.