590 resultados para Personnel Management.
The purpose of this paper is to show how project management governance is addressed through the use of a specific meta-method. Governance is defined here on two criteria: accountability and performance. Accountability is promoted through transparency and performance is promoted by responsive and responsible decision-making. According to a systemic perspective, transparency and decision-making involve having information, tacit or explicit knowledge, as well as understanding of the context, the different parameters and variables, their interaction and conditions of change. Although this method of methods was built according a heuristic process involving 25 years of various researches and consulting activities, it seems appropriate to draw its foundations. I clarify first my epistemological position and the notion of project and project management, as Art and Science. This lead me to define a "Be" / "Have" posture to this regards. Then, the main theoretical roots of MAP Method are exposed: Boisot' s Social Learning Cycle, Praxeology and Theory of Convention. Then we introduced the main characteristics of the method and the 17 methods and tools constituting MAP "tool box", thus with regard to the project management governance perspective. Finally, I discuss the integration of two managerial modes (operational and project modes) and the consequence in term of governance in a specific socio-techno-economic project/context ecosystem.
Foreword: In this paper I call upon a praxiological approach. Praxeology (early alteration of praxiology) is the study of human action and conduct. The name praxeology/praxiologyakes is root in praxis, Medieval Latin, from Greek, doing, action, from prassein to do, practice (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). Having been involved in project management education, research and practice for the last twenty years, I have constantly tried to improve and to provide a better understanding/knowledge of the field and related practice, and as a consequence widen and deepen the competencies of the people I was working with (and my own competencies as well!), assuming that better project management lead to more efficient and effective use of resources, development of people and at the end to a better world. For some time I have perceived a need to clarify the foundations of the discipline of project management, or at least elucidate what these foundations could be. An immodest task, one might say! But not a neutral one! I am constantly surprised by the way the world (i.e., organizations, universities, students and professional bodies) sees project management: as a set of methods, techniques, tools, interacting with others fields – general management, engineering, construction, information systems, etc. – bringing some effective ways of dealing with various sets of problems – from launching a new satellite to product development through to organizational change.
This paper aims to clarify the foundations of the discipline of project management (PM). Historically, PM has evolved from a conceptual approach based on a positivist paradigm. The author questions the appropriateness of such foundations for the kind of project management which claims to deal with complex problems. To answer this question, a brief history of project management emphasizes key concepts useful to the discussion. Comprehensive definitions of knowledge, competencies, performance and knowledge management are reviewed to provide a better understanding of the project environment in terms of its present positivist epistemological position. This paper explores the tensions and paradoxes encountered in PM practice, when set within the boundaries of a normative approach; it also highlights the polysemic nature of PM, for which an extended framework is proposed. Dialectic, qualitative and interpretative aspects of PM are presented alongside its quantitative body of Knowledge. The author finally introduces an innovative overview of project management, set in the greater context of the learning organization. Implications and applications of this perspective are discussed and lead to the presentation of the MAP metamethod, a systemic practical approach.
If Project Management (PM) is a well-accepted mode of managing organizations, more and more organizations are adopting PM in order to satisfy the diversified needs of application areas within a variety of industries and organizations. Concurrently, the number of PM practitioners and people involved at various level of qualification is vigorously rising. Thus the importance to characterize, define and understand this field and its underlying strength, basis and development is paramount. For this purpose we will referee to sociology of actor-networks and qualitative scientometrics leading to the choice of the co-word analysis method in enabling us to capture the project management field and its dynamics. Results of a study based on the analysis of EBSCO Business Source Premier Database will be presented and some future trends and scenarios proposed. The main following trends are confirmed, in alignment with previous studies: continuous interest for the “cost engineering” aspects, on going interest for Economic aspects and contracts, how to deal with various project types (categorizations), the integration with Supply Chain Management and Learning and Knowledge Management. Furthermore besides these continuous trends, we can note new areas of interest: the link between strategy and project, Governance, the importance of maturity (organizational performance and metrics, control) and Change Management. We see the actors (Professional Bodies, Governmental Bodies, Agencies, Universities, Industries, Researchers, and Practitioners) reinforcing their competing/cooperative strategies in the development of standards and certifications and moving to more “business oriented” relationships with their members and main stakeholders (Governments, Institutions like European Community, Industries, Agencies, NGOs…), at least at central level.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the Japanese answer to the 90s depression, both as a case study of what framework has been developed to address new business challenges and value creation in complex, ambiguous and uncertain environment; and in order to expose what are, in our view, the underlying theoretical bases supporting this framework. This theoretical approach, and the resulting lessons learned, is assumed to be helpful to transpose the Japanese experience to other analogical contexts and situations.