69 resultados para VIRULENCE


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Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) is the primary cause of urinary tract infection (UTI) in the developed world. The major factors associated with virulence of UPEC are fimbrial adhesins, which mediate specific attachment to host receptors and trigger innate host responses. Another group of adhesins is represented by the autotransporter (AT) subgroup of proteins. The genome-sequenced prototype UPEC strain CFT073 contains 11 putative AT-encoding genes. In this study, we have performed a detailed molecular characterization of two closely related AT adhesins from CFT073: UpaB (c0426) and UpaC (c0478). PCR screening revealed that the upaB and upaC AT-encoding genes are common in E. coli. The upaB and upaC genes were cloned and characterized in a recombinant E. coli K-12 strain background. This revealed that they encode proteins located at the cell surface but possess different functional properties: UpaB mediates adherence to several ECM proteins, while UpaC expression is associated with increased biofilm formation. In CFT073, upaB is expressed while upaC is transcriptionally repressed by the global regulator H-NS. In competitive colonization experiments employing the mouse UTI model, CFT073 significantly outcompeted its upaB (but not upaC) isogenic mutant strain in the bladder. This attenuated phenotype was also observed in single-challenge experiments, where deletion of the upaB gene in CFT073 significantly reduced early colonization of the bladder.


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Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) and enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) are diarrheagenic pathotypes of E. coli that cause gastrointestinal disease with the potential for life-threatening sequelae. While certain EHEC and EPEC virulence mechanisms have been extensively studied, the factors that mediate host colonization remain to be properly defined. Previously, we identified four genes (ehaA, ehaB, ehaC, and ehaD) from the prototypic EHEC strain EDL933 that encode for proteins that belong to the autotransporter (AT) family. Here we have examined the prevalence of these genes, as well as several other AT-encoding genes, in a collection of EHEC and EPEC strains. We show that the complement of AT-encoding genes in EHEC and EPEC strains is variable, with some AT-encoding genes being highly prevalent. One previously uncharacterized AT-encoding gene, which we have termed ehaJ, was identified in 12/44 (27%) of EHEC and 2/20 (10%) of EPEC strains. The ehaJ gene lies immediately adjacent to a gene encoding a putative glycosyltransferase (referred to as egtA). Western blot analysis using an EhaJ-specific antibody indicated that EhaJ is glycosylated by EgtA. Expression of EhaJ in a recombinant E. coli strain, revealed EhaJ is located at the cell surface and in the presence of the egtA glycosyltransferase gene mediates strong biofilm formation in microtiter plate and flow cell assays. EhaJ also mediated adherence to a range of extracellular matrix proteins, however this occurred independent of glycosylation. We also demonstrate that EhaJ is expressed in a wild-type EPEC strain following in vitro growth. However, deletion of ehaJ did not significantly alter its adherence or biofilm properties. In summary, EhaJ is a new glycosylated AT protein from EPEC and EHEC. Further studies are required to elucidate the function of EhaJ in colonization and virulence.


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Since its discovery in 1991, the bacterial periplasmic oxidative folding catalyst DsbA has been the focus of intense research. Early studies addressed why it is so oxidizing and how it is maintained in its less stable oxidized state. The crystal structure of Escherichia coli DsbA (EcDsbA) revealed that the oxidizing periplasmic enzyme is a distant evolutionary cousin of the reducing cytoplasmic enzyme thioredoxin. Recent significant developments have deepened our understanding of DsbA function, mechanism, and interactions: the structure of the partner membrane protein EcDsbB, including its complex with EcDsbA, proved a landmark in the field. Studies of DsbA machineries from bacteria other than E. coli K-12 have highlighted dramatic differences from the model organism, including a striking divergence in redox parameters and surface features. Several DsbA structures have provided the first clues to its interaction with substrates, and finally, evidence for a central role of DsbA in bacterial virulence has been demonstrated in a range of organisms. Here, we review current knowledge on DsbA, a bacterial periplasmic protein that introduces disulfide bonds into diverse substrate proteins and which may one day be the target of a new class of anti-virulence drugs to treat bacterial infection. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 14, 1729–1760.


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Autotransporter (AT) proteins are found in all Escherichia coli pathotypes and are often associated with virulence. In this study we took advantage of the large number of available E. coli genome sequences to perform an in-depth bioinformatic analysis of AT-encoding genes. Twenty-eight E. coli genome sequences were probed using an iterative approach, which revealed a total of 215 AT-encoding sequences that represented three major groups of distinct domain architecture: (i) serine protease AT proteins, (ii) trimeric AT adhesins and (iii) AIDA-I-type AT proteins. A number of subgroups were identified within each broad category, and most subgroups contained at least one characterized AT protein; however, seven subgroups contained no previously described proteins. The AIDA-I-type AT proteins represented the largest and most diverse group, with up to 16 subgroups identified from sequence-based comparisons. Nine of the AIDA-I-type AT protein subgroups contained at least one protein that possessed functional properties associated with aggregation and/or biofilm formation, suggesting a high degree of redundancy for this phenotype. The Ag43, YfaL/EhaC, EhaB/UpaC and UpaG subgroups were found in nearly all E. coli strains. Among the remaining subgroups, there was a tendency for AT proteins to be associated with individual E. coli pathotypes, suggesting that they contribute to tissue tropism or symptoms specific to different disease outcomes.


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Pathogens require protein-folding enzymes to produce functional virulence determinants. These foldases include the Dsb family of proteins, which catalyze oxidative folding in bacteria. Bacterial disulfide catalytic processes have been well characterized in Escherichia coli K-12 and these mechanisms have been extrapolated to other organisms. However, recent research indicates that the K-12 complement of Dsb proteins is not common to all bacteria. Importantly, many pathogenic bacteria have an extended arsenal of Dsb catalysts that is linked to their virulence. To help to elucidate the process of oxidative folding in pathogens containing a wide repertoire of Dsb proteins, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium has been focused on. This Gram-negative bacterium contains three DsbA proteins: SeDsbA, SeDsbL and SeSrgA. Here, the expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary diffraction analysis of these three proteins are reported. SeDsbA, SeDsbL and SeSrgA crystals diffracted to resolution limits of 1.55, 1.57 and 2.6 Å and belonged to space groups P21, P21212 and C2, respectively.


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In prototypic Escherichia coli K-12 the introduction of disulfide bonds into folding proteins is mediated by the Dsb family of enzymes, primarily through the actions of the highly oxidizing protein EcDsbA. Homologues of the Dsb catalysts are found in most bacteria. Interestingly, pathogens have developed distinct Dsb machineries that play a pivotal role in the biogenesis of virulence factors, hence contributing to their pathogenicity. Salmonella enterica serovar (sv.) Typhimurium encodes an extended number of sulfhydryl oxidases, namely SeDsbA, SeDsbL, and SeSrgA. Here we report a comprehensive analysis of the sv. Typhimurium thiol oxidative system through the structural and functional characterization of the three Salmonella DsbA paralogues. The three proteins share low sequence identity, which results in several unique three-dimensional characteristics, principally in areas involved in substrate binding and disulfide catalysis. Furthermore, the Salmonella DsbA-like proteins also have different redox properties. Whereas functional characterization revealed some degree of redundancy, the properties of SeDsbA, SeDsbL, and SeSrgA and their expression pattern in sv. Typhimurium indicate a diverse role for these enzymes in virulence.


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Escherichia coli is the primary cause of urinary tract infection (UTI) in the developed world. The major factors associated with virulence of uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) are fimbrial adhesins, which mediate specific attachment to host receptors and trigger innate host responses. Another group of adhesins is represented by the autotransporter (AT) subgroup of proteins. In this study, we identified a new AT-encoding gene, termed upaH, present in a 6.5-kb unannotated intergenic region in the genome of the prototypic UPEC strain CFT073. Cloning and sequencing of the upaH gene from CFT073 revealed an intact 8.535-kb coding region, contrary to the published genome sequence. The upaH gene was widely distributed among a large collection of UPEC isolates as well as the E. coli Reference (ECOR) strain collection. Bioinformatic analyses suggest β-helix as the predominant structure in the large N-terminal passenger (α) domain and a 12-strand β-barrel for the C-terminal β-domain of UpaH. We demonstrated that UpaH is expressed at the cell surface of CFT073 and promotes biofilm formation. In the mouse UTI model, deletion of the upaH gene in CFT073 and in two other UPEC strains did not significantly affect colonization of the bladder in single-challenge experiments. However, in competitive colonization experiments, CFT073 significantly outcompeted its upaH isogenic mutant strain in urine and the bladder.


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Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) are a subgroup of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli that cause gastrointestinal disease with the potential for life-threatening sequelae. Cattle serve as the natural reservoir for EHEC and outbreaks occur sporadically as a result of contaminated beef and other farming products. While certain EHEC virulence mechanisms have been extensively studied, the factors that mediate host colonization are poorly defined. Previously, we identified four proteins (EhaA,B,C,D) from the prototypic EHEC strain EDL933 that belong to the autotransporter (AT) family. Here we characterize the EhaB AT protein. EhaB was shown to be located at the cell surface and overexpression in E. coli K-12 resulted in significant biofilm formation under continuous flow conditions. Overexpression of EhaB in E. coli K12 and EDL933 backgrounds also promoted adhesion to the extracellular matrix proteins collagen I and laminin. An EhaB-specific antibody revealed that EhaB is expressed in E. coli EDL933 following in vitro growth. EhaB also cross-reacted with serum IgA from cattle challenged with E. coli O157:H7, indicating that EhaB is expressed in vivo and elicits a host IgA immune response.


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If DNA is the information of life, then proteins are the machines of life — but they must be assembled and correctly folded to function. A key step in the protein-folding pathway is the introduction of disulphide bonds between cysteine residues in a process called oxidative protein folding. Many bacteria use an oxidative protein-folding machinery to assemble proteins that are essential for cell integrity and to produce virulence factors. Although our current knowledge of this machinery stems largely from Escherichia coli K-12, this view must now be adjusted to encompass the wider range of disulphide catalytic systems present in bacteria.


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The ability of Escherichia coli to colonize both intestinal and extraintestinal sites is driven by the presence of specific virulence factors, among which are the autotransporter (AT) proteins. Members of the trimeric AT adhesin family are important virulence factors for several gram-negative pathogens and mediate adherence to eukaryotic cells and extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins. In this study, we characterized a new trimeric AT adhesin (UpaG) from uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC). Molecular analysis of UpaG revealed that it is translocated to the cell surface and adopts a multimeric conformation. We demonstrated that UpaG is able to promote cell aggregation and biofilm formation on abiotic surfaces in CFT073 and various UPEC strains. In addition, UpaG expression resulted in the adhesion of CFT073 to human bladder epithelial cells, with specific affinity to fibronectin and laminin. Prevalence analysis revealed that upaG is strongly associated with E. coli strains from the B2 and D phylogenetic groups, while deletion of upaG had no significant effect on the ability of CFT073 to colonize the mouse urinary tract. Thus, UpaG is a novel trimeric AT adhesin from E. coli that mediates aggregation, biofilm formation, and adhesion to various ECM proteins.


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Urinary tract infection (UTI) is among the most common infectious diseases of humans and is the most common nosocomial infection in the developed world. They cause significant morbidity and mortality, with approximately 150 million cases globally per year. It is estimated that 40-50% of women and 5% of men will develop a UTI in their lifetime, and UTI accounts for more than 1 million hospitalizations and $1.6 billion in medical expenses each year in the USA. Uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) is the primary cause of UTI. This review presents an overview of the primary virulence factors of UPEC, the major host responses to infection of the urinary tract, the emergence of specific multidrug resistant clones of UPEC, antibiotic treatment options for UPEC-mediated UTI and the current state of vaccine strategies as well as other novel anti-adhesive and prophylactic approaches to prevent UTI. New and emerging themes in UPEC research are also discussed in the context of future outlooks.


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Bacterial tail-specific proteases (Tsps) have been attributed a wide variety of functions including intracellular virulence, cell wall morphology, proteolytic signal cascades and stress response. This study tested the hypothesis that Tsp has a key function for the transmissive form of Legionella pneumophila. A tsp mutant was generated in Legionella pneumophila 130b and the characteristics of this strain and the isogenic wild-type were examined using a range of growth and proteomic analyses. Recombinant Tsp protein was also produced and analyzed. The L. pneumophila tsp mutant showed no defect in growth on rich media or during thermo-osmotic stress conditions. In addition, no defects in cellular morphology were observed when the cells were examined using transmission electron microscopy. Purified recombinant Tsp was found to be an active protease with a narrow substrate range. Proteome analysis using iTRAQ (5% coverage of the proteome) found that, of those proteins detected, only 5 had different levels in the tsp mutant compared to the wild type. ACP (Acyl Carrier Protein), which has a key role for Legionella differentiation to the infectious form, was reduced in the tsp mutant; however, tsp(-) was able to infect and replicate inside macrophages to the same extent as the wild type. Combined, these data demonstrate that Tsp is a protease but is not essential for Legionella growth or cell infection. Thus, Tsp may have functional redundancy in Legionella.


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Enterococcus faecalis is a Gram-positive, coccus shaped, lactic acid bacterium, with demonstrated ubiquity across multiple anatomical sites. Enterococcus faecalis isolates have been isolated from clinical samples as the etiological agent in patients with overt infections, and from body sites previously thought to be sterile but absent of signs and symptoms of infection. E. faecalis is implicated in both human health and disease, recognized as a commensal, a probiotic and an opportunistic multiply resistant pathogen. E. faecalis has emerged as a key pathogen in nosocomial infections. E. faecalis is well equipped to avert recognition by host cell immune mediators. Antigenic cell wall components including lipotechoic acids are concealed from immune detection by capsular polysaccharides produced by some strains. Thereby preventing complement activation, the pro-inflammatory response, opsonisation and phagocytosis. E. faecalis also produces a suite of enzymes including gelatinase and cytolysin, which aid in both virulence and host immune evasion. The ability of enterococci to form biofilms in vivo further increases virulence, whilst simultaneously preventing detection by host cells. E. faecalis exhibits high levels of both intrinsic and acquired antimicrobial resistance. The mobility of the E. faecalis genome is a significant contributor to antimicrobial resistance, with this species also transferring resistance to other Gram-positive bacteria. Whilst E. faecalis is of increasing concern in nosocomial infections, its role as a member of the endogenous microbiota cannot be underestimated. As a commensal and probiotic, E. faecalis plays an integral role in modulating the immune response, and in providing endogenous antimicrobial activity to enhance exclusion or inhibition of opportunistic pathogens in certain anatomical niches. In this chapter we will review possible mediators of enterococcal transition from commensal microbe to opportunistic pathogen, considering isolates obtained from patients diagnosed with pathogenic infections and those obtained from asymptomatic patients.


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A major virulence factor for Yersinia pseudotuberculosis is lipopolysaccharide, including O-polysaccharide (OPS). Currently, the OPS based serotyping scheme for Y. pseudotuberculosis includes 21 known O-serotypes, with genetic and structural data available for 17 of them. The completion of the OPS structures and genetics of this species will enable the visualization of relationships between O-serotypes and allow for analysis of the evolutionary processes within the species that give rise to new serotypes. Here we present the OPS structure and gene cluster of serotype O:12, thus adding one more to the set of completed serotypes, and show that this serotype is present in both Y. pseudotuberculosis and the newly identified Y. similis species. The O:12 structure is shown to include two rare sugars: 4-C[(R)-1-hydroxyethyl]-3,6-dideoxy-d-xylo-hexose (d-yersiniose) and 6-deoxy-l-glucopyranose (l-quinovose). We have identified a novel putative guanine diphosphate (GDP)-l-fucose 4-epimerase gene and propose a pathway for the synthesis of GDP-l-quinovose, which extends the known GDP-l-fucose pathway.


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Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the most common infectious diseases of humans, with Escherichia coli responsible for >80% of all cases. One extreme of UTI is asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU), which occurs as an asymptomatic carrier state that resembles commensalism. To understand the evolution and molecular mechanisms that underpin ABU, the genome of the ABU E. coli strain VR50 was sequenced. Analysis of the complete genome indicated that it most resembles E. coli K-12, with the addition of a 94-kb genomic island (GI-VR50-pheV), eight prophages, and multiple plasmids. GI-VR50-pheV has a mosaic structure and contains genes encoding a number of UTI-associated virulence factors, namely, Afa (afimbrial adhesin), two autotransporter proteins (Ag43 and Sat), and aerobactin. We demonstrated that the presence of this island in VR50 confers its ability to colonize the murine bladder, as a VR50 mutant with GI-VR50-pheV deleted was attenuated in a mouse model of UTI in vivo. We established that Afa is the island-encoded factor responsible for this phenotype using two independent deletion (Afa operon and AfaE adhesin) mutants. E. coli VR50afa and VR50afaE displayed significantly decreased ability to adhere to human bladder epithelial cells. In the mouse model of UTI, VR50afa and VR50afaE displayed reduced bladder colonization compared to wild-type VR50, similar to the colonization level of the GI-VR50-pheV mutant. Our study suggests that E. coli VR50 is a commensal-like strain that has acquired fitness factors that facilitate colonization of the human bladder.