209 resultados para Robot navigation


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This paper presents a mapping and navigation system for a mobile robot, which uses vision as its sole sensor modality. The system enables the robot to navigate autonomously, plan paths and avoid obstacles using a vision based topometric map of its environment. The map consists of a globally-consistent pose-graph with a local 3D point cloud attached to each of its nodes. These point clouds are used for direction independent loop closure and to dynamically generate 2D metric maps for locally optimal path planning. Using this locally semi-continuous metric space, the robot performs shortest path planning instead of following the nodes of the graph --- as is done with most other vision-only navigation approaches. The system exploits the local accuracy of visual odometry in creating local metric maps, and uses pose graph SLAM, visual appearance-based place recognition and point clouds registration to create the topometric map. The ability of the framework to sustain vision-only navigation is validated experimentally, and the system is provided as open-source software.


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This paper presents a long-term experiment where a mobile robot uses adaptive spherical views to localize itself and navigate inside a non-stationary office environment. The office contains seven members of staff and experiences a continuous change in its appearance over time due to their daily activities. The experiment runs as an episodic navigation task in the office over a period of eight weeks. The spherical views are stored in the nodes of a pose graph and they are updated in response to the changes in the environment. The updating mechanism is inspired by the concepts of long- and short-term memories. The experimental evaluation is done using three performance metrics which evaluate the quality of both the adaptive spherical views and the navigation over time.


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This paper proposes an approach to achieve resilient navigation for indoor mobile robots. Resilient navigation seeks to mitigate the impact of control, localisation, or map errors on the safety of the platform while enforcing the robot’s ability to achieve its goal. We show that resilience to unpredictable errors can be achieved by combining the benefits of independent and complementary algorithmic approaches to navigation, or modalities, each tuned to a particular type of environment or situation. In this paper, the modalities comprise a path planning method and a reactive motion strategy. While the robot navigates, a Hidden Markov Model continually estimates the most appropriate modality based on two types of information: context (information known a priori) and monitoring (evaluating unpredictable aspects of the current situation). The robot then uses the recommended modality, switching between one and another dynamically. Experimental validation with a SegwayRMP- based platform in an office environment shows that our approach enables failure mitigation while maintaining the safety of the platform. The robot is shown to reach its goal in the presence of: 1) unpredicted control errors, 2) unexpected map errors and 3) a large injected localisation fault.


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Considering the wide spectrum of situations that it may encounter, a robot navigating autonomously in outdoor environments needs to be endowed with several operating modes, for robustness and efficiency reasons. Indeed, the terrain it has to traverse may be composed of flat or rough areas, low cohesive soils such as sand dunes, concrete road etc... Traversing these various kinds of environment calls for different navigation and/or locomotion functionalities, especially if the robot is endowed with different locomotion abilities, such as the robots WorkPartner, Hylos [4], Nomad or the Marsokhod rovers.


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Considering the wide spectrum of situations that it may encounter, a robot navigating autonomously in outdoor environments needs to be endowed with several operating modes, for robustness and efficiency reasons. Indeed, the terrain it has to traverse may be composed of flat or rough areas, low cohesive soils such as sand dunes, concrete road etc. . .Traversing these various kinds of environment calls for different navigation and/or locomotion functionalities, especially if the robot is endowed with different locomotion abilities, such as the robots WorkPartner, Hylos [4], Nomad or the Marsokhod rovers. Numerous rover navigation techniques have been proposed, each of them being suited to a particular environment context (e.g. path following, obstacle avoidance in more or less cluttered environments, rough terrain traverses...). However, seldom contributions in the literature tackle the problem of selecting autonomously the most suited mode [3]. Most of the existing work is indeed devoted to the passive analysis of a single navigation mode, as in [2]. Fault detection is of course essential: one can imagine that a proper monitoring of the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity could have avoided the rover to be stuck during several weeks in a dune, by detecting non-nominal behavior of some parameters. But the ability to recover the anticipated problem by switching to a better suited navigation mode would bring higher autonomy abilities, and therefore a better overall efficiency. We propose here a probabilistic framework to achieve this, which fuses environment related and robot related information in order to actively control the rover operations.


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Autonomous navigation and locomotion of a mobile robot in natural environments remain a rather open issue. Several functionalities are required to complete the usual perception/decision/action cycle. They can be divided in two main categories : navigation (perception and decision about the movement) and locomotion (movement execution). In order to be able to face the large range of possible situations in natural environments, it is essential to make use of various kinds of complementary functionalities, defining various navigation and locomotion modes. Indeed, a number of navigation and locomotion approaches have been proposed in the literature for the last years, but none can pretend being able to achieve autonomous navigation and locomotion in every situation. Thus, it seems relevant to endow an outdoor mobile robot with several complementary navigation and locomotion modes. Accordingly, the robot must also have means to select the most appropriate mode to apply. This thesis proposes the development of such a navigation/locomotion mode selection system, based on two types of data: an observation of the context to determine in what kind of situation the robot has to achieve its movement and an evaluation of the behavior of the current mode, made by monitors which influence the transitions towards other modes when the behavior of the current one is considered as non satisfying. Hence, this document introduces a probabilistic framework for the estimation of the mode to be applied, some navigation and locomotion modes used, a qualitative terrain representation method (based on the evaluation of a difficulty computed from the placement of the robot's structure on a digital elevation map), and monitors that check the behavior of the modes used (evaluation of rolling locomotion efficiency, robot's attitude and configuration watching. . .). Some experimental results obtained with those elements integrated on board two different outdoor robots are presented and discussed.


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This paper presents an approach to autonomously monitor the behavior of a robot endowed with several navigation and locomotion modes, adapted to the terrain to traverse. The mode selection process is done in two steps: the best suited mode is firstly selected on the basis of initial information or a qualitative map built on-line by the robot. Then, the motions of the robot are monitored by various processes that update mode transition probabilities in a Markov system. The paper focuses on this latter selection process: the overall approach is depicted, and preliminary experimental results are presented


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This work is motivated by the desire to covertly track mobile targets, either animal or human, in previously unmapped outdoor natural environments using off-road robotic platforms with a non-negligible acoustic signature. The use of robots for stealthy surveillance is not new. Many studies exist but only consider the navigation problem to maintain visual covertness. However, robotic systems also have a significant acoustic footprint from the onboard sensors, motors, computers and cooling systems, and also from the wheels interacting with the terrain during motion. All these can jepordise any visual covertness. In this work, we experimentally explore the concepts of opportunistically utilizing naturally occurring sounds within outdoor environments to mask the motion of a robot, and being visually covert whilst maintaining constant observation of the target. Our experiments in a constrained outdoor built environment demonstrate the effectiveness of the concept by showing a reduced acoustic signature as perceived by a mobile target allowing the robot to covertly navigate to opportunistic vantage points for observation.


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In this paper we describe the benefits of a performance-based approach to modeling biological systems for use in robotics. Specifically, we describe the RatSLAM system, a computational model of the navigation processes thought to drive navigation in a part of the rodent brain called the hippocampus. Unlike typical computational modeling approaches, which focus on biological fidelity, RatSLAM’s development cycle has been driven primarily by performance evaluation on robots navigating in a wide variety of challenging, real world environments. We briefly describe three seminal results, two in robotics and one in biology. In addition, we present current research on brain-inspired learning algorithms with the aim of enabling a robot to autonomously learn how best to use its sensor suite to navigate, without requiring any specific knowledge of the robot, sensor types or environment characteristics. Our aim is to drive discussion on the merits of practical, performance-focused implementations of biological models in robotics.


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Real-world environments such as houses and offices change over time, meaning that a mobile robot’s map will become out of date. In previous work we introduced a method to update the reference views in a topological map so that a mobile robot could continue to localize itself in a changing environment using omni-directional vision. In this work we extend this longterm updating mechanism to incorporate a spherical metric representation of the observed visual features for each node in the topological map. Using multi-view geometry we are then able to estimate the heading of the robot, in order to enable navigation between the nodes of the map, and to simultaneously adapt the spherical view representation in response to environmental changes. The results demonstrate the persistent performance of the proposed system in a long-term experiment.


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This thesis presents an approach for a vertical infrastructure inspection using a vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) unmanned aerial vehicle and shared autonomy. Inspecting vertical structure such as light and power distribution poles is a difficult task. There are challenges involved with developing such an inspection system, such as flying in close proximity to a target while maintaining a fixed stand-off distance from it. The contributions of this thesis fall into three main areas. Firstly, an approach to vehicle dynamic modeling is evaluated in simulation and experiments. Secondly, EKF-based state estimators are demonstrated, as well as estimator-free approaches such as image based visual servoing (IBVS) validated with motion capture ground truth data. Thirdly, an integrated pole inspection system comprising a VTOL platform with human-in-the-loop control, (shared autonomy) is demonstrated. These contributions are comprehensively explained through a series of published papers.


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This paper reports work on the automation of a hot metal carrier, which is a 20 tonne forklift-type vehicle used to move molten metal in aluminium smelters. To achieve efficient vehicle operation, issues of autonomous navigation and materials handling must be addressed. We present our complete system and experiments demonstrating reliable operation. One of the most significant experiments was five-hours of continuous operation where the vehicle travelled over 8 km and conducted 60 load handling operations. Finally, an experiment where the vehicle and autonomous operation were supervised from the other side of the world via a satellite phone network are described.


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Changing environments pose a serious problem to current robotic systems aiming at long term operation under varying seasons or local weather conditions. This paper is built on our previous work where we propose to learn to predict the changes in an environment. Our key insight is that the occurring scene changes are in part systematic, repeatable and therefore predictable. The goal of our work is to support existing approaches to place recognition by learning how the visual appearance of an environment changes over time and by using this learned knowledge to predict its appearance under different environmental conditions. We describe the general idea of appearance change prediction (ACP) and investigate properties of our novel implementation based on vocabularies of superpixels (SP-ACP). Our previous work showed that the proposed approach significantly improves the performance of SeqSLAM and BRIEF-Gist for place recognition on a subset of the Nordland dataset under extremely different environmental conditions in summer and winter. This paper deepens the understanding of the proposed SP-ACP system and evaluates the influence of its parameters. We present the results of a large-scale experiment on the complete 10 h Nordland dataset and appearance change predictions between different combinations of seasons.


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This paper describes a series of trials that were done at an underground mine in New South Wales, Australia. Experimental results are presented from the data obtained during the field trials and suitable sensor suites for an autonomous mining vehicle navigation system are evaluated.


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We address the problem of the rangefinder-based avoidance of unforeseen static obstacles during a visual navigation task. We extend previous strategies which are efficient in most cases but remain still hampered by some drawbacks (e.g., risks of collisions or of local minima in some particular cases, etc.). The key idea is to complete the control strategy by adding a controller providing the robot some anticipative skills to guarantee non collision and by defining more general transition conditions to deal with local minima. Simulation results show the proposed strategy efficiency.