344 resultados para Plasma diagnostic


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There is a growing need for successful bone tissue engineering strategies and advanced biomaterials that mimic the structure and function of native tissues carry great promise. Successful bone repair approaches may include an osteoconductive scaffold, osteoinductive growth factors, cells with an osteogenic potential and capacity for graft vascularisation. To increase osteoinductivity of biomaterials, the local combination and delivery of growth factors has been developed. In the present study we investigated the osteogenic effects of calcium phosphate (CaP)-coated nanofiber mesh tube-mediated delivery of BMP-7 from a PRP matrix for the regeneration of critical sized segmental bone defects in a small animal model. Bilateral full-thickness diaphyseal segmental defects were created in twelve male Lewis rats and nanofiber mesh tubes were placed around the defect. Defects received either treatment with a CaP-coated nanofiber mesh tube (n = 6), an un-coated nanofiber mesh tube (n=6) a CaP-coated nanofiber mesh tube with PRP (n=6) or a CaP-coated nanofiber mesh tube in combination with 5 μg BMP-7 and PRP (n = 6). After 12 weeks, bone volume and biomechanical properties were evaluated using radiography, microCT, biomechanical testing and histology. The results demonstrated significantly higher biomechanical properties and bone volume for the BMP group compared to the control groups. These results were supported by the histological evaluations, where BMP group showed the highest rate of bone regeneration within the defect. In conclusion, BMP-7 delivery via PRP enhanced functional bone defect regeneration, and together these data support the use of BMP-7 in the treatment of critical sized defects.


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A multiple reaction monitoring mass spectrometric assay for the quantification of PYY in human plasma has been developed. A two stage sample preparation protocol was employed in which plasma containing the full length neuropeptide was first digested using trypsin, followed by solid-phase extraction to extract the digested peptide from the complex plasma matrix. The peptide extracts were analysed by LC-MS using multiple reaction monitoring to detect and quantify PYY. The method has been validated for plasma samples, yielding linear responses over the range 5–1,000 ng mL−1. The method is rapid, robust and specific for plasma PYY detection.


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The lymphedema diagnostic method used in descriptive or intervention studies may influence results found. The purposes of this work were to compare baseline lymphedema prevalence in the physical activity and lymphedema (PAL) trial cohort and to subsequently compare the effect of the weight-lifting intervention on lymphedema, according to four standard diagnostic methods. The PAL trial was a randomized controlled intervention study, involving 295 women who had previously been treated for breast cancer, and evaluated the effect of 12 months of weight lifting on lymphedema status. Four diagnostic methods were used to evaluate lymphedema outcomes: (i) interlimb volume difference through water displacement, (ii) interlimb size difference through sum of arm circumferences, (iii) interlimb impedance ratio using bioimpedance spectroscopy, and (iv) a validated self-report survey. Of the 295 women who participated in the PAL trial, between 22 and 52% were considered to have lymphedema at baseline according to the four diagnostic criteria used. No between-group differences were noted in the proportion of women who had a change in interlimb volume, interlimb size, interlimb ratio, or survey score of ≥5, ≥5, ≥10%, and 1 unit, respectively (cumulative incidence ratio at study end for each measure ranged between 0.6 and 0.8, with confidence intervals spanning 1.0). The variation in proportions of women within the PAL trial considered to have lymphoedema at baseline highlights the potential impact of the diagnostic criteria on population surveillance regarding prevalence of this common morbidity of treatment. Importantly though, progressive weight lifting was shown to be safe for women following breast cancer, even for those at risk or with lymphedema, irrespective of the diagnostic criteria used.


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Bananas are one of the world�fs most important crops, serving as a staple food and an important source of income for millions of people in the subtropics. Pests and diseases are a major constraint to banana production. To prevent the spread of pests and disease, farmers are encouraged to use disease�] and insect�]free planting material obtained by micropropagation. This option, however, does not always exclude viruses and concern remains on the quality of planting material. Therefore, there is a demand for effective and reliable virus indexing procedures for tissue culture (TC) material. Reliable diagnostic tests are currently available for all of the economically important viruses of bananas with the exception of Banana streak viruses (BSV, Caulimoviridae, Badnavirus). Development of a reliable diagnostic test for BSV is complicated by the significant serological and genetic variation reported for BSV isolates, and the presence of endogenous BSV (eBSV). Current PCR�] and serological�]based diagnostic methods for BSV may not detect all species of BSV, and PCR�]based methods may give false positives because of the presence of eBSV. Rolling circle amplification (RCA) has been reported as a technique to detect BSV which can also discriminate between episomal and endogenous BSV sequences. However, the method is too expensive for large scale screening of samples in developing countries, and little information is available regarding its sensitivity. Therefore the development of reliable PCR�]based assays is still considered the most appropriate option for large scale screening of banana plants for BSV. This MSc project aimed to refine and optimise the protocols for BSV detection, with a particular focus on developing reliable PCR�]based diagnostics Initially, the appropriateness and reliability of PCR and RCA as diagnostic tests for BSV detection were assessed by testing 45 field samples of banana collected from nine districts in the Eastern region of Uganda in February 2010. This research was also aimed at investigating the diversity of BSV in eastern Uganda, identifying the BSV species present and characterising any new BSV species. Out of the 45 samples tested, 38 and 40 samples were considered positive by PCR and RCA, respectively. Six different species of BSV, namely Banana streak IM virus (BSIMV), Banana streak MY virus (BSMYV), Banana streak OL virus (BSOLV), Banana streak UA virus (BSUAV), Banana streak UL virus (BSULV), Banana streak UM virus (BSUMV), were detected by PCR and confirmed by RCA and sequencing. No new species were detected, but this was the first report of BSMYV in Uganda. Although RCA was demonstrated to be suitable for broad�]range detection of BSV, it proved time�]consuming and laborious for identification in field samples. Due to the disadvantages associated with RCA, attempts were made to develop a reliable PCR�]based assay for the specific detection of episomal BSOLV, Banana streak GF virus (BSGFV), BSMYV and BSIMV. For BSOLV and BSGFV, the integrated sequences exist in rearranged, repeated and partially inverted portions at their site of integration. Therefore, for these two viruses, primers sets were designed by mapping previously published sequences of their endogenous counterparts onto published sequences of the episomal genomes. For BSOLV, two primer sets were designed while, for BSGFV, a single primer set was designed. The episomalspecificity of these primer sets was assessed by testing 106 plant samples collected during surveys in Kenya and Uganda, and 33 leaf samples from a wide range of banana cultivars maintained in TC at the Maroochy Research Station of the Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation (DEEDI), Queensland. All of these samples had previously been tested for episomal BSV by RCA and for both BSOLV and BSGFV by PCR using published primer sets. The outcome from these analyses was that the newly designed primer sets for BSOLV and BSGFV were able to distinguish between episomal BSV and eBSV in most cultivars with some B�]genome component. In some samples, however, amplification was observed using the putative episomal�]specific primer sets where episomal BSV was not identified using RCA. This may reflect a difference in the sensitivity of PCR compared to RCA, or possibly the presence of an eBSV sequence of different conformation. Since the sequences of the respective eBSV for BSMYV and BSIMV in the M. balbisiana genome are not available, a series of random primer combinations were tested in an attempt to find potential episomal�]specific primer sets for BSMYV and BSIMV. Of an initial 20 primer combinations screened for BSMYV detection on a small number of control samples, 11 primers sets appeared to be episomal�]specific. However, subsequent testing of two of these primer combinations on a larger number of control samples resulted in some inconsistent results which will require further investigation. Testing of the 25 primer combinations for episomal�]specific detection of BSIMV on a number of control samples showed that none were able to discriminate between episomal and endogenous BSIMV. The final component of this research project was the development of an infectious clone of a BSV endemic in Australia, namely BSMYV. This was considered important to enable the generation of large amounts of diseased plant material needed for further research. A terminally redundant fragment (.1.3 �~ BSMYV genome) was cloned and transformed into Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain AGL1, and used to inoculate 12 healthy banana plants of the cultivars Cavendish (Williams) by three different methods. At 12 weeks post�]inoculation, (i) four of the five banana plants inoculated by corm injection showed characteristic BSV symptoms while the remaining plant was wilting/dying, (ii) three of the five banana plants inoculated by needle�]pricking of the stem showed BSV symptoms, one plant was symptomless while the remaining had died and (iii) both banana plants inoculated by leaf infiltration were symptomless. When banana leaf samples were tested for BSMYV by PCR and RCA, BSMYV was confirmed in all banana plants showing symptoms including those were wilting and/or dying. The results from this research have provided several avenues for further research. By completely sequencing all variants of eBSOLV and eBSGFV and fully sequencing the eBSIMV and eBSMYV regions, episomal BSV�]specific primer sets for all eBSVs could potentially be designed that could avoid all integrants of that particular BSV species. Furthermore, the development of an infectious BSV clone will enable large numbers of BSVinfected plants to be generated for the further testing of the sensitivity of RCA compared to other more established assays such as PCR. The development of infectious clones also opens the possibility for virus induced gene silencing studies in banana.


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This high prevalence of comorbid mental health and substance use disorders makes the accurate diagnosis of comorbid disorders an important clinical priority. However, the presence of comorbid disorders creates a number of diagnostic dilemmas, which have hindered our understanding of the comorbid disorders. This chapter discusses these diagnostic dilemmas, including issues with the reliability, validity and clinical utility of current systems of psychiatric nomenclature’s approach to diagnosing comorbid disorders. A number of alternative models for understanding comorbid disorders are briefly discussed, followed by suggestions for how research can improve our understanding of comorbid disorders.


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Thin-sectioned samples mounted on glass slides with common petrographic epoxies cannot be easily removed (for subsequent ion-milling) by standard methods such as heating or dissolution in solvents. A method for the removal of such samples using a radio frequency (RF) generated oxygen plasma has been investigated for a number of typical petrographic and ceramic thin sections. Sample integrity and thickness were critical factors that determined the etching rate of adhesive and the survivability of the sample. Several tests were performed on a variety of materials in order to estimate possible heating or oxidation damage from the plasma. Temperatures in the plasma chamber remained below 138°C and weight changes in mineral powders etched for 76 hr were less than ±4%. A crystal of optical grade calcite showed no apparent surface damage after 48 hr of etching. Any damage from the oxygen plasma is apparently confined to the surface of the sample, and is removed during the ion-milling stage of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) sample preparation.


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In this paper characteristic of a DBD (Dielectric Barrier Discharge) plasma lamp is investigated based on the lamp intensity and power consumption. A pulsed power supply with controllable parameters based on a push-pull converter is developed for lamp excitation at different voltage levels and repetition rate. The experimentations were conducted for 28 different operating points with the frequency range of 2 kHz to 15 Khz at output voltage levels of between 7.4 kV up to 13 kV. The obtained results show the feasibility of finding an optimum operation point due to nonlinear behaviour of the DBD lamp.


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Granulysin is a cytolytic granule protein released by natural killer cells and activated cytotoxic T lymphocytes. The influence of exercise training on circulating granulysin concentration is unknown, as is the relationship between granulysin concentration, natural killer cell number and natural killer cell cytotoxicity. We examined changes in plasma granulysin concentration, natural killer cell number and cytotoxicity following acute exercise and different training loads. Fifteen highly trained male cyclists completed a baseline 40-km cycle time trial (TT401) followed by five weeks of normal training and a repeat time trial (TT402). The cyclists then completed four days of high intensity training followed by another time trial (TT403) on day five. Following one final week of normal training cyclists completed another time trial (TT404). Fasting venous blood was collected before and after each time trial to determine granulysin concentration, natural killer cell number and natural killer cell cytotoxicity. Granulysin concentration increased significantly after each time trial (P<0.001). Pre-exercise granulysin concentration for TT403 was significantly lower than pre-exercise concentration for TT401 (-20.3 +/- 7.5%, P<0.026), TT402 (-16.7 +/- 4.3%, P<0.003) and 7T404 (-21 +/- 4.2%, P<0.001). Circulating natural killer cell numbers also increased significantly post-exercise for each time trial (P<0.001), however there was no significant difference across TT40 (P>0.05). Exercise did not significantly alter natural killer cell cytotoxicity on a per cell basis, and there were no significant differences between the four time trials. In conclusion, plasma granulysin concentration increases following moderate duration, strenuous exercise and is decreased in response to a short-term period of intensified training.


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The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of exercise intensity and exercise-induced muscle damage on changes in anti-inflammatory cytokines and other inflammatory mediators. Nine well-trained male runners completed three different exercise trials on separate occasions: (1) level treadmill running at 60% VO2max (moderate-intensity trial) for 60 min; (2) level treadmill running at 85% VO2max (high-intensity trial) for 60 min; (3) downhill treadmill running (-10% gradient) at 60% VO2max (downhill running trial) for 45 min. Blood was sampled before, immediately after and 1 h after exercise. Plasma was analyzed for interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra), IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, IL-12p40, IL-13, monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1), prostaglandin E(2), leukotriene B(4) and heat shock protein 70 (HSP70). The plasma concentrations of IL-1ra, IL-12p40, MCP-1 and HSP70 increased significantly (P<0.05) after all three trials. Plasma prostaglandin E(2) concentration increased significantly after the downhill running and high-intensity trials, while plasma IL-10 concentration increased significantly only after the high-intensity trial. IL-4 and leukotriene B(4) did not increase significantly after exercise. Plasma IL-1ra and IL-10 concentrations were significantly higher (P<0.05) after the high-intensity trial than after both the moderate-intensity and downhill running trials. Therefore, following exercise up to 1 h duration, exercise intensity appears to have a greater effect on anti-inflammatory cytokine production than exercise-induced muscle damage


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Introduction: Unaccustomed eccentric exercise often results in muscle damage and neutrophil activation. We examined changes in plasma cytokines stress hormones, creatine kinase activity and myoglobin concentration, neutrophil surface receptor expression, degranulation, and the capacity of neutrophils to generate reactive oxygen species in response to in vitro stimulation after downhill running. Methods: Ten well-trained male runners ran downhill on a treadmill at a gradient of -10% for 45 min at 60% V̇O2max. Blood was sampled immediately before (PRE) and after (POST), 1 h (1 h POST), and 24 h (24 h POST) after exercise. Results: At POST, there were significant increases (P < 0.01) in neutrophil count (32%), plasma interleukin (IL)-6 concentration (460%), myoglobin (Mb) concentration (1100%), and creatine kinase (CK) activity (40%). At 1 h POST, there were further increases above preexercise values for neutrophil count (85%), plasma Mb levels (1800%), and CK activity (56%), and plasma IL-6 concentration remained above preexercise values (410%) (P < 0.01). At 24 h POST, neutrophil counts and plasma IL-6 levels had returned to baseline, whereas plasma Mb concentration (100%) and CK activity (420%) were elevated above preexercise values (P < 0.01). There were no significant changes in neutrophil receptor expression, degranulation and respiratory burst activity, and plasma IL-8 and granulocyte-colony stimulating factor concentrations at any time after exercise. Neutrophil count correlated with plasma Mb concentration at POST (r = 0.64, P < 0.05), and with plasma CK activity at POST (r = 0.83, P < 0.01) and 1 h POST (r = 0.78, P < 0.01). Conclusion: Neutrophil activation remains unchanged after downhill running in well-trained runners, despite increases in plasma markers of muscle damage.


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The present study examined the effect of carbohydrate supplementation on changes in neutrophil counts, and the plasma concentrations of cortisol and myoglobin after intense exercise. Eight well-trained male runners ran on a treadmill for 1 h at 85% maximal oxygen uptake on two separate occasions. In a double-blind cross-over design, subjects consumed either 750 ml of a 10% carbohydrate (CHO) drink or a placebo drink on each occasion. The order of the trials was counter-balanced. Blood was drawn immediately before and after exercise, and 1 h after exercise. Immediately after exercise, neutrophil counts (CHO, 49%; placebo, 65%; P<0.05), plasma concentrations of glucose (CHO, 43%; P<0.05), lactate (CHO, 130%; placebo, 130%; P<0.01), cortisol (CHO, 100%; placebo, 161%; P<0.01), myoglobin (CHO, 194%; placebo, 342%; P<0.01) all increased significantly. One hour post-exercise, plasma myoglobin concentration (CHO, 331%; placebo, 482%; P<0.01) and neutrophil count (CHO, 151%; placebo, 230% P<0.01) both increased further above baseline. CHO significantly attenuated plasma myoglobin concentration and the neutrophil count after exercise (P<0.01), but did not affect plasma cortisol concentration. The effects of CHO on plasma myoglobin concentration may be due to alterations in cytokine synthesis, insulin responses or myoglobin clearance rates from the bloodstream during exercise. Plasma cortisol responses to CHO during exercise may depend on the intensity of exercise, or the amount of CHO consumed. Lastly, cortisol appears to play a minor role in the mobilisation of neutrophils after intense exercise.


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Changes in plasma zinc concentration and markers of immune function were examined in a group of 10 male runners (n = 10) following a moderate increase in training over four weeks. Seven sedentary males acted as controls. Fasting blood samples were taken at rest, before (T0) and after (T4) four weeks of increased (+ 16 %) training and after two weeks of reduced (-31 %) training (T6). Blood was analysed for plasma zinc concentration, differential leucocyte counts, lymphocyte subpopulations and lymphocyte proliferation using incorporation of 3H-thymidine. The runners increased their training volume by 16 % over the four weeks. When compared with the nonathletes, the runners had lower concentrations of plasma zinc (p = 0.012), CD3 + (p = 0.042) and CD19 + lymphocytes (p = 0.010) over the four weeks. Lymphocyte proliferation in response to Concanavalin A stimulation was greater in the runners (p = 0.0090). Plasma zinc concentration and immune markers remained constant during the study. Plasma zinc concentration correlated with total leucocyte counts in the athletes at T6 (r = -0.72, p < 0.05) and with Pokeweed mitogen stimulation in the nonathletes at T6 (r = -0.92, p < 0.05). Therefore, athletes are unlikely to benefit from zinc supplementation during periods of moderately increased training volume.


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Numbers of diesel engines in both stationary and mobile applications are increasing nowadays. Diesel engines emit lower Hydrocarbon (HC) and Carbon monoxide (CO) than gasoline engines. However, they can produce more nitrogen oxides (NOx) and have higher particulate matter (PM). On the other hand, emissions standards are getting stringent day by day due to considerable concerns about unregulated pollutants and particularly ultrafine particles deleterious effect on human health. Non-thermal plasma (NTP) treatment of exhaust gas is known as a promising technology for both NOx and PM reduction by introducing plasma inside the exhaust gas. Vehicle exhaust gases undergo chemical changes when exposed to plasma. In this study, the PM removal mechanism using NTP by applying high voltage pulses of up to 20 kVpp with a repetition rate of 10 kHz are investigated. It is found that, voltage increase not necessarily has a positive effect on PM removal in diesel engine emissions.