71 resultados para Charge orders


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Tailoring the density of random single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) networks is of paramount importance for various applications, yet it remains a major challenge due to the insufficient catalyst activation in most growth processes. Here we report on a simple and effective method to maximise the number of active catalyst nanoparticles using catalytic chemical vapor deposition (CCVD). By modulating short pulses of acetylene into a methane-based CCVD growth process, the density of SWCNTs is dramatically increased by up to three orders of magnitude without increasing the catalyst density and degrading the nanotube quality. In the framework of a vapor-liquid-solid model, we attribute the enhanced growth to the high dissociation rate of acetylene at high temperatures at the nucleation stage, which can be effective in both supersaturating the larger catalyst nanoparticles and overcoming the nanotube nucleation energy barrier of the smaller catalyst nanoparticles. These results are highly relevant to numerous applications of random SWCNT networks in next-generation energy, sensing and biomedical devices. © 2011 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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Charging of micron-size particulates, often appearing in fluorocarbon plasma etching experiments, is considered. It is shown that in inductively coupled and microwave slot-excited plasmas of C4F8 and Ar gas mixtures, the equilibrium particle charge and charge relaxation processes are controlled by a combination of microscopic electron, atomic (Ar+ and F+), and molecular ion (CF+ 3, CF+ 2, and CF+) currents. The impact of molecular ion currents on the particulate charging and charge relaxation processes is analyzed. It is revealed that in low-power (<0.5 kW) microwave slot-excited plasmas, the impact of the combined molecular ion current to the total positive microscopic current on the particle can be as high as 40%. The particulate charge relaxation rate in fluorocarbon plasmas appears to exceed 108 s-1, which is almost one order of magnitude higher than that from purely argon plasmas. This can be attributed to the impact of positive currents of fluorocarbon molecular ions, as well as to the electron density fluctuations with particle charge, associated with electron capture and release by the particulates.


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The charge of an isolated dust grain and ion drag forces on the grain in a collisionless, high-voltage, capacitive rf sheath are studied theoretically. The studies are carried out assuming that the positive ions are monoenergetic, as well as in more realistic approximation, assuming that the time-averaged energy distribution of ions impinging on the dust grain has a double-peaked hollow profile. For the nonmonoenergetic case, an analytical expression for the ion flux to the dust grain is obtained. It is studied how the dust charge and ion drag forces depend on the rf frequency, electron density at plasma-sheath boundary, electron temperature and ratio of the effective oscillation amplitude of rf current to the electron Debye length. It is shown that the dust charge and ion drag forces obtained in the monoenergetic ion approximation may differ from those calculated assuming that the ions are nonmonoenergetic. The difference increases with increasing the width of the ion energy spread in the ion distribution. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.


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The propagation of Langmuir waves in nonisothermal plasmas contaminated by fine dust particles with variable charge is investigated for a self-consistent closed system. Dust charge relaxation, ionization, recombination, and collisional dissipation are taken into account. It is shown that the otherwise unstable coupling of the Langmuir and dust-charge relaxation modes becomes stable and the Langmuir waves are frequency down-shifted.


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A generic approach towards tailoring of ion species composition in reactive plasmas used for nanofabrication of various functional nanofilms and nanoassemblies, based on a simplified model of a parallel-plate rf discharge, is proposed. The model includes an idealized reactive plasma containing two neutral and two ionic species interacting via charge exchange collisions in the presence of a microdispersed solid component. It is shown that the number densities of the desired ionic species can be efficiently managed by adjusting the dilution of the working gas in a buffer gas, rates of electron impact ionization, losses of plasma species on the discharge walls, and surfaces of fine particles, charge exchange rates, and efficiency of three-body recombination processes in the plasma bulk. The results are relevant to the plasma-aided nanomanufacturing of ordered patterns of carbon nanotip and nanopyramid microemitters.


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A theory of low-frequency dust-acoustic waves in low-temperature collisional plasmas containing variable-charge impurities is presented. Physical processes such as dust-charge relaxation, ionization-recombination of the electrons and ions, electron and ion elastic collisions with neutrals and dusts, as well as charging collisions with the dusts, are taken into account. Inclusion of these processes allows a balance of the plasma particles and thus a self-consistent determination of the stationary state of the unperturbed plasma. The generalized dispersion relation describing the propagation and damping of the dust acoustic waves is derived and analyzed. © 2000 American Institute of Physics.


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Charge transport properties in organic semiconductors depend strongly on molecular order. Here we demonstrate field-effect transistors where drain current flows through a precisely defined array of nanostripes made of crystalline and highly ordered molecules. The molecular stripes are fabricated across the channel of the transistor by a stamp-assisted deposition of the molecular semiconductors from a solution. As the solvent evaporates, the capillary forces drive the solution to form menisci under the stamp protrusions. The solute precipitates only in the regions where the solution is confined by the menisci once the critical concentration is reached and self-organizes into molecularly ordered stripes 100-200 nm wide and a few monolayers high. The charge mobility measured along the stripes is 2 orders of magnitude larger than the values measured for spin-coated thin films.


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We report on charge transport and density of trap states (trap DOS) in ambipolar diketopyrrolopyrrole-benzothiadiazole copolymer thin-film transistors. This semiconductor possesses high electron and hole field-effect mobilities of up to 0.6 cm 2/V-s. Temperature and gate-bias dependent field-effect mobility measurements are employed to extract the activation energies and trap DOS to understand its unique high mobility balanced ambipolar charge transport properties. The symmetry between the electron and hole transport characteristics, parameters and activation energies is remarkable. We believe that our work is the first charge transport study of an ambipolar organic/polymer based field-effect transistor with room temperature mobility higher than 0.1 cm 2/V-s in both electrons and holes.


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In this letter, the velocity distributions of charge carriers in high-mobility polymer thin-film transistors (TFTs) with a diketopyrrolopyrrole- naphthalene copolymer (PDPP-TNT) semiconductor active layer are reported. The velocity distributions are found to be strongly dependent on measurement temperatures as well as annealing conditions. Considerable inhomogeneity is evident at low measurement temperatures and for low annealing temperatures. Such transient transport measurements can provide additional information about charge carrier transport in TFTs which are unavailable using steady-state transport measurements.


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We report charge-carrier velocity distributions in high-mobility polymer thin-film transistors (PTFTs) employing a dual-gate configuration. Our time-domain measurements of dual-gate PTFTs indicate higher effective mobility as well as fewer low-velocity carriers than in single-gate operation. Such nonquasi-static (NQS) measurements support and clarify the previously reported results of improved device performance in dual-gate devices by various groups. We believe that this letter demonstrates the utility of NQS measurements in studying charge-carrier transport in dual-gate thin-film transistors.


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In this paper, we report on the device physics and charge transport characteristics of high-mobility dual-gated polymer thin-film transistors with active semiconductor layers consisting of thiophene flanked DPP with thienylene-vinylene-thienylene (PDPP-TVT) alternating copolymers. Room temperature mobilities in these devices are high and can exceed 2 cm2 V-1 s-1. Steady-state and non-quasi-static measurements have been performed to extract key transport parameters and velocity distributions of charge carriers in this copolymer. Charge transport in this polymer semiconductor can be explained using a Multiple-Trap-and-Release or Monroe-type model. We also compare the activation energy vs. field-effect mobility in a few important polymer semiconductors to gain a better understanding of transport of DPP systems and make appropriate comparisons.


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The relationship between charge carrier lifetime and mobility in a bulk heterojunction based organic solar cell, utilizing diketopyrrolopyrole- naphthalene co-polymer and PC71BM in the photoactive blend layer, is investigated using the photoinduced charge extraction by linearly increasing voltage technique. Light intensity, delay time, and temperature dependent experiments are used to quantify the charge carrier mobility and density as well as the temperature dependence of both. From the saturation of photoinduced current at high laser intensities, it is shown that Langevin-type bimolecular recombination is present in the studied system. The charge carrier lifetime, especially in Langevin systems, is discussed to be an ambiguous and unreliable parameter to determine the performance of organic solar cells, because of the dependence of charge carrier lifetime on charge carrier density, mobility, and type of recombination. It is revealed that the relation between charge mobility (μ) and lifetime (τ) is inversely proportional, where the μτ product is independent of temperature. The results indicate that in photovoltaic systems with Langevin type bimolecular recombination, the strategies to increase the charge lifetime might not be beneficial because of an accompanying reduction in charge carrier mobility. Instead, the focus on non-Langevin mechanisms of recombination is crucial, because this allows an increase in the charge extraction rate by improving the carrier lifetime, density, and mobility simultaneously. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The capability of storing multi-bit information is one of the most important challenges in memory technologies. An ambipolar polymer which intrinsically has the ability to transport electrons and holes as a semiconducting layer provides an opportunity for the charge trapping layer to trap both electrons and holes efficiently. Here, we achieved large memory window and distinct multilevel data storage by utilizing the phenomena of ambipolar charge trapping mechanism. As fabricated flexible memory devices display five well-defined data levels with good endurance and retention properties showing potential application in printed electronics.


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Abstract: Social network technologies, as we know them today have become a popular feature of everyday life for many people. As their name suggests, their underlying premise is to enable people to connect with each other for a variety of purposes. These purposes however, are generally thought of in a positive fashion. Based on a multi-method study of two online environments, Habbo Hotel and Second Life, which incorporate social networking functionality, we she light on forms of what can be conceptualized as antisocial behaviours and the rationales for these. Such behaviours included: scamming, racist/homophobic attacks, sim attacks, avatar attacks, non-conformance to contextual norms, counterfeiting and unneighbourly behaviour. The rationales for sub behaviours included: profit, fun, status building, network disruption, accidental acts and prejudice. Through our analysis we are able to comment upon the difficulties of defining antisocial behaviour in such environments, particularly when such environments are subject to interpretation vis their use and expected norms. We also point to the problems we face in conducting our public and private lives given the role ICTs are playing in the convergence of these two spaces and also the convergence of ICTs themselves.