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We introduce a new mechanism for the propulsion and separation by chirality of small ferromagnetic particles suspended in a liquid. Under the action of a uniform dc magnetic field H and an ac electric field E isomers with opposite chirality move in opposite directions. Such a mechanism could have a significant impact on a wide range of emerging technologies. The component of the chiral velocity that is odd in H is found to be proportional to the intrinsic orbital and spin angular momentum of the magnetized electrons. This effect arises because a ferromagnetic particle responds to the applied torque as a small gyroscope. © 2012 American Physical Society.


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This article elucidates and analyzes the fundamental underlying structure of the renormalization group (RG) approach as it applies to the solution of any differential equation involving multiple scales. The amplitude equation derived through the elimination of secular terms arising from a naive perturbation expansion of the solution to these equations by the RG approach is reduced to an algebraic equation which is expressed in terms of the Thiele semi-invariants or cumulants of the eliminant sequence { Zi } i=1 . Its use is illustrated through the solution of both linear and nonlinear perturbation problems and certain results from the literature are recovered as special cases. The fundamental structure that emerges from the application of the RG approach is not the amplitude equation but the aforementioned algebraic equation. © 2008 The American Physical Society.


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We have developed a technique that circumvents the process of elimination of secular terms and reproduces the uniformly valid approximations, amplitude equations, and first integrals. The technique is based on a rearrangement of secular terms and their grouping into the secular series that multiplies the constants of the asymptotic expansion. We illustrate the technique by deriving amplitude equations for standard nonlinear oscillator and boundary-layer problems. © 2008 The American Physical Society.


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Controlling the electrical resistance of granular thin films is of great importance for many applications, yet a full understanding of electron transport in such films remains a major challenge. We have studied experimentally and by model calculations the temperature dependence of the electrical resistance of ultrathin gold films at temperatures between 2 K and 300 K. Using sputter deposition, the film morphology was varied from a discontinuous film of weakly coupled meandering islands to a continuous film of strongly coupled coalesced islands. In the weak-coupling regime, we compare the regular island array model, the cotunneling model, and the conduction percolation model with our experimental data. We show that the tunnel barriers and the Coulomb blockade energies are important at low temperatures and that the thermal expansion of the substrate and the island resistance affect the resistance at high temperatures. At low temperatures our experimental data show evidence for a transition from electron cotunneling to sequential tunneling but the data can also be interpreted in terms of conduction percolation. The resistivity and temperature coefficient of resistance of the meandering gold islands are found to resemble those of gold nanowires. We derive a simple expression for the temperature at which the resistance changes from non-metal-like behavior into metal-like behavior. In the case of strong island coupling, the total resistance is solely determined by the Ohmic island resistance.


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Structural stability, electronic, and optical properties of InN under high pressure are studied using the first-principles calculations. The lattice constants and electronic band structure are found consistent with the available experimental and theoretical values. The pressure of the wurtzite-to-rocksalt structural transition is 13.4 GPa, which is in an excellent agreement with the most recent experimental values. The optical characteristics reproduce the experimental data thus justifying the feasibility of our theoretical predictions of the optical properties of InN at high pressures.


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Electrostatic surface waves at the interface between a low-temperature nonisothermal dusty plasma and a metallic wall are investigated. The plasma contains massive negatively charged impurity or dust particles. It is shown that the impurities can significantly alter the characteristics and damping of the surface waves by reducing their phase velocity and causing charging-related damping.


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High-frequency surface waves at the interface between two dusty plasmas subject to radiation are considered. Ultraviolet radiation with energy flux larger than the photoelectric work function of the dust surface causes photoemission of electrons. The dust charge and the overall charge balance of the plasma are thus modified. The dispersion properties of the surface waves are investigated for three parameter regimes distinguished by the charging mechanisms in the two plasmas. It is shown that photoemission can significantly affect the plasma and the surface waves.


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A self-consistent theory of ion-acoustic waves in dusty gas discharge plasmas is presented. The plasma is contaminated by fine dust particles with variable charge. The stationary state of the plasma and the dispersion and damping characteristics of the waves are investigated accounting for ionization, recombination, dust charge relaxation, and dissipation due to electron and ion elastic collisions with neutrals and dusts, as well as charging collisions with the dusts.


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The propagation of Langmuir waves in nonisothermal plasmas contaminated by fine dust particles with variable charge is investigated for a self-consistent closed system. Dust charge relaxation, ionization, recombination, and collisional dissipation are taken into account. It is shown that the otherwise unstable coupling of the Langmuir and dust-charge relaxation modes becomes stable and the Langmuir waves are frequency down-shifted.


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The response of complex ionized gas systems to the presence of nonuniform distribution of charged grains is investigated using a kinetic model. Contrary to an existing view that the electron temperature inevitably increases in the grain-occupied region because of enhanced ionization to compensate for the electrons lost to the grains, it is shown that this happens only when the ionizing electric field increases in the electron depleted region. The results for two typical plasma systems suggest that when the ionizing electric field depends on the spatially averaged electron density, the electron temperature in the grain containing region can actually decrease.


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A global, or averaged, model for complex low-pressure argon discharge plasmas containing dust grains is presented. The model consists of particle and power balance equations taking into account power loss on the dust grains and the discharge wall. The electron energy distribution is determined by a Boltzmann equation. The effects of the dust and the external conditions, such as the input power and neutral gas pressure, on the electron energy distribution, the electron temperature, the electron and ion number densities, and the dust charge are investigated. It is found that the dust subsystem can strongly affect the stationary state of the discharge by dynamically modifying the electron energy distribution, the electron temperature, the creation and loss of the plasma particles, as well as the power deposition. In particular, the power loss to the dust grains can take up a significant portion of the input power, often even exceeding the loss to the wall.


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The equilibrium profiles of the plasma parameters of large-area if discharges in a finite-length metal-shielded dielectric cylinder are computed using a two-dimensional fluid code. The rf power is coupled to the plasma through edge-localized surface waves traveling in the azimuthal direction along the plasma edge. It is shown that self-consistent accounting for axial plasma diffusion and radial nonuniformity of the electron temperature can explain the frequently reported deviations of experimentally measured radial density profiles from that of the conventional linear diffusion models. The simulation results are in a good agreement with existing experimental data obtained from surface-wave sustained large-diameter plasmas. © 2002 The American Physical Society.


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The effect of ambipolar fluxes on nanoparticle charging in a typical low-pressure parallel-plate glow discharge is considered. It is shown that the equilibrium values of the nanoparticle charge in the plasma bulk and near-electrode areas are strongly affected by the ratio S ath i of the ambipolar flux and the ion thermal velocities. Under typical experimental conditions the above ratio is neither S ath i≪ 1 nor S ath i≫1, which often renders the commonly used approximations of the purely thermal or "ion wind" ion charging currents inaccurate. By using the general approximation for the ambipolar drift-affected ion flux on the nanoparticle surface, it appears possible to obtain more accurate values of the nanoparticle charge that usually deviate within 10-25 % from the values obtained without a proper accounting for the ambipolar ion fluxes. The implications of the results obtained for glow discharge modeling and nanoparticle manipulation in low-pressure plasmas are discussed.


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A model for electronegative plasmas containing charged dust or colloidal grains was used. Numerical solutions based on the model demonstrate how a low-pressure diffusion equilibrium of the complex electronegative plasma system is dynamically sustained through plasma particle sources.


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The effects of an inductively rotating current were observed on low-frequency inductively coupled plasmas. The spatial distribution of electromagnetic fields was investigated in a cylindrical metallic chamber filled with dense plasma. The distribution of the magnetic field in plasma chamber was observed for rarefied and dense plasmas. The plasma was assumed as uniform in the electromagnetic fields. The results showed the plasma density increased with power and the electron density increased with pressure.